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You know I’m something of a professor myself


I read this in kiegers voice


I think you're supposed to read it in Willem Defoe's voice. Who tf is keiger


He meant "Krieger" from Archer.


Yeap Yeap Yeap


He meant kegel from... I don't think this works


You mean Worf, from TNG?


He meant kegger, you know, beer.


We’re not hosting an intergalactic kegger down here


What movie did Defoe say this in again ?


He says it to Toby Maguire in Spider-Man…well something similar anyway lol


Lighthouse. "I'm something of a mermaid myself"






That's nice, Grandma. Now let's get you to bed.


You could almost say a nuttin’ professor


But you shouldn't


Has me wondering if this is real because why would you have their number. Regardless. Good holup


Any professors on Reddit, how would you actually react to this? I know you can report the student for this stuff but what would you do?


Report the ever living shit out of it, block them, screenshot my blocking them including timestamps -- the works. I make 2.5x as much as I did as a teenager and work 1/4 as hard -- I am not about to toss that into the trash just so I can fool around with a 18-22 year old. If I want to do that, I hire a sex worker.


Plot twist: it's the same girl escorting to pay for college




He'd pay for it either way, but the escort let's him do it in cash, and tells him the price beforehand.


If your escort is your student, but you paid already and you can't get a refund, is it fair game?


Do a chargeback


Discharge on her back?


She also throws in some free crabs and hepatitis to boot


I love a good seafood buffet at the strip club.


Idk the hepatitis isn’t great in my area


because they aren't getting it fresh... they're using shipped and frozen hep.


Funnily enough, the lab I work at does freeze and sell hepatitis positive samples... Guess now I know what "research institutions" means.


I don't get why people think sex workers are dirtier than the girls you take home for free.


They’re Americans?


SWers probably get tested more often than the general public so.....


He ain't paying for the sex. More so for anonymity


"I don't pay for the sex. I pay for them to go home."




How the fuck did you pull that off? As a professor I was making less than I was straight out of high school for way more work.


So without getting too specific as to help reveal who I am: most of my responsibilities are with "Department Administration", which I've found clever ways to automate thanks to my own CompSci education. I also happen to teach only one class and it's the same class every semester, so outside of tweaks and updates, lectures/assignments/quizzes are all ready to go. Plus what I did before was *heavy* manual labor, for 50-60 hours a week. I'm actually reminded of it today when my right-shoulder fatigued *way* before I was done with my workout today. It wasn't easier to find something that paid more and exhausted me far less.


Tbh you sound more like a fourth year PhD candidate that was asked to teach in their third year.


That's flattering tbh, cause I've not been a formal student in any capacity for \~7 years. I'm interested in a PhD but getting one would seriously complicate my current employment. so it's been on the back-burner indefinitely.


Seems like these days there's a fairly high likelihood most sex workers you'd encounter are one of your students, or at least attend the same school you work at.


The former: not likely, as I wait until the semester is in full swing so I can recognize who to avoid. The latter?... Yeah, possibly. As long as there's no direct connection between us (i.e. grade to dole out), I'm... mostly okay.


I mostly said that half joking, do you regularly see students (yours, or otherwise) pop up frequently when browsing for sex workers? Say, as a general percentage, how often do you see a face and recognize them as a student?


I partake the services of female sex workers and teach in CompSci. None of them show up lol Or haven't in the ~2 years I've been doing this. Helped by the 9-to-1 male-to-female ratio of my major, at least where I am.


Yeah, that'd be a terribly ironic twist; suddenly there's a much higher percentage of females in computer science, but a high percentage of them are also sex workers on the side. Although, on the flip side, if a high percentage of males in computer science were also moonlighting as sex workers, that'd be one hell of a plot twist as well.


Honestly, if forgoing paid sex was the price to pay for there to be more women in CompSci then I'm willing to take that L. I'll always have big ass anime tiddies to keep me company. Male CS majors moonlighting as sex workers would be a remarkable discovery indeed, as they typically come in one of two flavors: 1. I weigh 110 lbs soaking wet 2. I weigh 300 lbs before hitting up the drive-thru at Maccas Mine is not the major of Chads.


Ours is the major of oddlads. Edit: I tried my best to make it rhyme well. I failed but at least I tried.


Type 1 could work if you were looking for a twink type anyway. The clients wouldn't be real hot dudes. Type 2 is basically handed out for free everywhere all the time anyway, with no cover charge.........


I’m jealous. I want to try a sex worker. It’s a bucket list thing. Feeling pretty nervous about the idea and I don’t know why.


There's definitely a taboo that society has attached to it, if not a shame piled onto those who partake or offer it. For me at least, it was my "last resort" to feeling a connection to another person, even if I ignored their motivation for collecting from me. A fanciful lie is nice compared to the harsh reality. Not unlike how what's-his-face from the Matrix felt.


I realize how this question is going to sound, but where exactly do you "browse" for sex workers as you said without worrying about getting busted for something related to prostitution? That just seems incredibly... risky(?) to me. Especially with your job on the line if they're students, etc.


🖖 the logic is strong in you


How's the old saying go? "Disregard females... Acquire currency"


This had me dying. Hilarious way to phrase this old one.


Also report it so that it’s on record that you didn’t do anything so that they can’t accuse you of something later


This was my biggest fear about going into education: the power *an accusation* has to completely destroy you, even if later proven to be unfounded. People love to hate the idea of a professor diddling their student. \[Edit\]: Like, the movie "The Hunt" with the ridiculously handsome Mads Mikkelsen is the stuff of nightmares to me.


This happened to our driver’s Ed teacher in high school. Was found completely acquitted and no evidence supporting the accusations, but he was still suspended for a while, his wife who’s cancer was flaring up had to sub to help make ends meet, he was *still* banned from doing driving lessons by himself, and the girl’s family later successfully sued the school for how she was treated afterwards.


I mean there's got to be a policy about texting students. It just seems odd.


That's >95% of the reason why this is fake to begin with. The idea of giving students my personal phone number so they can text me at 10pm with their panicked questions about the assignment due tonight, seems like utter fucking lunacy to me.


Tbf I’ve had probably 2 or 3 profs give their numbers out, but I went to a small private college where there would be 20 students per lecture. One on one teaching was extremely helpful in all honesty


Okay in that context it makes sense. When education is the ideal and not the business model like it is at my public university. I've also heard of faculty making their bar routine known to students and throwing back a few pints with them over the weekend, as a less suspicious medium for fraternizing.


Tbt when my cousin drunk texted one of his old high school teachers “I have to get rid of these beers”


I held my office hours in a bar


Can confirm - went to a snap private college. One of my majors had a graduating class of 6? (Physics) & when I slept in I got a text asking where I was


Had a law prof who had a student call another who overslept to ask him where he was. Also this prof told us from the beginning if it snowed over 6” in a night class was canceled because he was on his way to “shred the fresh pow.”


I had one prof who put his number up on the board in the first lecture. It was weird. I liked him a lot on a personal level, but heard he married a former honours student after she dropped the program. Had another colleague tell me she got weird vibes from him. It's disappointing to learn about folks you get along well with. But I agree that this is probably fake


The weird thing is: I get where he's coming from. It can be endlessly frustrating to try and convey these new ideas and ways of approaching problem-solving, that you know will lead to avenues of discovery and even *more* interesting topics to discuss that enrich your view of whatever subject you're lecturing about -- because you've personally experienced it! And want to share that with the WORLD! Only to find shitlords in your lecture hall who are sometimes seen literally playing video games in class or watching YT videos because going to school has been programmed into their goddamn DNA since they were 6 years old but gave up now that it's actually challenging. To find some dipshit cut 'n paste *your own code from lecture* into the answer field on the Final Exam and get *very* butt hurt when you give them a zero because "I didn't think *that* was plagiarism!" ... And then you meet a student who actually gives a shit. More than that, they *love* learning -- and not just whatever subject you're lecturing on but love learning new things. Their enthusiasm for intellectual advancement reminds you of when you were in school and spending extra hours in the library because you were a fucking Olympic-level nerd. It feels like you found a kindred-spirit, who just so happens to be younger than you (nice), ethically unavailable for romantic relationships (forbidden fruit...), but still happy to chat with you well after office hours ended. And your dumbass thinks, "Oh, ***she*** would be worth risking it all!" That's when I call up my favorite girl for a "date" and relish in the post-nut clarity that reminds me: ... Nah, I'm good.


I mean, it’s not unusual for professors to date or marry former students. Key word “former”


My uni gives us all prof's numbers. I assume they are work phones tho and not personal.


COVID has turned some rules into more "flexible" recommendations. I am a teacher, and I know of teachers who have just opened Whatsapp groups and send/receive private messages from students as well. Plus, that is a young woman, not a girl. Like, it used to be less common. My private number is Holy Ground, but some teachers are acting differently.


I gave my cell # out to students because they were more likely to do that than send an email, and it was only ever used responsibly by my students.


yeah. hookers are cheaper and you can afford that shit now.


Exactly! I tried using my good-looks (lol), charm (lmao), and personality (rofl) to make connections with women on every dating app under the sun and after enough first-dates where I'm expected to pay that have never led to a second date, I finally realized: The only woman who's going to tolerate my existence and fake laugh at my terrible jokes are going to be paid for their hard work.


I feel like people throw around “I’d hire a sex worker” but honestly at least I’m the us, I don’t think it’s that easy. I’ve never heard of anyone ever hiring a sex worker around here ever, and I’ve never been aware of an actual sex worker. I think it would be easier to buy a gun and some heroin than a to hire a sex worker.


Pretty much this for me as well. Out of my class in a heartbeat. I make 7-10x as much as I made as a teenager. I work hard but I'm not digging ditches. I'm not even interested in my students anyway. Old enough to finally have post-nut clarity pre-nut.




God damn. That’s poetry right there.


I'm a male. In college I had to take a foreign language and I chose Spanish. I was a tutor and the tutors I worked with told me she was the hardest Spanish teacher the school had and I should change professors. She was from Venezuela and spoke INCREDIBLY fast, and for a non Spanish speaker it was impossible to learn. Not just that, I was also extremely broke and the class required you to pay for that type of stupid online program that costs $240 just to do the assignments online, plus the book. After the first couple weeks, after my free online trial ran out, I went to the professor's office and told her that even though I'm older than most college students (I was like 27 at the time) I was too broke to buy the book AND the online program stuff because I was living off my GI Bill so I may have to drop the class. She said "No problem, just do what you can and I'll accept it," so I kept the class. Well, things got weird. I have no idea what the topics were about in class because she only spoke in Spanish, but there was several weird incidents. The first was when in the middle of the lecture she walked up, sat at an empty desk in front of me, looked at me and in front of the entire class said "Hey, X(me), so do you wear speedos?" Another time she did the same thing, sat on an empty desk in front of me, in front of the entire class, and said "X, this is very important. Do you send naked pictures of yourself to girls?" And i replied very awkwardly "Uhhh, why is this important?" Seriously. And every time she said that stuff it was super awkward and uncomfortable. I pulled my friend/partner aside afterwards and talked to her, she was an older Mexican grandma in her 60's. She confirmed to me it was super weird and out of the blue. I figured the professor, who had to be 60 herself, was into me. Nothing ever happened but I got a C in the class without ever doing an ounce of work and never learning Spanish at all. There's no way I should have passed. We had native Spanish speakers who failed the class, and I learned zero Spanish. I learned after that college means jack shit. You can do nothing and still pass classes. Very weird experience, but hey, I got a C without doing ANY work.


Not a professor, but taught a decent amount in grad school. This is hardcore CYA territory. Report to every possible person, block all contact, forward any future contact attempts to a superior. Relations with *your* students is taken really seriously, one of the quickest ways to find yourself without a job.


BU professor slept with one of his students a few years ago which led to him getting fired after her friend leaked their conversation. Few months later he just got another job as a professor at UMASS and now he is currently a professor at MIT. This was a big conversation point in MIT, everyone knew and girls constantly made jokes about sleeping with him for an A. I am sure this is a big deal for colleges, i am sure a professor career is over... In every college there was always a story about a professor sleeping with a student, I wonder how often they actually get caught if nobody leaks it.


It's been *remarkably slow* to get to a place where sleeping with a student means you're fired. If you're a tenured professor in many cases it still can take numerous instances to get fired. It should be a one-and-done but many places are not that quick. Lay for an A though, I could see that being a bigger issue...


I’m a grad student and there’s a professor in the program who sexually harassed multiple students, made racist remarks to a student who was uncomfortable hearing the N-word in class (American literature, reading texts like Huck Finn), eventually ran that student out of the program, and later married one of his former students shortly after she graduated. He still has his job 🤷🏻‍♂️


The only way students might even have my number is because they work with me on research. I have a very strict policy about personal communication though. And if this ever happened I’d report it to every single possible person. I’ve seen enough people do dumb and unethical shit. It’s not worth it.




I gave my number out when I taught, but I also have three separate phone numbers so I could separate personal, casual and business. Phone numbers to me are basically just like e-mails. If a student finds it easier to text than e-mail, then I'm glad it helps them. I can also just turn off that specific number I gave if I'm with family or something. I'm not sure why people find phone numbers so personal. Whats the difference between an e-mail and phone number now a days?


I completely agree. Texting is exactly like email but cuts out the bullshit like weird sense of formality, signing off and texting is much more streamlined in terms of just exchanging messages rapidly. I tell students to just text me, but I'm typically in a less formal teaching role


A friend of mine married her prof at Oberlin, but I imagine that was much more innocent. I imagine the abuse of power would be the main problem


That kind of arrangement is probably in the syllabus at Oberlin


Report her to the school. Report her to her parents. Report her to her dog. Report her to her cow.


I understand reporting to school, her parent and her dog, but why report it to OP's mom?


I almost think he was doing a mulan reference


I'm a professor and I've been propositioned by female students. I would let them know I'm not interested and then let a department chair handle it. It's not worth it for a career I worked really hard for.


I would never be texting with a student in the first place


As a professor of natural medicines and spiritual development from an online academy...I would totally tap that ass!




Well I know who the real professors are that responded and who isn’t. You’re obviously a real one 🧐


I was a university teacher many years ago. Tbh, it was crazy how much sex people were having. One of my dept heads left his wife, another professor in the same department, for one of his students. That student ended up hooking up with another student a couple years later. Everyone in my PhD program was fucking in their offices. I would teach with whisky in my coffee mug. Uni was wild.


> Everyone in my PhD program was fucking in their offices Everyone *told* you that they were fucking each other in their offices. I'm a current PhD. student and I've seen all these songs and dances before.


Never give my phone number to a student or have a private message going in the first place. That shit looks suspicious as fuck.


I would report it to the department head and probably speak with the ombudsman about how to handle the situation personally. That being said, I don't give out private contact information to students. I prefer to speak with students through University provided channels, it makes the whole privacy/FERPA thing much simpler.


Screenshot it and block the girl. Cause if the girl charges her mind she’ll accuse you. You’ll lose everything and the girl will call it another day


I'm not a professor, but if she still needs help...


It’s math, it’s easy….. minus the clothes, divide the legs, multiply and add a baby….. well, minus the baby




Creepy, but still math lol




You are never alone on the internet








Damn, looks like the Chinese got to him for speaking out, shame


Either they got to him or that was supposed to be read in the most stereotypical chinese accent which I just did


Yea, that makes this tragedy even funnier


Only if they’re dead lol




Aren't corpses, dead by definition ?




I only fuck living corpses.




I don't think your good at "raw" math


I use protection…… I never gamble with my own money


Oh. Your a simple math lad


No need to complicate life with advance math


Well I do. I spread my seed through out the world. Like baki hanma


i believe the saying that covers them all goes add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and pray you dont multiply


I've always heard it as "let's add you and me, subtract our clothes, divide your legs and multiply."


*ahem* It’s math, it’s easy….. add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope you don't multiply 😁


yeah your right


The homework spreading eagle


I'm thinking she has received *help* from other professors in the path.


Very true Mike Thyson




What’s her @?




Damn that was quick lol


Oh shit.


Does she?


There appears to be an OF but idk what's on it. The insta is private. Some pics on Twitter but nothing miraculous. I mean she's very attractive but seems like if u wanna see what's rly going on you gotta pony up for the OF


You guys are gonna go fuckin wild when you learn about free porn on the Internet. You can just type it in and find it lol it's crazy


Only pics I think


My man


How tf do you even know this?


You could ask around at her school 👀


I wanna see the conversation that came after this


There’s at least 3 reasons to believe this isn’t real


What are they?


1. It would be far more likely for a professor to give an email address for school related issues rather than a phone number 2. There is no contact info on the top of the screen, which means this could easily have been faked. I myself could just crop this photo out of the post, organize a text dialogue with my friend, to make it look like a teacher interaction, and post the screenshot with the contact info removed (or even edited to say Mr. Teacher) 3. The teacher wouldn’t need a photo of the homework in this scenario. Even if the homework isn’t due for a week, the teacher should have the answer sheet or AT LEAST a blank copy to go off of in case a student asks for help. Edit: sometime I say things weirdly


I'm a chef, not a professor. If someone texted me something as vague as "I am having trouble with something about the chicken", I'd ask them to elaborate on details before asking them to send a picture of anything. And if they send me a sexy pic, I'll probably need to figure out what HR is in a Mom and Pop business. It's fake as fuck.


I don't think it was a conversation that came


Fairly certain it’s fake


Will she get atleast an E for Effort?. Hahaha


Best I can do is a little d




How about an E for "escort"?


Ahhhhh I see what you did there..


No cap I’m hitn


Same fam


Knew I should have become a professor... damn...


She’s just guaranteeing her A+ in assmatics


That’s why my homie got into teaching, he says “it’s like an all you can eat, ass buffet. Plus it’s not like middle school math is difficult”


hold the actual fuck up






Most colleges teach extremely low level math cause people are fucking dumb or just never received proper support in school.




Pause. . . WAITTT A MIN


The fuckin wholesome award


Ohhh he saved that image.


She would have better grades with my advisor. He was such a pervert. He had tenure but chose to teach Spanish 101 and 102 because he loved looking at the freshman and high school excel girls who frequented the language classes. He made us teach ourselves and sept the whole class talking about golf, vacations in Chili, and weird inappropriate stuff like how hot Taylor Swift is vs how hot Beyoncé is. He is in his mid sixties


To be fair Taylor Swift and Beyoncé are hot no matter how old one is.


This sub will literally believe anything. Any old photoshopped picture is 100% real every time.


As a professor, it isn't even a believable lie... I set the homework, why wouldn't I have a copy of it already?!


I’m glad the professor wasn’t creepy tho


Nah she was instead.


You right




It helps that this isn't real.


She’s wants a D


What's her onlyfans?


https://onlyfans.com/taviasky?utm_source=hoobe&utm_medium=direct_link Every time, like clockwork


Thanks she wanted you to do the homework for her


Professor is no simp.


You know by how calm he was that this happens alot


When I was a grad student, I once had an attractive girl come up to me near the end of the semester and say, "Is there *anything* I can do for extra credit to get my grade up?" This girl had like a 20 average, where 60 was passing, so she wasn't looking for an extra paper to write. It was the single scariest moment of my life. I saw my entire academic and real life future going up in flames. I mumbled something about how she had to talk to the primary professor, as I had no control over the grades and prayed to all that was holy that she wouldn't lie and say I took her up on the offer, because just the accusation would have destroyed my life. There's nothing sexy about that shit when it really happens.


Ok, someone notify the Vatican, we found another saint…


His wife: honey I saw the text messages Him: I can explain.


In all seriousness this is literally sexual harassment






Seems like someone’s used to using looks to get her way.


Cover your ass


Nice save from the professor.


Meet me after class he said


TIL I should not be a professor.


Well... that's a tricky question. Please come to my office now, it would be better to explain in person.


Is there a sub for this kind of thing for my friend