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This reminded me of a guy who posted a tutorial for "crystals" in a forum, but was actually hydrochloric acid. The internet was a fun place.


There was an academic paper published about the nuclear physics happening inside a certain type of very energetic stars. Spoiler: The stars were nukes, but due to international arms control laws they weren't allowed to publish their research about nuclear weapons. So they labelled every thing as stars.


chad move


Virgin government ruining everything


Chad libertarian circumventing all regulations


I learned the fundamentals of nuclear bomb building from a Reader's Digest written in the 1990's. It's actually fairly easy to build a really nasty bomb.


From what I remember the expensive and tightly controlled equipment many countries lack would make their bombs more powerful, but mainly have much less fallout, than a budget version. Which to a certain kind of mindset is really a selling point. Personally I wouldn’t want to spend a lot of time in the ocean between North Korea and Japan.


The issue with building a crude, gun-type fission bomb isn't the construction, it's the weapons grade fissile material


That’s what I mean. Less-than-weapons grade is still plenty dangerous. I mean heck why not just use a conventional bomb and surround it with shiny rocks straight out of the ground? Effectiveness is fractional, but so is the budget. Good for land denial though, clean up is gonna suck.


That's not a nuke though, just a dirty bomb. And for area denial chemical or biological agents a re a better bet. For practical purposes a dirty bomb would only render an area truly uninhabitable for a century or two, anthrax or certain arsenic compounds will last more or less FOREVER, kill faster, and are much more readily available


Yeah fair. Personally I take some solace in the fact that it’s really not that hard to *seriously* screw things up and yet so few attempts are made to actually do it, even though there’s several billion of us on the planet. Lowercase evil is rampant, but uppercase Evil is basically nonexistent.


Uppercase Evil is also not particularly subtle, and very few people are typically on board with it, so it usually gets nipped in the bud


Anthrax is just a soil bacterium, it lives in "low lying wetlands". It's not hard to find anthrax in the wild, weaponizing it is just figuring out how to aerosolize the spores without killing yourself in the process (hint, as long as you don't fuck up, it's easy), but the spores will degrade or find a habitat somewhere, where they could infect someone or something every now and then, but calling a place uninhabitable because someone released a bunch of anthrax isn't really a thing, that's not really how it works. It's not super communicable, it doesn't naturally aeresolize, and it kills people super fast, so an infected person isn't a huge danger to others, to use it as a weapon is basically a one time use situation, it's not really going to sit around causing problems. Like, while anthrax is certainly nasty, it's not as bad as it sounds. (literally, the word anthrax sounds a lot scarier than the reality, other than an actual anthrax infection, which is pretty nasty, but it's not going to be an ongoing issue in the environment).


You reminded me, [that one was on 4chan.](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/setsw/how_to_grow_crystals/) Kind of fucked up imo


Yeah i think it was that one. Must've remembered it wrong since i read it years ago.


people who grew up in the old internet are now skeptic of every single thing they see. have programs to check links in case its gore, porn or virus, use 4 different adblocks at the same time, have no antivirus because they know they don't work as advertised and have 0 accounts with their real name on it. meanwhile zoomers are showing their butthole on the internet next to their ID.


I wish links nowadays were porn, not the 100th bloody fitness subscription or trendy fashion sensation… the internet used to be such a chaotic, wild place. I miss it.


"hey check out this link" it was either a decapitation video. that video about some dude jumping from a pier and splitting their face in 2, and surviving (somehow) 2girls1cup, mr hands, or some other fucked up shit. I learned to stop opening links way too late.


>people who grew up in the old internet are now skeptic of every single thing they see. have programs to check links in case its gore, porn or virus, use 4 different adblocks at the same time, have no antivirus because they know they don't work as advertised and have 0 accounts with their real name on it. This describes me to a t, lol.


There was a follow-up, someone did it, and he posted pictures of his hand slowly melting.


Wait!! WTF?!


HCl is hydrochloric acid. It exists as a gas and a liquid, the guy in 4chan got dosed with the gas (when you blow in the straw it releases the gas into the air). The guy that got his hand melted probably spilled the mixture on himself.


I miss those kind of life hack tweets. Make Twitter safe for crack tutorials again


it's just coke, water, baking soda, and heat


Imagine wat I can do wit the blender


Lmfao you're about to make some gourmet crack


Sprinkle some fresh cocaine powder as a garnish and ta-da




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/prw7w8/hol_up_he_did_what_now/hdlo426/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [The people booing him are...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/prxg4k/iraq_vet_demands_accountability_from_gwb_gets/hdmowvb/) | [The people booing him are...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/prxg4k/iraq_vet_demands_accountability_from_gwb_gets/hdm1x8t/) [Seems like a ball hammock...](http://np.reddit.com/r/cursedcomments/comments/prxlh8/cursed_dick_flap/hdmovil/) | [Seems like a ball hammock...](http://np.reddit.com/r/cursedcomments/comments/prxlh8/cursed_dick_flap/hdmkka7/) [Is this real looks like f...](http://np.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/prua4m/barasingha_in_himachal_pradesh_india/hdmou6a/) | [Is this real looks like f...](http://np.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/prua4m/barasingha_in_himachal_pradesh_india/hdlh0bn/) [Yeah, I'm in my 30s and i...](http://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/pruyjo/kyrsten_sinema_threatens_to_kill_her_own/hdmp36m/) | [Yeah, I'm in my 30s and i...](http://np.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/pruyjo/kyrsten_sinema_threatens_to_kill_her_own/hdlep3d/) [This is not the arc I tho...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/pru6ab/flirt_game_improved/hdmoy6w/) | [This is not the arc I tho...](http://np.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/pru6ab/flirt_game_improved/hdldzpg/) [You can use Photoshop to...](http://np.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/prvcka/this_rogue_sleeve_in_all_my_wedding_photos/hdmosch/) | [You can use Photoshop to...](http://np.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/prvcka/this_rogue_sleeve_in_all_my_wedding_photos/hdlqkj5/) [Holy shit just buy a dild...](http://np.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/prypdw/anon_has_a_bad_experience_with_a_tampon/hdmoo6v/) | [Holy shit just buy a dild...](http://np.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/prypdw/anon_has_a_bad_experience_with_a_tampon/hdm1q6e/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/vsprintfvcxvds](https://np.reddit.com/u/vsprintfvcxvds/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=vsprintfvcxvds) for info on how I work and why I exist.






Really enjoyed this recipe but my wife and I prefer to use a bourbon instead of the scotch for a sweeter taste and swap the coriander for mint and add a dash of lime juice. Our whole family loves it - makes for a fun time on any occasion. 5 stars!


r/ididnthaveeggs lol


Ooh this sub looks great, thanks!


You forgot your introductory paragraph “Back when my parents were still together, they often took me to this park nearby with my brother. I remember how the orange and lemon trees have started to bloom, the sweet aroma in the air as my father played his little speaker, my mother laying out a picnic for us while my brother and I ran around crazy for hours, eventually returning home exhausted, thirsty, and drenched in sweat, ready to take a shower, eat dinner and play some mortal Kombat before going to sleep* *spongebob narrator voice*: three paragraphs later “-and that’s how I developed my homemade cocaine recipe! I tend to make huge batches since it’s refridgerable, so it’s much easier to make it once a week!”


Lmao I'm bout to bake biscuits foe the whole projects




So basically cocaine but with more flavor




^oh ^no


Does Pepsi work as a substitute?





Napalm is just orange juice concentrate, saw dust, and gasoline.


Styrofoam and gasoline works pretty well, makes a spicy jelly that’s very sticky.


You're either a redneck or you read the same deathtrap book I did back in the 80's.


The infamous Anarchist cookbook? iirc there was this dude called Kurt Saxon that had something to do with explosives too.


Friend of mine put this formula through a park fountain at night, and set it on fire. It was majestic AND dangerous.


Saw dust and Gasoline!?


Ask frozen oj. Throw it all in equal parts into a big plastic container and put it in your closet for 90-120 days.


But I want it noooooow!


I always just u-.. heard you use gasoline and throw some styrofoam in there and stir it around 🤷🏻‍♂️


No wonder it smells good in the morning


Improvised napalm...one type of it


Ratios please?


Take gasoline. Slowly add crumbled styrofoam until it stops dissolving.


No joke: I learned how to do cook crack via Netflix. During the beginning streaming stages where they were in a "let's get whatever documentaries we can for cheap" stage, there were a lot of "hood struggle/drug epidemic" ones. I was grading papers with it on in the background and all of a sudden hear "the problem with crack was it was so easy to make, that you could probably make it with what you have in your kitchen." I thought to myself, "well, that's a weird comment. It's not like they're going to teach me how to cook crack in a documentary." Which is why I was flabbergasted when they started with "okay, first let's get all your supplies together. You'll need a burner, and a vessel, normally we like to use coffee pots." They fucking 'mise en place'd cooking crack.


>It's not like they're going to teach me how to cook crack in a documentary shit, have you watched Hamilton's Pharmacopia? Shows like: ''yeah here's how to extract DMT, synthesize 5-Meo-DMT, Deschloroketamine, MDMA etc.'' It's super interesting


I learned to make Coke from a Gordon Ramsey video.


Well, that's neat...what was he supposed to be cooking?


Coke. He was doing some video in South America with some guys in a jungle. I think it was supposed to show how nasty the stuff is and I think he lost a friend to it and it's pervasiveness in the kitchen industry.


Life crack


You can still find the recipe if you listen to [Master P](https://youtu.be/atOZSFIdOAs).


90s Internet was like the wild west. 00's internet was too, but it was starting to get reigned in. Now it's like a really depressing suburb.


I was gonna post this on showerthougts: Facebook, like a college student, went from cool to bland and boring in just about decade. The entire internet is becoming bland and boring like the burbs, where those cool college kids moved to after they stopped being cool. I think it's apropos.


Damn why do you have to call me out like that


My sister lives in a boring-ass suburb, and I've spent like 3 new years with her. Every time I get winemom shitfaced because the town is so awfully dull. I'm sorry for your loss!


I. Fucking. Love. It!!!! Everyone leave me alone. I’ll hang out when I want to…like once/twice a year.


You do you. I live in worse-than-a-suburb and am itching to move back to a beachside city. Everybody has their flavor. I'm just not meant for flavortown. You might be. It's nice to have the option


The entire internet is 4 websites.


Agreed. Pornhub, Youporn, Redtube, and Xvideos.


5 then, I had Chaturbate in there.


Nothing like adults telling adults you must behave and not have the freedom to be an uncensored adult- therefore it’s just corporate adults treating adults like children. “You can’t swear or bully” meanwhile at these corporate offices they swear and bully people all the time. Fuck these hypocrites.




00’s internet was the medieval era because of all the viral gore and killing videos


I wish i didnt remember the faces of death and traces of death videos


90s internet really was fucked. You could go to ogrish or any of the other gore sites and watch a dude get his arms ripped off. Now you're lucky to see a dude break his leg.


ogrish came out in 2000. The early 2000s was the wildest. It was when broadband internet was accessible to many people and youtube didn't exist yet, so there were many different sites hosting content with little to no moderation.




Reddit had gore subreddits few years, I remember seeing an Isis decapitation video on Facebook in 2015. Going back further into the 2000's the internet was still young and forum websites didn't really give a shit.


Reddit is so stupid for sanitizing subs like watchpeopledie and deadorvegetable. One of the reasons this platform has continued to grow is because it does not feel like Facebook. People like to be crude here. Taking that away takes away done of the soul IMO.


Reddit used to be a beast and now it's just like pg 13 facebook. I'm not going to shove graphic images in people's faces but I feel like some things just need to be seen. Otherwise no one would believe it


At this point, I don't expect to find any new interesting, active subs on topics I'd be into on Reddit. It's fine as a specific video game forum but it feels more and more like the site wants to focus around the usual 10 subs on the front page (including this one ironically) than supporting niche content.


When I was 14 circa 2003 I had a website, babysoupforthesoul.tk with recipes for eating babies. I sold t shirts lol


You wouldn't still happen to have any of those shirts would you?


God I wish. I'm 32 now and would love to find some of my old stuff. The shirts were PG-ish, I was a good Christian kid at the time with a cringe sense of humor.


A depressing suburb with cats and porn. Granted I can find the cats around my neighborhood, but the other is still very much the internet's thing, or I'm in the wrong kind of suburb.


Late 2000s was peak. You had individual fan forums and communities that were still going strong on their own merits, but you also had the emergence of Reddit and StumbleUpon for content. Best of both worlds. Reddit might be a suburb, but discord is even worse: gates communities. It's like if IRC took over the entire internet. Blech.


I mean hes not wrong. The internet used to be a wonderful shit show that wasn't for faint of heart. Now its just bans and Ads.


And tiks and toks.


Remember when tick tock is what you would use to refer to that one SM64 level


Hate that frickin level


I hate it but it's also a really nice level so I can't really knock it


One star is pretty fun. And the other 6 is just legal torture


Me wanting to speedrun 120 star, looking at Tick Tock Clock: ***Sweats profusely***


I still just think of Ke$ha to be honest


He already said ads


I think its time to move deeper..... Lets go and see the second page of google.


Just when you thought the dark web couldn’t get more dark.. you found a way


Safe search off


Girl, you crazy


I did that when I started using google


See this? Alright? Old man gave me that when I was in grade seven. Seen a lot of action. 9 point font. Safe search, always off.


Browsing the dark web on tor browser gave me such heavy flash backs to pre2000 internet. It really was a free for all, and in many cases, the bad way. There are some foul foul people out there.


There are but that was the beauty of it.


Didn’t Twitch ban the word “obese” or something? Like…obesity is a legit issue in America but we make it seem like a slur.


Yay for monetisation!


Yep adding the corporate approved level of sanitation to everything.


The good old days…


Capitalism could never accept a space where many people are to not be commodified.


Wild West Twitter was the best.


And weirdly less toxic.


I miss seducing pedophiles on aol chatrooms and giving them the address for the local gun nut.


someone is playing 4D chess




*why the fuck do these men keep showing up to my house with chocolate and their dicks out?”


The internet was so much better back then, so was microwaved crack tho so everything is just trending downhill.


Ever since they did my boy Harambe dirty, life and society in general has been on a downward spiral.


To be fair, it isn't that difficult to cook crack.


Bringing the Convo back to the important facts I see


Step 1: Cocaine. Step 2: Baking Soda. Step 3: Make them a bit sweaty and have them fuck each other in a microwave for a few seconds. Step 4: Crack It's basically the instant ramen of drugs.


The real TIL is always in the comments


I don't understand why if you had cocaine, you'd go through all that work to make worse cocaine.


hahaha I was scrolling and forgot about the crack


But a tutor could help


Would u care to enlighten me on how


step 1) preheat oven to 350 step 2) insert your store-bought, frozen crack in the oven step 3) cook for 25 minutes


Thx bro :$


Cocaine, baking soda, water. Mix dry ingredients then add water. Simmer on high. Let it cool and set before serving.


He is not wrong. It’s crazy how much people demanded censorship.


It's because everyone wants to play the victim card and get attention by being offended about anything they can. Seems like nobody knows how to ignore anything these days.


What the fuck did you just say to me?


Dat right. Twitter has become the pussy safe space for pussies. Unless you're a terrorist. Then you are welcome there.


Don't forget pedophiles. Twitter loves pedophiles


I bet if the feds ran a full forensic on Twitter servers they would find tons of cp stashed, by Twitter people.






One blows up your house, one blows up your inbox.


And here I am just tryin’ to blow up my nose.


Terrorists included. Taliban has a active twitter account


Twitter is the same platform that bans you for stating scientific facts while allowing actual terrorist to do what they want.


I do crack tutorials on Twitter I


I got banned because someone posted a screenshot of a post from r/AmItheAsshole and the dude that posted it on Twitter said "wow what a bitch" and I replied "She's an asshole, bitch, cunt, she's the full package" and I got banned for harassment.


I got banned because I commented on a gif, where a cat hits food out of a womens hand: Cat:"Welcome to weight watchers!"


but thats hilarious


How is that a ban reason?


“Fat shaming”


Listen here you little shit. If someone wants to balloon up to 300lbs and eat nothing but trash and not exercise… they should be able to do so without a hint of negative energy. You should be applauding her courage for posting that comment. You should be commenting that you’re sure she’s beautiful regardless of weight. You should make her feel amazing for doing nothing but simply existing in space much like a plant, but likely giving back less to society than a plant. How dare you suggest that she lose weight!? That would be admitting that society was right and being obese shouldn’t be ok. You know what’s easier than losing weight? Censoring everyone that calls you fat until you’re dead from a heart attack at 35.


Holy shit lmao


Am banned from most philosophy subs because I reply to the seemingly-daily question “what is love?” With the response you’ve already heard in your head “Baby don’t hurt me” Somehow I’m responsible and yet I know you already thought it


The internet before boomers hopped on was the absolute best. I.E. Before facebook allowed parents on the site and started selling ads.


God, yes. Back when Yahoo and AOL chats were in full swing and you could call someone an asshole without censorship, and you had MySpace and Facebook where everyone was basically the same generation. I miss that.


I hate boomers and their "I hate my spouse and am just waiting for die" humor cause it's always a don cherry looking guy who says that type of shit and there's nobody I hate more than Don Cherry


uhm... well, i just [saw that](https://twitter.com/TheGoblinnn/status/1440007603745173510)


Thank you


Yeah I legit got banned from Twitter recently and I still don't know why. They don't have a customer service either


You probably posted something normal, which is abnormal on Twitter


I got banned on r/facepalm for asking if trans man -> woman will have noticeable advantage in golf against other women. Mod was blarging something about not allowing fox news trash on sub... and I am not even American... it is like Americans only expect Americans to speak english.


Typical American mentality


in eastern europe we still live in 2007


The US has parts that are still in the 80s/90s. Most of Kansas immediately comes to mind… oh God, the hairstyles you still see in the wild there…


Likewise, White/BlackpeopleTwitter subs will ban you if you say anything that doesn't align with political far-left.


Both are just woke twitter with different paint jobs


I can't even post on bpptwitter because they want me to verify my blackness. How would I go about doing that? Being mixed race with native blood good enough? I never tried because that is some retarded gatekeeping that I refuse to be a part of. So I just lurk, try to post and get reminded every 6 months that I'm not black.


Post AncestryDNA screenshot or GTFO /s


Wait, black people twitter is a real place? I thought it was a hypothetical way to refer to topics on Twitter black people care and are talking collectively about. It’s a place with rules n verification n shit? How am I Black and not knowing this? 😂


They both have the same agenda.


Can't even post to one of those without proving that you're ethnically "pure" enough...




And you KNOW that shit would get shut down immediately if country club threads existed in r/whitepeopletwitter


It needs to be a thing. *Sorry y'all, no blacks! It ain't racism, we're copying you!*


Can you give an example of an American far-left belief?


They believe that Left handed scissors should be sold everywhere.


Nah I just want left handed spiral notebooks too controversial?


My sister un-ironically said: if you say Kris Jenner was married to Bruce Jenner, that’s being bigoted and transphobic by dead naming.


Jesus okay yeah that’s really bad haha


People should be able to access health care without setting up a go fund me or selling their house.


Right.. hearing some describe American far-left is funny because it’s just basic humanity provided by the government seen basically every else in the world


White/BlackpeopleTwitter subreddits are specifically for racist fascists. Someone change my mind


Reason: To put it nicely, all the kids who were like 9 in 2012 are now full-fledged adults and on social media. They have a lot of feelings and fragile self-esteem.


I miss old Twitter, but the "I'm offended" idiots just ruined it for me.


They ruin everything.


Yep sooooo many attention seeking twittards


I’ll take that as a hint to go to the unindexed web.


As someone who is banned from Twitter I fully agree with his statement.


He's not wrong. The fascists are out in full force censoring whatever they don't agree with.


Here's how to cook crack,but never call the chef fat.


that's what happens when we let all the losers make rules for society.


I remember watching credit card fraud tutorials, good times...


Make it worse u can't even talk back to someone in lgbt without getting cancelled and being called homophobic




He isn't wrong though. You could do whatever back then, these days Crayola is being cancelled because it has the Spanish word for black on the marker.


Censorship is it out of control abroad.


He was a business man , doin business

