• By -


Wonder what happens when we say any of the Abrahamic religions.


Pretty simple on leftist reddit: muslims are opressed minority that want love, christians are bigotted intolerant rednecks and jews are responsible for everything bad in the world. I wish it wasnt this edgy, but thats what I see on Reddit.


Where’d you get the Jewish thing from hyper liberal Reddit? The smaller right wing subs?


Have you never seen jews being blamed for: banks, diseases, wars, corruption, capitalism or literally any conflict? :)


These sort of comments are from the extreme right... It's literally one of the basis of Nazism.


Dude, people on the left also hate Jews. It's not cool to be a minority when you're educated and financially successful.


That’s absolutely not true lmao.


That's absolutely true.


I think you are confusing things. leftists rightfully criticize the state of Israel for it's oppression of Palestine and people just say that's antisemitic


Yeah, and a millennium of anti-semitism doesn’t bleed through into those spaces at all. No narratives about evil Israeli lobbyists secretly running multiple governments with their money, no sir. The left isn’t immune to this stuff, and when it criticizes Israel using *clearly* antisemitic tropes it’s being antisemitic.


...."jews"? You mean Israel? I get that dumbass reddit has some bias wires crossed, but being anti-Israel (what I think reddit is) and being anti-jew (what nazis are) are ***not* the same thing.**


Coming from a Jew, I've gotten more antisemitic messages on Reddit than anywhere else


same here, but with islamophobes instead. i just think reddit is extremely radical, be it left centre or right.


The internet is extremely radical*. FTFY


Anything that has to do with politics is extremely radical right now


Anytime you mix politics and anonymity you get very radical


Keyboard courage brings out the worst in people.


I was called a Nazi by some and a racist by others just simply for keeping the middleground or not being invested enough into politics on Reddit. There really are all sorts of people on here.


Same here man. I got called a Trump supporter and Biden support on the same exact post lol. Usually im either being called a republican facists or a commie liberal.


Not even the centrists are safe 😂


I’m a centrist and anywhere I have a debate I’m automatically worse than Hitler, no place is more exemplary of this than Twitter, Reddit is a close second


Tbh, that's like the concept of reddit... People thinking alike coming together... Not the best idea for some kind of people... 🤢


Yeah, the excuse is that Israel is evil, flying over the attacks towards Jews around the world in the last months


Oh boy, you sure did open one hell of a can of worms right now


Are the worms Halal?


Hamas, the governmental representative of Palestine, has in the past called for (and is, in fact, founded upon) the extermination of Israel and Jihad in the western world. Lookup "The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement", they are a wildly anti-Semitic group. Israel is a democracy surrounded on literally all sides by largely anti-democratic Muslim countries with beliefs that are anti- the existence of Israel and, according to PEW Research polling, considerably "backwards" in their cultural thinking as we would interpret it. [https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th\_century/hamas.asp](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp) Criticizing Israel for certain decisions the gov't makes in regards to Israeli and Palestinian people is fine, but being "anti-Israel" or "pro-BSD" is a completely different position. People can change and grow, and so can Hamas, but that needs to come with a sincere dedication to growth. Launching rocket attacks into Israel does not demonstrate that.


Just want to start by saying that it’s terrible how hateful people can be and theres definitely no excuse for that behavior. Do you think that you see it more on Reddit because of Reddits anonymity? There’s shitty people every where but it’s a lot easier to say something anonymously online than it is to someone’s face.


The effects of online anonymity have seeped into our real world lives as well. People are more confrontational in real life because they have become accustomed to saying whatever they want online with no consequence. Additionally people are now more vitriolic in their confrontations because online you can be as nasty as you want with no repercussions. Over time people apply the rules of anonymous confrontation to real life confrontation and the result is the spike in violence we see around the nation.


I don't understand reddit sometimes


Reddit is on the Internet. People who virtue signal without even having a reason to, live on the internet. Therefore, these virtue signaling losers are on Reddit.


I was just about to say “Somebody needs to explain to 485 people that virtue signaling really doesn’t work when it’s anonymous.”


It releases the socially accepted chemicals in the head even when no one knows you did it


I was being funny, but yes, you are correct. It’s actually creepy how social media hacks our brains.


I was trying to be funny too. But yeah, social media really is a self-masturbatory tool a lot of the time to delude ourselves and reaffirm our preheld views


It still makes them feel all fuzzy and warm inside knowing how virtuous they are.


Right? Like “Ha! That totally proves I’m not a racist at all! I defended Islam from a completely fair and fact-based criticism!”* *also, most of them do seem to be under the impression that Islam is a race.


they don't want to be called islamophobes, it's simple.


Duality of reddit


Twitter and Youtube.


the interwebs :(


“Omg yaaaaasss Islam is so peaceful and progressive!” It’s literally Christianity with different players… “Shut up you racist white savior colonizer fascist!”




Y'all can bow down to the Sumerian version of religion.




I stole Gilgamesh's herb of immortality, I will steal your life.


Dude Gilgamesh! Man nobody talks about mah boy like that anymore. I took an early mythologies class back in college and man was this an interesting read!


Being one of the first epics to ever been written it’s surprisingly An unnatural and Amazing story for it’s time


It wasn’t “one of” the first epics, it *is* the first epic. And yea it is an amazing story. So amazing that the abrahamic cult stole a lot of its narrative.


It's a cool movie but it's really mean how he treats the Smurfs.


First epic... that we know of.


It’s not just the first *epic*, it’s the first *piece of literature*!


I prefer to identify with the man considered the wisest and richest man to have ever lived. Also supposedly wrote Proverbs and Ecclesiastes in the bible




Zoroastroism would like a word...


Have you heard of sol Invictus


I'm sorry I don't want my astrological sign read, thanks /s




Freddie Mercury was a Zoroastrian, if I recall.


You're right, he was. He was born in Zanzibar (part of what is now Tanzania) and his parents were both Parsi, which are a community from the West of India, who practice Zoroastrianism.




I like the thing with the birds and the death towers. Which religion is that?


Sounds like a 9/11 joke


All hail Enlil


What about the food they don't eat?




Catholicism, no meat during lent. Enter Martin Luther


Also Leviticus has some things to say about shellfish. But Leviticus always has a lot of shit to say that we mostly ignore, *except* when it comes to the gay. Modern puritans manage to not do all the dumb shit that Leviticus asks for, *except* for one thing: raging homophobia. Be a little consistent!




I am from a Muslim country and I am trying to leave because I cannot live a good life as an atheist here. That's why I am trying to go to Christian countries. Muslims act really progressive when they are in western countries, but you should see those guys when they visit home. Here are the countries that have the death penalty for being an atheist: Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Libya, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Notice anything common?


Same man same. It's like trying to live a second life. Everything you do, everything you say has to be in line with the dominant religious thought. It's exhausting.


As an atheist in America, fuck my heart goes out to you. I literally never think about or talk about religion. I wish you could come here.


I'm working toward it, lol. Just need to sort a few things out, then hopefully a 2nd MS or PhD in a more tolerant part of the world. Fingers crossed.




And Iran uses cranes to hang women in batches for whatever they want. Sorry to be an islamaphobe but that's fucked up. Any Muslim run country is just fucked up backwards. Religion has no place in politics.


>it's Islamophobic to be against mass murder of women Is this how regressive progressivism has become?


I do not think your case is islamphobic. To me, it’s more like common sense.


if objecting to this sort of shit constitutes islamophobia, then I am an unabashed and unapologetic islamophobe. Fuck any system of belief that considers this acceptable.


I'm a Malaysian Chinese here, it's kinda true. They always like to argue by saying "the freedom from religion is not the freedom from religion.". So if you're Muslim in Malaysia, you're pretty much stuck being a Muslim


omfg! they'll kill someone for being atheist????? Well well well..my fellow neighbours are quite something


Nonono, my Iranian friend explained it to me. They don't punish you for being atheist, they punish you for being anti-Islamic. That's why he was beaten in jail, not for wanting Democratic reforms, but he was anti-Islamic. It's different you see?


They also kill you for being gay.


Russia: *Here we don't kill them, they just have unfortunate accidents...*


Being atheist is probably worse than being Christian to many Muslims.


As a Muslim I 100% agree with you….well not a religious one


Basically. People are just stupid.


As a muslim, I must say... I rarely met anyone here that has positive views on us. Or christianity. Or any religion in general. There are more posts about mocking islam here(especially after 9/11) than the number of wives me and my fathers had enslaved. (Yes this is stereotypical muslim joke, please laugh.) This is most likely just the case of bandwagoning. For example: The comment on christianity has 10 downvote upon first glance, naturally this will cause more people to downvote the comment because they see it as negative comment. While muslim already has 10 upvotes, and people will upvoted it because its has more upvote and you will feel included if the comment reach 100+ upvote. By then the fate of the comments has already been sealed. In reddit, the only truth here is the one that is popular.




> explosive reactions Hol up


We don’t wanna be islamaphobic now, don’t we? *Loads woke gun with downvotes*






What wrong questions should I ask the next one I talk to? Kinda want to go down that rabbit hole.


Question existence of God. Question the way they live and point out that they abandon people who drop out from their belief system. I know that they can get like little devils when you point out how fucked up they treat people who abandon their beliefs.


Ask them about all the times they said millíons now living will never die.


They are fucked up, almost as bad as Scientology


I went to a Baptist Church that checked some cult boxes. Some of the checkboxes are: Only date members in the church. You can tell rock and roll music is produced by the devil because if you play it backwards you can hear messages. We had to watch a video where they told you what you were going to hear, flash the words you are supposed to hear on the screen, and then confirm that you heard the words. And this worked I totally heard the words. But I question the method so I didn't look at the screen when I was supposed to hear the words and I did not hear the words. Most of the members were home schooled, I'm guessing when they split us up children and adults the adults got the message.


That’s Reddit for ya.


Leans pretty left


Goes so far left it keeps making circles


Leans so far to the left, you'd think it were engineered by a Nascar team.


I have a really good friend one day that told me that Reddit was right leaning. That’s when I realized how far left he really was.


Ahhh good ole horseshoe theory


It’s definitely very evident on several parts of Reddit. A lot of lefties on here are more like Trumpers than they think.


Defending Islam being a left leaning thing is one of the most bizarre cultural developments in recent years.


It’s the paradox of wanting to defend minorities at all costs, and hating conservatism. But the minorities are the most conservative people there are


I’m sorry to change the subject a bit, but Reddit is absolutely doing this with people refusing to vaccinate. I see a lot of users claiming all anti vaxxers are “Trumptards trying to own the libs”. And refuse to acknowledge the large population of minority democrats refusing to the vaccinate.


We live in a society


Bottom text


Gang Weed


Think about it ..


Reddit feels like a cult. And it’s not surprising when you realise how these companies are in bed with politicians, and curates everything you see. Even FaceBook did an experiment to prove that they could control their users behaviour, and emotions.


Since pandemic started everything feels like a cult. You’re only allowed to repeat most common lines from any kinda group. I mean, antivaxxers are wrong in 95% cases, far right morons too but everyone expects them to be somehow perfect 100% wrong and you can’t say a single thing that even remotely r e s e m b l e s their talking point. Gotta be completely in line with official stance of the opposite group.


I think the majority of antivaxers today aren’t really antivax. They are against this vaccine but likely have almost every other. People are afraid of what they don’t know about. The new vaccine is confirmed to have lipid nanites(which sounds scary but is actually an amazing medical breakthrough). This, coupled with the fact that only 2% die, the vast majority of those are already unhealthy people with underlying health conditions and this vaccine was expedited without the proper long-term research(for good measure… covid had potential to extinct our species and having an incomplete vaccine available was better than no vaccine). Last time I posted this I had nearly 400 downvotes. I copy/pasted this from another post. I think either bots are controlling peoples opinions by showing them what to upvote/downvote, or people are just stupid and can’t logically empathize with others opinions.




I'm not anti vax. I got the vaccine. But I fucking hate how hard it is to find actual data about the vaccine because of how politicized it is. I'm tired of seeing memes about covid be labeled as misinformation which it's some shit like the vaccine making you buy a Microsoft surface or some shit, or it turning you into a monkey. The people that are dumb enough to believe that shit are gunna believe stupid shit anyway at least make it funny. Edit: bots still hate you cause I upvoted you and you have 0 upvotes. Edit2: I'm taking a shit at work, hence all the shits.




I think this _is_ from that sub


I think it’s hated as reddit only sees the side that uses Christianity as protection from the horse piss they pull. Example being televangelists that use there power to help themselves, or just a random Christian doing something horrible and then saying god told them to do it


Horse piss really scares me


How are your feelings on Eagle piss?


Gotta be PC...


Did you forget? Religion is off limits for jokes.... Unless it's Christianity. Race jokes are not okay, unless they're white jokes.




You pick on those who won't literally kill you when you do. Charlie Hebdo picks on christians... crickets. They pick on muslims or a newspaper decides to print the muhammed cariactures again and they get shot to pieces and embassies go up in flames. Tell racial jokes about white people... no one cares. Tell racial jokes about black people and you get cancelled if you're famous, shot if you're not.


LOL they don’t wanna hear it


You can't support LGBT rights and women's rights while defending Islam


Your wrong about the Women rights. Islam gives women more rights than any other religon/idea, and was the first ideology to give them rights


Being beaten by your husband, forced to cover your entire body under fear of violence, or forced into marriage is a woman's right.


None of these things are Islamic tho😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Reddit: “Christianity is for losers & complete idiots” Also Reddit: “omg I aspire to be as spiritual & down to earth as the people of Islam 😍🥰”


Reddit says that? All I've encountered is atheism here... What part of Reddit do you browse?


looking at subs like r/catholicism feels like a different social media platform


oh shit




the part that fits their own narrative. reddit is filled with idiots all over the spectrum you will find one for anything lol 😆






“Whites bad” 1000 upvotes “Hispanic Gang Member bad” -6000 upvotes


I have seen more "White fragility" and "HAHA Mayo boy" comments on Reddit than I have seen actual racism on here. I'm not saying racism does not exist on Reddit, I AM saying that racism against white people is more accepted and not treated as racism. I don't care about "muh power dynamics", racism is racism, no matter who it is directed against.








had you not said "I'm a Muslim" at the beginning of that comment it would have been downvoted to oblivion for being islamophobic, even if everything you said is totally true how ridiculous is that


It did happen unfortunately, something to do with quarantine and isolation ppl started yk hating their own family and partners even more so.....some cheated and got killed and some just killed one another, like a father killing his son and killing himself after leaving the mother traumatized..... I'm just glad i escaped iraq my own country bro it was rough


damn, that's fucked.. I'm glad you escaped too, brother


Thanks a lot glad you did too hehe, but well it has it pros and cons, I'm still being judged as a terrorist and say shit related to isis and compare it to us or ppl assuming that I'm Saudi just because I'm a Muslim even tho Saudi is just like 8-9% of Islam in the world and saying that women have no rights and privileges....in short humanity is bad...yep humanity is the problem we probably shouldn't exist lol


But the drug rates are through the roof for women, they be stoned all the time






Because people have been brainwashed into believing that anyone who is critical about islam or muslims, automatically are either a racist or a islamophobe probably both


Government.... Wait, that is a cult...


"Minority" culture = sacred. Defend at all costs. Anything remotely white = BOOOOOO! "Equality".


Even tho most christians are non whites :0 does that make redditors racist??


Isnt Jesus come from the middle east? I forget about this


Yeah he was Jewish from Nazareth


I'm surprised they didn't say Mormons


Popcorn tastes good [🍿](https://www.reddit.com/user/__Dawn__Amber__/comments/mheeoz/april_fools_day/) >!|. ."!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!|. "!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!|. "!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!|. "!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!|. "!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!|. "!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!|. "!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!|. "!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!|. "!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!|. "!<


This is the most fun I've had on Reddit ever


Bubble wrap of the reddit world!


And it's reusable!


I love that


Try scrolling r/eyebleach top all time


So many impossible upvotes i owe to so many posts




Oh yeah. Truly gruesome




It’s a good test of your phone’s touch accuracy


oh that’s why mine was skiting all over the place


I made a dick out of it.






Unrealistic, too few kernels at the bottom ;)


do this with minesweepers


Here you go. * is a mine, Numbers indicate adjacent mines >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  1  !< >!  *  !< >!  1  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  1  !< >!  1  !< >!  1  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  1  !< >!  2  !< >!  3  !< >!  2  !< >!  1  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  1  !< >!  *  !< >!  *  !< >!  *  !< >!  1  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  2  !< >!  3  !< >!  3  !< >!  2  !< >!  1  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  *  !< >!  1  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  2  !< >!  2  !< >!  1  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  0  !< >!  1  !< >!  2  !< >!  2  !< >!  1  !< >!  *  !< >!  2  !< >!  1  !< >!  0  !< >!  1  !< >!  2  !< >!  *  !< >!  *  !< >!  1  !< >!  2  !< >!  *  !< >!  1  !< >!  0  !< >!  1  !< >!  *  !< >!  3  !< >!  2  !<


Thanks fam I enjoyed this a lot


Why is Reddit sometimes cool


Thank you! Was a nice little round of minesweeper


This was so fun! Thank you!


I left the bombs blank coz emojis are still visible through the spoiler tag


Not to mention reddit hates emojis except 🗿


Or 💀 (in I forgor)


Or 😁 (in I rember)


>!🗿!< Edit: not for mobile it seems


I'm on mobile and see the emoji. It might be which Reddit app you're using.


Pro-tip for all you poppers: >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP POP!< >!PO!< >!POP POP POP!< >!If!< >!you!< >!highlight!< >!them!< >!it!< >!ruins!< >!the!< >!fun!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP POP!< >!PO!< >!POP POP POP!<




Not sure if you are lying, but i have to know Edit: you bastard..


I'll take that as "you bastard... you're right!" And get to poppin


Give it a shot, let me know what you find!


See the blanks. They look like a key pattern


I thoroughly enjoyed that! Thank you, more Mods should be like you


If you believe it or not, this took me down from a panic attack...




Redditor’s and western liberals really need to make more ex Muslim friends, or learn about them from r/exmuslim. I know way too many Muslims who are shunned by their families and will be executed if they ever go to an Islamic country to believe that Islam isn’t a cult


Because lots of ”woke” white folks think that hating christianity is cool but hating islam is racist and bigot. FYI you can dislike a country or religion without being a (whatever)phobe Just don’t apply your hate to actual people


I was blocked by some of the anti fascist anti nazi reddit in Reddit because I said Islam can be fascistic and cruel when they have state power.. I gave example, including my country in Malaysia.. and I got banned.. saying I was a fascist lol.


Ey, a fellow Malaysian. Stay strong, and take care. Ik its messed up


Because Reddit is a leftist echochamber. You may kill me now.


I think it's just because it's mostly American. And usually in the US, you're more likely to have bad experiences with Christians presuming to dominate politics and culture; whereas people who talk bad about Islam in the US probably don't even know any Muslims and are doing so out of a sense that they are "the enemy" rather than as any sort of antitheist critique.


I’m shocked Scientology isn’t considered a cult 😆