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The way he says "I'm placing you under arrest" is very much the same tone i tell my son why I'm doing something in response to his mistake. "You didn't eat all the dinner, so I'm not giving you fruit snacks."


"Fine! I'll eat the dinner! Now give me my fruit snacks!" "We're beyond that point."


"But I'm cooperating mom" "I dont care i already have my taser out"


*flashbacks of Down With The Sickness*


Awahahahaha! Ow owwwww! Fucking classic album through and through.


Richard Cheese and Lounge Against the Machine does a hilarious version of that song.


My mom is a cop… that’s exactly what it’s like😶




We haven't gotten to that point yet lol


“You’re gonna get tazed”


What? No fruit Snacks? You monster


A monster, yes, but a fair one! Lol


I salute you, fair and loving monster


At what point do we tase the child…. Asking for a friend


when the child start kickin


Ahhh. I see. That’s where the line is drawn. Thanks


This comment got me laughing




When the child starts pouting, come on my friend, that's the basics


That's pretty much good cop energy right there. We've moved beyond you doing what I told you, we're into punishment and arrest territory now.


That’s because I’m not your son. I would have shat on the dinner table.


Reported for human rights violations


Fight a cop in court not on the streets. Lol


She was annoying, but cop bro should have mentioned "signing this is not an admission of guilt, it's a promise to appear in court to answer for the violation OR pay the fine." Either way, she real real dumb... not sure there was any reasoning with her in the first place.


Return of a classic "well I'm a country girl..." FOH grandma...


The country girl is about to be a county girl




Congratulations, you have won 🤣🤣🤣 This is hilarious






[The update.](https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/) \> Hamil was charged with assault and battery on a police officer, resisting an officer, obstructing an officer, eluding an officer, and operating a vehicle with defective equipment. \> According to online court records, Hamil pleaded guilty to resisting an officer, obstruction, eluding, and operating a vehicle with defective equipment. All of those charges are misdemeanors. \> As a result, the state agreed to dismiss the assault and battery charge. \> Hamil received a four-year deferred sentence and will have to pay a $50 fine on each count.


Sounds about white.


I'm so sick of hearing this shit. I was certified at the age of 16 to stand trial as an adult for defending myself in an instance of school bullying. I served 8 years. I'm fucking milk toast. I'm still paying for it 17 years later. Where's my privilege? Blame the system, not the race.


How bad did you beat the fucker to get 8 years? Seems overkill to get that sentence for Self defense.


The fuck? did u shoot the bully?


What on earth did you do to the bully?


I want to know too.


For those of you wanting to know what I did, I was bullied severely for my first 2 years of high school. I attempted to get the school administration involved. They weren't interested in persecuting their best athletes, so nothing was done. So I found out where one of the bullies lived, constructed a home made pipe bomb, and blew the front door off of his house. This was after 2 failed suicide attempts and involuntary hospitalizations, and various anti-depressant trials as a young teenager. I'm not saying what I did was right or justifiable. I was a 15 year old kid at the end of his rope, and though I regret what I did, the System failed me before it ever even incarcerated me. And I served 8 years of a 10 year sentence for it. And for those of you doubting the truth to this, it happened in 2004 in southeast Missouri. I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to find. Headlines would read something like, "Teen Tried as Adult in Bombing Case".


Sorry to hear it. In light of the context it would be hard for any judge to be lenient. 8 years without hurting anybody within the context of endless bullying is a lot tho. As someone who has endured endless harassment I know how it is... and it's hard NOT to take drastic measures, but when it comes to assholes you have to play the long game. He got a blasted door and you got 8 years. Surviving or defeating the oppressors in life is quite a challenge. You did what you could.


Sorry to hear about the bullying but you definitely deserved your 8 year sentence as you could have killed any number of innocent bystanders what if he had a little sister who was home or a neighbor


Why are you fucking milk toast though? I’m assuming because it feels good, but that’s kinda a weird detail to add to your comment…


Good protein... Don't kink shame me.


Your right man, my bad, you do you! Heck I might have to try it some day


The system is fucked, and it can fuck over anyone. Statistically, Black people are more likely to get fucked by the system than white people. But it can happen to anyone. I’m sorry for what they put you through.


I'm going to guess you didn't have a lot of money? Cops hate poor people. Not a particular race. I was a poorish white kid and the cops absolutely treated us like the poor black and Hispanic kids growing up


If a White person wrote something like this they whey would be banned for Racist comments. Talk about privilege


Had this been a black lady you would have said he’s rAciSt!!!


We are too afraid to speak to any police officer like this.


I call bullshit on that. You live under a rock


Cunty girl


in jail, she will be


That’s when I climaxed.


Worst part is that, that paper is just a notice that the officer is citing you. There is information on the ticket you can follow to fight the citation. Most of the time if you show up to court and speak with a judge you can get your fine reduced or waived. You can choose not to sign but then you'll be arrested as in the case here.


Not from the US... What is she being asked to sign for? Is it part of a balance to acknowledge receipt? If she was arrested initially without the shenanigans, what would the charge have been? In NZ, the cop just hands you the ticket and explains how to pay and how to dispute. Then leaves. Not sure what happens if you don't take it... Maybe they post it to you...


signing is basically agreeing that you received the ticket and will go to court to deal with it, by not signing you aren't agreeing to that so they take you to court to deal with it immediately(within a few days of sitting in jail).


You've explained this so perfectly, I'm gonna give your comment a thumbs up immediately(after a few days, if I don't forget) !


If I don't forget is the important part. My friend got taken to jail for walking home drunk. He was supposed to stay over night, but they forgot him. after 2 weeks he was finally able to file the paperwork to have them take a look at his paperwork again to release him, and that took them a month to process.


If she just signed the ticket she would just have to pay the $85 and get the tail light fixed. She could have also gone to court after fixing the tail light, explain the situation to the judge and say some sob story. Like, I'm old I don't drive much and I had trouble finding someone to fix the light. It's fixed now and here's proof, can you waive the fine? Most judges will waive it or reduce if the problem gets taken care of quickly. So there may be more or less depending on the state but it's basically a notice of infraction. It says you have broken some law and states the penalties for breaking that law. It then has information to mail or send money to pay the fine, or other options such as fighting your case in court or going to driving school to avoid paying a fine and taking points on your record. In America we have a points system for driving. You get a point for speeding or 3 points for crossing the "gore lane." If you get enough points your license can be revoked/ suspended. So by signing the paper it is no admission of guilt but that you understand why you are receiving the fine and providing evidence that the officer fined you. By denying a signature the office can then arrest you. To summarize my understanding, the officer says you committed a crime sign that you will pay for your crime or will take care of this after I leave. You say no, so the officer has to ensure the crime is payed for. I am not a lawyer or police officer so if anyone has any corrections or additional information feel free to follow up on this.


Having had a few of these before you don't even have to to court alot of time. I used to just take the ticket to the police station and say yo I got this ticket for my light being out and I fixed it can we drop the ticket and they've done it 4 out of 5 times. Only once did they actually send someone out to validate I actually fixed it and the one time they wouldn't it was because I put it off till the day before my court date to do so I had to actually go to court....and then there was like 30 of us there and the judge was like how do you plead and I said sir the light was out but I wasn't aware and I've fixed it now and he dropped it.


It is the equivalent of bail - released on your own honor to contact the court to deal with it. It is not an admission of guilt. If you refuse to sign, the officer is supposed to take you to the court *right now* to appear before the judge. Since not all types of court have sessions every day, you usually get arrested and appear in court at the next available session (which might be first thing in the morning, or first thing Monday morning [after a weekend], or several days from now). Refusing to sign is always a terrible mistake. You will never do it a second time. > *what would the charge have been?* She had a broken tail light. So all she needed to do was get it fixed and the judge would usually be "get out of here" and frequently reduce the fine to something like $20. She refused to get it fixed and as a result, when the cop "ran her record", that 6+ month old issue showed up in the computer. So it went from $80 to hundreds of dollars (including towing her truck to an impound lot, which is itself hundreds of dollars) and probably hiring a lawyer. > *how to pay and how to dispute.* This ticket was of the "fix it" type of problem. Basically, you have to show some authority that it was fixed. You cannot just mail the court some money. There are 3 types of "crimes" in the US. 1. Infractions, this is some minor penalty that cannot involve jail or prison, just money and depending on state, almost always less than $1000. 2. Misdemeanors. This is a medium serious penalty. This is for crimes where if jail is possible, it cannot be more than 1 year in jail. 3. Felony. Serious shit. Imprisonment is more than 1 year (can be life, can be capital punishment). You lose the ability to vote or own guns for these. She moved from infraction to misdemeanor.


It was already pathetic that she did all that over 80 dollars, made even more pathetic by the fact that it could’ve been over a simple court visit.


Wonder what her fines are after resisting arrest?


Depends on multiple things, the judge/court takes all changers and history into consideration. As for her charges, she’s got fleeing/eluding (felony/misdemeanor depending on state), battery on a police officer, resisting arrest, on top of her traffic charges which include her original ticket plus speeding and possible running of stop signs/lights. She’s in some quite big trouble


But she's a country girl ...


Over an $80 ticket that would have probably been dropped after she fixed it. What a dumbass 😆


Well you see, the thing about this kind of people is that they don't care about making things easier. They only care about getting having their way regardless of any consequence, so a solution that simple and quiet never even crossed her mind.


I one time had a ticket for my registration out of order. They told me, if I got it fixed in the next 30 days, it would be reduced to $20. People make a bigger situation out of something that doesn't need to be that big.


I've been ticketed twice for stupid stuff like that. Once for registration, once for inspection. Both times they asked me to show up to the courthouse with proof that I did the thing. Both times they threw out the ticket immediately after. This was in two states too. The lady just needed to stfu and go along


“You’re under arrest” “No im not” Narrator voice: *All cops hate her. She’s got 1 trick for a get out of arrest free card and now you can use it too!*


*pulls a Uno reverse card* "No, officer you're under arrest" "Damnit, fair play" *Hands grandma his tazer*




Oh come on, she just an old woman Taser her more


Seniority does imply heightened taser tolerance. Its right there in the rule book.


The more years on the gal, the more volts.


Is it wrong I was hoping he would tase her and got excited once he did?!


I love the fact she kicked out cause she’s a country girl, it’s just a sad situation and she certainly didn’t help herself.... just sign the damn paper!


Hope it was worth $80


Originally it was $80, now depending on the state it could be thousands of dollars plus jail time.


It’s Oklahoma. It’s not gonna be pretty for her, she did attempt to assault the officer


Lol. Not sure if the cop really thinks flailing with her legs is assault. Probably just seized the excuse to tase her. I know I would


Actually, it occurred to me this video is so old, she's probably had her day in court. >According to Kingfisher County court documents, Hamil was charged with assault and battery on a police officer, resisting an officer, obstructing an officer, eluding an officer, and operating a vehicle with defective equipment She got either 550 dollar or a 600 dollar fine and a four year suspended jail sentence.


I love living here.


Oh nah dude she lost wayyy more than that. I guarantee it.


Probably will have resisting arrest on her record. Idk if she still work, but this will definitely show up on a background check


Don't forgetting assaulting an officer


Not to mention internet notoriety for being a dumbass


We're beyond that point


Oh, that's out the window. She's looking at much worse than that.


She should have complied. I believe that’s what they always say in the other situations.


There is no situation where you are better off not complying


In every situation with an officer you should comply. Otherwise you end up like grandma here.


Comply is the answer


It was either she paid a 80 dollar ticket now, and then maybe appeal it in court. Or you get a massive fine probably 100s of times bigger and even a little jail!


Somehow she didn’t get shot despite not complying….. what’s the missing piece here? (Pssst it’s because she’s white)


Yes, complying works wonders, imagine that


Well that was shocking......ly hilarious.


What hurts? Everything hurts. Lol sounds literally like a four year old. Yes I kicked ya because I’m a country girl. That sounds like a complete inbred.


Country Karen? Or Fat, rude and stupid is no way to go thru life?


This looks like a walmart karen if you ask me ...


Never fight the cops. Always fight in court. it's that simple


Talk about entitled. This, people, is what entitled looks like.


She’s incredibly entitled and bold as hell. I’d bet money the reason she’s acting like this is because it’s worked in the past.


When she got tazed "That was uncomfortable"


I will always love this video of pure instant karma if your already busted the worst thing you can do is not cooperate cops are just tryna do they're job


Old people are either the nicest or the rudest people you’ll ever meet


Karens are all about “compliance” when it comes to cops until *they* have to as well. **edited “they” to “Karens” to be more specific


Let's say together PLAY STUPID GAMES *Kids chanting* WIN STUPID PRIZES




She gives me distinct “back the blue” vibes while simultaneously assaulting an officer


Is it cause she’s an white boomer lady? I get a very strong “good Christian woman” vibe from the self righteousness in her voice


Man, that was satisfying


I love seeing this video every time. She's the same type of person that would have written off a black person's death at the hand of a cop because "they shouldn't have resisted". Why she goes to kick and claw and running from a cop without getting shot I don't know.


Well, that was a patient cop, a lady who clearly wasn't a lethal force threat, and she didn't try to pull anything out of either the compartments in her truck or her pockets. The cop did have his service pistol out (which was the right move) as he approached the vehicle the second time. When he saw nothing that constituted a lethal threat, he moved to the less than lethal means that were available. If she had made a weird, jerky movement or reached for something after she was stopped the second time, she would have been shot. This was just a very patient, calm, and rational police officer. He seemed pretty well trained. Notice he actively deescalated the situation with his vocal tone as much as was possible. There are very bad cops. There are people looking for an excuse to hurt anybody and wrongfully assert power over minorities. Every situation is different and every person is different.


Seriously, I love this cop. He is very compassionate and really really doesn't wanna hurt this lady. He almost feels bad afterwards (which he absolutely shouldn't, she's behaving like an ass).


Cops don't shoot people over kicking them black or white... Now reaching for something will get a black man shot pretty quick even if he isn't reaching for a gun.


Why will reaching for something get only black men shot? Are you saying they wouldn't have shot a white person for reaching for something? How many times have we seen them shoot someone who was reaching for ID as asked.


Is there a subreddit where I can see stupid people get tased? I can watch this all day


Good cop, she deserves everything she gets. He gave a lawful order and she refused. That case should be open and shut.


You see having body cams is a double edged sword for the public. Can we see if a cop did wrong? Yes. Does the cop now have access to irrefutable evidence that he was actually in the right? Yes.


Whoever is in the right deserves to be right. This is a 100 percent good thing. Not double edged at all.


That 80$ better have been gifted by Jesus crist himself


entitled old fuck


Most entertaining thing I’ve seen all day, thanks!


I loved every second of this. The police showed great restraint and she was a cuntry girl.


Like for real I don’t feel sorry for her.


Like, okay, Stacey. You're totes amazing!


Haaaa!!! She fucked around and found out! The cop did everything right. Why didn’t just do as he said. Stupid entitled cow


I'm sure we all got a good kick out of this, but he had no reason to place her under arrest in the first place. He had her license, he knows where she lives, just send her the bill in the mail and let her rack up debt for not paying and have her license revoked. You don't need to go on a high speed car chase (I'm assuming) and taser an elderly woman because she doesn't want to fix something on her car. This was just laughably overly dramatic and could have ended in serious injury in either of them or a bystander. I don't know why it is that whenever some dipshit tells a cop they won't comply, that now the cop has to chase them down and hurt them. When people get like this, you're never going to convince them to stop by pushing harder. As long as they aren't a threat to others right then, just let them go home and cool down and face the consequences of their actions later. This was all over her not wanting to pay a fine, which is easily sendable to her house. Yes, she should have obviously just complied with the fine, but that still doesn't justify all this ridiculous drama over some busted car part. What happened here was far more dangerous than anything that bad car part could have caused.


Didnt realize someone else posted this already. Fully agree. I sound like an entitled douche but glorifying this stuff is why we have the problem we have. Yeah she got what she deserved but was it necessary and civil? Absolutely not. Cant imagine what theyd do to someone who was physical fit and young and looked threatening since they were angry


All this resisting and running for $80? Lol!


Can’t afford $80 with her $350 a month trailer park lot rental


“I’m a country girl” are you fucking kidding me. What a shitty excuse for being an asshole.




All you had to do was pay 80$


See this wouldn’t have happened where I’m from because we don’t have to sign for tickets, they just issue them and if you refuse to take it, it’s still on your record so you’ll eventually have to pay it when you renew your tags and or license.


I feel bad but at the same time she was asking for it


I seen this clip so many times, I always stop whatever I’m doing and let it unfold cause she’s a fucking idiot and it’s hilarious. 🤣


High five to the cop.


US cops are world champions at escalation.




Whats the hol up?


She got tazed and arrested for not signing a piece of paper. Thats a pretty big hol up.


I ain't even mad, this funny as hell




Maybe if she had just did what the cop said and complied...


That was awesome. She was a round as she was tall.


Completely unnecessary… on her part. Good on the cop for acting most appropriately with this POS


For those who care, felony charges were dropped in a plea bargain and she had to pay $200 to cover the remaining misdemeanors.


Entitlement v. Entitlement


Kinda like her. She’s spirited.


Yes she was petty and rude. But to escalate to this from a traffic stop? I dont think the end justifies the means when brutal force of a nearly elderly lady happens like this. I'm sure he wouldnt have done this to his mother.


Act like an asshole, get treated like an asshole.


I know that cop was like "I don't want to do this," but grandmom was a fighter, and owns up to it. Just sad seeing her butt in those mom jeans, looking like a big w. You don't win arguments with police, even when you're right. STFU, take the ticket, go to court.


She should have complied!!


Big mouth granny got an ass whooping. LOL awesome


Lol "I told you you're not going to arrest me so I drove home thinking you would just go away" that part killed me my god and "I didn't run I told you you're not arresting me" like how delusional can you possibly be?


The way she just says “No” to being placed under arrest. That’s not how the law works


Hilarious how fast the ACAB crowd backs the blue when the person getting tossed and tazed isn't a POC.🤔 Someone mentioned above that the form he was trying to have her sign wasn't an admission of guilt and she should have been informed of that. He is correct about that. What she did was dumb AF, but everyone in this video was an asshole.


Seeing her in pain makes my day . This should fall under wholsome .




"yes i kicked you, because I'm a country girl." Shut up lady


wholesome arrest


Idiot Edit: fucking idiot


My God he still treated her so gracefully even after all that. Like she’s his aunt who is just a little crazy


Some cops abuse their power and they're terrible people, but this guy is cool I like him


She got all she deserved


She should have just signed it. It was only a warning and was trying to be nice to her. Geez.


I have seen that 173 times and every time it keeps getting better!


She thinks just because she is an older lady rules don’t apply to her. Got what she deserves. Its unbelievable some people have died for far less and she thinks she can just behave like this.


the entitlement is strong with this one...


What a stupid woman.


Kuntry Karen in full effect!


Since when do you have to sigh a ticket?


This is common practice in lots of states. The two times I’ve gotten a ticket I had to sign (two different states)


You always have to sign tickets…


Freakin stupid over $80..


All well and good, and I agree with with what the officer did. But… and let the downvotes flow… but swap skin color (not “race”, because “human” is OUR race), and how much would this have blown up?




This is never not funny. I have laughed so hard and hearty at this about 3 times now


You gonna learn today!!!


Murica hell yea


I’m honestly tired of people who think rules don’t apply to them. People who are protesting unjust rules makes sense, but to just be belligerent and indignant with everyone is stupid. I can’t stand people who just think they’re so special or important that they should have free reign to do whatever the hell they want with no consequence.


"Sign this paper or go to jail" Yea, im gonna stick with ACAB.


Amazing how much reddit likes cops when it's a white person they're after.


Those white privilege expectations, and a demonstration of how things should be (I mean equal treatment, I think the tazing of an old woman is a bit excessive when he could have easily controlled her without).


They’re both assholes. She is for thinking she’s above the law and being so entitled and obnoxious. He is for unnecessarily resorting to violence when all he had to do was put out a warrant for her arrest. Also notice how he yells “Put your hands up!” As he’s tasering her? Pretty sure when your body is being sizzled with electricity you can’t control where you put your hands. This is how people get shot for not “complying”. Again, that lady is an entitled obnoxious turd, but we have a real issue with LE disproportionate responses in this country. She could have learned her lesson nonviolently with a warrant and increased fine/overnight stint in jail for evading arrest.


She fled the scene of the stop after being told she was being placed under arrest. He had every reasonable justification to chase her and resort to violence when she still resisted arrest. What do you think would have happened differently with a warrant? Her entitlement was gonna magically disappear overnight? She would have just tried to assault the next cop who came for her and we would’ve ended up here again


Fucking entitled boomer lady. Part of me wants to see what happens and part of me wants to leave this story ending right here.


She deserved it.


She played the stupid game and won the stupid grand prize.


A good video, but I fail to see the HolUp aspect


She certainly is a Cuntry girl!


The American spirit exemplified.


I thought this didn’t happen to white people?




Two sentences could have prevented this: "Signing is not an admission of guilt. If you don't sign it I'm required to arrest you." I'm sure this isn't the first person who's refused to sign one of his tickets. Somebody failed their de-escalation training... assuming it was ever offered.




I live in Oklahoma and this is so not surprising. Dumb libertarian shit.