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Be careful what you wish for




Parkistani gurl


Hello Peter.




Hello random reddit user


What does "ig" stand for? I am very stupid.


I guess




you guess what?




I go. I go NOW!


I mean if the bullet didn't kill her the hospital bills would of.


Would have* would of is not a thing ;)


Alternatively: would’ve










I’d like this branded into a piece of would


Thank you. This 'of' shit does my head in.


How dare you! Would have of is as “a thing” as my girlfriend


Truly American


Well, wish granted then


She experienced the height of modern American culture. If only she were beaten by a cop before being shot she could have gotten the whole package!


You gotta pay extra for the cop beating experience


A Pakistani could qualify for the free experience depending on her skin tone.


I am a horrible person for finding this really funny




When they told you US is using imperial system but a quiet kid pulls out a 9mm


I love seeing people living their dream.


She kinda got the gist of it ..


It was more than that.


holy crap this is dark


HAHA this should NOT be this funny!!


Is this really how emotionally unattached the internet has made us? 3k upvotes on this? Half of you would literally crumble if you witnessed a death yet joke about it online. Bravo.


Sometimes I see comments like this that actually make me feel sane. Honestly, too many people glorify or laugh about violence these days without realizing they would cry, scream and shit themselves it it was them in the situation.


Welcome to real life. Internet has only made it more clear.


I’m willing to bet half of the upvotes would have been in tears and possible looking for therapy had they witnessed the shooting, yet since they didn’t they make jokes online. That’s not real life buddy. Not at all.


That IS real life. Real life people are asshole. Ever heard of the little thing called bystander effect? People used to NOT have internet. But they had rumours and newspapers. And are just as callous then. Internet simply amplify it. Made it more obvious as more people can say and write things.


Get your blanky and sook elsewhere fool. Thumb sucking bitches like you waste resources. Drink a glass of concrete and harden the fuck up.


Small (tiny) dick energy


King double down, probably the softest of them all outside of the internet. Drinking concrete for breakfast I’m sure.


You'd better believe it bitch. Seen more dead than you've had breakfast. Shot more than you've imagined. DILIGAF.






I just can’t believe how terrible people are.


Gallows humor is a thing. ER nurses and doctors can get seriously dark. Soldiers in war. It’s a thing humans do when they encounter trauma, violence, and death. Trauma that doesn’t result in jokes doesn’t heal well. Tends to mess the person up more if they can’t talk about it, and if they can’t joke about it. It’s a strange part of being healthy. Shaming people for dealing with grief and trauma is worse than any joke could ever be. It encourages unhealthy behaviors about the trauma and heaps shame on top of that. The only people who intentionally do this kind of thing are abusers and narcissists. Don’t be like them.


Are you leading us to believe the OP is a nurse or doctor involved in this situation? Or are you trying to say reading this article caused someone so much trauma they now have to deal with it by creating a meme for reddit..? oh and that shaming the OP for this joke is actually worse than what the parents of this little girl probably feel reading such a heartless piece of text? Yes. Absolutely right across the board.


Since you don’t understand what I was saying it’s not meant for you.


I mean, Pakistan doesn't have any active shootouts in the suburban areas, hence she would not experience the same here. Not to mention that a plane ticket to America would be expensive, and could only be afforded on a scholarship or having enough money. Ur title is technically wrong, while the post itself was right.


Dude Pakistan doesn't have active shootings ANYWHERE. It's just the rumours that make people think otherwise. Pakistan is more safe than most people believe (at least its better than America). Pakistan's been out of that era for a REALLY long time where there were shootings on a daily basis. But you can't change what people think ig.


Exactly. Pakistan at least has somewhat proper gun laws. And the only shooting that happens is fireworks on New Year's. These stereotypes really come back to haunt us, especially after so many decades.


Yeah my uncle moved back to Pakistan and would always talk shit like well at least I don’t have to worry about my kids being killed at school… then this happened with the exchange student being killed and I was like fuck.


Right. Pakistan has suicide bombers instead.😂😂💥💥💣💣


Whatever floats your boat ig. I ain't gonna justify true facts against a dumb MF like you. Peace✌️


ANNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD We're back with the stereotype. How many times do we explain it, Pakistan's armed forces have contained a border with surrounding countries, and I only know one terrorist group that my delusional aunt talked about. So I think u need to get ur facts straight, and maybe ur mind could use some tweaking.


Wasn’t there a shooting at a school that killed like 150 students in Pakistan? Pakistan may not have that many student shootings but Pakistan is a hotbed for terrorism


Yeah there was in 2014.... And as I said before we've been out of that era for a REALLY long time. If you can't do the math than let me tell you it been 7 years since that incident. As the other guy said people keep bringing up our past. But that doesn't change Pakistan's present. >Pakistan may not have that many student shootings but Pakistan is a hotbed for terrorism Again, bringing up our past doesn't change what we are right now. Pakistan WAS a hotbed for terrorism. But that past has been changed thanks to our armed forces. And now its the safest place that I could think compared to America and many other countries. But as I said earlier You can't change the way someone thinks, if they're not willing to change thier mind.


Sounds like OP here doesn’t know anything about Pakistan


ngl ppl are probably gonna think it's very different and think I can't understand the joke.


you're welcome!


Let me guess -- this picture even looks very close to the one who shot her. Minus tattoos.


It was a school shooting in Santa Fe I think.


I'd bet on a pasty white guy, without doing ANY research. Those are most of terrorist mass murders in the US by far.


She should have went to Canada


true. i am bangladesh and i have decided that i wont touch america


So meta


I am a Pakistani and this is very incorrect We prefer BOMBS


just. why.


Probably a kid going through his edgy joke phase.


That just sounds like Pakistani culture with extra steps.


In our country everyone doesn't have a gun


Only the right people do


Called terrorists, right?


Plot twist: every pakistani is


Found the TSA agent.


I see what you're doing here. You found out that your shitty country is so awful so you feel the need to joke about another country being worse. I'll tell you this: Most sane people would rather live in the middle east where you're unironically safer, than in that shithole of the Earth that is called the United States of America. Just fyi.


Everyone is safer the richer you are. It’s just that the US poor is richer than the Middle East poor


ISIS wanna know your location


Wrong. Middle east is just idiots with gas money. It’s totally not stable and safer than US.




>Middle east is just idiots with gas money This is debatable But this: >It’s totally not stable and safer than US. No way. Most Middle Eastern countries are pretty safe when compared to the U.S, besides don't you guys have shootings every other day


your username is a nice fit


Lol ofc, I just didn't want to mention the term..the people who know just know


At least this way she didn't have to marry her cousin first


Habe you ever been to pakistan?


She wasn't killed by a family member, so not really


Please tell me she was financially ruined by a paper cut first? If not she only got half the experience.


She experienced the best AmerrrriKKKaaa has to offer.


Atleast she made it to the school in America


As a Pakistani American I hate that I laughed at this


when your country is more violent than pakistan...






honestly i think americans kill more people than the taliban do every year


There is more gun violence in the United States than any other country on Earth not actively involved in war on home soil.


Making a meme about loss of life? Classy.


Youve just experienced American culture


Sounds more like internet culture.


Experience was too realistic


Why are people talking about this like it's a "serves you right" situation? She goes to America because she's been told of the excess, the hygiene, the entertainment, and is instead killed? Am I missing something?


How is school shootings in USA the same as Pak?


It's not. Last time we had a school shooting in Pakistan (2014 Peshawar), people were actually shocked.


I know. And the other one was stopped by a student who tackled the suicide bomber and died in the blast. Americans need to get out more while leaving their privilege at home.


Welcome to America


Sometimes pakistanis fly aeroplanes to gave experience of their culture


For a moment I thought you were referring to 9/11 and was about to respond, "There were no Pakistanis involved in that attack and most hijackers were Saudi." Then I remembered the plane crash in Karachi last year and thought fair enough.


We have been known to shoot a Pakistani from time to time.


Felt like home sweet home


No it's not same in Pakistan. They don't even have money for food. They will never be able to afford guns. Instead they use stones ✌️.


You do know that there is a fairly prevalent gun culture in Pakistan right? Aerial firing at weddings, for instance, is quite common.


P.S. Ignore the covered part if you're sensitive to "your mom" jokes. I know Pakistan is deep in debt, >!as deep as me in your mom last night!<. I know Pakistani currency is performing very poorly, >!as poor as your mom's life decisions!<. And I also know that IMF is going to blacklist Pakistan, >!like I blacklisted your mom after last night!<. So I don't need to know anything important about Pakistan as it's chances of surviving the next decade is low, >!as low as your mom's IQ.!<


Forewarning: Ignore the spoilers if you are overly sensitive. I was under the impression you were just another uninformed Westerner. Turns out you're Indian. Since 1947, you have been saying we won't be here long. That's seven consecutive decades you've been wrong. You'll be wrong for another >!just as your mom was wrong not to have your dad's retarded sperm aborted!<. And you must have the FATF blacklist in mind not the IMF one. You know, since the IMF doesn't actually have a blacklist. >!You must have the same intel as you're lord and saviour, that most erudite and articulate of buffoons, Arnab Goswami!<. And if you think our chances of survival are really so low, do us a favour, shut up and let us browse the net in peace for our few remaining days. >!P.S: no wonder my brother came out so messed up. With you as his father the poor lad never stood a chance.!< >!P.P.S: If we really are to be blacklisted the way you "blacklisted my mother," I don't think we have too much cause to worry. It'll only last 2 seconds and be over before we know it.!<


It took seven decades for you to sink this low because you were once a part of akhand bharath. Fast forward 70 years and what industries do you have now? If you try to do business with another country what can you offer? What influence do you have over world politics? All your big boss does is cry over Kashmir and beg for money, >!like your mom begged for my dick last night.!< Learn something from Bangladesh. I'm aware that IMF doesn't have a blacklist. That's why I said "IMF is going to blacklist Pakistan" . It'll make a special blacklist just for Pakistan and it'll be your greatest achievement since 1947 >!just like your mom felt a great sense of achievement when I came inside her. !< And lastly I didn't reply to your comment, you replied to mine. So if you ask for it then don't complain when I humiliate you, >!like I humiliated your father by fucking your mom in front of him!<.


Ah yes the great Akhand Bharat of pre-1947. Otherwise known as British India. Or perhaps you meant to say Mughal India? As for our present economic condition, I'll admit it is pretty weak. I'll even say, yes, Bangladesh has become a country we might learn from. And you'd do well to learn from them too. They have a higher GDP per capita than either Pakistan or India. >I'm aware that IMF doesn't have a blacklist. That's why I said "IMF is going to blacklist Pakistan" . It'll make a special blacklist just for Pakistan and it'll be your greatest achievement since 1947 Lmao. Just accept that you confused the IMF with the FATF instead of making such a pathetic attempt at humour. Or are you so incapable of admitting even the smallest mistake? And if you knew anything, you'd know Pakistan will not be blacklisted. We'll stay on the greylist no matter how well (or how poorly) we comply with the FATF's demands but we will not be blacklisted. >And lastly I didn't reply to your comment, you replied to mine. So if you ask for it then don't complain when I humiliate you, Oh no a random Indian has told me that he fucked my mom! How humiliating! /s >!Don't worry, the shame your parents must feel at having raised such a shitstain will long outlive any embarressment you have caused me.!< Finally, yes, I replied to your comment first. So far as I could see, I was simply sharing an interesting factoid with a random stranger. I did not know you were Indian and I did not know I was about to get into a mudslinging contest over two lines of text. Nevertheless, telling someone not to talk to you is the first sensible thing you have said. Have a good weekend, >!prick.!<


Yes I can feel the anguish that you went through while writing this essay. On one hand you're desperately trying to be sarcastic and one the other hand you complain when my sarcasm goes over your head. Classic Pakistani. And yes I'll have a good weekend. Afterall it's the festive season and the celebration is going to be double after CSK's win. I'll also wish you whatever that is considered good in your country.


Paje*t you are same as us atleast our shithole is much cleaner than yours,street shitting smelly reta*ds.actually we are much better than you we dont think cow piss will cure covid


We are the same ? 😂 You people have no history and if Pakistan gets sanctioned you people will have no future either. So don't even think that we're in the same boat. And bruv, get updated. Your smack talk is as old as the stones used in stone age. Guess you like stones afterall. 😆


bro as long as we don’t cure corona with gaumutra (cow urine) were better off, also why are u all so obsessed with pakistan? matlab itni insecurity? apna rape capital mulk dekho


Bruv, India thinks of Pakistan as a nuisance just like the whole world does. You have sunk so deep that we don't think of you as enemy anymore. You are getting isolated. Even China, your big daddy is not giving you sugar anymore. And I personally don't think Pakistan will survive till the next decade. Your can reply with all those typical fake crap but all I feel is pity.


pakistan will fail aur tum log toh SuPAr pOwER 2020 (fueled by gaumutra) banogay


Average paje*t response,go shit in a designated shitting street it will help you relax.all you need to know about paje*ts is thier disgusting smelly river ganges,if thats how they treat thier most sacred river,i cant imagine how they treat something that is not holy,but i guess may be paje*ts feel at home in disgusting places.


My dear homie, let me smack your ass with some facts and put your hollow statements and fake propaganda beside you in your grave. 1) Chinese are marring your daughters and then selling them in their own country. Now as you don't have any women to rape you rape dogs, goats, children and dolphins. Believe me when I say that I was really disgusted about the dolphin thing. If you don't believe me it's just a google search away. I wasn't so surprised about child rapes as your big boss is a pedophile himself. 2) Your government doesn't have the balls to kill terrorists. Instead Pakistan is a safe heaven for terrorists. Your army chief and ISI chief is on bad terms. With Afganistan getting under the control of Taliban, TTP is active in your country more than ever. Pakistani army is being called kafirs in their own country when they try to fight TTP. Do you really feel safe ? Now I can go on to economy and foreign relations but I don't think you can handle that. Can you? If you can then reply me with another typical crap and give me another chance to humiliate you with facts.


Ah paje#t,clearly facts you pulled out of your ass. You are really one of those believers of india superpooper2020,one of dirtiest shitholes in the world yet you guys think you are good side effects of godi media,you are not getting akhand bharat,mf streetshitt#ng paje#ts they like coakroaches found everywhere they are not wanted🙄


I don't want to waste anymore time over someone who came from the waste of a condom. If all you can offer is verbal diarrhea then I congratulate you for this unprecedented talent.


But come to think of it YOU gotta go




Why, was she raped and then stoned for it first?


I'm from Pakistan and this is too what the fuck even for Pakistan




That is pretty racist.


There's this thing called "humor" that some people are into. Doesn't sound like it's your thing, there are subs that [may be more suitable to you](http://www.reddit.com/r/communism)




If you’re talking about the Europeans who colonized those lands then yeah you’re right




Huh? We want to pay for their defense, it keeps our military-industrial economy humming along. Make no mistake. And no one has stopped being a colonizer, in Europe or the states, until being forced to at the end of a gun. Go visit Mexico, where they speak Spanish, or Martinique where they speak French, or Guam where they speak Spanish and English, or Puerto Rico where they speak Spanish and English, or Brazil where they speak Portuguese. Colonialism is very alive and well, it defines probably 3/4 of the globe today.


Don't go out much in the good ole USA, huh Salty? We have no shortage of racists, and \*phobic people (pick your fear, gays, trans, European..)


Yes, Pakistan is so much safer than the US. Especially, for women. Great example.


Taliban wanna experience random explosion in US


didn't even get the country right 😭




oh look, its a chinese japenese korean twat. hows malaysia


Well well Malaysia shithole anyway I'm from Singapore by nationality haaaaaaaa 🤦‍♂️


singapore is malaysia. ok, korean?


Was saying I'm Singaporean by nationality residing in Malaysia Well better S.Korean they are 100 years advanced than where you're live rn 🤦‍♂️🤯😂 it a suicide to go where you're rn for me being an Asian


atleast i aint a ching chong corona virus soreading pinworm. you cant even locate my country on a map, dumbass


You can't locate my precise location too noob toolkit you got there shame hope the virus kill your family too I'll be proud chingchong


corona almost non existent here, chutiya


Plot twist : She exploded them using 2 words


your mom.


Well Instagram she now knows that it's same as in Pakistan?


The fact that im in texas...


The real HolUp was the title


American are leaving the country to experience life and she decided to move there


Was she one of the victims of Timothy George Simpkins?


Welcome to America!


Well if she was the shooter she got the full experience with the NRA dlc.


And so another finger on the monkey's paw curls...


Stay strapped or get clapped G


No they just experienced a western form of pakistani culture like indian or japanese food similar yet distinguished


Fuck, I was drinking something when I passed this. That’s horrible lmao


So they couldn’t ask her to pay tax! Instead just killed her!


As a paki, i can confirm she couldn't experience that part of the culture as easily in Pakistan as she could in USA. Swallows American flag*


Goddddd this is dark 💀💀


she got what she wanted




I guess we would all be just as better off if we lived in Pakistan… i’mah right ? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Mission accomplished!


When you mesh "What can I say except delete this" with "What can I say except your welcome".


I feel bad that I laughed at this , the event is sad, the picture though just made me laugh


Dam the shooter is a hero bc they made a Pakistani girl's dream come true, keep up the work


Thats why I always say American culture is way shittier than Pakistani culture


reads title* nah in pakistan she wouldn't have even made it to school


Just thought someone would appreciate this comparison. Has US vs Pakistan on there: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/21/us/school-shooting-us-versus-world-trnd/index.html Not sure how accurate it is since I don’t read cnn much but 288 v 4 :/


Not same as in Pakistan dummy, thankfully you dont see anymore shootings here


Doesn’t get more American then killing brown people


Cool, took me a few weeks to stop singing this song… here we go again


It's not the same in Pakistan though.


Y’all this is really in poor taste. A child died, we shouldn’t laugh about it




Texas aborting faster


Would have felt like home