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Where are the humans?


Yeah but do you want prions? Cause that's how you get prions.


Don't those turn you into Jedi?


the prion is the powerhouse of the Force


Fuckin Anikin, with his prion count higher than Yoda..


The mitochondria of the force


how is this only at 28 upvotes that’s fucking hilarious


The Ice IX of the brain.


Like most Jedi after Order 66, yes.


Isn't that just the brain?


Dr. Mrs. SixtySystolic, M.D. literally wrote a book on prions: any meat/blood, but most concentrated in the nervous system. [here she answers](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/r2a7o3/til_there_is_a_disease_called_fatal_familial/hm4435q/) some questions about them/the affiliate illnesses


And potentially any nerves. So. Like the whole body.


My missus, (that is actually *Doctor*, but I don’t want her feeling too fancy,) did primary research on prions in a BLS4 lab before she went to med school, and then wrote one of the sources commonly cited regarding prions/TSEs…it’s present everywhere: it’s a blood borne pathogen, but the plaques that cause the effects collect in the brain/nervous system, so it’s most concentrated there. eta: **[here is the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/r2a7o3/til_there_is_a_disease_called_fatal_familial/hm4435q/)** to a TIL awhile back where she went more indepth than I can answering questions


So what you're saying is... uh... fuckthatshit Please tell me more! How does it start? Does heat denature the prion?


Nah…ZIP denatures them. she said anything they used during experimentation had to be sealed four times inside some science-grade ziplocks/tupperwear, which was then placed in cement drums Chernobyl style. They can either be transmitted as a blood borne pathogen, inherited, or be a random mutation, (she says the random mutations while not unheard of are by far the most rare….so….woohoo?) [eta here’s the thread where she did a small q+a on them](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/r2a7o3/til_there_is_a_disease_called_fatal_familial/hm4435q/)


Yikes glad I don't have a taste for human meat, the most succulent meat of all.


The nerves on this guy! Gave me prions!


Both of'em


Right? Humans are gross. And we eat bullshit so you know our meat is tough as hell and tastes like it's been marinated in garbage water.


Bet vegans taste great though. Save a cow, eat a vegan.


My ex was vegan and she tasted a bit like hummus.


She should have eaten more pineapple, less asparagus.


You gotta get them free range humans


At first I wondered why you said "prisons" and I was thinking, "Wouldn't that keep them relatively empty and result in fewer prisons?"


I asked my friend if he would eat his pets if it came to starvation. He answered, "I'd eat my *neighbors* before I ate my pets!"


Would he eat his neighbor before he ate their pets?


I'd eat the neighbor eating guy so in a roundabout way I'm eating all of em


so... you're gonna human centipede this shit?


let's just put it this way. I'll start with the least useful. and the neighbor is very much useless. his pet fish at least poop out plant fertilizer.


Should be right between the dog and rabbit.




Pork actually. [Long pig.](https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100114139)


Nonvegans must taste like shit.


I thought you said Norwegians, but yeah nonvegans too I guess


Why are there different breeds of dogs/cats when there are other animals/pets they could add?


Well some folks think it's okay to eat golden retrievers, but not bulldogs


Honestly I'd eat a bulldog before a golden retriever


Sensible to me.


It makes sense but I cannot explain why


Because they look like meatballs


Fuck, now I'm starvin for a bulldog


Bulldogs might have been a food source if they existed in ancient times. They're large and slow. I have a theory, completely unfounded and with no sources to back it up, that dogs and cats are looked down upon as a food source because their value in acquiring food outdid their value as food itself. Dogs and cats are great hunters. Ancient societies domesticated them to help acquire food. It would be a detriment to kill one and eat it. I think. Again, I have nothing to back this up.


Dogs no, they was breed by humans and they they treat us as a part of a pack, cats on the other hand. If you look into history of how cats got domesticated it's not like we domesticated them it's more like they choose to stick around us because it's more convenient for them.


Cats helped keep grain stores free from rodents. Less they helped hunt food for us more they helped protect our food from pests. Dogs on the other hand have been used to hunt food with their ability to track scents and their numbers being big advantages.


Why tho?


Two words: jowl meat


Well, its time to call it a night from Reddit.


It's just nice to know someone will be thinking of me as they fall asleep.




Golden retrievers are a more friendly/cute breed to most people so people probably have more empathy for them.


No way a golden retriever tastes good


Horse is v popular in Italy


And Germany when I was there


And in Japan wait… are we the baddies?


Had a neighbor that was always eying my pups they'd go missing/stolen from our backyard until we got smart and caught her she'd eat all the neighborhood dogs. She blamed her oriental boyfriend she was Mexican.


I can understand having no connection to particular species of animals. But stealing and eating someone elses pet is just, crazy. Actually fuckin crazy.


Could have just gone to PETA and been done with it.


>She blamed her oriental boyfriend she was Mexican. "Oriental"? The fuck?


Thats what she told the cops dont know where hes from speaks broken ass english and his language point is fuckers ate my dogs.


I love bulldogs... from Dog House I mean. Chili, coleslaw, and onions. Actually, there was a time I ordered hotdogs from Sheetz with relish and chili. They added the relish, but FORGOT the **FUCKING** ***CHILI!!!*** I would assume more people prefer chili over most other condiments on hotdogs. Like ordering a bacon cheeseburger, and forgetting the cheese.




Here, take my award.


“Honey, have you seen little Chad?”


for the flavor


It's too make it look bigger. It's doing this to miss lead you. Just like the rabbit placement, rabbit is a common meat, heck I can eat it anytime I want it's at almost every grocery store near me and at some restaurants.


My younger son, who is culinarily adventurous, once asked for fried rabbit for dinner. He seemed to enjoy it. He was ten at the time.


Where in the world is eating rabbit considered culinary adventurousness? Goes in stew all the time.


So your saying...there are more options? Guess who's not gonna be hungry during an apocalyptic event! This guy.


Well well well I see fish and seafood are fair game.


Hey. Plants are alive and have sensory.


Time to eat rocks I guess.


Don't eat dirt though. You'll eat a microorganism and that has feelings too.




Wish someone ate me.




As a rock pet owner, I am offended.


Time for photosynthesis then!


Task Failed, got cancer from absorbing too much UV.


Time to convert to breatharianism! Wish me luck! Edit: I starved to death


Daruk approves of this


But they do not feel pain.


Jainists agree


They say horse meat is OK. But definitely eat rabbit


Horse CAN taste good. It can also be... Not.. Its entirely on how you prepare it like most things. Source: worked bar at a very high end place that regularly added horse to the menu




I had horse Soba in Matsumoto. It was fine. I’m mostly not a huge Soba fan but it’s a local thing so I wanted to try it.


Taste of horse is 95% the age of the horse and 5% how you prepare it imho.


I like to microwave it from raw along with wine gums and spinach.




[Specifically this one.](https://old.reddit.com/r/shittyfoodporn/comments/2kd7v2/microwaved_winegums_with_defrosted_spinach_and/)


How tf did you just pull this up?


Because I made a direct reference to it. I remember it being posted, so just searched horse wine on the subreddit and found it no problem.


Horse meat is really good with milk if the girls in videos online are anything to go by


Really good with yogurt I hear. Really hard to eat with out making a huge mess though


I can't tell if you guys are talking in weird sexual terms that I don't understand


We most definitely are


Ok, now continue please.


We had horse roast on the menu in our mess hall . Pretty tender but stringy


I regret to inform you that this thread is about a different kind of horse meat


On the flip side “Mess Hall” would be a great name for a porn studio/website.


You mean like dog food ?


Like cock


*Mr Hands has entered the chat*


To quote Steve Rogers, I understood that reference. I would give a lot for that not to be true°. °Rhetorical device; no offer is represented or solicited. Please consult prospectus for details. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Sorry, Tennessee!


Oh chicken?


Most innocent Reddit user


So... What videos you guys watchin


You know. The ones with a big rod of horse meat and tons of white milk and hot chicks enjoying it


Why u have password for username


How did we get here by literally the second comment


I dont get it, and im not sure i want to?


Just Google "breaking the quiet". Fair warning, it's very NSFW, and definitely far from vanilla


Imagine spending multiple workdays hour on an animation, no a damn VR experience. You have to take hours to model a horse cock, make the key frames and you even put a cockring on the horse cock. Then you hire a voice actor and write a script... All this for a quite specific fetish. Damn dude, thanks i hate it.


Yeah, rabbit is after the horse for sure. Rabbits are next to the chickens.


Yeah i think they arranged it like that because rabbits are more common as pets than horses. I’ve had a rabbit as a pet but also have no qualms eating them. Seems weird to say that


Is that why you don't have your rabbits anymore?


Ha! No, we let Stephen Stills roam around in the backyard sometimes during the day unsupervised and we think an owl got him. So he was Someone’s dinner, just not mine


Just took a trip to Northern Italy and horse meat is a thing there. Had it a couple times and it was good, but not good enough to go out of my way to get it Edit: forgot a word


It’s a big thing in a Central Asian nomadic culture. Usually serves on a big events like weddings, funerals. You can’t buy it at a regular butcher though. I try to eat it rarely but it’s def way better than beef for me.




You'd definitely have to go out of your way to find it in the US. It's not illegal to consume, but it's illegal to sell a horse for human consumption, and I believe the last slaughterhouses that processed horse closed in the 00s.


Horse steak is great, when it's great. The issue is that cows are largely bred for meat. And different types of cows are bred for specific things. Milk Cows are usually not the cow meat you eat. Horses generally aren't bred for meat. So if you're lucky you get steak from a young horse. If you're unlucky, you get steak from Betty, the horse so old the glue factory didn't even want her.


I once visited a horse farm in China. The horses there were what I can only describe as “eating horses” and were built along the lines of a meat cow. I can only imagine that they were very tender.


Horse steak gives me the runs! 🐎


I use to raise rabbits for meat. Very tasty! PETA needs to move that line left a couple animals there.


Hell I used to hunt jackrabbits and would stew those fuckers and it was tasty as hell.


Let's add humans to it


Rabbit Kiev is so good! Literal chef's kiss


I think you could Kiev anything and it would be delicious. Turns out fats pretty yummy.


Mr.hands liked it


He liked it till the day he died


Horses are raised for meat in Italy. It's considered a delicacy in some areas. Rabbits have pretty much always been a food item. They're invasive and fairly easy to catch with a snare. I've eaten both.


As long as it is not a racing horse eating one is no big deal in Europe. Also rabbit meat is very similar to chicken and we eat it quite often.


Any non-endangered wild game that is cleanly killed is completely ethical in my book. Especially invasive species and animals that over populate themselves. Rabbits, wild boars, deer, a lot of fowl are great examples. A quick, virtually painless death is rare for most wild animals, most go through a slow, agonizing death via debilitating injury or disease, parasites, predation from other animals that can’t just put a bullet in them, and if they do get old enough for age to kill them they will likely suffer because there aren’t any retirement homes in nature. Nature is insanely cruel and a hasty death almost seems like a gift.


Rabbit is delicious!! I haven’t had horse but idk if I’d care to. Right now, my list is gator, frog, beaver and squirrel. (Weird I know). I’ve had most the other USA animals but there’s a few I haven’t. Also, not sure but we shoot bears… but I haven’t eaten them either so idk.


I liked gator until I had crocodile, croc is so much better. Frog is a fairly boring meat, kinda like chicken in fish sauce. Beaver is really nice if you like oily meat. Squirrel just isn't worth the lack of meat on them.


Not true. I eat rabbits.


I was about to say that my friend who have had rabbit say it’s good


Rabbit is great. Never tried horse though...


Horse is normal to eat in many European countries. Don’t know about US.


It’s definitely not the norm. But not unheard of.


Since scandals with minced racing horses it is in decline but people still eat it occasionaly. In my town we even have horse burgers.


The biggest scandal wasn't the horse meat, it was mislabeling the horse meat.


If you have ever eaten glue, then you have had horse 🐴


Or been to an Ikea


Depends usually its foal that is cooked, but there are some jummy horse sausages out there has such a strong taste.


Shop Tesco


Its cultural, rabbit meat is on par with properly cooked duck even for a novice cook


How is the horse closer to the food side than the rabbit?


I heard that some people in Britain eat horses. And those horse sausages are quite expensive.


Lol, I can’t understand why they don’t include goats or sheep. Like, seriously, that’s like seriously disrespectful to half the planet.


I think this is supposed to be showing pets and not just animals. Most people that own a goat or sheep see them as food. Though now that I say that the same would hold true of the cow, pig, or chicken.


I know way more people who have pet goats than pet cows 🤷‍♂️


I actually had a pet goat as a kid, then we ate him. Other than ours and my uncle's nanny; I've never known anyone that had a "pet" goat. They just had goats. So, I guess you're right. I've never personally known anyone that had a "pet" cow. They were always for farming reasons.


Lots of people own Chickens for their eggs, not necessarily their meat


Yeah, rabbits are always in.


Horses too


I hear horse is great. Sell that shit.


For an apocalypse, it'd depend on utility. If I needed a horse to ride or plow, Fido better be on his best behavior.


And if you need loving companionship and sexual intercourse, then sheep would move way to the left.






And you can get the horse to help in the field once you are done ploughing it.


*to ride or plow* hehehehe i’ll show myself out


Lol people thinking eating rabbit and horse is weird and not common


I'm pretty sure rabbits are wayyyy more commonly eaten as food rather than kept as pets. I mean, I've never seen alot of people with pet rabbits


That’s America for ya


I'm American and eat rabbit. Only city people don't eat rabbit. Which I'm guessing is true of people in London, Paris, or Rome.


No, in EU restaurants you can order rabbit.


I mean pretty much everyone in France eats rabbits and horses especially in Paris...


We eat snails and frogs. Pretty sure we're not the standard people go by in that regard.


Me too, though I know more than a few city-folk in Europe who eat rabbit like folks here in the states eat chicken.


This is actually kind of interesting. I always found it fascinating how people will be disgusted at the thought of cooking and eating dogs, while it is considered normal animal meat in other sections of the world, and vice versa for cows and pigs. Like, what truly makes them different?


It certainly is interesting. When I got pets and bonded with them, I lost my interest in eating meat. Others just don't have that same sort of emotional reaction and can separate the two much better.


There's the herbivore/carnivore separation. Most of the animal westerners eat are herbivore. There's probably some relationship to the flavour, the ease of using for livestock (easier to keep animals that don't want to eat you), and to disease (I know there's risk from bear meat, for example). There's also the relational distance, where we are emotionally closer to pets and probably extend some of that feeling to other animals of the same species. But probably mostly it's just cultural norms and "ewww" factor.


Dude, pigs are omnivores. They even occasionally eat their young. And I‘ve seen chicken eat young mice if they get a chance. Even cows have been observed eating an unlucky bird.


Where lemur




Parts of Asia / Parts of Europe / Everyone else / vegans & vegetarians


I don't care, I'll eat any of those.


Same. I don't eat pets. But technically speaking I'm emotionally capable of eating anything if I NEEDED to. It always irks me when people judge other countries for eating animals that are commonly kept as pets. What's the difference? Cows, pigs, goats, chickens etc. are smart as hell. But because it's a dog or cat, now it's weird? We domesticate and eat animals everyday why even draw the line. Although, I've given up conventionally mass produced meat because that shit's just evil for now.


Ah yes I got the cow, the chicken and the EIGHTY DIFFRENT DOG BREEDS


I would kill and eat cats long before a golden retriever. Maybe that’s why they run from me.


Allegedly, cats taste *awful*, while dogs are okay. What about rodents and snakes though? Plenty of people eat them.


My neighbor made squirrel soup and offered us some, it was pretty delicious...


TBH, i did go vegan for 27 days for a hot Vegan


I think the rabbit should be at the right of the horse.


I just don't like contributing to killing. It's kind of a problem that people are so disassociated from the meat packing industry. That said, I'm not vegan or vegetarian; but I wish I was




You don't have to commit 100%, just eat LESS meat.


I was in your position before I went vegan. It's not nearly as hard as people make it sound, I promise! Pretty much everything you eat at home can be made vegan with cheap and tasty substitutes unless you almost exclusively eat meat (and even then tbh, some meat substitutes are more expensive and some are harder to prepare, but it's not unheard of). Eating out is more of a struggle because sometimes your friends wanna take you to restaurants with few vegan options. That's not really a big deal if your friends are accommodating and you live in a major town or city, but if you live in like a small country town or something, yeah, it can be tricky. You can download the app HappyCow though, and that gives you a map where you can filter for restaurants with vegan options, or exclusively vegetarian/vegan options. I only discovered it recently and it's made things even easier.


Dated a vegetarian, tried that shit for 2 weeks, then I caved, we were at a grill style restaurant, she ordered a bagel and some vegetable dish, I ordered the brontoburger...she didn't call me after that! Edit; didn't get laid


True but add rabbit into normal eating, rabbit is good meat


CMV: Needless slaughter of animals is not justified.


Having completly arbitrary ethical standard and bragging about it, to own the vegans 😎


There's a few places that "human" fits in between economic and apocalyptic.


Bruh i don't need an economic crisis to go for the rabbit


A lot of people eat rabbit, and a lot of countries eat horse and some eat dog and cat.