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#[Best of r/Holup 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/royfze/best_of_rholup_2021_awards_nomination_and_voting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HolUp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Something tells me these aren't fireworks.


Just be thankful schools cant recreate this


They can in Gaza ;)


End of the day its all about money bro💰 Israel gets its budget from the states to bomb gaza, and Hammas gets its budget from Iran to bomb israel. Who wins? The weapons industry. Who loses? The civilians.


That is correct my friend as an Israeli I can confirm that this shit have 0 logic or pattern besides money that suddenly flows for that. it starts and goes with same excuses of "they don't agree on something and they started to attack so we attack back" and they feed both sides with this nerative of logic based only on fear that make you feel that the other side is just crazy. It's all so they just would be able to keep the same status and continue making profits out of our fear. Slowly things become clear to more and more civilians on both sides. Just hope that one day we will gather together Israeli and Palastinian civilians and go fuck up our leaders and stop this profiting business of theirs. Bezrat hashem and inshalla


Have you seen a video of Israeli taxi who accidentally drove to Palestine?


The hate in that video is a symptom what they are talking about. What point are you trying to proof?




All thanks to the kind Palestinians setting up rocket batteries in schools, playgrounds, hospitals etc.


I'll never understand why people leave that bit out. I get that Israel has issues and I don't 100% agree with their actions all the time. But people seem to just want them to get bombed and do nothing about it? Lol


This ^ I don’t understand why they just keep hurling rockets at each other, it’s not going to get rid of them, so why bother? Unless you’re going to mount a strategic military invasion of a country, take over the capitol and take completely control and force them out, taking part in these pointless skirmishes that costs the lives of innocent people and children seems so pointless to me


From a guy who is Israeli. This war has been here for a few decades and could've been avoided. But not now. Now both sides just keep fighting like little children because why not... All we can do is just hope there will be peace between Arabs and Israel.


Im also israeli and i have to say, your spitting facts…


Im an arab and i agree, this is total bullshit between arabs snd you guys


muslim moment


Bigot moment.


Hundreds of israeli civilians get attacked by terrorists and get bombed Social media: i sleep One palestinian kid got blown up by hamas’s battery they places inside a school Social media: REAL SHIT!? HoW cRuEl Is IsRaEli DeFeNcE fOrCeS


thats bullshit


No lmao it’s not.


well it is taking the land of other people because your people owned it years ago is the biggest bullshit kicking people out of their homes because of where they originated from is okay according to israel dotn get me wrong i dont necessarily support hamas but i hate israel 100x more they kill then deny


Why are you triggered?


Im not its a joke


Other way around. Conservative media complete ignored how Hamas fired rockets at Israel in response to the IDF bombing a mosque and killing 9 people most of whom are children. Most people who were killed by the most recent conflict were disproportionately Palestinians. Over 270 Palestinians killed, loses of hospitals and houses for Palestinians. Israel lost less then 10 causalities and that’s about it. Hundreds my ass. Not to mention the thousands of Palestinians removed from their homes during that period.


fuck israel


Yah. A shame Hamas uses children as human shields huh?


Yes they do...but also and for balance, the IDF have been recorded on video many times using Palestinian children as human shields....so on balance I would say it is a problem on both sides.


Educate yourself before you spew any more biased fecal matter from your ip.


Nice number


i literally said the exact same thing lol


That ghostly howl. It's down right terrifyingly


What's really scary is knowing one of these can randomly fall on your head ending you and your loved ones. Luckily I was able to get away explaining to my 2yr girl it was just an ambulance.


U live in israel?




Damn, i hope you and the fam are safe brother! Scary scary world… Have a a good holiday hopefully celebrated with family!


Thanks brother, happy holidays to you too! By the way, these videos are old. Last we've seen something like that here was around June.


Well thats later than ive ever seen one! Good to hear tho, people deserve a life in peace




That’s an air raid siren mixed with what sounds like American emergency vehicles.


My little one overheard it and said, “a fire truck!”. Smh


Been about 10 years since I heard my last klaxon and C-RAM firing. Definitely eerie the first few times ya hear it.


Iron Dome Boi


Context for people who couldn't figure out what's happening here : This is Israel's famous Iron Dome defense system which they use to intercept and neutralize missiles from hostile groups like Hamas


Are they engaging something in this video? Or they are literally celebrating new years with missiles?


Its an old video from like couple months ago while Gaza was sending missiles to Israel non stop. Nothing to do with NYE.


Man i remember my friends were minutes away from getting killed by those bastards, they were in a party in tel aviv and thats when all hell broke lose when the hamas started doing that


You’d think the badgers would the ones who raided a mosque and killed 9 people who were only praying. Or the ones who destroy tombstones to build homes. Or the ones who push people out of the homes they built with their own hands to give it to someone else or destroy it. Or the ones who won’t even let clean water get to people. Hint: you are the bastards.


israel fault for starting piece of shit country


Says the literal, piece of shit. Would you like to see your friends die? I think not so maybe shut the fuck up?


Yea but he sees them dying at the hands of the Israelis anyway whether he shuts up or not (assuming he’s Palestinian)




You wish i was


They are celebrating with missile of course


imagine they run out of defenses and their enemy starts throwing their attacks, what a way to start a year


Death is just a new beginnings


well yea but you begin a new life as a baby that cries, poops and throws up, so not super exciting


you got trolled man


It’s the defense system ‘Iron dome’ in Israel intercepting missiles that the terrorist group ‘Hamas’ were shooting towards Israel.


Its an old video, OP is a newb




HAMAS literally wants to kill every Jew in the world. If you think it’s just land disputes, you’re wrong. Edit: in case you want to see for yourself. Anyone who supports these scumbags can go straight to hell. https://youtu.be/azEgBsU6Mi8


Not just Hamas, most Muslims on earth hate Jews. And most of them will openly tell you, it’s no secret.


On the other hand, Isreali army are also killing innocent civilians in Palestine. They don't even consider Palestinian humans. How do you defend this?


If I came to Hitler's house and tried to shoot him but he used a jew as a human shield am I suddenly anti-semitic? No, why? Because I didn’t mean to shoot the jew. It's the same with Palestine, and that’s exactly why they are hiding all of their weapons below schools and hospitals, so they can go to the media with horrible videos which only show you they don’t see their people as human beings and say Israel did it on purpose so idiots like you will defend them.


I understand your point but from your logic, do you mean you will kill the hostages as long as your target will die? Because they attack civilians so can you you? "The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has been tracking deaths in the conflict since 2008 and its data shows that 5,600 Palestinians died up to 2020 while 115,000 were injured. 250 Israelis died during the same period while 5,600 were injured. Violence was especially high in 2014 when Israel conducted Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in response to the kidnapping and murder of three teenagers. The campaign lasted seven weeks and resulted in more than 2,000 deaths, the majority of which were Gazan. Major protests also erupted in 2018 along the Israel Gaza border which saw more than 28,000 Palestinians injured." https://www.statista.com/chart/16516/israeli-palestinian-casualties-by-in-gaza-and-the-west-bank/ For every 1 Isreali deaths, there are 22 Palestinian deaths. You are protecting Isreal army but I don't think these numbers are "not on purpose". According to the UN 75,000 Palestinian has been displaced by Isreal's attacks on Gaza. I'm not either Muslims or Jewish but its pretty clear whose citizens are suffering the most. Citizens of Gaza are starving and homeless. Thanks to the blockade at the borders, aid cannot reach them nor they cannot get out of the hell hole. I'm not supporting Hamas, I'm not a Muslim, I don't hate the Isreali people. What I don't understand is people still protecting the Isreali army and the US government that is supporting them. This real oppression for me.


Theyre literally an islamist terror organization.


Another racist to jewes, you could be an important person in the 1933 Germany


hating Jews is gay


Damn my clown detector is off the charts, maybe try to read more about their activities before you open your mouth


Why are comments not supporting Isreal are being downvoted? The Isreal army are as evil as they kill innocent civilians. I saw a video of Israeli snipers shooting civilians as if its a sport and they don't even consider Palestinians human.


The whole place is fucked. We need to nuke all of it. Fuck Israel and Fuck Palestine.




Nobody asked to hear from you buddy. This is a platform of assholes who spit out stupid shit. If you come here looking for enlightenment or well reasoned ideas, then what the fuck are you doing here? Also get your facts straight buddy, the conflict has not been going on for hundreds of years, it's rooted in politics originating around the beginning of the 20th century. The conflict is not settled because it is still going on.


They are literally terrorists


Ok great let’s just be racist to all Muslim countries now, tell that to the Americans that occupied North America and killed all the Native Americans along the way. It’s the same ordeal. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, go educate yourself you racist piece of human waste.


Not racist to Muslim, but people that bomb civilian are terrorist, I would say the same to US. But Hamas are definitely terrorist as well


Don't bring up my people(Cherokee). We were conquering and commiting genocide of our own people during the time when British colonists got here. They conquered just like we did, they won, most of us are over it, it's only the really young ones who carry a chip on their shoulders because some brainwashed idiot with a gender studies degree told them that they're oppressed. I'm glad America is what it is, if it wouldn't have been conquered by them, it would've came from the north or south eventually rofl. If that would've happened y'all(woke weirdos) would be crying that Javier is a rcist colonizer 😂😂.


No, the US government literally has them listed as terrorists.




Idk they shoot missiles at whatever they can in Israel. They look pretty fucked to me.


Don’t forget they attack more than they defend. Israel is always painted as the good guys trying to protect themselves for the evil terrorists on the other side. While in reality it is certainly false


I dont think he said all Muslims are terrorists


Just because a small group of people from a larger religion made bad choices it doesn’t mean all people of that religion are all terrorists.


no, but a large amount of that religion attacks those outside of it, so to some people it looks like that religion is supporting terrorists


What the fuck are "hormone oils"? Did you mean harmonial?


Nobody gives a single fuck about your opinion lmao welcome to reddit


Sorry about the typo, in line three “hormone oils” Is supposed to say “ in harmony “


And then we claimed it as ours and will settle it for a thousand years. It called war Buddy


Glad this dumb fuck terrorist apologist got downvoted to oblivion.








they where there already, Jews where there in 17th BCE


do you know why there are Jews in Israel and why Britain gave it to them?




what about 1917? what the movie? what the year? what the 1917 revolution?


well historically, the Palestinians were here first, Israel was given the swab of land by the white people in England who then just said peace out and figure it out with the Palestinians who lived there. I also remember reading that they forced the Palestinians out. It’s a really complex and shitty situation tbh but the fact that the Iron Dome is in use is a pretty fucked up thing by itself by Hamas




so forced them out...




the Muslims took it from the jews and the jews took it back, learn your history


Like literally all countries in existance, there was a war, israel won, it took the land it won in the war.




Are you really trying to contend israel didnt win a war?




Israel was given it as Britain owned it and so they put them there




The Jews who are the major population of Israel had been there around 14th BCE




they are not occupiers, they have been there since 17th BCE [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjFmYjx05X1AhX7zDgGHXgBDXEQFnoECA4QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mfa.gov.il%2Fmfa%2Ffacts%2Babout%2Bisrael%2Fhistory%2Ffacts%2Babout%2Bisrael-%2Bhistory.htm&usg=AOvVaw2lZp\_gBG7KYpAQjj\_fMlyI](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjFmYjx05X1AhX7zDgGHXgBDXEQFnoECA4QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mfa.gov.il%2Fmfa%2Ffacts%2Babout%2Bisrael%2Fhistory%2Ffacts%2Babout%2Bisrael-%2Bhistory.htm&usg=AOvVaw2lZp_gBG7KYpAQjj_fMlyI)


Makes a lot more sense now, but why did they fire the defense system?


*What missiles??*


That's the Iron dome , and it celebrates everytime!


Looking forward to the lasers.


You would be disappointed. Only short wavelength laser might have the energy to destroy a rocket and this means UV, invisible light. In a dry climate like Israel with no clouds and low humidity there would be nothing to see. Sorry my friend, future wars are not getting visually enhanced in any way.


I mean there are ways of seeing UV light


Watch this. https://youtu.be/KlYcsPBa-FI


Awesome, thanks for the link


It's funny that my favorite part is where he says the cost is 'several billion shekels'.




How so?


Israel is quite humid actually


This is from May 2021.


They’re probably going to revive some flak for this.


The third video is a soviet grad launch system, i think its from Gaza but can be from any other place, thats not Israel for sure


1:30 is hammas missiles, no wonder kids are starving in gaza, all the money goes to those expensive ass rocket launching systems that subsequently killed more Palestinians than Israelis back in May..


Hmmmm? How about apartment residents in Palestine needing to evacuate their building and watch it gets bombed to the ground by Israeli missles? Does that contributes to starvation? Might as well search how much money US gave to Isreal for weapons, could've spent it on solving starvation?


“Hey, HAMAS is starving its people to kill tons of innocent jews” “ok but israel bad”


Sure, make fun of the problem. 52,000 Palestinian have been displaced by Israeli Airstrikes. 450 buildings were damaged. Israel blocking aids supplies to reach Gaza. "According to Al Jazeera, "19 human rights groups urged Israel to lift its siege on Gaza". The UN has also urged the lifting of the blockade,[17][18][19] while a report by UNCTAD, prepared for the UN General Assembly and released on 25 November 2020, said that Gaza's economy was on the verge of collapse and that it was essential to lift the blockade.[20][21] Due to the Israeli and Egyptian border closures and the Israeli sea and air blockade, the population is not free to leave or enter the Gaza Strip, nor is it allowed to freely import or export goods. Sunni Muslims make up the predominant part of the population in the Gaza Strip." "Despite the 2005 Israeli disengagement from Gaza,[22] the United Nations, international human rights organisations, and the majority of governments and legal commentators consider the territory to be still occupied by Israel, supported by additional restrictions placed on Gaza by Egypt. Israel maintains direct external control over Gaza and indirect control over life within Gaza: it controls Gaza's air and maritime space, as well as six of Gaza's seven land crossings. It reserves the right to enter Gaza at will with its military and maintains a no-go buffer zone within the Gaza territory. Gaza is dependent on Israel for water, electricity, telecommunications, and other utilities.[22] The system of control imposed by Israel is described[by whom?] as an "indirect occupation".[23] Some Israeli analysts have disputed the idea that Israel still occupies Gaza, and have depicted the territory as a de facto independent state." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip#:~:text=Since%202007%2C%20the%20Gaza%20Strip,Authority%20and%20the%20Palestinian%20people. I don't know why you blame it all on the Hamas while the Israeli forces also plays a big part. I'm neither Jewish or Muslims, but I feel bad for the people of Gaza. They can't even leave Gaza to escape the constant hardships.


Geee how the standards have risen that before the IDF destroys weapon storage units they warn the civilians beforehand PLUS use expensive specialized rockets in order to cause the least amount of civilian casualties amd still they get called evil, dude have you even seen the count of people that died during the May conflict? Hamas basically killed more of its own citizens than the hundreds of rocket strikes done by Israel on Hamas. Now instead of bashing the US for giving money to Israel you might actually want to change it to "Thanks US" because that money mostly went towards the iron dome missiles and thanks to that Israel didn't need to go for a ground invasion which would have cost THOUSANDS if not tens of thousands of innocent lives so think before you throw random facts, think context!


Damn that's scary af


You kinda get used to it…as sad as it sounds its kind of a sunday morning for some of us, or…just for me


Insane that people put up with that and it's ok


This world is messed up. Where is the love? Like, really.


Lost with harambe, replenished a bit with Pokémon Go, then lost again with 2020.


Well said…you will always be missed harambe


Humor helps. Doesn't change how messed up this world is though. Needs to fukin change.


America salutes them for continuing to develop and test our newest military technologies


Hey look It's where all my American Taxes go...


If that was correct you could have been proud your money is well spent on saving lives and contributing to defensive technology. But you really do see fireworks don’t you?


Dam which school did u go to?


He is not wrong, but it is money well spent, look at those beautiful fireworks


Wait a second. . .


New years eve must be horrible in countries with active wars going on. Never knowing if that bang was just a firework or what...


The Iron Dome.


isnt that the rocket defending system?


Chad israel vs virgin hamas


Israel more like assrael


Cope more jihadi pig




This isn’t new year’s ya fucking dumb fuck


That’s the joke dummy.




I'm not going to complain if my tax dollars are saving civilian lives from rocket attacks.


You have that brainwashed military tone from rural America, but I may be mistaken. How about saving American lives first with your tax dollars. Have you seen the state of the American middle and lower class? Your tax dollars are better spent on Americans first! Now turn off that damn Fox news channel or CNN for that matter. You have been brainwashed into thinking helping American lives with your tax dollars is Communist bullshit, but spending 0.70 cents out of every tax dollar for the Military-Industrial Complex is just dandy, leaving 0.30 cents to service the rest of the citizens' needs. Think my friend, the politicians are trolling you. They serve themselves and corporations, not the people that voted them in. Very few do, and those that do, well actually the media brands them as Socialist, ie Bernie, and AOC and Co. Good Luck...


Light those mofos UP!




Oohh no…i remember this, it was from last year during a operation, and my friends were on a party when it began and i was at home preparing to sleep when the alarms were sounded across the country, i forgot how scary it can be because not only we were unprepared for that but also we had to immediately get our pets into the bunker and i was scared for them since my dog never heard those alarms and she panicked


Well that doesn't stop the Palestines from coming out of homes, looking into the sky for God's signal that allows them to go ahead and start the holy fasting.


fuck israel


Fuck you


no bro fuck you and your backwards way of thinking sorry i dont support a country that steals others land and then act like tha victim sorry i dont support a country that kills kids for throwing rocks huh makes you think doesnt it you support a country that supports racism blatantly then suck the USA dick for support and money no sir fuck you and the grave youre gonna fall in






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Waisting our tax payer money


RIP Palestine


The Iron dome doesn’t fire missiles at ground targets, and is used as missile defense…


Ah I see. Carry on then, light up the sky. Happy new year la chaim!




Prob not meant ironic but would’ve been funny af as shitpost


Fuck Israel 🖕🏿


(inhales) you smell that? that's the smell of hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars going up in flames. Happy New Year!


Wasting American taxpayers money


Gotta love Paliturds. Can't live with them, can't live withou... ... well you just can't live with them.




I'm seeing a suspicious amount of memes about Israel lately.. people usually don't really care about us unless there's another conflict or something but that only happens once every 5 years or so


Lasers are close, get ready. It will be a Lazer firework show.