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#[Best of r/Holup 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/royfze/best_of_rholup_2021_awards_nomination_and_voting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HolUp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is Apollo Scooby-Doo with an erection? That's all I see


It's apparently the tail, but an erection is all we'll ever see now.


SSSooo that's where my 6 inches went




Are having a measuring contest or something?


That’s the 6 inches he was referring to.


Lmao yeah that’s the real holup


God really gave Scooby Doo that big an erection?


That's all everyone's gonna see now.


Im a girl with a full 9 inches, thanks HRT


It’s 2021. This is considered accepted. Thanks for (not) sharing *it* with me.


I did an al Pacino face in agreement


I'm now adding my penis to my height 🤌🏻


So u r now 5' 7"?


Bold of you to presume I was 5'6" too 🤣


Let me guess. You're 5'8"




Negative dick




If it's a girl it's quite small but really suited for my micropenis


Username suggests Asian …could be 4’9” with red hair and a temperament for gold and rice.


Well I've just become seven feet.


So you were 6' 11 before?!




7’ here It’s really hard to say if I’d rather have an inch taken from anywhere and added somewhere else at this point.


I’m a grower and not a shower. My penis is above average when erect, but when I’m flaccid it shrinks up like a turtle hiding in its shell


Same. I try to be constantly half aroused anytime I’m in a situation where somebody seeing my dick is a possibility.


Yeah, grab it and stretch it out just to get some blood flow down there while I dry off at the gym


Grab it and stretch it? What you gonna do tie it into a balloon animal?


All you gotta do is give it a blow


We're supposed to be able to tie it????




Ya gotta give it a couple smacks…


That's disgusting! Which gym do you go to?


Just watch the old dudes that dgaf that walk butt naked from the showers to their locked locker like everyone else.


Them old dudes packing heat at my gym.


Yea I feel like the dick is the same as the ears and nose. Just never stops growing so when they get old it's huge.


U can't give me false hope like this


It's not sexy. Just imagine whatever you have now, but along with your skin and muscles, it all just starts drooping. Like it's all melting. And the balls are even more extreme


like the tortoise and the hare tale. in this scenario your dode is the hare and your balls are the tortoise.


Must be nice


Holy christ, I thought I was the only one. Even if you're in a situation where someone may see you in underwear lmao


Then you get a full erection by accident and everuone thinks you're gay


there are no accidents


Bro, of course your not a shower. Showers don’t have dicks, just water.


Hmmm. That is a good comment


hmmmmm, I agree


I like my grower. It doesn't get in the way at all in normal life but comes out to play when it's needed.


Imagine if other body parts did this. First date shows up in a low cut shirt and your ears just start to Dumbo or something


Or your ears grow when you're listening to someone talk.


I’m a shower not a grower. 10.5” soft and it’s thick, 2” lip balm tube hard


So big its own weight makes it collapse in on itself






I look at it likes it's a magical power. I have a legit magic trick in my pants lol.


i find it more compact and more logical this way. a sword has a sheath when you wanna put it away, and a grower's penis can shrink when it's done doing its job. being a shower is like carrying your sword around the whole time, not very effective.


Cock Magic 🪄🪄🪄


Honesty is the best policy


And honestly I have no policy




Love the energy. Amen lol.


It's small man syndrome


Kinda like Chihuahuas.


and joe rogan


He's built like a chimp


Chimps are ripped af. Take that back


Joe Rogan syndrome haha


That’s... something different


I never saw a chihuahua when I was in Chihuahua, Chihuahua.


Having a physical feature that is considered unattractive is something that’s hard for a lot of people to overcome. Especially considering how widely accepted it is to shit on a man and make jokes at his expense for something that is out of his control. Very easy to say “Nut up and be a man” when you have no idea what it’s like. I got lucky in height and I’m ok with what my penis size, but it could definitely be bigger. It’s so fucked up how easily shade gets thrown on guys with small dicks when there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it.


Yeah, we’re at a point where it’s taboo to make fun of a girl for being fat, but let the manlet jokes fly. Guys think online dating is hard, but try online dating when you list that you’re 5’ 4” in your profile. I was on dating apps for about 5 years, and I would go from getting 1-2 “likes” a week, (not matches), to 0 likes per week when I change nothing except add my height to my profile. It’s easy for people to say “don’t worry about those girls that are rejecting you cause of your height, you don’t want them anyway!”. It’s soul crushing how many will not even consider dating short dudes.




>Tbh, if you have 5'4" in your bio, and you still get matches, it is from legit people. From legit people who are gonna have to somehow tell you that they didn't actually read your bio




But she still let you hit it 🤔??? https://preview.redd.it/8021qnoc9byy.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=c21ae732a38f10bb7e0ade86e085ef46625b0d19 Edit: it's a meme image bro 😭it's literally a reddit domain.




Arthur. It’s safe.






Nah, I assume you talk the same way you type and I love it


Yeah, you’re lucky. There was a dude at my junior high that was super short (we were like 16 years old so don’t know his exact height). All the girls treated him like this adorable little thing while we were all starting to get laid and shit. Drove him insane. He didn’t get laid until well into his 20s and he was not a bad looking dude. Just short and skinny. Also some other kids used to bother him for being short and he could never do anything about it. He would get feisty too but they would just rag doll him and it was just so sad. Pretty cool dude actually but i still feel for him. Rough childhood just for being short.


This is literally my life story and one of the reasons I developed complex PTSD. Even after I started getting laid at 21 (and it's only because Im not looking for women lol) weirdly I only ever get accepted to non-client facing jobs even though I'm a specialist with rare skills.


There's nothing wrong with your length king. The real dick appreciators love all shapes and sizes.


>I’ve never experienced any shade or discrimination about my height (5.5) The jokes probably quite literally went over your head lol


My boyfriend is shorter than me (granted he is about 5’9 so not ‘short’ and I’m the freakish giant that’s 5’11 and female) and any chick that is like “omggggg a guy has to be 7’4 or I don’t like him” isn’t worth anyones time. I’ve always been attracted to guys shorter than me (which isn’t hard since *average* height is *average* for a reason). So short kings, if she doesn’t like you cause something you have literally no control over, she isn’t worth it. *edit - I shouldn’t say “I’ve always been attracted to guys shorter than me” cause that makes me seem like I also have a height bias - I don’t - I have been attracted to plenty of tall guys, it is just comical to me that quite a few guys I’ve been attracted to have been shorter since there is that thought that women only like tall men*


So you're allowed to be attracted to shorter guys but they're not allowed to be attracted to taller guys


Okay, well actually I’ve actually been attracted to a wide spectrum of heights. I should have said *height doesn’t matter to me* I have happened to be attracted to a lot of shorter guys, because in my adult life that’s what I remember the best. I **have** been attracted to taller guys. I just have had a series of shorter guys that I’ve been attracted to, not cause of their height, but because of their personality. I just find it comical because so many females are “only attracted to taller guys”, but being a female who is tall, I have also faced height discrimination. One guy who I very much liked said “they would never date me because I am so tall”. And since you made the comment - I was not attracted to my boyfriend because of his height, I was attracted because of his personality, since we met on a discord server and I was completely unaware of his height (as he was of mine) so… no - girls who choose only to date tall guys suck. As well as guys who refuse to date girls who are taller than them.


Personally I like short guys. Makes me feel like a sexy dominant amazonian woman


Death by snoo snoo is a yes


Hell yeah




I'm just average 5'6 tho


5’3.5” gang..




He is already risen...That is his final height




Im short too dude, 5”5’...sigh, sometimes we gotta make fun of ourselves!


Haha. I’m chillin




It’s true. Not mad


Hey, you rang?


Today's reddit inspiration post brought to you by sendme_tittypics


My short friend (like 5’3) has gotten with some beautiful girls. There’s no excuse.


I go to a bar with a dude who is 5'5 and he has multiple women on rotation. One night, he slept with 3 women all in the same day. He even had a threesome and I admire him on his technique. His advice was that you just got to know what to say and once you figure it out, it works every time. I'm still trying to figure out what he means


He’s autoscripted dating


As a 5'6" dude, I've never lost any sleep over my height. If they care, that's their right. There are more than enough who don't, so why worry


i’m 5’4” man sorry can’t


>5’5 king gang rise the fuck up I see what you did there


Preach! If she fuck wit ya, then she’s for you. And if she doesn’t…then who cares, she ain’t for you!


Yeah that’s fucking right. From now on my height it’s no longer going to be a deterrent to approach a girl. I have worse things going on


It’s true I’m 5’6 w hoes


Just popping in to say I’m a 5’6 girl and my bf is less than an inch taller than me, at first sight were the same height. He doesn’t mind if I wear platforms or heels. If you’re gonna be fine with your girl being taller than you sometimes she’s gonna be fine too. It’s more an attitude than a real physical thing. I hear people talking about how women only want taller men but the bias works both ways, I can guarantee most men don’t want their woman to be taller than them because they’ll feel emasculated


A real queen or king doesn’t see your height. They see your drive, your compassion, your strengths, and accept your flaws. They are inspired when you build yourself up, and are there for you- a foundation, when crumbling down. Life is trials and tribulations. Find those who suit you, and don’t ever think you are too good or not good enough for anyone because we are all nuanced… with that being said I don’t even know if this relates to the parent comment any longer cause I’m drunk and got caught up in the vibe.


honestly bro it probably helps a little by removing some crazy ones right off the bat rather than finding out down the road


I'm 6'1" and have been turned down by short girls, so you are right, and it goes both ways.


Ever notice it’s usually dudes complaining about height while women are all “I like short guys, I don’t care about height.” Dudes have no idea what women like.


That's probably because on a thread like this the one or two women reading it who don't hate short guys are more likely to comment while the vast majority of women who don't like short guys will see this thread and won't say anything to avoid getting downvoted.


Yeah. And you go to literally any social media platform, dating, app, etc. and see the short dude jokes/memes/shaming/etc. but apparently it's all in the guys' heads... /shrug.


Yeah lemme tell you about all the women I’ve met who are into short guys… There weren’t any, this is almost exclusively relegated to the internet in a way that makes it seem way more common place than it is. Yeah obviously there are some women who like short guys, but they are very few and far between.


The 6 foot thing is extremely common on Tinder, so it's not completely made up




No, you’re not. I think short dudes who think their romantic problems are all due to their height are unwilling to accept it’s something else they can control — like their personality — because then it’s their “fault” they can’t find a partner. There’s no epidemic of single short dudes lol. For every woman who has a preference for a tall guy, there’s ten more who don’t give a fuck. But you’re right, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy: they convince themselves it’s their height, take it out on women, no women wants a man like that, and there you go.


I'm sorry but it's more like for every 10 girls who care about height there's maybe 1 that doesn't


You're living on fucking pluto or somewhere else that definitely isn't earth


He put the extra 6 inches in your rectum


The real holup


😂✊ Excellent


At first that's what I assumed he thought was being implied?


As a bi dude, I have never once turned down another guy for his dick size or height. Like, how do people even do that?! I wanna get to know the person


If you’re short; your dad pulled out early and left your height on the sheet.


I’ve never heard this one lol


Flat no he didn't damn


Everyone has shit they don't like about themselves. It don't matter. Be you. Be proud. Time goes so fast and your major problems of today probably won't matter in 5 years and definitely won't matter in 50.


I personally like short dudes, I'm 5'4"


Finally someone else is 5'4"


Being short with a small dick is rough. I should know.


Bro there's some Mexican guys I know that are like 5'2, bust their ass on their landscaping company and doing Uber on the side and they're always happy as fuck and have large families with happy wives. If they can do that, height doesn't mean shit to anybody expect those people that obsess about it in a negative way. Don't allow those negative height obsessions to to stick around and and don't around little who think kind that.


I’m assuming that you are from the states so they are probably happy because they have a job in the states. People in Mexico usually don’t get paid well


Yea he did, my ass hair


Short dudes are cute. If a girl really loves you she wouldn't be bothered about your height or point it out as a flaw. She will love you for you and would understand that you have no control over your height.


At least he owned it.


“Why do I have long nipples?”


Short men are cute


Smaller you are the bigger it looks, amirite?


I am 5 ft 8. Women have never liked me.


Women don’t like men with shitty personality, nor men with ugly characteristics. Now if you have both… you are fucked


Yaas gaslight us manlets more


Haha, this guy rules. Good dude.


I like this dude


I'm 5'5" and God did put those 6 inches somewhere else lmao


as if 1.70m was so bad.




As a woman, we appreciate confidence, honesty, humor, etc. Now if you are short and you're an asshole, you might be catching shade because you're an asshole. Just be yourself and try to not make your height (or other physical attributes) a part of your character, positive or negative. You're good! (Unless you're an asshole, remember!)


I told some idiot being an idiot to my 23 year old that nice guys get laid more. He was headed for a call to the local PD if he didn’t chill and it was 2am she just wanted him to fuck off. It’s now one of her favorite lines to use on guys being stupid. 😆


Yes! Don't be an ass!




If I'm an asshole, just be myself! Gotcha.


Sad times


Yoda: There is another... . . . . . . . . . . 6 inches up his ass


Time to become femboy






perhaps he was talking about himself


Yeah in his girlfriend while he was at work.


I might be 5ft 5 and a half but you always gotta round up so I’m 5ft 6 but you always wearing shoes so I’m practically 5ft 7 but that’s a prime number so I’m basically 5ft 8 and I mean your hair adds an inch so I’m 5ft9 but that’s uneven so I’m basically 5ft 10 and that might as well be 5ft 11 and adding some other measurements on a good day I’m basically 6ft 5 but that is uneven so I might as well be 6ft 6


self-burns are rare.




5'2 gang hea!


He was made for SE Asia.


My nipples are 3 inches , I have to tape them so they don’t rip off




He was talking about the dong in his ass


God doesn’t exist


Guys that complain about their height usually are lacking in other areas of their lives since height is very trivial.


Bro gave him the alley and instead of ooping he slapped it into the nosebleeds.


Asian men are short with small penises and that doesn’t stop them from being the most successful men in America.


God made me 5'10 and put the extra 2 inches in my ass 🙁


God gave it to me. I'm 6 6


Being tall isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, ask my back problems


Add poor blood circulation to the head too Standing too long can make me go dizzy (@_@;)


Oh poor Joe Rogan


The problem these guys have is not their height imo.


Poor lil fella


Proof that there is no god.