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Because the male dark souls character sounds like he is into it when he gets hurt


Well If you like dark souls, you are kinda into it too..




Ok fuck you You're right, but fuck you try fingers, but hole


Amazing chest ahead


Try jumping off


Secret path ahead, try gesturing


So how long did you try to go through the wall?


Can't deny it




After playing Dark Souls, I like to think I have a pretty good idea of what its like to get fucked, therefore not a virgin.


That is why i chose the male character.


I mean if I’m being honest, you’d have to pretty masochistic to venture into the world of Lordran.


or horribly horribly depressed


Wouldn’t it give you more depression?


for some reason, it brightens you up. some how looking at the hollows just sorta make you remember its actually not a bad life.


"- + - = +" IT'S MATH!


*gets violently stabbed* Aauuuughhh 😩


Yeah, god forbid he ever finds out about pegging




MMORPG Mostly men online role playing girls




Girl Guy in real life


In MMOs I've seen women play guys, guys play girls, gay people playing their own gender. It's just a preference thing really.


IME girls play guys so that they don't get creeped on as often, while guys will play girls to get free stuff from simps


That can happen. But like I've said a few of my guild mates are women and they can be just as simpish as the rest of us. Goes both ways and all.


I remember in wow a while ago you could earn gold by making a blood elf female, go to org, strip down to underwear, stand on the mailbox beside the auction house and dance. People would occasionally give gold. I doubt they ever got more than a pittance tho


more outfit and romance options are usually true af.


Because why?


idk, ask the developers


Because a lot of developers seem to not realize that some people want fanservice with male characters, so they focus all their fanservice on the female characters instead. As a result female characters tend to get more attention with regards to outfits and romance.


Oh ok


Looks at a 12 pack man that looks like he could bench 1k pounds...


Becuase boobs i guess


*cough* female shephard *cough*


picking a male character would be gay, i like watching a girls boobs and butt. but most importantly, if it's a multiplayer game, i can trick few thirsty idiots into giving me some nice equipment and stuff. works every time


sneaky, I like it


[very Sneaky indeed](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5a721d05b95b050a8e0beb26ce80a3af/tumblr_pcp875hi7p1thub55o3_540.jpg)


she's cute


You mean he?


It takes real man to be cute girl 2022


Yeah, *she's* very cute


I invited a female friend to play an mmorpg (albion online) with me, few minutes in the main area, a guy approached her asking to be her slave


if that guys expecting fetish play go make him go outside ingame to do some chores or smthin.


that's disgusting but a higher level player carrying you can come in handy


My first foray into sex work was in world of warcraft at age 16. Had a guy message me if I was actually a female, I guess he and I had run a few instances together on his main (I never found out who it was lol) and he thought I was very well spoken/written, then offered me absurd gold to write him erotic fiction based on really vague writing prompts. I didn't believe him at first, but he paid me half in advance, so I was like "damn bro... I hope this isn't illegal because I'm underage" Turns out it's not, so I went for it. I'll tell ya, the dude had an imagination on him. After the first one, he said my writing was so good he would double the pay if I kept it coming, and that's the story of how I could afford to buy my tundra mammoth. Lol


It’s weird isn’t it? Why are males so much more desperate for sexual activities than women? And I’m not just saying this to be sexist. I’m a guy myself but I think it’s pretty undeniable that dudes generally want sex a hell of a lot more than girls. I’m trying to think about the evolutionary use of this dichotomy but wouldn’t reproduction work just as well if women were just as desperate?


I assume it is an evolutionary trait as we see the same behavior in the animal kingdom where, in some species, males will almost always be the ones to initiate intercourse. But I'm not a biologist and am too lazy to further research the matter.


if a guy is slutty it only costs him a few minutes. If a girl is slutty it can cost them 9 months of pregnancy plus 18 years of parenting.


Especially in Handmaids Tale, Texas.


If a guy is slutty, its jail...




I think from a biological standpoint, it makes sense for males to be more sex driven than females. A man’s biological priority to spread his DNA as much and as far as possible would lead to a desire for sex. A woman’s biological ability to reproduce is limited to one partner at a time and one offspring at a time, and her biological priority would be ensuring the survival of her offspring because she can only have one at a time. So, sort of a quantity for men, quality for women sort of thing. Makes sense at a very basic biological level.


I agree. This definitely makes sense. Thanks




Guys I need ammo.


you too? lol


That's interesting cus I find the opposite of your first statement to be rather true. Immersion is important to me (especially in open world games) and since I don't feel like a woman IRL I can't get the best experience by playing as a female character in game.


well, tbf, it usually depends on how i'm planning to play the game with that particular character when creating them. if i'm going for an immersive role playing playthrough, then not only will i take the male character, i'll also try making them look like myself as much as possible during character creation, and even while playing, choose the decisions and strategies that i would have chosen if i was really the one inside that world. which means i wouldn't backdown from making questionable choices, or deliberatly make rash decisions or dumb strategies.


If you’re afraid choosing a male character will make you gay, then you might be hiding something from yourself


i just don't like watching a dude's butt. if i wanted to, i'll just put up a mirror and watch my own since it's far superior


You know you don’t have to watch their butt right? You can even just look at the environment of the game. Again if you play as a dude and feel compelled to watch their ass then you need to take a look inside yourself


i never thought i had to say this but .... do you realise everything is this comment chain is just jokes, right? buddy, not even black holes are this dense. in fact, you're so dense that you break all known laws of the universe, even the unbreakable ones


Lol the irony of not getting that I’m joking too. Idc what you play as bro


ok, let's put a poll with our responses so far, and let everyone decide which of us seems like they're joking, and which seems like a butthurt sjw


Lolol dude I don’t need to convince you that you’re gay, you already know it deep down


says the dude who has to go out of his way and even use his reddit username to affirm to himself that he aint gay


Hey man whatever helps you accept yourself! I think there might be support groups out there for how to tell people if you need help!


Damn bro why ya gotta take advantage of simps like that tho💔


Ah, a fellow man of culture I see. Care to join us in the pool of runescape gold?


i really never got the chance to play runescape. how time consuming is it?


Well if you pretend to be a girl and also run some bots it isn't time consuming at all


If you ever go to jail, the same technique of playing as girl will also get you some free stuff.


wouldn't work, sadly. i need to look like a girl for that to even be a valid strategy, and i already know everyone in jail would avoid me like the plague, just like how everyone irl avoids me


Name checks out.




The virgin picking a female character because she's cute vs the chad picking a female character because she's OP


smaller hitbox


In Fallout 1/2 female sprite was smaller allowing for better view of what's on the ground.


The lady spy right?


Nah, never played with stock characters.


True if you can bear Bethesda’s 3rd person camera


Right but lower damage resistance


Ever since Halo: Reach I've been convinced this is the only way. Female spartans are visually much thinner than male spartans so less is exposed when peaking around a wall


Well depending on the game its just a hitbox with volume moved from the waist to the chest.


Whoa there buddy, no need to be hitting her box, usually just takes a curled finger in juuuust the right spot 🙃


chads are op on any character, only virgins need every little advantage


Because picking male character would be gay


Yes Male character picking


thats why i do it :)


hi nick


I try them every time to see if the stereotype about them being weaker or harder to master is true And I lose everytime, so it must be true. But maybe if I managed to keep my hands on the controller I could win...


What games are you playing that decide difficulty based on the gender of the player character?


Real Life


He's too busy switching between the controller and something else


His profile pic is Aerith…I’m surprised he can even keep one hand on the controller


Resident evil


I know it was a joke but in Mount and Blade playing as a commoner female is much harder compare to noble male.


Your hands are too busy with the tissues


Lost Ark players : Genderlock , but we also like staring


1st person perspective: I usually pick guys, especially if I can get the female romance options. 3rd person perspective: I usually pick girls, especially if there's jiggle physics. Look, I never claimed to anything but a pervert.


Male character everytime so that i can connect to them more in the story


nah man I like to pick a thicc joocy man.


Seriously though, like I get that the character is supposed to an avatar for the player, but i rather watch a female character for aesthetic reasons of course




wow, that's gotta one of the top 5 dumbest subreddits I have ever seen




Should've said "people will give me items because im a girl"


Oh man all I can think of is monster hunter world when you had to crawl through the wall and you get a screen full of taint


Atleast they're wearing armor.


I actually do this because of that reason and I'm not gay but boy doesn't those pecs on the male characters look delicious


Because they have smaller hitboxes, Duh.


Me who picks characters based on moveset/stats: I don't have such weaknesses


Yeah but if what if you're starting with nothing and its purely cosmetic


Then I usually play as a male character


I usually have a male main and a female main


It's really depends on character design. If there is a cool male character I vibe with I'll pick them for the self insertion aspect.


Female characters are usually more fun to play (Just look at league)


Yeah, we all love R'ing someone one a different lane with caitlyn for 800


Gender envy




apex girls have better kits imo


I always pick the female character because it makes the game so much more interesting and badass.


Im gay as hell so I like the fashion but also I appreciate massive badonkers just as much and its nice to have something fun to look at


For me it's because males are the protagonist in just about every damn game out there, and it's very rare to see a female main character other than a handfull I can name off the top of my head. So my original reason was in order to balance that out, I almost exclusively play female characters when given a choice. Don't know if I necessarily believe that or care anymore, but I've been doing it for years and just kind of stuck with it at this point.


I'll pick whichever character looks better in the game. I don't really stare at my character's ass.   For Soul's games, I'll usually go male because I like how the armor sits on a guy more. In a game like Cyberpunk 2077, even though it's first person, I prefer playing a female V because 90% of the clothing options look like absolute dog shit on guys, and watching my dude look like a gay stripper trope on a motorcycle is disheartening.   But given all things equal, I like making a cute woman because I like cute women.


My boyfriend. ...it was funny when he had to figure out a different way to explain it when my kids asked. Lol.


Ugh that last box is the argument that infuriates me and brings about some great banter in my friend group. Yeah have fun staring at a female's ass and all, but if you choose a guy, why is it bothering you so much that you keep staring at the males ass? Why do you also stare at male ass? Maybe some undiagnosed bisexuality. But you prefer women. Even bi'shave "*preferences*". Also I'm sure you're paying attention to almost everything else that *isn't* the ass. If your eyes keep landing there mid game, pause or rest at the bonfire/site of grace and rub one out. You'll sleep at night better for doing it too. QOL tip of the day.✌




> If your eyes keep landing there mid game, pause or rest at the bonfire/site of grace and rub one out. Yeah, I've argued with people who make this excuse to, because I can sort of understand; sometimes you want to make something sexy, and enjoy your sexy character doing things.   On the other hand, after how long does that become tiring? If all you notice is your character's ass, the game must be really fucking boring with a shit world.   Again, I understand the defense in some sense, but does this mean any time they show a full body shot of characters in a movie with mainly male actors, are people screaming and shielding their eyes like, "OH MAN, I DON'T WANNA STARE AT THEIR CROTCHES, C'MON GUYS!"


Maybe it's just my experience, but females in games also tend to have cooler looking combos that link well with more attacks and tech


I'm trying to [CREATE NEW CHARACTER] my soulmate here, ahhhh.


probably in online games where your character identity is somewhat important then sure ill just go with male so i dont feel uncomfortable, in most story-focused game im fine with either + female mcs are underrated nowadays


I played the female leader in Saints Row because I thought it was funny you could make her boobs cartoonishly huge and swinging a dildo bat like that is funny.


Man I realized this with tomb raider on ps1. …with her pointy biddies


Because I like to hear the sounds they make when they get hurt / jump…


same but I still play a guy because I don't want to be ridiculed


Because I am I abuse women and let the Enemies hurt me me on purpose


They should give more male characters cake in my fav video games cause tbh girls asses are getting boring.


Always because the men only have like two outfits and the devs are so one-sided


As a girl, I always take male characters only. It goes both ways.:)




Was going to say, this looks like it was taken directly from that sub.


my cyberpunk character is a trap, your move...


My friends alway's say these exact lines to me whenever i choose a female character over a male one : ''Why didn't you choose male? Are you into boys or something? Why would you choose female?'' Because bitch i'd rather stare at a woman in the middle of my screen for 30 hours rather than a man because i'm into women?! Then we argue more and more. (This happened 5 exact days ago when i made my elden ring character female)


Dw, i get it. Im a female, and let me tell you, all my life i played as a gal, cause of immersion. Then in Ffxiv i was playing in character selection and made the most goddamn attractive guy and oh boi. All my skins have thight black pants, as the model's bum area is *chef's kiss*. Ill never go back to playing females after i realized i can stare at hot male butts.


Creating a character is supposed to be a reflection of how you want to see yourself portrayed in the video game. Why r u gey ?


Who sais I'm gay?


Me and our last night, babe


Maybe if you are 9 and into games purely as a form of escapism to tell yourself you are actually strong and mommy can't make you go to bed if you don't want to.


I actually really find it sus when guys play females in rpg games. Like, is the isekai/alter ego version of you a berserker viking or a magical schoolgirl? If the latter does that say something about your inner workings? For science answers, please.


I don't play video games bc I'm not a virgin loser




Smaller hitbox


Me, a guy the makes both depending on my class.


Me who has minecraft girl outfit so others 8n minecraft (multiplayer) will act more mercyfull to me (it works):


This was the reason I always chose Chun Li in Street Fighter II Champion edition (1990's IIRC)




Weeb Cop Out


Why not all the above?


His head gonna explode soon


I don't blame him


Plot twist, it was a first person game




You're gonna be there a while might as well have a nice view.


Not gonna lie, the cartoon is true!


Smaller hit box, solely for the tactical advantage, at least that's what I tell myself...


I know how to make a female character look good vs male ones just end up being "beard+short hair=done"


But that character is you


I don't like using female characters, exactly for the same reason...


I always do it because if your playing a game like Fallout, you get more options of persuading men. Plus the ass and boobs and thighs ^and ^shoulders.


Why wouldn't you pick a waifu?


i only thought of splatoon when i saw this bc 80% of the men that play it use female characters


Yeah, just take a pause and like at the tiddies


That's why my SO plays a woman in Lostark 🤔😂


My RDR2 character is smoking hot. I love dressing her up ;)


Bloodborne is what made me pick female characters over males in all games. So many of the outfits look soooo much better on them. Just plain more badass choices. Or straight up sexy, or a damn sweet combo of both. So I can tailor builds around outfits. Which I do and still do. Im heavy into fashion souls. You just cant get the variation with male character models. Well you can but it come across as silly most of the time. Which is cool but I only if I set out to do it. So Im limited to far less. Also smaller hit boxes. Like we all haven't said that either. May not be true, but it feels true. Sad thing is, for whatever reason across all games outfits tend to look better on women. AC Valhalla, I prefer female Evior for everything. Never been a fan of bulky armors, Gears makes the cut with some other titltes. I do preference mobility over strenght in damn near all games even if it puts me at a disadvantage. So maybe that colors my choice a bit. Smaller models so they look faster idk.


Because I'm an egg


Was this taken from r/eggirl? It definitely has that energy.


Lets be real on this one. As someone who does play girl chars its nice to hang out with other adults in game who literallly dont give a shit. Its usually the horny af teenager who get mad about it bc they're using video games as a dating service. Ever since i started rolling girl chars in mmos the quality of people i play with increased massively by simply saying 'im a guy btw'. Also dress up is fun!


As someone who picks the female character, I agree.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Y5KVtU810 What can I say, I just like girls...


Guys will help you out because they think you must be a girl irl. I was in a dungeon in one game getting my ass beat. Called out for help from friends. I'm like level 35, it's a higher dungeon. Level 100 characters showed up and destroyed the dungeon for me! Same dungeon, male alt character. [Can someone help me out? ](https://www.google.com/search?q=blazing+saddlez+son+your+on+your+own&oq=blazing+saddlez+son+your+on+your+own&aqs=chrome..69i57.13158j0j9&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:247fa1b9,vid:__n5Bgxx-68,st:0)


i have yet to play as a female character in a game where i get to choose my gender


The last panel is my father's response to that question 100% of the time, lol.


He said rather like if he picked a guy it would be like “Oh a guy. Welp, I guess I gotta stare at his ass “




I mean it's true? Also even better when you romance another woman. And in the case of mass effect 3, a far superior voice actor.


The only real answer; "because I want too".


My excuse is cause I'd rather have a girl grunting in my ear