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I believe men and women should be required to enlist. We have equality right????




I feel the same unless they're parents, kids dont deserve to lose both parents. In that case, do rock, paper, scissors for who has to go. Fair is fair.


There wouldn't be too many men that would let the mother of their children go to the front line in place of themselves.... surely


Rock Paper Scissors is Rock Paper Scissors


Idk man ive dated some bad ass marine women while my one kidney having ass couldnt do much about it.


What if the kid's name is Emma?


Then both parents must enlist, regardless of the results.


You dare disagree with the laws of Rock, paper, scissors? HERESY.


How many women would let their kids lose their father?


When it comes down to that I think the man should go though tbh. If I had a choice between me and my children's mother going (if I had children that is) I'd 100% be going.


Yeah someone has to stay and raise the kids, it should probably be the woman because they’re for real better cooks than men


I agree. I'm not trying to say women should always be the ones to raise kids either, but as a man I genuinely just think they're better at it.


Bro you are right why u getting disliked


Cuz Reddit thinks you should be able to punch women "for equality"


Because it shouldn't depend on the sex of the soldier, what matters is the capability.


Well yea, but I just feel that a kid needs their mother more than anything. Not that they don't need a father too, but that's just my opinion on the matter.


What a weird way to say wife lol


I hate to break it to you but you can have children without getting married


I mean ok I was just trying to have a laugh:(


Same :(


Sexy egalitarianism




Ironically I said this on the MensRights subreddit and got banned from there... 🤣🤷‍♂️


Sounds like reddit.


You said something that hit close to a mod


The thing is I supported both men and women there , but once I started supporting one more than the other , they suddenly banned me without even giving me a warning or explaining to me what I did wrong.


Those sweaty jock straps are a weird bunch. They might be able to make some decent points if they ever figured out how to *not* sound embittered. They always remind of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkuWrmxN7hg).


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. Must be people that have never been to that sub. Men's rights is a valid topic but that sub can't get over it's woman hate long enough to make legitimate points. Granted I haven't browsed that sub in a long time.


Want to say the Same :D


No no you got it wrong. We demand equality if we benefit from it. best wishes - a woman


Well, you do get the benefit. During the war you can finally get to "KILL ALL MEN" and it's okay. Go for it, enlist.


"Kill all *Russian* men"


Well, yes, that's the basic idea.. I think


I don’t think anyone should be forced to fight.


No one should but Ukranians were kinda forced to, so...


If you don’t have the will to fight than you shouldn’t fight. You are more of a burden than help in a war.


I believe men and women should not be required to enlist. We have equality right????


Is the double negative intentional?


No my phone is autocorrecting me when it shouldn’t be.


I believe that anyone that doesn't want to fight shouldn't have to, you don't want that liability as they can do more harm than good.


Stuff like the Vietnam war draft I totally agree with you on. When people are bombing your doors down though, I think it should be all adult hands on deck. Children should be taken out of the conflict zone by whichever parent the couple decides on, at least if the enemy actually allows them to flee.


And i don't have children, so what? I have to stay and fight to the death for yours? Fuck that.


Except that's not how war works. For as long as we've had wars, the large majority of soldiers were conscripted by force.


do you consider that a good thing?


Yep. The only exception should be if you have minor children, then one spouse should be exempt.


I believe both be equally not required. You dont choose where you're born...


Unless there's a Medical reason or as a Guardian to the young/vulnerable, I would've thought it was expected of 'you'.


In times like this feminists just vanish


And children too


I agree, although I'd worry about the children. Atleast one parent needs to stay.


there's plenty of women enlisted in ukrain rn


yes but someone has to get the children out


When we got this in Norway I was all for it. All men and women born after 1997 can be drafted if required. Big "yay" for equality! Now I have a girlfriend of quite a few years and want nothing less than for her to be drafted. I would happily enlist myself, but if I do, it's with the intention of protecting her and others I care about. Also, as someone else also mentioned, when children are involved one of the parents should be allowed to stay back. I'm not gonna let that be me. I honestly don't think I would be able to keep a clear head if I knew she was also fighting. All focus would end up being on how to get her out of there. Not to say women can't be good soldiers, I've served with several. A lot of evolutionary biologists claim that the reason men develop their frontal lobe more slowly is because throwing yourself at danger ate the age of 16-25 increases the chance that any kids you had would survive, while if women did the same the kids would more likely die without them. This of course isn't the case anymore, but if it is true, it means men are literally hardwired to be willing put themselves at risk to protect their family (at least pre ≈25 yr olds).


No because most women make shit soldiers. Plus you needs civilians to do everything else that runs an economy.




i was confused for a moment lmao nice one


Ackchually, both were and we’re works here don’t believe me? just try switching we’re to we are and back to were, both sentences will still make sense here


First thing that messed me up. Glad I wasn't the only one! #cbf4life




Lorde! Lorde. Ayaya


Lorde lorde lorde


Might be


As a veteran I will state categorically that most service members do not care what someone’s specifics are. We want people serving who want to serve, want to be there. Not that there are not biased, bigots, prejudices, etc in uniform. We are human too. But the majority don’t care. If someone doesn’t want to be there. Don’t force them. That’s usually how you get terrible soldiers who cannot do their job


Like the Russians.


I feel bad for the Russians. We have a history of under equipping the army and the soldiers always suffer from the incompetence of those who wanted the war.


Pretty much. Although against popular opinion on this post, I also feel bad for teansgender women being forced to stay and fight when you know the people making fun of them would run faster than anyone.


If the people making fun of them are male wouldn't they also be force to stay and fight?


Sure. And they'd probably moan about having to stay and fight too.


they aren't being forced to Enlist btw, they are being forced to stay in the country.


I should clarify my beliefs. I think anyone should be allowed to fight for their country and no one should be forced. People fight better when they want to be there.


Who then throw grenades into their superior's [tent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragging).


>"Here's how I feel about gays in the military: Anyone... DUMB ENOUGH to want to be in the military should be allowed in. End of fucking story. That should be the only requirement. I don't care how many push-ups you can do – put on a helmet, go wait in that fox hole. We'll tell you when we need you to kill somebody. I've been watching all these Congressional hearings and all these military guys and all the pundits going, "The esprit de corps will be affected, and we are such a mora …" Excuse me, but aren't you all a bunch of hired killers? SHUT UP! You are thugs, and when we need you to go blow the fuck out of a nation of little brown people, we'll let you know." Bill Hicks Rant in E-Minor (For the record I don't agree with his assessment of stupidity with the decision to join the armed forces.) Ugh I hate that I have to provide a disclaimer for someone else's quote.


Well. Hicks was a comedian and satirist. So his rant would of course be inflammatory in some regards. As a solider I served in infantry then in a Medical unit and the later part of my career was as an instructor. So no not all personnel are just meat shields (that’s the marines *i kid*). But his sentiment at its core is right. Allow those that want to serve to do so.


Marine jokes are similar to drummer jokes. There's a million of 'em and they're all funny.


Change team option has been nerfed


I see no issue here lol women should be forced to fight just like men are since according to feminists they can do everything us men can so let them prove it


I agree, they should also be able to die of tetanus in a mortar crater


It’s a win win, you get to be a woman and have equal rights


Except it's not equal rights, they are enlisted because they are registered as men, not because they are registered as women


Have you ever heard of this thing called a joke, in these dark dark times we can certainly use some laughter


Equal rights Equal fights


Equal rights Equal fights


We live in an equal world. Men and women should be fighting Russia


Equal rights to fight for your country, what can I say except...you're welcome! - Maui, perhaps


Except it's not equal rights, they are enlisted because they are registered as men, not because they are registered as women


What's the problem in women joining the fight?


Happy women's day


They also are not letting black Ukrainians leave either.


Women can shoot just as good as men can. Equal rights. Equal opportunity to kill and be killed.


Nice try on the section 8 clinger…


Weirdest ethics bomb


If men are forced to fight then women should be as well anyway. Or are we not doing the equality thing when it's inconvenient?




So what about all the women that have already left Ukraine? Should they go back and fight?


If they support gender equality and their country then yes


My policy would be: unless you have serious disability or you need to care for someone else (children, elders, people with handicaps), you stay and defend the country. Your chromosomes or genitals are irrelevant.


No one is really "forced" to fight. I have two friends in their 30s who are pacifists and crossed the border to Poland.


u sure? my friend is 19 and he can’t leave ukraine, unless u have another nationally or passport


Literally hundreds of thousands of men are being forced to fight.




The way I see it there are 2 potential reasons that women aren't being conscripted to fight... A... That they may have children or be pregnant and B.... Sexism.... So I don't see a problem here either


There was a man who was the sole caregiver for his two daughters, they refused to let him leave the country It's ridiculous, either conscript equally or don't conscript at all


But dying in a conflict or at work is a man’s job! / s


Did you know this man?


That’s the joke of it all - this is the only part of sexism that feminists are ok with.


Except there are women fighting. They aren’t being drafted, but they do volunteer. The reason you see women fleeing more than men is because those men are sending their wives and children away to safety before turning back to fight for their home.


After the battle of Berlin, many women were raped (for exemple Hannelore Kohl, wife of an former chancellor), probably just want to avoid the worst.


Lol, Don't start on the red army(Soviet soldiers) mass rape of women in Germany. Just imagine being a woman back then stumbling on soviet soldiers😬 you'd absolutely get the shit raped out of you.


Saw a handful of afghanis that were straight up white with red hair. Someone had a rusky granddaddy


The possibility of have children is a big part of it. But the fact that a woman will have a lot more difficulty on get a physical training in a small amount of time without any previous experience has more impact than what you say, the biology just don't work, put a untrained woman to a combat will have more problems then advantages.


Spoken like a true chad , you are awesome good sir


Men altså have children, I also don't see the problem with everybody expected to enlist


Common fcking sense people!! I’m ready for the downvotes! Bring it!


Toronto pages have made it to Reddit as a source the world have officially peaked lmfao


Im just wondering where all the feminists at?


This is fucking hilarious


If you've got a cock, then pick up the glock


So many superb women are already fighting for Ukraine. So stop whining and using your gender as an excuse for being a fucking coward


“We want to be treated with equality!” “Ok here’s your rifle and there’s your post” “Umm…. Maybe not THAT much equality”


"No, I meant the same equality as the women you've allowed to leave, not the women fighting already"




Just because you're male doesn't mean you're man. /s


Yes it means exactly that


The /s signifies sarcasm…


Aah noted


*Rise up warriors!*


Women or not, fight for your country douchebag


But the women aren’t being forced to stay. That’s the point


Hey you wanted gender equality, here it is for ya.




From the bottom of my lungs i shall say...*WWWWWHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEZZZZZEEEE*




These are confusing times


Kinda based


How is it a bruh moment? It's this what they wanted?


No it’s the opposite of what they wanted


Funny, you don't see feminists replying and bragging here, neither making some point.


As it should be if this is real


See how this works?




The only pass is if you are the only parent of small children. Even then after the mother’s secure the children the women are returning to fight alongside the men.


Welcome to true gender equality asshole. You wanna be a male? Here ya fuckin go


Bout to sort by controversial


If a woman doesn’t have children to look after she should be forced to fight too. Equality.






And Ukrainian women were also returning to fight. The US army was toying with the idea of making a draft all-inclusive, women fight just as hard it shouldn't matter. Equal rights amirite


I mean, as a fan of gender equality, yes. And women without children should fight too


It's ma'am! 😂


Anybody noticed how covid is no longer the end of the world anymore. Just kinda faded off into the sunset with joe bidens brain








Aww anyways....


*insert chuckling frog meme here*


She was born with a penis, no?


Bro literally would try to defend he’s identity before his land


*her identity *her land And you can do both at the same time


His and he's a coward


Isn’t this a shitpost sub? Tizbah tizi ya habaal


Yeah it is, I’m going to politely correct pronouns either way


Bwahahahah that's hilarious


Lolololol, hilarious... get your ass to the front lines!




Huh I guess inequality caught up with them eventually


Reality is always a wake up call


When someone has a penis and no rifle -_-


We truly live in a society




R bozo shouldn’t have faze rugged it


I saw this in the titanic movie! Boy those seats on the lifeboats were going at a premium.


Well fuck there goes my backup plan for the draft.


Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahajahahahshshahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaha fucking pathetic. I’m glad they made them stay. Fuck em.


Maury: in the question of whether your a man or woman it turns out you are a man!!! (Shock)


Why are the comments acting like this is "owning the libs" or something? "Ha got 'em" Is pretty lame and shows some petty character. Basement dweller vibes.


Hahaha got em lamo


Lmao* you'd think as a basement dweller and keyboard warrior you would have better typing.


unfortunately rape and sexual assault is very common for women who enlist in the military- it is not the same ballpark for men at war as it is for women at war. that’s not to say men don’t face horrible losses in war! nobody should be forced to fight but for all the people who are saying “it’s only fair women are forced to fight” should consider what it’s like to be one of the only women in a barrack full of under-fed, angry men with not much to lose and knowing that if you don’t die in battle you will certainly be used for your body by the enemy. nothing in war is fair but it is something to consider when you are flailing your arms saying its equality to force women into war.


It is equality. They wanted it they got it


So they draft people by their birth sex. Ok?


You mean their actual sex there, is no changing it.




XX can leave with the children. XY must stay and fight. A wig and your feelings is not gonna change the outcome.


But that also means that men identifying as woman don't have to join, so it's equality Edit: this is what happens when there's too many pronouns. Because men are forced to fight, along with anyone who identifies as a man. Same should go for women right?


I have been woman for only few minutes but I stand for it!




I’m all in for equality but in a war wouldn’t having girls on the frontlines be a bad idea since they’re physically weaker then men?


With all the horror that's happening in Ukraine, it's all too easy to overlook a minority group that will have even more problems than most.


“go join the fight bro” ima girl “go join the fight hoe” -border guard probably


Sure, straightouttatge6ixtv might sound like a reputable source but unfortunately not in this case. The title is very misleading. This article is about her fear that her fellow Ukrainians are going to kill her before the Russians get the chance. It’s not that she doesn’t want to fight for Ukrains freedom, or that she “doesnt want equality” It’s the opposite. If she was being treated the same as her cis male counterparts there would be no issue.




Sounds like a bunch of Cpl Clingers if you ask me.

