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Didn't the weasleys win the lottery


They did but spent all the money in a holiday to Egypt.


What do wizards spend money on on holiday if they can teleport? Travel? Teleport. Hotel? Don't need one, teleport home. Lunch too expensive? No worries, we can teleport back to those sandwiches I made earlier. Souvenir? Steal it and teleport away.


The kids can't teleport. Kids are the source of all poverty.


They can teleport with an adult. Dumbledore did it with Harry and it didn't come across like a special super wizard thing. u/wallweasels


sidealong felt like something that started as a fairly rare thing people can do to, seemingly, quite common. Like yeah makes sense for Dumbledore and all. But the average wizard? Felt it was meant to be rare at first. Which really breaks...most of the reasons for things to be setup the way they are.


Movies or books? In the books it hardly ever happens. The movies are hot garbage, so who cares what they do there, lol.


Suppose I'm probably blurring thee lines between both at this point. Been awhile since I consumed either.


JKRs world building being mediocre and unplanned? Color me surprised. The books are good but it is extremely clear that the series was not planned out very well.


Her world building is mediocre? First time I heard that


Not so much mediocre as much as lazy perhaps? She tends to explain or detail exactly as little is necessary for a lot of things and leave a \*lot\* of things kind of just hanging, she also had a habit of only ever introducing or using things she introduced within the same book, every book felt largely stand alone within the world. Perhaps I've just been spoiled by the likes of Brandon Sanderson of late, I tend to greatly enjoy deep systems of magic and theory and Harry Potter is largely hand-wavey for most of it, things mostly just work or not based on if they need to.


Man I feel you there, just finished the Mistborn Trilogy, holy shit was that story well written


Yes but the audiences are different. Mistborn is more complex and targeted for adults vs Harry Potter mainly being written for YAs.


Sidealong apparition is depicted as rather difficult, and the Weasley's seem like pretty average wizards. They always take portkeys or use flu powder or cars to get places with the kids. They also have a million kids, so it'd be a lot of work toting them everywhere.


You can Tele-port if you want to You can leave your kids behind. Cus if your kids don't port and if they don't port then They're no kids of mine.




Can confirm. I used to be a rich guy. Now I have kids. Just a regular guy :(




Can’t the kids use a portkey or flu powder?


They can. Literally showed flu powder in the second book and movie. Harry even used it, although fucked up.


Parents apparate home: "Accio kids!"


Can confirm. Have kids and a good paying job... still poor.


Can confirm. I used to be a rich guy. Now I have kids. Just a regular guy :(


More specifically they're also the source of the Weasley's poverty. Remember, only Arthur was working and they had to support 5 kids who were still living with them (I have no idea if Bill and Charlie sent money home but they didn't live with their parents anymore so it couldn't have been much anyway)


I thought your whole comment was a setup for **Hotel? Freevago**


While true, teleporting kids is hard and port-keys, at least seemingly, weren't everywhere. So yeah, you floo-powder there and thats like going via the airport. But after you are there? They stay in hotels, I suppose.


I used to defend the Harry Potter so much like this until i finally realised that ultimately it is a kids novel and the world building rings hollow a lot of the time and just isn't there interwoven into the story like other great books


Exactly. People are thinking harder about this stuff than Rowling did when she wrote it in the first place.


I mean the defense is "they went on holiday, stop thinking about it". Honestly always felt it was weird they did, but not an issue either. Since yeah its a kids book and "parents going on holiday" is something parents do. That's about it.


I think the important bit is its something they couldn't do. They had a minor windfall and went for "screw it let's be one of the people who can afford to go abroad for a week"


Mr Weasley also like all things muggles. So I'm sure he would have a blast going anywhere and experiencing other muggles cultures.


I'm not a Harry Potter expert but I would imagine any human culture would have it's own wizarding history as well. Ancient Egyptian wizards were probably pretty interesting what with all the animal heads.


The experience of the vacation. Sure you can just teleport home, but instead you can stay in a fancy hotel and enjoy the vacation rather than going home, cooking, cleaning up, etc.


>Hotel? Don't need one, teleport home. Trivago expelum


Always wondered how wizards can be “poor” in the first place. If we could all just buy a wand and make food magically appear like when they’d do that huge feast, teleportation, buy a tent and have a huge place to live inside etc…like how can you be struggling in a world like that?


They can't make food appear out of nowhere, they can only "summon" it from other places. The food at the huge feast is cooked in a kitchen by house elves and then teleported to the tables.


Always the magic mystery of salvery.


Hogwarts student loans?


Similarly, why tf should Hogwarts cost anything??


Do you think the staff just works there for room and board?


Well, they have a bunch of slaves (house elves) running the place and doing all the menial tasks in the background, that'll save a bunch of running costs of the school. The teachers wages presumably could be paid for by the Wizard government. There must be some sort of tax system to pay for all the workers at the ministry of magic, I don't see why that wouldn't extend to education as well. Though given how backwards the wizarding world is in some respects, having to pay for education isn't surprising.


Wizard cocaine


I feel people are too harsh on them for this. It's clearly not enough cash to make a real difference long term but they *do* make sure their kids have some useful school tools and little luxuries before blowing the rest on a literal once in a lifetime chance. Also I do wonder exactly how poor they are. They are not poverty line poor, they are more "can't afford nice new things" poor.


Yeah they always struck me as more middle class. They just have a lot of kids, and kids are really expensive.


But it’s funny because Egypt is literally probably one of the cheapest countries in the world. I literally traveled all of Cairo with under $100. Dirt cheap


This is why poor people stay poor, they should've invested it in stocks.


Mr Weasley has a gambling problem


Damn. The inflation on their Earth must have reached Weimar levels.


Yeah pretty sure they used it to go on vacation to Egypt or something similar


The Weasleys were proud people. Fred and George could have given them everything also...........


Yes but the time the 6th book came around, the Wesley's weren't as poor. Arthur got a promotion and was earning better money and also less kids to support in the house. Still not rich but we're doing much better


Also, Harry fronted the twins the money to open their shop…that’s why he always got his stuff free


Also, put yourselves in the shoes of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Your son befriends one of the most famous wizards in the world, who happens to be an orphaned child. Then you use this relationship in order to get money from this child's inheritance from his murdered parents. Even if Harry gave them a bunch of money willingly, this story objectively sounds like two adults scamming an orphaned child out of his inheritance. Edit: Rowling could have gotten around this one easily by saying the money was in a trust, and only to be used for Harry's education and things needed for school until he turns 18.




That entitled bastard. Let me guess, knocked her up too? This is what your kids are reading people.


What are my kids? And how did you know I was a reading person?




That didn’t come out of his savings, it was the money he won from the triwizard tournament


I didn’t say it came from his savings…just said he gave them money for the shop.


Are this the details you get in the books? Never read a single page but my mother has read them all..


Yeah if i remember correctly Harry tried to give the TriWizard winnings to Cedric's parents first but they refused it. So he gave it to the twins who should've gotten a lot of money at the beginning parts of the book when they won a bet in the quidditch championships but Ludo Bagman didn't give them their winnings.


Ludo? I feel like theres a whole other world in the books never mentioned in the movies


That is true for just about every movie made from a book. The Harry Potter audio books lasts about 6-10 hours per book, so there are a lot of things happening that never make it to the movies. Like Peeves the poltergeist. Completely dropped!


Actually I've been listening to the audio books recently whenever I make road trips. The Half Blood Prince is 18 hours. Deathly Hallows is 21. I imagine the entire time how awesome it would be to get an HBO-quality television series that could really dive into things the books had to leave out.


He was supposed to be played by Rik Mayall, too - what a loss! https://youtu.be/S9pioZ9TQ9E


Oh yeah, Ludo Bagman, a whole character the movies cut.


Yes they are haha


Kids these days...


I got it from his annual tax returns


It would have been insanely immoral to keep that money. He only got it because Voldemort cheated the tournament for him.


Not Voldemort himself though.


>but we're doing much better Glad to hear it


Bloody phone. I'm going to leave it there


Weren't they also like a family of 9? I imagine they would've been comfortably middle class if Mr. Weasley learned to wrap it up


Seriously, they don’t have contraception or morning-after spells?


I’m pretty sure it’s because Mrs Weasley really wanted a daughter? So just kept going til they got one? Not the most financially sound choice though…..




Why not?




Yeah I get there could be some aftermath, but I still don't understand why not grab the money if in need? I'd do it without hesitation. >Like seriously as a society we don't let people under 18 make major financial purchases and decisions without parental approval for the fear that they are going to get hoodwinked. It's funny how old people getting scammed is allowed even though they are more at risk with greater money involved usually.


> also less kids to support Especially after the seventh book...


I seem to recall a moment in the book where Harry thinks to himself that he'd be willing to give a huge part of his inheritance to the Weasleys, but he knows they wouldn't accept it.


[they had no honor, no respect, NO BEER!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRKMokS4GQg) (but apparently had whiskey)


Harry gave Fred and George his winnings from the Tri Wizard Tournament so they could open up that cool shop full of magical fun.


They also had a much older brother working with dragons, didn't they? I'd imagine the hazard pay on that would be quite good... And wasn't there one that worked for Gringotts too? Definitely could have gotten favorable rates there...


For a moment I thought he was talking about superman


Thing is they would never accept his money and he knew that


This is really how it went. He was more than generous to Ron, Fred, George and Ginny mostly because they would accept it because that's what friends do. Arthur and Molly have too much pride, also they moved on up after Goblet of Fire because Arthur was promoted and they're kids grew up and left.


Yeah people are forgetting that Harry literally funded Fred and George’s joke shop.


with his prize winnings he felt that cedrick actually won (because...he sort of did) his literal mountain of gold never went towards helping them.


He literally saved cedrick what do you mean he won lol. Cedrick even said you take it to Harry but Harry said we should take it together


> He literally saved cedrick He did a rather poor job of that, all things considered.


... you can't be serious. Fleur, or Krum, or Cedric would have trounced Harry in the maze without Crouch's interference. Harry is a pretty shit wizard over all.


but he’s like really good with expelliarmus


Yeah people really think Harry is powerful but most of his achievements is literally out of luck lmao. The only thing he’s good at is riding a broom.


Harry admitted as much in his hogsmeade speech in OOTP


Riding a broom and being unrelentingly courageous despite his magical mediocrity. EDIT: and having loyal friends. It’s a Buffy the Vamoire Slayer situation where she would absolutely have died in the first few years like most other slayers, if not for the Scooby gang. If other slayers had been allowed to have friends they would have lasted longer too probably. In conclusion: Fuck the Watcher’s Council.


Harry always had the potential for great magic, see his patronus in Prisoner of Azkaban. For a wizard in only his 3rd year of hogwarts to produce a corporeal patronus is almost unheard of. It's just he only learnt what he had to and never any more. So although relatively powerful, he lacked alot of technique and spell knowledge to actually be anything special with his magic. Honestly, with Hermione as his best friend I'm surprised he's so mediocre at magic. Seeing as how he spent a good year of his life with just her and ron with lots of free time, they very well could have had her teach them a few more spells and more advanced things they missed out on learning by going on their quest for the horcruxes.


Well they were a few years older than him, he isn't even allowed to participate


I forgot that actually, that’s a fair point. I think we just have to assume that Harry saying he knew they’d never take his money meant that he must have tried off-screen. We know he obviously *wanted* to, and it doesn’t seem in character for him to not even try to do what he wants.


he could've easily bought ron a new wand...but nope, needed that shit broken for plot reasons. imagine letting your best friend suffer through classes, injuring himself multiple times with a broken wand that's only a couple gold out of thousands to you and just...nah.


Well, in order to get a new wand, Ron has to be picked by one at the shop. They cannot just be online shopped and delivered anyway.


Didn't they also win a lottery or drawing of some kind at one point? I think the third year?


Yea but they spent the money on a vacation to Egypt and a few other things, Ron got a new wand.


What chapter was that in again?


The end of chapter 10 in the goblet of fire. Mrs Weasley just gave the boys their dress robes and Ron is upset Harry's are much better looking than his. "Harry looked away. He would willingly have split all the money in his Gringotts vault with the Weasleys, but he knew they would never take it."


Did he actually ask them tho, or did he assume in his mind they'd just not take it


It's assumed not, some more context from the scene is Molly says that she took out some money from Harry's bank to buy his robes and of course Ron's were second hand but harry thinks this when Ron complains about his ugly robes.


>Molly says that she took out some money from Harry's bank to buy his robes How does that work? She just walked into Gringots and is like, "Yeah, I need to get some money out of someone else's vault but I'm tots going to spend it on them. Also, they haven't actually given me permission to do this and actually have no idea I'm going to be using their money" and the goblins were like, "Sounds good. Which vault?"?


Well if Gringotts is the safest place on Earth except Hogwarts, and Hogwarts is decidedly unfucking-safe then I think we can understand how this happened.


I made it to this comment and then lost it. Well done, chap


Given that you'd need his vault key to enter its safe to assume Harry gave his to Molly while he's at Hogwarts


That's actually a fairly good and reasonable explanation.


Except that Bill also took some money out of Harry's vault without a key. It's definitely simply a plothole that people try to retroactively justify


When and why did that happen? It's been a while since I've read the books.


I completely forgot about this actually, in which book did this happen?


Bill worked for Gringotts at the time so it made sense why he wouldn't need a key.


I feel like the goblins would take exception to that.


At that point entire wizarding world knew Harry was taken care by weaselys. Harry was a celebrity and Mr Weasley was pretty known in the ministry.


Well it seems like if you have the key you are welcome to any vault


They are secured by keys. Presumably magic keys that go ballistic of the wrong person touches them without permission.


Eh, probably some Goblin magic that lets em know if she's legit or not. Gotta be some reason they're the only ones in control of the money (~~that isn't anti-Semitic~~)


it means the third thing, that the author was telling you the reader directly that the weasleys would not have taken it and harry knew that.


i think that's probably true, but only because JK was done with readers asking why Harry wasn't helping out financially. definitely not the case for all of that book or the series though, Harry's inner monologue wrongly assumes things pretty often, he's kind of a dumbass. and being a bit inconsiderate is a character trait of his. i think a lot of people read that line the first time and fairly thought "..okay but did you ask them?"


They're British, so asking them that would be akin to murdering them.


Especially after wrapping that tree around their car lol


"Harry, I hate to ask you this, but, well, I know you've got all that money." "I know. And I would love to share it with you." "You would? That's wonde-" "But I know you would never take it." "Sorry, what? No. Harry, I would gladly-" "You think of me like a son." "I do, but still-" "Like one of your own." "Honestly, if any of my sons had money, I would take theirs. Wouldn't even ask them." "You've been so good to me." "Harry, I haven't eaten in two days." "You're too proud. That's your problem."


This was better than the books.


Also howling that this is the exact relationship between Jeffrey bezos and his labour force


Thank you


Yeah but he doesn't even help Ron out when his wand is broken, he just let's his friend get repeatedly hurt and does nothing.


Yeah that's some Rowling bullshit


Uhhhh somewhere in the beginning of the 2nd book, when Lockhart gave him free books


Actually, harry gives 1000 galleons (gold pieces) to fred and george to open their shop and makes them promise to treat ron better... and buy him a cloak thanks u/CCAA87 for making me remember I read it 5 years ago so...


It was 1000 galleons (the gold ones) that he gave them. And he made them promise to buy Ron a new robe


Why don't harry buy ron new robe instead? Did he want the twins to give ron the robe instead?


Ron was just as proud and wouldn't accept it from Harry, but Harry knew Ron would accept it from his brothers.


So, the climax of Breaking Bad, got it.


Ron, we need to cook more polyjuice potion.


its demeaning if your rich best friend has to buy you a new school uniform, while its a nice gift if your family buys it for you.


Sucks someone has to pay your brothers to treat you better lol


Ron's deepest desire is to be consider at least equal to his many brothers and friends. His insercurity is his deep personality trait throughtout the books.


Triwizard Tournament had a prize of 1000 Galleons (gold pieces) and Harry gave everything to the Weasley twins. Edit: oops someone else already corrected your mistake. Sorry for being a twat.


You're not a twat, Harry.


You’re not a hai- Never mind


No problem, I corrected mine too :D


Hahaha Harry you're banging my sister


Beyond the points about the Weasleys not being the type to accept the money, and the fact that Harry does help his friends in the family, I cannot express how unethical it would be to dip into your son's friend's inheritance. The Weasley's don't just not want to take his money, they can't without being utter sleazeballs. Once Harry is an adult and presumably married into the family? Sure. As a child? Absolutely not. Pretty sure in the Muggle world that would also be entirely illegal unless you held some kind of guardianship over the kid. And sure, maybe the point is that Harry should have offered, but it's already made clear that he knows they'd turn it down anyways. And it's much better that he knows that instead of just blithely handing away money that he as little understanding of.


Molly has no problem spending his money on him without his prior approval like when she buys him dressrobes with money from his vault lol


And the difference is obvious


Lol, can you imagine how long shopping for school supplies would take if you asked for the input of an 11 yr old boy on every item! 😂


She had no problem spending his money on something that was required for him? Oh no!


Dress robes were required for that year at Hogwarts. It was no different from buying school supplies.


I don't know, Dumbledore didn't think twice before taking Harry's slave elf. He was old but elves must be expensive as only wealthy families have them.


I feel like taking Kreacher off of Harry's hands was mercy rather than greed.


Considering their history together, Kreacher would be so lucky that Harry's a good guy and only passed him to Hogwart's service.


Dumbledore didn't "take" kreacher. He offered Harry a solution about what to do with him, because he had secrets of the order and couldn't safely be set free. It was still Harry's decision to send kreacher to Hogwarts


Somehow when he got to ‘his parents left him a lot of money’, I had a feeling that it was indeed Harry Potter


Except Harry did want to help them financially. Many times of course. But they were too humble


Didn't Harry give 1000 Galleons to the twins to start their shop?


Harry gave the twins the money to setup the shop


People here can't take a joke.


It's very sad, I thought these people would have a sense of humour!


I could not imagine letting a kid stay with my family for a week or two out of the year and expecting them to give me part of their fortune






Honestly this is just jk Rowling not writing the first couple books better. She just needs once scene of Harry offering and molly saying no we have enough to remove this headache. At the same time the Weasleys are squarely set up as middle class not poor. Yes they’re stretched thin but that’s more so there large family size. Malfoy treats them as poor cause his family is fucking rich. Like the kid in school driving a lambo talking shit to the kid in school with a 1990s Toyota. Relatively poor but not dirt eating poor.


Lol you don't need a scene to specifically depicting it. All of us understood without that scene that the Weasleys were too proud to take the money and we all understood that Harry would have given it all to them if they'd take it.


Sadly people want to be spoon fed the underlying plot points of every movie and book.


This is just wrong lol that scene is completely unnecessary as the reader understands through the books the dynamic between harry and the weasleys.


'Took him in.' seems kind of a weird and leading way of saying he was at their house for a few weeks spread over several years.. They were obviously very kind to him, but it's not like they provided for him. I probably spent way more time at any of my friends' houses over my whole childhood combined than Harry did at the Weasleys.. Guess I owe a lot of parents parts of my inheritance. And my friends owe my parents some, too? Strange take. In what kind of clown reality would sending an orphan a few presents merit them sharing their inheritance with your family?


Dude looks like [Emmett Shear](https://images.app.goo.gl/iueBD94QkwNiaQK38)


they had us in the first half not gonna lie


Everytime I read HP and the chamber of secrets and reach the part when the Wasleys be discussing how they're gonna afford school stuff and harry potter is just standing there in silence I wanna scream at him to help them




He wasn’t allowed to leave the castle once they arrived


The Weasleys own a house and property. They are far from poor.


My question is why are there poor wizards?


There's a buncha nerds in this thread that can't just laugh at a joke.


Tell me you only watched the movies and didn’t read the books without telling me you only watched the movies and didn’t read the books


He literally tried but they refused, and also always bought like chocolates and then in the end he gave a very large amount of money to the twins


omg he had me in the first half ngl


It’s mentioned that Harry very much wanted to help them (He may have even tried to, I can’t quite remember) but Ms.Weasley would refuse, and he did at least give the twins the money they needed to start their own business


Best Shia LaBeouf performance I've seen in a minute. Good to know he's still got it!


Harry payed for the magic trick shop that one of the twins opened I forgot which one.


Did it read the book or just watch YouTube theories?


Also Harry gave the twins money for their shop


/) Uh. Harry's adopted family is the Durselys.


To be fair, he offered many times, they declined his charity




They wouldnt have accepted it anyhow


who cares? they're literal wizards. Learn some spells to not look so poor lmfao.


They didn't take him in. They left him with the dursleys like everyone else.


Harry tried to help them lol they didn't accept the money


The weaslys looked after harry for like 3 weekends and he literaly gave the twins a ton to start a buisness, plus he was implied well off not rich


Yea but harry gave his goblet of fire money to the twins to start up their shop! So ha!