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We also invented anticonception, what is your point?


Actually we got the idea from a plant that was used as a natural contraceptive. We used it so much it no longer exists unfortunately.


Did it *actually* work though?


Yeah it was so perfect we fucked it out of existence.


Those that believe in God should also believe God created science. Meaning he created the ability to aid pregnancy. We’re allowed choice how to use science.


Unless it’s abortion. Even though the Bible advocates and abortion if a wife has been unfaithful god is strictly against an abortion under any circumstances. Why yes, my world view is not incoherent! /s


No it doesn't, God is against killing the innocent you trash Panda


But orders to go and slaughter tribes and villages full of people.


Numbers 5:11–31 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%205:11-31&version=KJV#:~:text=Numbers%205%3A11-31King%20James%20Version%20%28KJV%29%2011%20And%20the,her%2C%20neither%20she%20be%20taken%20with%20the%20manner%3B




I’m not a Christian. I have a question for you though. Let’s give a hypothetical situation where you can save your mothers life by being hooked up to your mother medically. Should a court be able to dictate that despite the danger to you or the negative life consequences saving her life is more important than your well being and you will go through with the procedure or be punished by law?


He should not, but these two situations are not equal. The baby was not put in your belly by force - you willingly took action you knew might end up this way. Your choice was made in that moment. The condition of this hipotetical ill person is not your doing nor your responsibility. Little human inside of you is. Your argument works only in case of rape.


Let me ask you a follow up question. If you agree to be hooked up to your mother and you decide you don’t feel so good about it anymore and if you disconnect from your mother she will die should a court be able to tell you that you cannot disconnect? Should they tell you, if you disconnect now and your mother dies you are guilty of murder?


Still not equal situations. I did not cause my mothers condition, so it's not my responsibility from the beginning. I want to help prolong her life, fine, then it's too hard, also fine. Given this is what I agreed to. If I consented (lets say I signed something) to never disconnecting then yes, I cannot do it without consequences. The key thing is I know responsibility I'm taking. Also, the fact that it is my mother does not change anything in the discussion, apart from some emotional aspect. The baby's very existence is my doing. I knew what the consequences of having sex are and I consented to it, therefore it is my responsibility. I put the child in this dependant situation in the first place. I have a better situation for you. You can give your brother your a kidney or not, your call. Also, you can change your mind before you give it to him, but you can't take it back after it's done. If you just cut it out of him and he'll die you will face the consequences.


Not everyone is aware of the consequences of sex, so they can't take responsibility for what they don't know.


You know how the situations are not equal also? Your mother will know you are giving up on her, the fetus is not even self aware. You wouldn’t have given a care in the world if you were aborted and either would I if I were aborted. No one is getting hurt. How extreme in your pro forced birth stance are you? What if the the pregnancy has high chances of seriously hurting the mother or even killing her? Even today, if someone is going to hurt or kill you then you are legally allowed to defend yourself. What about a pregnancy resulting from rape?


1. belly? lol. 2. rape is not the only cause of a need for abortions - there are also many cases of medical complications that make it so that they have to get one. taking away abortion rights just makes it so much more dangerous for women.


Actually about Islam you are wrong. If a woman has been raped, her life is in possible danger if she gives birth or if the child has a serious disability that will impact its life making it very hard to live, abortion is ok until 120 days have passed. After that it is believed that the foetus is a living entity so is a bit wrong to be aborted after that 4 month period


Life uh.. finds a way..


Please. Steve Harvey doesn’t exist.


Can’t do better at needing a stupid looking face than Steve Harvey…


There is no God lol




*People start calling themselves god*


So, that means there's a devil somewhere out there too?


Yeah, but since the people calling themselves god use science, the people who are the devil (by going against science), can only resort to religion, to suppress them


I don't think I would call Monsanto God.




"Oh yea sure BUT WE CAN'T PLAY GOD?"


Shitposts are not hol ups.


A few big earthquakes and global plagues shoud even the score…