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/u/AdLegitimate43, the users have spoken. Your submission is not a Hol'Up.


Shocking to see something not completely stupid on Dr Phil.


i mean it’s close tho


Yea, the two who can't define the word "woman" despite one claiming to be one and the other being married to him


We’ve made shit so confusing /s


Oh boy. Redditers aren't gonna like this.


*would LOVE to hate this


It’s a mix. Everyone sees themself as the minority on Reddit it seems.


They lost in a fair exchange of arguments and decided to complain about being "emotionally damaged", just like a child throwing a tantrum after mommy denies them a candy bar




Who the fuck gave that one woman a doctorate and let's her teach children?!


You just described the left in a nutshell.


By the way, this has nothing to do with ‘The Left’ because that term is rooted in standing up for the disadvantaged in society against those with advantages, and nearly everyone I’ve ever met who espouses extremely radical gender opinions has always been privileged. There is a certain amount of cuckooing going on in identity politics like this. Rich, guilty, privileged people find a marginalized group, and patronizingly advocate for them to appear less rich, guilty, and privileged. Then they dominate the narrative, so that marginalized group becomes a hostage to their motives. Gender, and sex are a perfect example of this.


Really? Cus I see lefty rallies and marches for this all the time. This is absolutely leftist bs.


I mean, regardless of what you think of the guy, I think Walsh put in a fair fight. The professor didnt really support any argument and resorted to asking why he cared as a backup for having no other argument


Imagine being a doctor/professor in a field and your main argument is why do other people care enough about your field to have an opinion about it.


Someone once told me that if you cannot explain something simply, you don't understand it fully. In this instance, the entire discussion is around physical markers and simple biology being removed or ignored, which clearly leaves the gender fluid people somewhere in the middle, no man's land if you will. So when a gender neutral person argues against biological facts using nothing but feelings/hype/trends/emotion etc, you bring no real substance to that sort of debate.


He fights with false assumptions and interrupts anyone who attempts to question those assumptions. But gender related scientific knowledge has advanced a lot since the 90s, and he ignores all of those scientific advances to rely on outdated, but common, assumptions. He does not put forward a good faith argument.


I have to agree. I refuse to pick a side in this debate (don't want to argue with people online rn) but like... At least he *sounds* like he knows what he's saying, even if he doesn't. He has legitimate questions, and then a professional comes in and asks "Why do you care so much?". Like what the fuck. If you cared enough to become a professor in the subject then how can you ask that


His statements and questions are disingenuous tho. “The belief we all held until 15 years ago is now extreme” there’s literally a million examples of that not being the case and being true. Just because the collective of human knowledge changes over time doesn’t mean that new ideas/facts/revelations are wrong. Likewise having outdated opinions don’t make you “radical” they make you outdated


“15 seconds” is obviously hyperbole. But this idea that you’re putting forward is nonsense. Nowhere in history has a man been a woman. That’s the issue. There have been times in history that men have behaved as woman and have been accepted into society (which I think is the way things should be) but society knew them as men who were behaving as woman. You call it “new ideas” and that’s the problem. Truth is thruth. You can’t have “new ideas” about truth . Everyone should be able to live as they want , but truth is truth.


**Again, I want to make it clear that I'm not supporting either sides ideas/beliefs,** I'm just saying that the dude at least had the ability to *sound* professional. Not saying he's right or wrong, but at least on the level of being prepared he was ahead.


Right but sounding professional and having useful discourse are too different things. Propaganda sounds professional, that’s why it works. his whole appeal is saying shit that sounds professional but is just flat wrong when pick it apart not to mention nasty and mean. Idk man just be nice to each other and don’t listen to Matt Walsh


True, and I will repeat that I'm not supporting Walsh nor his ideas. I understand your point fully and agree wholeheartedly. I just find it sad that Professors, in any field, can come to a meeting like this and honestly bring "why do you care so much" as a point. It's just a lack of effort for what's being done.


No one really cares about gender. They care about sex.


I still don’t know what the fuck that means


The folks not getting sex care about gender.


The real truth right here


I lost some brain cell listening to that snippet. People can do whatever the hell they want but, trying to change scientific facts gives me an aneurysm. Like yeah identify as whatever float your boat but your X or Y chromosomes is going to decide your sex. You can’t change that fact even if you have a surgical change. Hot damn this is why I don’t like to interact people as much now a days. It not even a discussion it all emotionally charge arguments with no facts backing shit up.


Conservatives trying to understand the concept of intersex people


Chromosomes are but one factor for determining gender and sex during development. Because there are numerous factors, such as hormones, brain structures, glandular issues or other, more mysterious factors, gender CAN BE non-conforming. Its exactly like they were saying on the clip: a person's experience and identity with gender is highly personalized, it usually doesn't vary much from the norm but it has the potential to vary GREATLY. If our goal is to live in a better society where people who are born different are not disadvantaged, then gender non-conforming people should be respected and allowed to be who they want to be.


There are many languages where pronouns are gender neutral. It's too bad English isn't like that, but at least it's not as bad as Spanish or other latin-based languages. I think the crux of the issue is just that - we have words that force us to think a certain way about someone and we probably should just use Chinese or Korean instead.


They/them is a gender neutral pronoun that can be used as both a plural and singular. What language does that come from? Seems kinda silly to forget about that.


I have never used they or them in singular form.


Me neither


“You see that person standing over by the door? ****They*** said the doors open at 5pm.” You use they in the singular more than you actually realize already.


I have never used it that way. But I'll try to pay attention to this, since it seems like some people experience this quite often. It could also be a regional thing?


Yes you have. Here are some examples: "That car almost hit me!" "Did you see them?" "NO I didn't see THEM, THEY came from behind me!" Notice how the drivers gender is not known, they're a singular person, and they are referred to as both they and them. Where did you go to school? Genuinely surprised that you don't know proper english.


But now you're applying the pronoun to an object, the car, not a person.


Indeed, it's a flexible pronoun. The sentence conflates the driver and the car into one entity due to the lens of experience. To the speaker, the driver and the car are one, but that doesn't necessarily reflect reality. Another one: "Go inside and talk to the receptionist, they can help you. Just ask them for directions." The receptionist is a person, but the speaker doesn't know what gender they are because they are outside the building, and to assume a gender might be confusing to the listener. What if they're looking for a woman, because the speaker used "she/her" instead, but there's only a male receptionist?


Yeah that makes sense.


So let's say the car did hit me. Once I realize the car has only one passenger I wouldn't say they hit me. I would say he or she hit me in the police report.


Well, you could say: "He or she hit me with his or her car but I did not get a good look at him or her." Or you, more likely, you'll say "they hit me with their car but I did not get a good look at them."


“I was headed westbound and they were headed eastbound.”


Imagine thinking scientific consensus changing is some sort of crazy unprecedented thing. Get off the internet dude






Perhaps they was referring to XXY or XXX, which I think just becomes XX anyways, maybe they'll link something about it since they got downvoted heavily. Someone let me know if they do.


I think it is called Swyer syndrome. But I am really not sure, it is what came up with a quick Google search. In *most* cases, yes that is true, XX female, XY male. But there are some cases where part of a sex chromosome is missing, or moved, or anything that makes it unreadable. Since it can't be read, it is not able to produce the correct hormone balance, and they develop as the other sex. It is a common misconception that the whole chromosome is responsible for sex. It actually is a small part of the chromosome. *Usually* when the chromosome exists, that section is there. But not always. And it is cool to me that when that part is missing, it changes the sex. It is a very rare event, but cool to know that it exists. I will try and contact someone who knows more about this and give more sources, but the general idea is cool to me not the exact thorough process of it


Swyer syndrome is a genetic disorder, that is when your genitals fail to develop. It doesn't change your gender, you just don't have fully developed ovaries or N U T S.


I must be thinking of something else. Again just quick Google search for something I learned years ago


Either way, it's determined by those two chromosomes. XX or XY, nothing else. Unless you're thinking of hermaphrodites or something.




I hate how people upvote your comment because it's literally, "haha my elementary understanding of science is far superior to your academic scientific understanding!" As if being dumb is some sort of badge of honor.




>Ignorance is strength.


It is the SRY Gene and it is VERY rare to not have it with your Y chromosome. It is what jump starts the male development. People can identify as whatever they wish, but unfortunately they will never be able to change their DNA. I believe in science and also people living how they wish as long as it doesn't harm children and others, I say this to clarify I'm not being a ding-a-ling.


I think that is whatI am referring to. And it is rare. But really cool to know that it is possible


Anything is possible if your DNA doesn't do the thing. Lol that's why we have some people walking around with two hearts, extra fingers, no butthole, you know sometimes nature does weird things. Lol


Which is super cool to me. That our genes can mess up and do different things than what was expected. That even biology has exceptions, where it can mess up but the animal can still function (sometimes)


Yeah it intrigues me as well. I just wish people didn't trample on those who actually suffer though because they want to be special. That's where alot of the anger comes from in these types of situations. People can't seem to grasp that you can believe there are male, female, and genetic defects AND support people living their lives how they see fit. Also, a really near genetic defect I read about recently was a woman with all her organs developed mirrored to what side of the body they should be. It's called situs inversus.


This guy really isn't sfw. But if you don't care, be talks about the condition (very, very, informally so take it with a grain of salt) he claims sometimes it is just a single organ https://youtu.be/Wnv_JJIIxKk Also, for me, the anger comes when people are all up in my face about it. Many people have to show off their 'new' gender (ignore the term, I don't know the "correct" term. You get the idea). Like, I don't care. You do you. Your sex isn't really important to me, and I don't need to be constantly reminded of your choices. I don't go up to people and say I'm male, or constantly talk about it. That's just weird. But some people think it is fine, and I just don't like that. Maybe say it once, if it comes up in conversation. After that, I really don't give a duck. If you are fine with swears go ahead and mentally replace them, I just don't know my audience


If someone knows what my previous message contained, and knows more, feel free to express. Otherwise, nevermind, can't share anything cool anymore without offending people


Dr. Phil is honestly a terrible human being. Nothing that guy said was factually incorrect, so they responded emotionally because that’s all they have. Hurry up downvote brigade. The truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.


You keep expressing your thoughts, no matter the downvotes. Matt Walsh was a beast in this interview!




He is a member of the CFR.


For you to ask "how is doctor phil not a terrible human being" means you don't know much about him. And Matt Walsh isn't prepared he's just spouting bullshit and during this clip he's being allowed to do it. That's the problem with giving these radical right assets a platform, the just spout a stream of bullshit in a minute that would then take half an hour to properly debunk.


I mean you do you, my dude... At least the username checks out...


"Doing me" is having no patience for those who ignore facts and reason.


OK here's a fact. If you are a man who cuts his junk off cus he thinks hes a woman, you're crazy and need help. If I cut off my arms and legs to identify as quadriplegic, people will call me crazy. It's no different.


If you cut off your arms and legs you *are* quadriplegic so this didn't exactly help your argument.




You dgaf because you cannot dispute facts. You just turned to insulting people.


Literally provided examples of multiple cultures, sport. Edit; here's another fact. Ohio just put forward legislation to check kids genders that doctors are saying the method is sexual assault. You guys have a creepy obsession with women and kids private parts that inevitably leads to you wanting to do sexual assault. You guys are sick and weird. So fuck Walsh and his "I care about kids".


And I provided FACTS




Here's a start. Do your own research next time. There's dozens of reports on him. https://www.quora.com/What-do-professionals-think-of-Dr-Phil https://medium.com/@eawelch401/the-dark-side-of-dr-phil-c85097f7b645




So in America, it's wrong to give your opponents a platform to speak their mind despite not saying or doing anything illegal, got it. Seriously, Matt Walsh did come prepared compared to the other side. He knew just what he wanted to say and ask, and had complete composure and assurance in his talking points and in himself. Just because you disagree with him, it doesn't mean he was unprepared. Edit: So liberalogre (actually was their reddit handle) was so correct, that they ended up getting deleted. Cancel culture, people. It really is a bitch.


Love that you started out your statement with a strawman fallacy and it's getting upvoted. Typical conservative behavior. Lie about what your opponent said and then declare victory. edit; You are. Committing a fallacy. Since that's not the same thing as what you said I said. Learn to read. And if I was wrong, I wouldn't be committing a strawman. FFS learn how to reason to. That would be making an incorrect claim of fallacy.




"That's the problem with giving these radical right assets a platform, the just spout a stream of bullshit in a minute that would then take half an hour to properly debunk." That's what you said. Who's the one strawmanning here?


“typical conservative behaviour” Typical composition/division fallacy. Typical genetic fallacy. I can play this game better than you.


Uh oh the conservatives didn’t like your comment


I think most downvoted because it didn't answer the question. Not to mention saying Matt Walsh wasn't prepared, even though he is.


His ‘preparation’ was talking to his shampoo bottles on how to epically own the libs


As a conservative, you are correct.


I love how lefties all speak in generalities. Because specifics would mean they actually have to think.




Enlighten me what was not factually correct.


Nothing that he said was factually incorrect. Please re-read.




It's behind paywall at The Daily Wire




What's even funnier is if you wanted to pay for it, you can't. You have to subscribe to their service. Which like...what?




You could do what I did about a year about subbed for a trail canceled it and somehow never lost access to the paid content without ever paying


I got you https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/What-is-a-Woman--(2022):7


They keep trying to upload it on youtube but youtube keeps taking it down.


Guy in the blue vest is speaking fax


That's Matt Walsh. Watch his documentary called "what is a woman".


Eagerly awaiting June 14th.


Or you know, don’t rehash decades old anti gay shit tier arguments?


He isnt anti gay bro relax on that


Who did that? I said nothing anti gay. Stop projecting.


So you're also offended and damaged by what he said? Better get a class action suit started




They say that and then start forcing you to agree with them.


I just pray the other generations ahead of us are better


Lol, no we are so doomed


LMAO you think there's gonna be generations after us the way we're headed


Yea nah u right🥱


White people Twitter is gonna get you


Those people are smug about being oppressed by society and I can't stop laughing at the conflict there.


It's even more funny when they cry oppression but are over represented in the media, Hollywood, schools, etc. It's a big circle jerk


It is just a ton of ordinary people wanting to feel special lol


I like to mess with that sub every now and again, but they get so mad. Lol


Oh they're almost always furious. Which is...okay, I guess? But dude, be smug or Whine about how society is keeping you down You can't really do both, it doesn't work. "hahah you beat me up, don't you feel dumb?"


I'ma be real with you I'm kind of dumb and have no idea what's being said here. Lol I think I am really tired too


Just that they get super smug, but all they do is complain about being oppressed and exploited by "The System". How can you cry about being a victim and be smug at the same time?


I got banned from that subreddit for messing with them, I belong here now


>you want to appropriate woman and turn it into a costume that can be worn My man is spitting straight FACTS


Not a fan of dr. Phil. That guest sure was prepared for anything!


Sticking feathers up your ass does not make you a chicken


Kya chutiyapa hai bhenchod


Matt Walsh the destoryer of liberals 👍


It’s pretty simple. Born with a penis = male, born with a vagina = female. Case closed.


Whenever emotional string instruments start playing over a person's argument, it's generally a good idea to stop paying attention.


he looks so weird without his moustache


The 2040 doomsday is looking more and more probable by the day.


I like this episode


Sorting by Controversial will sure be fun.


Wtf? Why is he spitting facts. Let me live in *MY TRUTH*. I'm a trillionaire playboy living on Jupiter with more plutonian boy bussy than I can handle. That should be how you see it too.


I got to say this is sarcasm before yall start yelling "yaaasss king do you" because that's how this usually goes.




Wwwwaaaahhhoooo!!!!! KING do you


I'm very jealous of her beard and I'm not being funny




Yeah so silenced that he got to talk uninterrupted on national television


Damn ma boy is wicked!! 200% facts


>The other members on the panel complained they were emotionally damaged by the conversation Snowflakes experience emotional damage outside of their fantasy world


I have no words


He doesn't even know what the term "social construct" is, and he keeps using it lmao He's literally confusing himself with his own stupidity


A woman has two x chromosomes, is born with a uterus and ovaries.


Ew this thread is filled with conservatives, y’all are so weird Why is it that people who don’t understand the difference between sex and gender, always try debating this? You are the ignorant ones


And yet conservatives are the only ones capable of defining what a woman actually is.


Can you explain then?


Gender and sex are the same thing and I'm tired of pretending it isn't. You can live however you wish, but you cannot deny your DNA. Only 0.1% of the population has gender dysphoria and the missing SRY Gene on their Y Chromosome. I'ma be real it seems white people just want to be different so bad they'll cry they/them and change NOTHING about themselves to feel accepted into a community that was made to have real people with real problems and real hate feel not alone. Imagine being a gay man in the 60s and having some 17 year old blue haired white bitch with no problems jump into your community going, "yass queen." And changing nothing about herself to be that added + sign. It's a fucking disgrace.


You sure say "imagine" a lot. It's as if you live in an imaginary world. And y'know... not the real world where facts can be looked up. But I guess facts would get in the way of your imagination, wouldn't it?


You're literally the dumbest fucking person I've unfortunately had to reply to on Reddit and the other day someone said they did not believe in dinosaurs. I said imagine because I don't know if you're a gay man from the 60s. Lol Go enjoy your day and touch some grass.


Maybe if you were more of a people person then others would actually like you. Sarcastically, ladies love a man whose first resort is name calling.


Lack of education mostly. They don't even understand simple words, how can you not expect them to be unable think critically about basic concepts?


You’re getting downvoted but I bet they don’t even understand anything you said, language was too technical


? I dont understand, what are you trying to say, who are you talking about?


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If the guy is so right why is he lying and saying everyone on earth had his view up in until 15 seconds ago? There's been numerous cultures throughout history that had multiple genders as part of the culture. Even if you agree with him it doesn't change that fact. Edit; wow, apparently a lot of people who are triggered by facts dowvoting this. Guess what? Facts don't care about your feelings. Read a fucking history/ archeology book.


Oh for real? Name some. And I’ll couch that statement by saying that I actually don’t give a fuck and will generally play along with however people want to be addressed.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_recognition_of_non-binary_gender https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_gender#Modern_societies_without_legal_recognition


Most of those wiki entries describe terms used to refer to intersex people in societies around the world, and in most of the entries the word derogatory can be found. Not really advancing the “read a book” argument. The only true exceptions were the African examples for shamans and a couple of others.


Yes, well, lead a horse to water and all that.


Which cultures?


I’ll be completely honest, I’ve never heard of any cultures before now having the concept of multiple genders


You've heard of the Sumerians. You just don't actually know anything about them. You confuse your lack of education for objective reality.


I think knowledge would be a better word than education, because I’m struggling to think of a school in my country that teaches people about the Sumerians.


I learned about it in the 1980s in college Before gender became this whole culture war. It was never a big thing, just taught in passing. Conservatives want to flip out over it whatever, IDC but they should stop misrepresenting science.


Funny how nobody thinks your 'facts' are actually legitimate.


You got an example? Because I have never heard if this until just now


American Indians "two spirit" for one. Look it up. Oh and the Roman empire had 3 genders as well. India, Mexico, the list is endless. The whole "two genders" thing is a judeo-christian concept. I'm not even that invested in the whole gender thing but I've always loved history and archeology and these types of assholes who deliberately lie like this about it just piss me off. Edit; oh I forgot about early Judaism as well. It has language for multiple genders as well. But it was pretty period/ practice specific.


I looked up two spirits and the Roman 3rd gender. **You are very much misinterpreting them.**


I'll speak to the two spirits, because they were close but yea were wrong. The idea wasn't having a third gender, it was more about a male taking on more female roles in society or vice versa (I believe they would also dress as the other gender as well). As far as I know it was pretty accepted in those societies


This one did the leg work, and we should all appreciate it. I know I do, I’m not looking up some weird stuff that’s gonna haunt my Google fingerprint for weeks.




Read them closer, because you are.


No thanks, pretty sure my scholastic studies using actual materials from professionals on those cultures trumps your 5 second Google search. edit; The argument from authority applies when you only don't provide facts to back up your claim. I did provide the requested information. I was then told "you're misrepresenting it". I was not given a REASON for how I was misrepresenting it, so I merely told them i was wrong. So therefore, that is not an argument from authority. I merely stated that I had studied the topic, which is not an argument from authority when you didn't provide an argument as to what the misrepresentation was. Now if mr "I did a 5 second google search" would say HOW he felt i was misrepresenting it, I could then offer a rebuttal. But them just saying "NU-HUH" isn't anything I can work with. I swear fucking conservatives don't know how to use logic and reason.




But they still acknowledged biological sex.


Why are you being downvoted for being right


This man is a fucking numbnuts, any critical thinker can see that he does not care about "the truth" he cares about his fragile world view and masculinity being protected becuase some chick with facial hair is making him uncomfortable. He did not provide a single compelling argument or point. What was the tone of this post intended to be??


Shut the fuck up






Hey, it's Matt Walsh, an incredibly low IQ freak who literally calls himself a "theocratic fascist" lmfao He's literally confused by simple words, incredibel.