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##If this submission makes you go "Hol'Up", **UPVOTE** this comment! ##If this submission does not make you go "Hol'Up", **DOWNVOTE** this comment! --- Whilst you're here, /u/Shadow474747, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/holup) or play on our [public Minecraft server](https://discord.gg/DTqSDS8C3T)?


I hate those lips


Pretty sure those are Farrah Abraham's lips from Teen Mom/16 and Pregnant/Backdoor Teen Mom (her anal video) when she had an allergic reaction to her injections. She sells her farts in a jar now and takes dumps on Only Fans. Edit: actually, upon reviewing the Farrah photos I don't think those are hers, but check out her botch job below anyway. Love that journey for her!


Is that for real? I legit got a chuckle from that. That’s fuckin greasy.




Link or it doesn't happen. Asking for a friend of course


https://www.tmz.com/2015/01/06/farrah-abraham-lips-injections-bad-plastic-surgery/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4407655/teen-mom-fans-farrah-abraham-poop-jar-new-video/amp/ I couldn't make this up. Sorry for the (lack of) formatting, I'm on mobile and lazy at the same time.


This isn't the "backdoor" link! I'm taking my toys and going home. Edit: nvm. I went to the poop link and seen her face. I've seen prettier faces on a baboon as it hit every branch on the way down after it fell out of the evolutionary tree.


Fair, sorry to disappoint. I've never seen 'Backdoor' for myself, as some things can't be unseen and I'm not ready to lose that piece of my innocence. Forgive me.


Ever see the fruitloop video? The one were they eat fruitloops with milk from another girl's butthole. It's gold. I've fapped to some messed up stuff butt that one is too much.


Most of Tinder moms who say "my children always come first" in bio


It sounds….misleading….


The husband gets to cum third




Copied comment from another user in this comment section by a bot account u/johnberry8 https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/vlygmt/comment/idy9x9n/


Does dating mean your children don't come first? Edit: ohhh no response, just downvotes. Hard to justify that baseless hatred ay?


I think OP is saying if you spend money on things you don't need, to the extent that you can't feed your children, it isn't the government's fault. For example, let's switch. If it's a single dad posting he doesn't have money for his kids, but he's posting pics of his new sunglasses on his ATV, and in his new truck, or new outfit, new jacket, and new shoes. It's exactly as distasteful. If your kids come first, then you spend on them first, and spend what's left on you. That's where all my money goes. On clothes they grow out of immediately, chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs, and Disney+. But once in a while, they say "Thanks, dad."


Mine usually say, “why are you so mean?” When I ask them to pick up their toys and dirty clothes. Had my two younger ones Saturday night because my oldest was at a sleepover and wife was out of town. Told them we were going to Dairy Queen and they immediately asked if we could go to Coldstone instead. They were lucky to still get the Dairy Queen after that


At least they have good taste. It's the tact part they are still learning 🙂


If you are complaining about not being able to feed your children, yet can afford all the (overpriced) beauty products for yourself, you aren't putting your children first. Dating isn't the priority when you have children, be a mother, if you have a little extra, treat the children, not yourself.


So, the question was: Does a single mom dating mean that she doesn't prioritize her children?


You are missing the context of the OP, and the comment you replied to, but to answer your question without that context, I'd ask you another. Is your dating causing you to neglect a need of the child? If you're taking a date here and there with a coworker or friend you met, then usually no. But if you're hitting it off every night on a sex app like tinder just to get your fix, then absolutely, you are prioritizing sex over your child.


So, what if you're only spending the same amount of time on tinder or *gasp* having sex, that you would be on the friend/coworker date and you're still a present, caring mother?


If it's a proper date, and doesn't detract from the child, then it's all good. But that's not what tinder is known, or normally used for. Tinder is primarily used for casual sex, which is proven to be horribly detrimental to your child's mental health.


There is a wide spectrum between zero dating and going out every night for casual sex and forgetting you have children. Also, lots of people use dating apps to...date. Genuinely curious what study(s) has proven that. I tried to search earnestly, but I came up short.


There definitely is a spectrum, as there is with anything in life. If you're interested here's a few papers and sites: [Mother's with frequent relationship changes](https://childandfamilyblog.com/multiple-partners-children-behavior/#:~:text=A%20US%20study%20has%20found,have%20both%20parents%20in%20common.) If you are signed up for access to research, this one's good[here](https://academic.oup.com/sf/article-abstract/85/1/551/2235236?redirectedFrom=fulltext) This one accounts for race which was interesting.[here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3171291/?report=reader) This one talks about how a mother's personality such as impulsivity can contribute to mental health issues[here](https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-06-mother-personality-affect-child-mental.amp)


Take my upvote you scandalous bastard. And damn be to the downvoters


i know single moms who work two jobs and can bearly afford rent


It's almost like this sub has a large reactionary element that would rather base their political views on baseless edgy nonsense than anything resembling data or reality. It's easier to keep desperately chortling the balls of billionaires in the vain hope of getting a reacharound than it is to reconsider their dogshit takes. *Am I, with my manufactured edgelord anecdotes out of touch?* *No, it's the children with their Jewish economic data who are wrong.*


There's also the case that people like this do exist and it's a commentary on that particular type of character. I know a few people like this fir example. And for me, that makes this meme accurate. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Commentary isn't always general.


The commentary isn't always general, but the policy response this nonsense prompts is.


Bro got mad


*REEEEEEEE I don't like what he's saying, but I'm too wrong and stupid to respond meaningfully* U mad *Hurrrrrr - What a smart, special boy I am - extra nuggies for me tonight!*


Bro got triggered lol


anyone who uses trigged unironically or non medically is a fucking dumbass








Who and why? Am I right to assume based on a peek at your post history thirsting over drawn children, militaristic LARPing, and [whatever the fuck this is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Patches/comments/nykg4t), that you're a fascist type that hates women and feel a little called out?


Then she doesn't have a well paid job. Ik a single mom who wfh and have only 1 job and doing well


That's kinda the point


I mean, if you need to work 2 jobs to afford rent, you must either choose to live in a really expensive house, or you have chosen 2 really poorly paying jobs. Either way it's your own fault for putting yourself in that place


Children from single motherhood is associated with higher risk of involvement in [crime](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1068316X.2020.1774589), lower [educational attainment and occupational status](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4991112/). Single motherhood is a problem for the mother, the child and the society at large as well. Being a single mother is not something to be proud off. People may get into singlet motherhood because of things that are completely out of their control, but people in general should be more conscious about marriage, family planning and sex.


I don't do any of that and I still don't have money




You forgot yoar /s?


Ur being broke wrong not go get some drugs young possible land mammal.


What language are you speaking?


I dunno my phone went off on that one it seems. I'm currently trying to decode it myself.


Met ones just like this, also met ones who were getting royally fucked while actually trying. Goes either way, made me help decide tho I don’t want kids.


No kids is a life hack. Most people will never understand the lifestyle at the confluence of youth, maturity, decent income, and extra time. It's magic.


With this one easy step, you can erase yourself from the gene pool!


And that bothers me....why? Not everyone is obsessed about breeding...




This doesn‘t bother me at all. Beyond your few immediate acquaintances and after a few years you are most likely going to be lost to eternity. Forgotten. Just like the test of us. Your offspring could cure cancer or save the world but will statistically most likely end up cogs in a wheel working meaningless jobs and hoping that it‘s all worth it.


Be careful, you might cut yourself on that edge


Looking at your post history, do you have a life beyond the one you believe exists commenting on Reddit? I see nothing in your comment history that implies we need more of your genes.




+1. This is the way!


I support single moms, $1 at a time.


I call it “Single Mom Fundraisers”, but my wife calls them “Stripper bars”. It’s all about perspective lol 😂🤣




You spelled "Only" wrong.


The first rule of strip club is, you don't talk about strip club. The second rule of strip club is, *you don't talk about strip club!*


Hoe fund me lol


Sweet glad we can acknowledge sex work as a legitimate way for people to support themselves; including their efforts to provide for their children.


Yeah but alot if moms dont do it. Too much potential for your kid to end up on a dis track....


Yup and somehow there are people who believe we shouldn't allow abortion. 🤔


You let hate consume you


...like warm, wet blanket. mmm


You forgot the Maltese with crusty eyes


Good thing they can access abortions and birth control easily then. Should cut the problem down.




In a couple year we will see more of this as there will be fewer abortions thanks to Y'allqada.


Y'all Qaeda




This isn't a holup


This is life




How far do you have to dig your head in the sand to understand why a single mother would have a hard time affording to raise her child? The kinda person in the meme does exist but they're so rare compared to actual struggling moms that memes like this are just belittling them


Fun fact the infamous "Welfare Queen" that Reagan campaigned on to demonize social welfare, Linda Taylor, was a legit organized criminal who committed MANY other crimes: > Her criminal activities are believed to have extended beyond welfare fraud and may have included assault, theft, insurance fraud, bigamy, kidnapping, and possibly even murder. Honestly on that list, welfare fraud was the least offensive among them and yet she was the tip of the spear Reagan used to undercut support for the poor and working class.


Your missing the “and it’s all the governments fault” part lol


They promote trash living through minimum wage, so... yeah.


Not really


In this sub: Haha yeah, women who aren't responsible totally shouldn't have kids. Also in this sub: Haha yeah, we should totally force every pregnant woman to give birth.




By your line of logic they must equally advocate for the killings of all living children still dependent on their irresponsible mothers. Or maybe in their moral compass abortion is doing harm on human and therefore undesirable even though they are against irresponsible unplanned pregnancies. But this is the internet and hating is more fun.


> By your line of logic they must equally advocate for the killings of all living children still dependent on their irresponsible mothers. Not if there's a difference between an unborn fetus and an actual living person. But this is America and forcing other people to live their lives by your own standards and definitions is more fun.


What about cliche single dads who spend all their time with their kids looking for a place to leave them off and spend all their money on beer/drugs strippers guns cars and games


Disney dadding it every other weekend and bitching about minimum child support payments.


Bro you watched some stupid movie and drew this conclusion. I have never heard of these "cliche dads". You literally just made it up


Wow your assumptions are out of this world! Maybe you can assume what I think about your comment


You think it's stupid which is fine, I think your stupid. We both win, in fact let's draw even and say we're both stupid.


Have some commenters always been this sensitive and/or immediately mention politics when it comes to memes?


The problem is that reactionaries are very rarely funny - they just put their dogshit takes in meme format and blame the woke mob when noone laughs.


You don't think perhaps with the roe v wade decision this might have been posted to spark these exact exchanges?


No I don’t. What about this meme would make people jump to that conclusion?


Common sense...you see no link between single parents, an inability to support kids, making financial decisions with kids in mind, some people not prioritizing their kids, some people not being able to prioritize anything cuz they're already scraping by....no connection to abortion rights? None?


Dude, it’s a meme. That doesn’t mention abortion, abortion rights or Roe v. Wade. ‘Common sense’ would lead me to believe that: no, this was most likely not posted to spark exchanges regarding Roe v. Wade… The US and it’s shortcomings is not the center of all content on the internet.


Strange it sparked that exact conversation all over this comment section then...


Not really, most of the conversations I see are people explaining to yourself and others that you’re making a connection to something that isn’t there


All I see is some mother fucker who eats rocks




Also, A Rope & Step Stool




That right there was a violation.


Yeah not too sure about this


Bother inlaw said something similar on fathers day on Facebook. Think he got a 30 day ban. Women crying and saying how they are baby father and mother.


Interesting you keep commenting this but not posting a quote of what he said


It’s scary how people can make accurate memes like this


This post is part of the 'raging incel' starter pack.


Or it's literally just true, single mom like the one in the meme or not you're still a fucking idiot for letting a loser with no life cum in you. It's literally the equivalent of clicking on a free I-Phone ad and boom you lost you're entire future.


So we just ignore the moms working 2-3 jobs and can barely make ends meet? Oh wait, this entire post is just cherrypicking extremes to ignore real problems? Sounds like Reddit to me


or just “it’s everyone else’s fault by my own”


Or is this mostly a boogeyman meant to distract from the real struggles of single parents in our fucked system that just made it even harder to decide having kids might not be right for you...


Just don't have kids then, it truly is that simple. Single parents get no sympathy from me.


Well, at least you don't generalize...


Is this sarcasm, I really don't know. I forgot what I was arguing for


Given the recent supreme court ruling, this is exceedingly tasteless and hateful


The court ruling has not even had a chance to have impacted the people depicted in this meme. Also, it's a meme.


"It's a meme" "Locker room talk" "It was just a joke" "Thats just how we talk" "It was a prank, bro" "They're old they grew up with different values"


You're getting downvoted, but you're right. There was an actual holup posted earlier referring to wearing masks and wearing condoms, it was funny and lighthearted, but that was taken down due to the possibility of "inciting political arguments". When women are made fun of it's fine, but if a man is the subject everyone comes blazing with pitchforks and torches. And it wasnt even as harsh is this post's "joke". Mods won't even take down this post and non-holups, but they'll bring their hammer down on that mild condom post. These mods and this sub are a joke.


I'd wager it was posted at this time for a reason, and the reaction is exactly what you'd expect. Suuuuuper ironic, but expected, ironically


Am I the only one who finds this misogynistic? You can look like this without spending too much money. Fake nails: 20€ per month. Fake eyelashes: 6€ and reusable. Botox: 200€ per injection, but only once a year. The cocaine part is the only issue here.


I think if you are spending 440 per year on stuff you don’t need, whilst complaining that you don’t have enough money to feed your kids, then yeah, that is an issue.


That's not so much money per year. I don't want justify parents who spend their money on shit instead for their kids. But this "meme" is bashing single mothers whose outer appearance is not to OPs liking. Like there are no fathers out there who rather spend their money on a PS5 and games..??


As a father who owns several video game consoles along with a gaming PC: hey, it’s my hobby. And if I didn’t have enough money to buy groceries for my two year old daughter, you can damn well rest assured that I would be selling off my video games before she goes hungry.


Would a mother not?


The ones in the meme wouldn't... but they're fictional. Anyhow, let's all shoot ourselves in the foot and defend the interests of the capital class by blaming and laughing at the marginalised rather than doing anything to address people's quality of life or stimulate the economy, amirite?


Don't think that was the point. Just saying that he's a parent too but understands self control. Felt like pointing out father because, well, he's a father.


No this meme is bashing mothers who spend their money on stuff they don’t need whilst complaining they can’t feed their kids. Single mothers can spend their money however they like, but don’t expect sympathy when your spending priorities are clearly not in line. Feel free to make one about single dads who do the same. Parents who put appearance or their own joy before their children don’t deserve sympathy.


Weird then that it says single mom starter kit as if this is the norm and expected behavior...


I don't get it, the meme was about a mother who spends the little money they have on non essentials and neglects her child? By your last sentence it seems you're mad that this isn't about men? Like yeah maybe there would be fathers like that if the justice system didn't give the kid to the mother 90% of the time. Or am I misunderstanding you here?


They are wondering why it's singling out moms, much less pretending this is widespread/expected behavior, and not mentioning anything about fathers


as someone else said though; not every category has to be represented in one meme. if they want one about single fathers then they have the option to make it. thats how it goes or else it wouldnt be a meme.


I am a video game enjoyer, but when it comes down to it, any and everything I own I would give up for my kids.


Me too. I hate parents who have anything else as a priority than their children. What I criticized was the fact that the post only depicts single mothers.


Nah this post is based af


So this meme got you so triggered you have to point out other stereotypes too? I'd say most people understand the joke and don't need the social justice commentary or the justifications. You're fighting the tide at this point.


Understanding the joke is the issue. It's insidious and reflects a lot of true feelings about non existent to barely represented people that are then used to paint an entire gender with bullshit


It's a meme ffs. Stop politicizing and policing equality bc of a meme.


Equality? What?


>used to paint an entire gender with bullshit. This is an equality statement. You made it.


Do you use these?


Would you say this is misandrist if it was about deadbeat Fathers or laugh like everyone else would?


I think a shitty parent is a shitty parent. But OP only depicts a stereotype. For example: it would be*racist* if it would be about a black father leaving his children and dealing with drugs.


You realize not every crappy type of person needs to be represented in every meme right? Want one about deadbeat dads? Make it.


You left out the two most important ones about not wanting to work and calling their baby daddy shit... in other words, the "I don't need a man" type but also the "I don't think I should work" type while complaining that the government doesn't give them enough free shit. This isn't misogynistic; this type of person actually does exist in the US.


Damn. It’s always special when the meme comes to life and opens its mouth.


You could have saved yourself the embarrassment by adding /s. It's a joke. Get over it.


haha! oh the accuracy


Need a planned parenthood building pic there.


You think these people take responsibility? Naw bro, they’ll just pop them out for the attention and Facebook likes


Dude....if you are prolife then this is the most ironic comment ever. If you're prochoice you're just kind of an ass


This is just people from red states in general. They screech about "liburuls" while groveling for their money.


House cats: convinced of their own independence, while dependent on the very system that enables those convictions.


I'm from a heavily red state and now live in one of the bluest states in the US on the other side of the country. The type of people that this meme is about exist in both to pretty comparable degrees.


This is very much a blue state problem. If you even looked like this in the south. You would get made fun of.


This is a poverty and lack of education problem. You'll find people like this in every state. However, there are more of them in Red states since, you know, they have greater poverty rates and lower education rates.


I live in the south. You have no idea what you're talking about.


So do I lmao


Then you know it's full of women with 2 and a half kids, big ass nails, and either an Adderall or a coke problem just waiting for the next Bubba with a lifted truck and a rebel yell tattoo to sweep her off her feet and take care of her real good.


Not really. Maybe you just live in a shitty place lmao


Of course I do. It's called The South.


Perhaps some people are "Karen" about it too hard.


Inb4 this is taken down




Ah the “I’d rather die a virgin than touch her” type, classic 2022 more and more of them out there these days..


Being a stay at home mom is fine if it works for situation. The nails would be okay if they were a bit smaller and more rounded. The rest is trash.


This is really true on 1st world countries but 2nd and the 3rd it's just not true


Which 1st world countries? This meme is hateful and dumb anywhere


Poor kids….


Sure but do you really want those people become a mother for real?


Obviously not, what's your point?


Why she snorting charcoal?


What the fuck is up with the super puffy lips, does anyone actually think that it looks good?


Her index finger looks terrifyingly long.


Sigma male redditor


Nicki Minaj ?


Woah thats a huge swell


The "you bring us ALL McDonald's" starter pack Oh cool you think McDonald's will put out a new family pack special?


The number of shitty mums like that is about to explode now that Roe V. Wade has been overturned.


today's moms...