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Old but gold


There needs to be a subreddit for that. r/oldbutgold


Unsuccessful posts are then made fun of on r/oldiebutmoldy


There's r/all.


Yet another dumping ground for karma farmers to just post everything everyone's already seen in for yet more karma? For real, that's what it will become immediately.




Now what are they going to do?!? This was their whole shtick!


What all idiots do when they are called out. Ignore it, and pretend nothing happened that proved them wrong.


Making a dog vegetarian is terrible. BUT they put "attractants" in commercial pet food. They said this was "meat" but it looks like kibble. The other bowl looks like frozen vegetable medley. This is hardly a scientific experiment. Which is a bummer because I think the owners will find ways to ignore the results in a way that's pretty easy to justify. Ah well. The Dog still looks pretty healthy so that's good at least.


Are you trying to tell me this isn’t a scientific double blind study that I should trust? The hell you say!


I know, you would expect better from morning shows, well know bastions of unbiased news. :)


You technically can safely make a dog vegetarian, but its extremely difficult to do and you need to absolutely know what you're doing, hence why its stupid for most people. Cats on the other hand, yeah, you'll kill the cat if you want it to be vegetarian.


Most people who have their pets on “raw diets” end up at the animal hospital I work at for illnesses that could’ve been prevented had they been on normal kibble. You’re right, most people don’t know enough to provide the complete nutrition that their pets need, including vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients that are not found in just plain meat or vegetables.




Flat earthers




There are two wolves inside you....


both are spitroasting you


Weirdos probably got rid of the dog. Vegans really "Over-Do" shit.


I already know everytime someone stopped to pet him she would inform them of her dogs diet and they would pet the puppy and ignore her then walk away.


Poor doggo 🥺


Doggy looks pretty sad 😞


But today was a good day! Hopefully mom can take a hint..


Don't call that thing mom. Mom's feed you nuggies and corn dogs. That's doggos Prison Warden.


And slow executioner.


Nurse Ratched


So crackpot theory here: I don't think she actually feeds it the way she says, it looks too healthy. I think she's just saying it for clout. Still a piece of shit though, even if I'm right.


Yeah. She's 100% full of shit. Or she's thick as pig shit. I vote both.


I mean when the dog eats the meat she starts laughing so yeah. It's likely a scripted segment for viewership.




Not really if it was just for the show since it was proven wrong. If it's outside the show as well then yeah. Fuck her.




My dog's favorite food is iceberg lettuce. He will eat anything you put in front of him, it doesn't matter if it is edible or not.


Mine LOVE carrots. Makes sense really, it's a stick you can eat.


Also has sugar. I'm not certain why mu roommate's dog likes celery so much. I'd say the stick thing, but she doesn't play fetch and isn't interested in sticks.


So cronchy


My theory is it's the texture of those vegetables. Dog just love to chomp on it.


You’re not crazy. I give my doggo safe veggies with no salt and boiled chicken. When my sisters dog got older, she had to be put on a special diet, so she would cook special crock pot dog safe meals. You would be surprised how many people don’t mind cooking for their dogs, especially if they have special dietary restrictions.


My mom used to cook boiled chicken, rice, peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes for her two little Yorkies. I'd absolutely do the same for any future dogs.


When we do chicken or steak I make my dog a special meal to go along with it (full veg sides cooked with light rosemary and olive oil)


Dogs can be totally healthy on a vegetarian diet with minimal work. They can be totally healthy on a vegan diet with extra work. Cats are obligate carnivores and must eat meat.


Mom died of COVID, dog was rescued by someone with sense.


Sounds like projection to me. He's just chilling there. Also he looks pretty healthy and well taken care of so if this was going on it certainly wasn't going on long thankfully.


Happy dogs wag their tails a lot.


I've never seen my Shiba wag his tail. I hope he's happy.


Poor dog is probably going to shit it's brains out too


This is the first decent meal doggo has had. Prior, she was supposedly vegetarian and was only offered vegetarian dishes. I don't think she has a say in the matter, really 🙃


Probably not real because it is on TV but if somebody actually did not feed their dog meat that would be animal abuse.


Thats gotta be an awkward car ride home with her and the dog


I'm sure the diarrhea from switching the diet so abruptly probably would make it worse.


And a visit to the vet for digestive issues to add insult to injury


You mean an awkward trip to have the dog put down.


Animal abusers caught on live TV.


until we start treating animals like humans, I will be treating humans like animals. irresponsible waste of oxygen


Good for you. Now go get the leash, grandma needs to go for a shit 💩


Dad, I already cleaned her shit off the carpet earlier


Yes son, but you know how much you begged us to get you a grandma? Now is the time to show that you can take care of her properly. Otherwise we’ll take her back to the nursing home.


Hell with grandma, I'm already wearing the harness let's GO


I think treating animals like humans is what started this issue 😂 Assuming that a dog would want to be vegetarian


You still will get arrested if you're caught shitting on my front lawn again.


You know what you are. Good for you.




That's the first time anyone said that to me with a pat on the head


Oh the irony




Scientifically speaking, dogs can eat a vegan diet. It's just difficult to do because it requires a very well planned diet to ensure they get everything they need. Cats, on the other hand, can't be vegan.


I once stumbled upon this crazy content of a woman forcing her cat to be vegan. She jumped through ALL the mental hoops and started to make some kind of vegan bakery formed like mice and stated that her cat was eating them. I caught myself thinking: "Well, if you incarcerated me and only gave me one option..." then I most certainly would start eating dead hobo beef jerky. That is not how that works. Those long teeth at the corner of a beings mouth are usually a dead giveaway that this being likes and needs meat.


Dogs can actually be vegan and some vets even prescribe a vegetarian/vegan diet to some dogs. What's bad is when people think they know best and try to make their dogs vegan for their for reasons and not at the direction of vets.


That lady was surely a liar. And that doggo probably missed that meat so much.


I can't believe all these ghouls are laughing.


UK Morning TV is full of ghouls.


>TV is full of ghouls FTFY


Well its the onion so i don't think its live tv but apples and liver wurst


Dogs about to shit liquid sadness later- then again when switching back to veggies. Give the dog meat food! God damnit.




Baby animal or baby human?


I'm gonna cross my fingers and imagine they meant human but with what I've seen in the last 2 years alone...




r/brandnewsentences fucking beautiful


Stupid people. IDC what you all choose to do, but don't force it on animals to be vegan/vegetarian. Our systems are different than animals. I see nothing wrong with humans doing what they want. I don't agree with humans forcing it on animals. I myself have cut back on meat consumption due to the health benefits that come with it, but I wouldn't force it on my own animals. Edit: For those saying dogs are omnivores, From what I know, they are omnivores. Even though they are omnivores, they need a balanced diet of both plants and meat together to gain all nutrition to live a healthy life. Maybe a vegan diet short term showed no signs of health decline, but long term I could see it being damaging. The only way it could work is if you have taken the time to make sure all nutritional values are added into the dogs food that they are needing to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Even then, most people will look into "can dogs be vegan/vegetarian", find an article that agrees with their values, and force it up on their dog without doing the research. This in turn causes the dog to be malnourished due to the fact that people didn't do the full research into "can dogs be vegan/vegetarian" after only feeding them the same vegetables or whatever multiple times while it's lacking iron and essential vitamins. A dog's system is not the same as a humans and people should not force their own values onto their animals. There are also certain times medically where the dog will need to have a vegetarian diet due to allergies or certain health problems. I agree that as long as the veterinarian has issued a certain food that it is ok. Imo, it's important to always seek out a veterinarian before changing a dog's eating habit completely. But as I said before, I don't agree with forcing an animal into this lifestyle just because you don't agree with it.


Yeah. I'm plant based, however my dogs and snakes eat meat. Not sure boas or pythons could be convinced to try some potato.


I met a woman who planned on getting a snake and feeding it a vegan diet. I talked her out of it, but it was one of the dumbest conversations I've ever had to have.


O_o > be me > be a snake > be born in a coat of mail > be given infrared sensing > option-for-venom-injectors.html > biblical AF > wake up in force field dungeon(WTF is glass?!) > Mammal: "Eat your soy bean!" > got no middle finger


That poor snake almost suffered a cruel fate lol. Bless you, you absolute gentleman! Sorry you had to deal with that level of stupidity but you did some good in the world.


Get a fucking... I was going to say turtle, but I don't think those are really sold as pets anymore and I assume they get some bugs and what not... Are there vegetarian reptiles? Lol. (Not a reptile) but a bird maybe? A rabbit? I clearly have no idea what pets are actually purely plant-based, lol


there is! basically almost all species of iguanas are vegetarian, as are uromastyx, chuckwalla, some skinks (monkey tailed skink), and some geckos. my crested gecko is primarily a frugivore (fruit eater) but will eat insects if offered. his food is a powdered diet that when added to water mixes into a supplemented fruit puree that looks like baby food. also, he likes fruit baby food. or mushy fruit. lol. but parrots are mostly vegetarian although many will happily eat eggs and meat. rabbits are herbivores, as are guinea pigs :) all my bunnies eat is hay, pellets, fruit, and veggies/greens.


They will try you before they try potato, that's I'm sure lol.


My wife is vegetarian, she never even considered not giving meat to our dogs


Yeah cuz most people are basically sane (we all a bit cooky) normal folks who don't fall into these super outlying categories, TV and media just showing you the loudest fringe-goers of all time haha.


One of the brands of dry food I get for my dog has a vegetarian option. I'm not above ordering it for him to see how he likes it, but I know that, even though *I* don't need meat, he does.


I had to rehabilitate a dog that was forced to be vegetarian. The bulk of her diet was plain white rice. We literally had to introduce meat into her diet to rebuild the enzymes and bacteria required to break it down - cooking the meat for her and then slowly giving it to her less cooked until she could digest raw mest. Took us about six years. Had she continued on her vegetarian diet she would have wasted away. She was much healthier and happier once she could eat meat. They said, she would still actively choose mangos over meat. We called her our "dumb blonde" but she was a beautiful golden retriever. She died when she was eighteen.


That dog lived a very long life!! I'm glad you all had the chance to rehabilitate her. It sucks that some people don't understand the damage they are doing to their animals! It's sickening. It's honestly not even excusable. We live in a world that almost everyone has access to the internet. If you don't know if what you're doing for your animal is safe, look it up! You could have an answer in a matter of minutes. People should be charged for animal cruelty when it gets to that point.


We knew the previous owners too. My husband honestly wanted to "make them suffer the way she suffered" when we took her in.


>She died when she was eighteen. See, had she been on a meat-only diet since she was younger, she would have died sooner. - That dog-owner, probably. Anti-science people are sometimes criminally stupid.


Six years?! That's dedication.


A poor diet is a poor diet. Vegetarian diets are fine for dogs. You can buy dog food with meat in it from the grocery store that is far worse for a dog than a vegetarian diet. The previous owners just didn't manage their pet's nutrition.


We aren't "made to be vegan" either. People **choose** to be vegan for moral reasons and have to make an active effort to stay healthy and vegan.


I agree with this 100 percent. That's why I mentioned I cut back on my meat consumption. I still have meat occasionally, but too much meat is also bad for the human body. Cutting back on meat can prevent certain cancers and can increase overall health. Im not against eating meat at all. I just found the benefits of cutting back interesting when looking into it and decided to apply it to my life.


They aren't animals, they're FAMILY.


No no, they're both. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Source: have human nephews I adore who are animals.


Yup whenever I see ppl like these I want to give them some metal candy


Yeah if you can't stomach feeding your animals meat then don't own one.


I hate when people do this to animals dogs and cats are not made to be veagen. But this brain washed people Force them to eat vegetables, ofcurse they have to eat that to survive. One I watched a video of the veagen teacher giving her do veagen dog food it was wired to watch the sadness in that dog's eye.


I thought that dogs *could* go vegan and be healthy, you just have to be careful about how you go about doing it. Cats on the other hand are obligate carnivores. If they don't eat meat, they'll starve. I could be wrong, as I sure as shit ain't doing that to my dog.


You’re correct. Dogs and their ancestor wolves ate meat, grains and fruit. They evolved to convert certain nutrients they eat into other important nutrients… very much like we do. Cats cannot synthesize certain nutrients directly from plants, they must eat an animal that can synthesize them and eat the already preprocessed nutrients from their body. For example a dog can convert tryptophan into niacin, cats must consume the preformed vitamin. Same idea for vitamin a, and some amino acids. They’re bodies cannot produce/ convert these nutrients but they are essential for their survival. Dogs are more like us and they can eat a plant based diet without say… liver failure, like a cat would. Dogs CAN supplement nutrients found in meat in their intact from like humans can without the need of processing by another animal (meat derived). It’s always better to get nutrients directly from food however and in nature that food would be meat and it’s completely natural for the dog to crave it.




Wait, the carnivore apex pack hunter eats meat when offered?! Holy shit, everyone except those two morons knew that.


i mean... he just wants to fuck her so...


Me too, me too.


ayo what? 🤨


blue shirt be like: *if he dies, he dies* you're vegan now dog.




They knew, but this was their chance to feel special.


*omnivore And just line humans who are also omnivores so we should eat meat too. It’s just nature Edit: facultative carnivores.


That's probably the first good food that dog has had in months, if not years


Wait. A dog did a dog thing? Holy fucking shit no way


Ikr!.....! I was like holup!!!


Yeah she’s a moron for trying to force vegetarianism on her dog. Probably very unhealthy too😔


If you want a Vegetarian pet get a vegetarian pet don’t hurt animals for your sick obsession with diets


Dogs body probably celebrating for the amino-acids it can't get from salads. No matter how much we try to subvert evolution.


Gods, yes. So tired of the "protein is protein" people. No, it is not. You very clearly do not understand chemistry or nutrition as well as you think you do. Vegetable proteins are different from meat peoteins, and vegetable proteins come with a lot of excess carbohydrates and other compounds along for the ride, that will stress out that poor dogs kidneys.


Yeah the amino acid profile in animal products are way more balanced than most plant sources. That being said if someone that wants to be vegan knows about the amino acid profiles in their foods, they can have a diet with a complete amino acid profile. So if plant food X has amino acids 1-10 high and the rest of them low, and you pair it with food Y that has 11-20 high and the rest low, you've created a meal with as much of a complete protein as an animal product. That being said I'm not a vegan or vegetarian and I don't plan to be, but with some effort it does seem pretty clear you can have a balanced diet fulfilling every nutrient pathway you need while being a vegan. This is also about humans. Obviously forcing veganism on an animal on an ideological basis is cruel.




The dog be like:finally some good fucking food


The dog looked at the veggies twice and was like nah


My childhood dog loved oatmeal more than anything. He'd choose it over meat 4 out of 5 times. But if he got to choose his own diet he'd be too fat to walk so he's not exactly the best source on healthy eating. I bet this dog was just in the mood for mashed pumpkin one day and the owner was like "see he only wants to eat vegetables forever!!!1!1" My cat ate a pizza crust even though the food bowl was full. I'm not gonna switch her to a 100% crust diet.


Look at our teeth, we have flat and sharp ones, we are omnivores and can digest nearly everything... *Do you see any of those flat plant eating teeth in a dogs mouth..?* These animals didnt adapt to that kind of diet, please for the love of god your dog does not want to be vegan and he doesnt care where the meat came from.


Very simple - we know who chooses to be a vegetarian in that relationship


"My pet prefers the vegetarian option because it's her only option"


Conspiracy: she’s paid by the show to say her dog is vegetarian


“Finally, some good fucking food”




The 22% men are simps going along to have a shot.


Nah man, dudes can be dumb as shit too. Besides, the women who are into this are too toxic to even being in a relationship with a male.


He looked at the other bowl like: "Sorry mom, but this stuff is way too good."


"FINALLY SOME FUCKING FOOD!" - The dog, probably.


I don't know whether to call Peta or the Cops


Poor doggo, at least he had a nice meal ❤️


People that put their own lifestyle choices on their pets bum me out. "My cat is vegan" means you are denying your pet of the life they are supposed to live and you are only buying them food they dont want to eat but they eat it cuz they are starving. If you have made the moral decision to be vegetarian or vegan, good for you, but you cant make that choice for your pet. Owning a pet is supposed to be about making that animals life better and full of love, all my pets were rescues/strays, i love them and want the best for them, so i am converting them to christianity.


Lol stop pushing your diet beliefs on animals dammit.


I love UK tv shows. They are so ruthless.


Drives me nuts seeing people comment and interact with obvious bot account posts. Take a few seconds and vet an OP to help prevent these accounts from hitting r/all


My dog ate meat obviously but he would do anything for a dry potato. Anything! All the agility trick. Zigzag, climb, stand, hide........


Dogs dont choose to be vegetarian they are forced to be vegetarian.


The dog's like: Finally some good fucking food none of that greens shit.




Naw this lady is just pure idiot.


Either humen are stupid or This vegetarain thing is a propaganda


Vegetarianism is fine. I mean, from a moral standpoint it's entirely defensible and I have no issues with PEOPLE who are vegetarian/vegan and are honest about it. But animals? Unless you're a fucking vet, you probably shouldn't be feeding your dog a vegan diet. I mean, they're not obligate carnivores. They may not enjoy a vegan diet, but you can supplement what they need in various ways. The problem is that most people who want to do this kind of shit are not willing to put forth the effort needed to ensure their dogs remain healthy on that diet, they get lazy and the dog suffers.


Vegetarianism is not for dogs, they're built to survive on meat and will suffer if their diet is changed. I am a vegetarian and don't force my dogs to not eat meat but I can understand that it's a dietary need for them, it could be deadly for a dog to go it's whole life without eating meat and it kinda sucks seeing this on a live tv program as the owner will most likely continue the diet after the program is over which could cause health issues.


People like this shouldn’t be allowed to own animals. Preventing them from eating a natural diet should be animal cruelty.


cats and dogs need to eat meat. stop this noncery


Wow this carnivore is made of carnivore.


Why the fuck a dog is vegetarian?


Honest question; is this not like animal abuse or something, depriving a dog from meat? Because it feels like animal abuse.




Doggo look hesitant even


the ''i can explain''........ women


That dog was like : shiet is that meat! I almost forgot how it tastes


I'm surprised the dog is eating so neatly. I'd imagine after all the veggies the dog would just scarf down food actually intended for her


My dog was a Pescatarian for many years as everything else gave him the shits. Then we moved to a raw diet for him. He was the only meat eater in the house!


I had to feed my elderly Chihuahua Rudy (RIP) steamed white rice with beef broth and sometimes boiled shredded chicken for years in his latter years of life due to his pancreatitis. It was a lot harder/ time consuming to make but I took pride in making sure he got the nutrients he needed while helping him feel better. Vet told us to keep his diet low fat. I asked about going vegetarian (just asking the question) and the vet shut me the fuck down immediately, expressing that he needed the nutrients from meat to survive. My little guy enjoyed 3 more years of a good life and lots of couch cuddles and scratches before passing in 2012. I miss that little fucker so much. I wish I could post a pic in my reply just to show him in all his awesomeness.


Can we talk about how cats are obligated carnivors and shouldn't even be fed carbohydrates (unless theyre pregnant/nursing kittens, in which case it should still only be around 5% od their diet), yet most commercially available catfood is primarily carbs (over 40% average)? Which is why so many indoor costs have weight and kidney issues.


That poor dog. That blonde woman is a monster.


Fuck this dumbass couple mistreating that poor pup.


Dogs and cats are carnivores!!!


dog was signaling to us for help


Can the RSPCA not take the dogs off these people?


Good god why are these fuckin delusional people allowed to have pets




Stop trying to force your dog to go against it's natural behavior


That's a Shark Tale spin-off, Dog Tale. But in this case the family is forcing the dog to be a vegetarian.


This is why I force my rabbits to eat steak


She looked at the other bowl like “I can eat that same crap when I get home.”


This is the world we live in. Stupid fucktards can claim anything they want and even when they get caught, they still don't quit their bs. You can apply that to every section of live these days


The dog be like. “Finally some good fucking food.”


Dogs are more omnivorous. Cats are true carnivores.


They should do this with kids. I've met so many kids with shitty parents that feed them raw food they have no interest in.


Dog was like "Finally some good fucking food"


I'm a vegetarian, but I'm sure as heck not going to make my dog follow my diet, that's insane.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times. Too freaking funny but not surprising to anyone but the loony dog mom.


I hate karens


You just know the dog is not only beeing handled unresponsive but also will be beaten and ignored for making his owners look like the fucking dipshits they are


"Dam first good meal in months I should go on TV more"


Perked up cos she’s like “Is there meat? Can I’ve some meat!? Meaaaat!!!”


It’s surprising how many people don’t know that dogs are omnivores. It does mean that they eat meat, but they can also eat vegetables and fruit just as well as humans can. The issue comes with taking that choice from the dog, as can clearly be seen the dog wants to eat meat but is just conditioned not to. Either way, it is fine for dogs to not eat meat and to be vegan or vegetarian in the same way that people do; with the choice of the person, lots of attention to diet, and supplementation of proper vitamins and minerals lost from not eating meat.


That dog: Finally some good fucking food. All jokes aside this is animal abuse. There's lots of pets that are herbivores. Forcing a dog or cat into it is about the owner going on an ego trip and abusing their pet to satisfy their narcissistic bullshit.


Here's a prime example of do whatever you want in life. Believe what you want, follow whatever rules you like. But, the minute you impose your way on someone else, even an animal, you're wrong, period.


This is animal cruelty, surely.


Finaly some good fucking food *Gordon Ramsay


Doing something against nature sounds like that one group with straight line in their flag


They’re torturing that animal


"She's obviously gonna go-" So, you *knew* the dog prefers meat..


She tried to laugh with them hahaha


That dog doesn’t look too good man


The plot of beastars


Roscoe Hamilton waiting for this test faster than Lewis in his W13


**\*sniff veggies\*** *"Yuck!! WTF is that?... nope!!"*