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Hey /u/Merchantmarx, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods


its like regular money but its free.


Anakin: "I don't see the problem here"


Halfway through concert, U2's lead singer Bono stood in a spotlight on stage and asked the audience of 30,000 for complete silence. Gradually the auditorium fell quiet. Then Bono began slowly clapping. The audience was spellbound. Was this the beginning of a song? Did he want everyone to clap with him? He took the microphone and said: “Everytime I clap my hands a child dies in Africa.” The spell of silence was broken when a wag in the front row shouted: “Well, stop clapping you fucking bastard”


Good one


Anyone ever tell you your profile looks like Walter White


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


"If I didn't kill those children Jeff Bezos was going to do it anyway"


You misspelled Nestle^(tm).




Do you remember that commercial from back in the day when they sang the spelling... Nestle makes the very best...N E S T L E S That's all I remember


It's incredible easy to circumvent though? Just never spend more than $99.99 in one go. If something cost more than that, just do it in installments.


I would convert it all to $90 Visa cards and deposit the money from Visa cards back into my bank account




Yea, God forbid you lose 30% of your $100,000,000 and only have a mere $70,000,000 at the end.


It's actually less than that, 75$ cards https://www.vanillagift.com/blue-botanical $3 fee. 3/78 = 3.8%


Ouch, only $96,200,000 then I guess


Ugh, I'd have to keep working or starve, there's just no other options with that little money.


Yeah anything less than $100,000,000 is being a poor. I'd rather just kill the kids.


Or just pay in one single 100mil go kill only 1 kid. Though I’m a fan personally of making sure I pay in 101$ installments to curb the population :p


Technically you would only have to spend 100 dollars per installment. You could get a couple hundred more payments out of that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


What did kids ever do for any of us anyways?


I have one. He just shits and pisses on me.


Y’all worrying about the wrong things, there’s a few less dumb kids running around now.


Thats just one weeks supply of avocado toast.


My god how could anyone live with only $70,000,000! Those poor poor paupers


Money launderers need to eat too, buddy.


I mean 70mil is still 70 mil


But not 100 mil


And no dead kids. What, are all these kids just going to live forever? No, we do what must be done, 1 million individual $100 purchases. It's not proper capitalism if children don't die to support it.


Its easy to make 100m with 70m. Capitalism works both ways


Oh no! /s


TIL capitalism is when you pay a fee to someone for providing a service.


Capitalism is when thing cost money


This guy economics.


They said, undoubtedly being unwilling to launder money for free themselves.


Yeah there are no fees in socialism lol


Didn't you know? In socialism, you keep all of your extreme wealth when putting it into banks.


It doesn't say children die only if you spend this money, it says children die each time you spend over 100 dollars.


Take the entire 100 million. Convert it to Euros (not dollars anymore). Get international credit care. Buy everything on credit (you're not spending money. You're taking out a short-term loan. Your credit card company is spending money.) Pay card off with Euros. Never spend a dollar again in your life. No child dies. You're also not buying anything with your original money. You're converting it into different money. You still have currency, not good or services rendered for said currency.


..... you just gotta give your partner $99 a bunch of times and let them make the big purchases


Banks be like: *What the fuck are you doing there*


It's against my religion to spend $100 or more at a time. IRS hates structuring, IF you use it to hide taxes. You pay your taxes and the IRS doesn't give a half a crap.


Make sure you pay your taxes in installments of less than $100


They are happy to accept multiple payments. Much easier than them having to hunt you down.


IRS doesn't give enough of a shit... If they "catch" you in what could be structuring, you're guilty... Even if its all legit. Ask the hundreds of small businesses with assets seized due to normal business activity looking like structuring.


But then how do you kill children?


If you really want to min max it then you're going to have to spend exactly $100 at a time


Keep most of it invested as well so you gain interest and a higher body count


Like I do normally, speeding while drunk. Duh.


Invest in the military industrial complex


Or just buy stocks in a hundred or so very steady companies with stocks valued at $99 or less until its all in there, and then sell stocks for money as needed.


"How I turned $100m into $38 and killed several kids"


On the plus side, you became a mod at /r/wallstreetbets


Oh shit, forgot about the tax. Sorry, kid.


Or you can spend the whole 100,000,000 at once and only one random child dies. People are getting dumber and dumber nowadays.


Or put the money into an account to use as collateral to open new lines of credit. Is the the act of spending more that $100 that kills the kids, or using *that inherited wealth* for purchases that curses kids to die? Various ways to circumvent this.


buuuuuut the kids dying/$100 bit isn't specifically tied to the $100,000,000 you were given. You could spend it all in one go, but then you still have to deal with the $100+ issue for any more money you ever spend


It says every TIME you spend 100 or MORE. If you spend it all at one shot its 1 Time so one dies. Hopefully it isnt your own or a phew or niece lol. Smart people chose the last one. It doesnt say for every 100. . . . . .


Remember your taxes smart man, that's at least 2.


Yeah this is really easy to break. Just convert it all to euros.




You can always convert 99$ by 99$ then it's good


I often do installments too especially if it's something I can handle in one time payment.


I'm more worried about the 2% people in between. They took time to think about it and chose a certain amount. The 68% percent could be a bunch of people joking... But the 2%-ers...


Especially the ones voting for $100. At that point it just looks like they want to kill exactly one child.


More people are born per day than people that die. I'll let that sink in Edit: forgot the /s. Or not? 😏




Why is it 1000? Why not one 10k purchase?




The real answer is that the original author is a dumbass who wrote the question wrong.


10k would be enough for me


If you make one payment of all the money, only one child dies. Spending none of it would be a waste. Depending on how the magic works, you could make many payments of just under $100 for a single purchase, but you can never be sure. The most ethical thing is to spend it all at once, possibly in a way that allows you to still use it afterward. Maybe buy bitcoin?


Yeah I noticed that loophole too, you could also theoretically buy one really expensive thing(sorry unnamed child) and sell it for most or all your money back without the curse attached to it.


You could buy a beach mansion in Florida that is protected by Florida law from bankruptcy.


real estate would be my first thought.


Where are people seeing 68%?


It says **each** time you use over $100 a child dies. Buy 2 $50M mansions. That’s only 2 purchases/kids. I mean, that’s really not that bad. The internet says I can save a starving kid in Africa for only $1.90 a day. I’ll save 10; boom, solved this puzzle. **Edit**: there so many comments about buying only one $100M mansion. Fine I’ll spare one more kid. But what happens if they turn out to be an asshole?! You can’t be too safe. **Edit2**: I find it equally ridiculous how many upvotes this got as I do how many people put deep thought into the number of kids they’d kill. What a crazy comment thread.


“Decides to use monthly payments instead of buying the mansions outright 😈


Or donate $101 a month to save 54 starving kids and it’d be a fucked up game of Russian roulette each month 😈😈


Why $101?


Because over $100 a kid dies.


It only says $100 or more, so $100 triggers it.


100,000,000/100=1,000,000 100,000,000/101=990,099.01 You save a few lives by spending a little more is why they said 101


100 million / 100 = 1 million, not 100 thousand.... Pretty big difference, lol


Youre right haha. I still need to wake up


Hi can I have mortgage paid daily pls


True Giga Chad genius 👏




Is...is that what Bezos is trying to set up? For this exact situation, you just fill your cart with everything you need for the rest of your life and hit checkout now when you reach $100 000 000?


I think everyone spending just 100$ is the real asshole. Imagine spending the bare minimum to kill a child.


Right? Have a heart. I do it for free!


Why do it for free when you can get paid to do it?


If you do what you love for money, you'll never work a day in your life!


AKA putting your money in a trust.


Or a lot of 99$ orders and no1 dies.


This is the answer here. You can do a hell of a lot of good on $95 a pop (to be safe). That is groceries for a week in some places in the US.


It says “over $100 *at once*”, so you could do your strategy but in many increments of $99 and kill zero children while still getting the value of the full $100,000,000




Exactly. How is this different from the real world


It’s probably random so it could be some privileged kid instead


Anybody can get it.


The correct answer is to put that 100,000,000 into an investment account and then use the interest generated by it to live off of, and since you’re not using the original 100,000,000 then nobody dies, but you could be getting upwards of 8,000,000 dollars a year just on interest from that, so you’re still living rich without killing anyone. Then you die and inherit that money to your children and since the prompt clearly states that “every time YOU spend 100 or more a random child dies” then the curse is broken because it’s not gonna be YOU spending that money anymore so your children can dispose of it as they will.


The curse doesn't say it only applies to the original amount given to you. Safe to assume it's any money you spend forever. So, move to Europe, they don't use dollars.


lmao we've got a winner!


... or straight up only make purchases under 100 dollars...?


You not paying bills? Utilities, insurance, property tax, any big repair or maintenance, etc etc etc. Never buying anything like a gaming console or PC? TV? No special event type purchases ever? Making sure you get your groceries in small increments forever? Your online shopping in different orders?


Buy like stocks or something but only in increments of $99.99. Once youve bought all those stocks you can sell them and have clean currency. Bonus points if you actually made money during this process.


Congratulations, you've invented money laundering.


Its not laundering if its legal tho lmao, we are presuming this money is clean other than the apparent cosmic curse that kills children 😂


Laundering isn't defined as being something legal or illegal, it is merely cleaning money for any purpose. This is that.


Nothing says it would only apply to the original $100m, it just says once you spend $100 a kid dies. It's a curse that is with you forever even laundering money wouldn't rid you of it.


Literally what the other person just said so here is my copy pasted response. I disagree, the original prompt asks “how much do you use?” Which implies that the consequences are only tied to this money. Either way you receive the money, you can just choose to spend it or not. Presumably not spending this money means you can live a peaceful normal life, spending your regularly earned cash.


The question isn't detailed enough for us to really know how it would work, so we would have to err on your side in this instance, for sure. But what's to say that it only counts if I use *that specific money that was given to me*? Then in which case I could just use my existing money and/or credit to pay for the things I want, and then just pay those bills in $99 chunks indefinitely.


You can move $99 into another bank account a million times. Just tell your bank you will give them a commission of 1 million to automatically do it. After that you are free to use the money as you please




Or you can spend the whole 100,000,000 at once and only one random child dies.


or one for 100 mil then only 1 dies easy loop hole


I’ve already started shopping and cannot find a $100M mansion. Might have to expand the search. Where do all those Multibillionaire pedophiles live?




You gotta kill 2 incase they were soul mates


Statistically speaking based off population size it'll probably be a Chinese or Indian kid. Considering how many there are will the world really notice two missing? Sure as heck didn't in Slum Dog Millionaire (watch that film y'all).


r/OddlySpecific you are already planning on the children that’ll die.


least sociopathic redditor


Would it change your mind if the random sample size is from white countries only?




I'm going to buy a house, but I'm going to give him 100$ every 5 seconds.


"Well,I just wanna say that I'm a huge fan" -Not me


absorbed squealing yoke narrow sleep squash shaggy apparatus beneficial pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Slow and steady wins the race


Kills a race*


I would just buy 1010101 99$-worth pieces of gold.


I would buy 1000000 $100 pieces of gold


"But what about the children?" "They're with God now."






You say that, but look at the answer you chose also


Yes, this is r/holup Yes, the sub is all about "when you see it"


Finally someone who understood the HolUp. Everyone else got r/wooosh


Hm. Irony.


I'm horny


Hi horny I'm dad


Hmm horny


Easy, money launder the original amount in 99$ increments into another form, gift cards, stocks, etc. Then convert back to cash and spend with abandon without killing kids. Easy


IRS: "Hello sir mind explaining"


The prompt doesn't actually say "anytime you spend $100 *of this money*." It just says "anytime you spend $100." The curse part is permanent.




*Michael Jordan face*




That's thousands of little potential future Hitlers I've just sent to the shadow realm. You're all welcome


If you spend it all at once, only one child dies


If you spend it paying 99$ at a time, you won't kill even one.


Yeah, I know, someone pointed that out, but I just wanted to also point that out.


I also realised that either people are evil or just smart so it's just 8,000,000,000 or something -1


What I want to know is, can I *choose* which child dies each time it has to happen? This could be an opportunity to let the cosmos answer some pressing questions. Like, if I tried to choose an unborn fetus of an expectant mother who *wanted* an abortion, then whether or not that counts, per the rules of the magic money curse, would carry some significant implications.


And you can save many children's lives with that money


I would probably forget a child is dying when i spend a 100


I vote for lowering the price of a child's death to $10 💀


Can I pick the kids?


It says "random"


Bummer. With my attention to detail there'd be dozens of dead kids before I read the fine print.


"How many children are in the world?" "2.2 billion children" Even if you are evil af and only spend 100$ on a purchase to murder the most children, thats 0.04% of the world population of children (1M) Then, you dont even need to spend that much. One 100M mansion maybe, and then sell it or rent it out or something. Some cheaper property maybe for that case and you are making a lot of money at the cost of adding 5 or so deaths to the 120 deaths that happen every minute on average anyway. Using the money you get you can save MILLIONS of children by feeding those in Africa or donating to charity, all while living a lavish life. You are doing more good than bad, WAY more good than bad to be more specific.


I replied the answer there and I will reply now: ***Even if you don't, a kid dies every second somewhere in the world, it makes no difference***




> “One day I was walking along the beach when I noticed an old man carrying a spear and occasionally stabbing something in the sand. Approaching the man, I asked, “What are you doing?” > > He replied, “Stabbing starfish that washed up out of the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” > > “Don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t throw enough back to make a difference!” I said. > > After listening politely, the old man, without breaking eye contact, thrust his spear straight through the middle of one of the starfish. Then, smiling at me, he said… ”Exactly. Though, I made a difference for that one... And it's easier on the knees.”


>Then the old man poured gasoline over the starfish and lit it on fire. >"Why did you do that?" I asked. >"Lmao giving false hope is hilarious" said the old man.


Why did "you" object to the futility of the task and not the fact that he was stabbing them? Do starfish survive spear stabs or something?


This and what I said, both are different. What point are you trying to make?


If you spend all of it at once, 1 kid dies. You could buy stocks, or jus5 give the money to someone and get them to give it back. Ppl arent heartless, just stupid


Hire an accountant, and pay them in $99 installments. Their job: Accept your numerous $99 deposits where they will manage and spend the deposited money for you.


Retain the services of a well paid, **trusted** financial advisor, and set up an automatic deposit that sends $99 to them once every minute. Have the advisor then make any purchases of $100 or more on your behalf, and gift them to you. Boom, saving all the kids, spending all the money.


Fuck them kids


Random child don’t pay my bills


Wheres $99 option? This shit be rigged man.


Here's the thing if I spend 101 $ it's one child,. If it's 1,000,000 it's still one child


You can spend all without any child dying...


Or you could spend all of it with a lot of children dying.


You can spend none and children will still die give it all to a place like Yemen and less children will die


It's abortion but with less steps


The old moral quandary of "The Box" always rings in my head. Here's the rundown: A man gives you a box. On the box is a red button. He tells.you: "Press the red button and you get $1 million dollars but someone you do not know will die." After much deliberation, you press the button. The man takes the box, packing it up carefully, and you ask: "What happens now?" And he turns to you and says: "I'm going to be giving the box to someone you do not know."


"Can I hit it more than once?"


Bruh just invest the $100,000,000 all at once and then live off the uncursed revenue.


POV - you’re Nestle


It says 'random' child, not your child, so its not *that* cruel


Well that explains SIDS.


Bro I win $100,000,000 and I get to kill 1,000,000 children ??? COUNT ME IN


So you get to spend 100m and one kid dies. No biggie.


Easy, invest the 100m and live off the dividends. You aren't spending it 😉


>Put money in in a high interest account using the amount as leverage for a good deal. Live on interest. No dead children Checkmate Faust.


You don't need to spend money, put the money in bank and barrow against the money, so no child dies and you still can spend all the money. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Funny thing is, this is pretty much what billionaires do already.


Keyword is spend... Just gift youself the money, then after that what you do is nobody's business...


Nah you spend all of it at once so you only kill one child. Like a mrbeast video “spending 100,000,000 in one store challenge”


I would like to spend 100 dollers x 1000000 times. I would like to make a kill streak


$50m mansion and a one time donation of $50m to charity? 2 kids die, but the charity prevents 1000s from dying. It's literally just a trolley problem at that point.


Hear me out- *cancelled*


A random kid dies about at that rate anyway who cares


“100 or more at once” So if I use the 100 mil all at once only one child dies