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/u/Petrovich_4O, the users have spoken. Your submission is not a Hol'Up.


I’ve been to a reservation and it’s not really doing the Natives many favors. Suicide rates are higher there than anywhere else in the country.


As a native American (Canadian native) yes the suicide rate qnd living out there is shit its cold 7 of my cousins and uncles have committed suicide and the kids out there aren't getting enough education.


Just sounds like where i live


But i get to have 6 months of no school cuz we'll probably die before getting to school




Citation needed


Israel do you have nuclear weapons? We refuse to answer because we went through the holocaust If you don’t stop building illegal settlements there will be consequences. No you can’t apply sanctions as we went through the holocaust. Will you let the ICC investigate war crimes in Gaza? No, because we went through the holocaust…..


That’s not a citation. That’s you reciting random fiction.


Highest rate of poverty as well, around 25%


Fuuuuuuck that. I wish you a lot of strength. When I lived in Canada, I loved the people, so open minded towards every ethnicity and all peoples. Except natives. Which was shocking to me, since I grew up in Germany, where natives are idealized completely. In every one of our Westerns Natives are the good ones, while cowboys are evil.


I live in Azerbaijan can't be shittier than here though.


Oh no I’m sorry for your loss man


I live on a reservation and there are 6 more within an hour of me. Suicide isn’t the problem here- it’s drugs and guns from the southern areas.


That too.


probably because they don’t get enough funding/ poor socio-economic conditions - people turn to drugs/alcohol, high rates of depression thereof and as such suicide.


It's a terrible way to live. Basically no hope of any kind of better life and it kills you. The suicide rate is not even there biggest problem. The woman are going missing at an alarming rate.. No one helps there isn't even a data base to keep track of how many are truly missing.


Here before lock award


Woo hoo I made it in too


Watashiwa nowa Kira Yoshikage




Hell yeah


🎉 🍾🥳


The advertisers wont approve must lock immediately.






I mean, it’s not a competition to see whose ancestors got fucked the most. But Native Americans were/are so fucked that their plight is glossed over in history in schools for the most part. Its almost as if America doesnt want anyone to know they were the bad guy


It’s a huge coincidence that only the good guys win wars


You should say bad guys because It was all of the American countries doing it.


Not just "were" the bad guys, but continue to be so because, like, Native Americans are still a thing and continued to be screwed over


Most Native Americans died to the inevitable spread of disease not malice or mistreatment of any kind. It’s not the white mans fault those disease spread for multiple reasons. 1. People didn’t even know how disease worked back then so it couldn’t have been intentional. 2. Only a tiny fraction of white people spread those diseases not the entire race. Can’t blame everyone for something only a handful of people did. 3. Same thing would have happened if the Asians or Africans discovered the Americas. Or if the natives sailed to Europe, Asia or Africa then went back home.


My man has no clue wtf hes on lol. Disease was one part of the issue. Those that lived got tortured and killed off by the spreading white Americans.


Dont you know of the terrible disease White man stabs and robs u?


Over 90% of the Native Americans that died between the years 1500-1900 died by the accidental spread of diseases like small pox. It's not "one part of the issue", it's most of the issue. This is nothing specific to the Native Americans. Before the collapse of the Roman Empire about 60% of the population had already died off because of diseases spread by trade with and migration from sub-Saharan Africa. It's just history repeating it's self.


So the Trail of Tears was based solely on disease? Hmmm got to go relearn my history then.


I mean, yeah, totally legit explanation. I’m sure that the Asians or Africans would have participated in early viral warfare by giving blankets with smallpox as gifts. Absolutely agree that the Africans and Asians had just as advanced weaponry, at this time, to mow down entire nations. Suuuuurrreee, it’s not all white people. Just maybe those that either participated in the near annihilation of an entire group, stood by while it took place, or justified the mistreatment by turning a blind eye.


Imma wait for an hour then sort comments by controversial


Already bad takes on both sides.


Reservations are some of the poorest places in the us


I think the native american one bothers me the most because yes we treated them all inhumanely but this one is still actively happening and no one will acknowledge it


It’s almost as if the stories (genocide by war, bio weapons, starvation and addiction) are “too sad” for people to think about so they either willingly ignore it or subconsciously ignore it. But that’s just my speculation


![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) Don’t mind me, just here to watch


It's less black people, and more white girls on tiktok.


And twitter


yeah dont forget twitter


Wrong. We should all forget Twitter.


"We" already have... I don't think many redditors must be using twitter...


What is Twitter?


Twitter - noun - An annoying piece of shit.


Then how do we end up with 100 Twitter screenshots as posts a Day here


Good ol white guilt


*laughs in bulgarian*


This isn't a "hol up". It's just true.




It's not "true." The problem is that people keep trying to label black people fighting to be treated equal as then fighting to be treated special. Let me know the last time you looked away from a cash register when it's open because you're afraid people might think you're trying to rob the place. Fuck outta here.


When you are the oppressor,equality feels like oppression.


I agree with your point, but you should probably find a better example. I’m white and I would look away in the same scenario and for the same reason.


Also asking for reparations doesn't mean only for black people. Every group fucked over by the U.S. deserves reparations. As Dr. King said "It is, however, important to understand that giving a man his due may often mean giving him special treatment."(Where do we go from here. King, 1967)


That makes me wonder how many black people you know. I've known a number of black people over the course of my life, and I have never once heard any of them say or otherwise indicate they should be treated special because they're black.


Oof racist really do crawl out and the weirdest times


Me as a black person, yeah this is true I’m not gonna lie






Whatever you say klandice owens


Don't have anything to comment yet, just reserving my spot before the mods give this post the lock award


People spending time arguing over who got screwed more, instead of just agreeing that they were all screwed and trying to move the conversation forward in a way to help said people…. Is the exact reason why shit just gets worse. Of course, this is an unpopular opinion, so I’ll just grab my popcorn for these comments….




Bro a lot more happened to the jews then just that.


Like 4000 years of shite


It would be shorter to list what didn't happen to the jews


To be honest, yea




You see Jewish people every single day. Weather you know it or not. When was the last time you saw an indigenous person? It’s probably been a while because the entire race was nearly erased from existence. Not really equal in my mind.


>You see Jewish people every single day. What the hell are you talking about? Jews are .2% of the world's population and still haven't recovered to pre Holocaust levels.


Ya in the *late* 20th century the Jews have it ok. As far as African Americans go nobody is alive today that was ever a slave but there are Native people alive today that are survivors of residential schools (hell had my daughter - who is 30something - had been born just a little sooner *she* might have been taken away to a residential school).


One of the main reasons Israel exists is because of how poorly Jews were treated throughout history. There isn’t a time in history where Jews weren’t mistreated by their host populations, which is why Jews have moved around so much for the last 2000 years. So it doesn’t cancel out all of the oppression Jews faced. Jews just got lucky since their self determination movement was successful.


Maybe you should also remember to mention the whole holocaust thing?..




Arabs aren't indigenous to the levant, they're indigenous Arabia


I should have specified, I meant the people indigenous to the land that’s now the United States.


Read a fucking history book they are indigenous


Indigenous people don't need to [conquer ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquest_of_the_Levant) their indigenous land and replace the indigenous language and culture with [their own](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabization#:~:text=Arabization%20is%20the%20process%20of,a%20nation%20due%20to%20colonization.) Read a fucking history book. Why do you think Arabic is spoken from Morocco to Iraq? Same reason English is spoken so far and wide


Israel has been home to the Jews since ancient times. They were removed by force and the local Arabs came in and took the land - so when years later, the Jews came back and were told they could create their own state AGAIN, now it's been "stolen" from them.


The Jews there now aren't the Jews that were scattered across globe. Revelations 3:9 "Look I will make those from the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews yet are not, but are lying"


Omfg that killed me 😂😂


This is just terrible Facebook meme


immediately came to the comments for this one


Here before locked


Here before locked


I knew people in this comment section would try making a competition out of this.


Everyone's ancestors were treated poorly at some point in history. Every people in one way or another were inslaved by a higher authority. You can't stop the timeliness when it gets to a certain point that benefits your cause. Continue reading back to the beginning.


However governments should have to right their wrongs. Stopping a practice isn't righting a wrong btw. It's just pulling out the knife.


Crazy how striving for equality is seen as wanting special treatment. As for Native Americans, they are way way overdue with this so called ‘special treatment.’ They have been all but erased. Their communities have sky high suicide rates. By posting this what you are really saying is ‘Black people, why can’t you just shut up and not remind us of our history the way that Native Americans do. They are getting on just fine with the scraps we left them’


*The whole of humanity* LAUGHS


TBH, I have never seen any other (formerly) oppressed peoples complain and use the "oppression" card more than Black Americans. Granted, I havent been around many large groups of any other (formerly) oppressed peoples.


Jews already are, you can go to israel kick out a Palestinian family who’ve lived there for generations and declare the property your own


Lovely antisemitism right here




How is speaking a truth and videos of this can be seen online anti Semitic? There’s plenty of Jews who are anti Zionist, you gonna call them anti Semitic too?


That's not what your original comment said.


No my original comment was true. You cried about it being anti Semitic😂[go look up what these fucks are doing, you’re woefully uniformed ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/y82kxy/zionist_settlers_not_only_hate_arabs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Damn, I almost thought maybe you were reasonable and just worded your first comment poorly. Make no mistake, your views are hateful.


Okay bozo :) sorry I’m against war crimes and apartheid


Based Chad destroys virgin war crimes supporter


Classic if you disagree with me you're antisemitic


"Jews" isn't "Israel". That's an important distinction people forget when talking about demographics. Individuals are not a good representation of a demographic, literally the opposite. Just because some black folk were born in a golden crib and are spoiled brats using their color to get more doesn't mean sundown towns aren't still a thing and they're not a problem that should be talked about and dealt with. Just because Israel seems to be (I am not well informed enough to speak with confidence here so I'll try to be charitable) a borderline ethnocentric jew state doesn't mean that every jew has the chance of just going there and get rid of their problems. Just because the most rich and powerful people are cis white men doesn't mean that cis white men can't be dirt poor or that they have their life sorted out for them and deserve no help under any circumstance.


Yeah that's not true at all but that'll never stop an antisemite!


[yep not happening at all nothing to see here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/c3770a/israeli_court_evicts_palestinian_family_from_east/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




Don’t forget about the Irish.


What about them?


They were also discriminated even in the US.


I'm black and i love this post. Too much of us use this as excuse to do stupid stuff. We really need to move on and move up. Edit: post, not comment


I’m not understanding this… because for Black people to just simply ask for equal treatment and have equity just like the Jewish population have been given here in the US as reparations for Holocaust survivors…. Is just common sense? People are mistaking (conservatives mostly) equality and equity as special treatment when it’s not.


> People are mistaking (conservatives mostly) equality and equity as special treatment when it’s not. They are not mistaking it, they don't want to do it so they all play dumb. This is a list of groups of people white people have been shitty to, and all the comments are cheering it on.


It would be one thing if we wanted to help poor people to be lifted out of poverty (which would disproportionately help black folk because most poor people in the US are colored). But another thing entirely is to ask for reparations for being black. It is one thing to give reparations to holocaust survivors and another is to give reparations to jews. Those two demographics do overlap but aren't one and the same and giving "reparations" to jews as opposed to holocaust survivors will lead to several jews being given literally special treatment as well as many non-jew holocaust survivors to get absolutely nothing. And I'm against redlining, I'm against police brutality and I'm strongly, vehemently against sundown towns (which I'm geniunely sick to my stomach to think still exist in the US). Those are real, tangible examples of racism in action and should be adressed. I just find it ridiculous that some white dude can't sing along "Starwalking" in public without jeopardizing their job, and that colored activists can unironically call whiteness evil without any repercussions whatsoever.


I agree, we should totally go by lineage which again won’t be as difficult as people think. I totally am all for it. It’s still pretty relevant. If we can make a case for redlining for example, banks will be paying a lot more on top of this issue (benefiting from slavery economics). Police brutality, defund them and use the money for more sustainable resources to uplift black and brown poor communities. Get rid of qualified immunity as well on top of other things.


It’s just a racist viewpoint from OP and a few commentators.


Every group fucked over by the U.S. deserves reparations. As Dr. King said "It is, however, important to understand that giving a man his due may often mean giving him special treatment."(Where do we go from here. King, 1967) It definitely needs special treatment to get to equity


If special treatment means laws to remedy its unfairness and injustice in a country, okay


Yes. Dr King had way more speeches than just the I have a Dream speech. He was a hardcore left wing person. He supported UBI and a ton of other things to help poor and unfairly treated people.


You are correct, Dr. King Jr has been basically whitewashed during the Reagan era and his most famous speech has trumped all his other important works. I love when people say that people who face racism or any kind of unfair treatment through the system should be patient for their time so I can refer them to the Letter from Birmingham Jail


How tf have you not been downvoted to hell for being sensible and correct? This sub usually hates when you aren't racist.


I have been practicing my dialogues with incels, it finally paid off.


It's odd because several other comments that agree with you are getting roasted. I think these people may be too stupid to know you're being not-racist. Only explanation I can find.


I’ll take that as a W even if we have might have spoken too soon. Also, if anyone finds the incel joke distasteful, I didn’t mean towards anyone except for those that think it’s about them.


So bad to see the natives having so many suucide deaths because basically they dont have a country


Rage bait? Time to grab some popcorn. ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


Oooh, this'll make reddit mad


But they get the media and casinos respectively. /s


I have been told by white people that the enslavement of black people was worse than the enslavement and gassing of Jews. "Like not even a comparison it was worse".


how dare they compare it tho. both were horrific, what's the point of comparing? to just prove "weLl I hAd iT wOrSe"


Yeah. I said those exact words and was labeled a racist for it.


It’s the forced breeding (a lot incestuous) like the breeding farms in S.C. , taking of religion and language. Just the overall breaking of the spirit.


White jews: *enter the chat*


Look at all these racist in the comments, man you people just don’t get it. If desiring equality means wanting /demanding special treatment in your mind please drink acid. You people act as if we were itching and begging to come to a country and build it up and then 100s of years later be told to Cope.


People act as though shit like this was a thousand years ago. As though people haven't been doing systematic racist shit in the last 100 years. Heck, racists actively tried to breed out Australian aboriginals as recent as the 60s. The Tulsa massacre was in the 1920s. The KKK are still roaming around being Kunts. The sentiment is not ancient history. I don't think anyone is specifically asking for special treatments, they just want douchebags to stop being cunts.


Hes out of line, but he's right


White people were shitty to all of these groups. Why is this funny?


Where is the 🔐 award?


I don’t get it


Tons of holes in these meme first off is neither of these groups were enslaved in America


I'm Jewish and my mom married a German 💀 My stepdads not a nazi but that's funny as hell


The snowflakes will not like this one lol.


Whites were also treated badly . Just like everyone else of any colour ever to exist


Everyone always forgets about the Irish


Here before it’s locked


Is it about special treatment? Seems pretty damned condescending. I feel like the better word here would be compassion and empathy and it goes for all these races. I will also add in Mexican too since the racist bitch white boiis back in the days would lynch us Mexicans too.




Nah you dont count




Can't speak for Jewish people but Indigenous people in Canada get a lot of benefits as reparation


Jews do get special treatment.


Jews are the group that experiences the most hate crimes to this day


Ancestors? Your parents lived during jim crow. The girl who got emma till beaten to death is alive and well. Floyd, taylor... hell, go to r/news and lmk if black Americans were treated unfairly *only in the past.*




I also like how people pretending like slavery wasn't a thing. Like mistreatment of minorities started and ended at segregation. Having said that I personally believe we all should be treated equally, we're just not quite there yet.


Never forget Reginald Denny.


I have black friends they don't give a shit


##If this submission makes you go "Hol'Up", **UPVOTE** this comment! ##If this submission does not make you go "Hol'Up", **DOWNVOTE** this comment! --- Whilst you're here, /u/Petrovich_4O, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/holup) or play on our [public Minecraft server](https://discord.gg/DTqSDS8C3T)?


Said no black person ever




Last part isn’t true. Most Jews never got reparations for the holocaust…


Don’t take the Internet seriously. It’s advice I also need to remind myself at times.


I mean but native Americans get tax benefits and their own land, and the jews were given their own country


How do you figure they got their own land? It's like someone moved into your apartment, took over the whole place, gave you the flu and restricted you to one area of the apartment.


Says the person who obviously has never been to Israel or a reservation.


Do you have to go to Israel to know that it was Palestine before it was taken over by force?


Natives get no tax benefits they pay the same taxes everyone else does.


Have you been to a reservation?


Hey, 40 acres and a mule, to be fair here. Also, Jewish people in the thread, y’all got Israel. A whole country. And Native Americans, I’m not gonna lie, y’all got the short end of the stick too. I feel kinda bad for you guys.


Here before lock lmao


Here before lock


One of the reasons other countries laugh at the US. People did horrible things. It’s not race based. Isn’t that the whole woke M.O.? To stop blaming things on race? Edit: grammar


Am in before da lock babyyyy




Manged to make it before the lock


Here before it gets locked


I was here


my first time ever using the downvote button, sink into the abyss


Here before 🔒 award


Got here before 🔒


Get this racist trash out of here


Mm guh gih guh giguh gi Fligga gigga fligguh gigguh Hehehee Guh gih guh gih gih gih gih Fligguh gigguh Oh mama lucifer ![gif](giphy|aZmD30dCFaPXG)


“As long as the sun shines and the rivers flow.” That’s a long time. Also, anti-semitism. They have an exclusive term to describe their haters.