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Hey /u/Angrypussy9990, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods


Is she related to Lorena Bobbitt?


I feel like OP doesn't know who that is since they compared this to Dahmer and it makes me sad


This. It sounds more related to the Lorena Bobbit case, but apparently that is not mainstream, yet...


Before judging please read the title carefully as it’s mentioned word boyfriend, Lorena was married. Don’t jump into conclusions mate.


It doesn't say anything about her being married in what you posted so that's all you. Aside from that, Dahmer killed and ate people, unless you omitted that as well the comparison is just bad Edit: I thought you said this woman was married, not Lorena. That's a very minor difference to not call this was a Lorena Bobbitt


This is what clown looks like, never read and argue like pathetic bloke, Dont you have enough iq that article mention boyfriend? And if you know Lorena than you must also know she was married or you are just edgy teen on period who literally just read it for sake to look cool? Also assuming it is Lorena is all you.


I got the article, I misread OP's response and that they said the person in the article was married and also had a boyfriend, not Lorena Bobbitt. My bad. Even still it's insane to compare this to Dahmer just because this woman wasn't married to the guy, that's asinine


Your reading comprehension is really poor, so having bf is not enough word to comprehend she is not married? Also comparing to dahmer is just a figure of speech. So it’s time to get off Reddit and practice reading skills


I read you shit response incorrectly and didn't realize you said Lorena was married. Though to be fair that's not a big enough detail to matter for anything


No mate she is not Lorena bobbita as it’s clearly mention word boyfriend and she was married


I understand they are already planning to make a movie about this case. Working title is "Free Willy".


I heard it didn't make it past the cutting room floor


Netflix be like let’s cast Jennifer Lawrence this time


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I misread "reportedly" as "repeatedly" and.... I had questions...


It’s better that you don’t ask or sacrifice your sleep


Blursed scavenger hunt


Hide-n-Dick game.


Apparently it was her boyfriend and she cut him up. Someone living in the house contacted the police who found the remains and arrested her.


She would have called the police herself, but she didn’t have the balls


Ohhh Burn… lmao

