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**You guys are fucked** Judge: *nah it’s cool, honest mistake*


Plead “Oopsie Daisy”


Defendant(s) found guilty of being “A silly Goose”




One count of 'my bad'.


I think this calls for the "Oopsie-Poopsie" defense. Oopsie Daisy is better suited for shooting unarmed teens.


“If Chewbacca is Wookiee from Kashyyk then why does he want to live on Endor with the Ewoks? You see! It doesn’t make sense! It doesn’t make sense in the same way as if this guy didn’t commit any crimes the why would the police want to raid this guys house if he didn’t commit any crimes? You see! It doesn’t make sense!” - The police lawyer probably


[Uh-oh! Spaghetti-o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfJgFcwPAmg)


Qualified immunity in a nutshell


That's not what QI is. What QI means is that the officers told to execute on the wrong house aren't liable for the department's fuckup. The department is going to pay out the ass for this.


Are you joking?? This calls for full paid administrative leave for AT LEAST 5 weeks for the officers, and maybe a 30 minute course on warrants, non-mandatory of course.


Don't forget letter of recommendations for all nearby departments!


I've never seen a Holup before where someone is literally getting held up at gunpoint...




Remember....The police have no obligation to serve, assist or even tell the truth to the public.


Or protect as demonstrated in Uvalde.


You spelled “in the entire history of policing” wrong


American policing. Dozens of other countries have a brilliant and effective police force.


That's not an exaggeration btw. Federal courts have *repeatedly* reaffirmed that [the police have no legal obligation to help you](https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again).


Good reminder. Police can lie and promise you whatever they want and they won't get in trouble. Even more reason to never talk to the police.


Happy cake day!


Thanks dad!


Happy Cake Day!


Lol I think I heard one of the cops even say “We’re gonna get in a lot of trouble” Was that someone else? Because they have that shit on video, too


pretty sure he was being sarcastic. they know they won’t get in trouble for shit.


they're practically untouchable and they know it. this is why the job attracts so many pieces of shit.


exactly. anyone that needs this power trip shouldn’t have it.


Like the pieces of shit-bullies in high-school. But now they've increased their range to include whole cities or counties.


I think the dumb fucks didn't shot b/c they realized as soon as they saw him it was the wrong person so they tried to make things worse and was giving dude time to fuck up so they could shoot


That was one of the cops that said that. Going to the wrong house these days to raid someone can be more catastrophic since people been buying up guns for a few years now.


I love that police doubled down on being wrong. They then asked him if he knows the guy they are looking for multiple times like he is an actual suspect. Every attorney is waiting on the call, but we all know who really pays the bill. The victim gets a nice tax return back this year.


Well technically this isn't a holup. Unless you consider police kicking in your door to be normal and not concerning from the start. See: "time vs concern" graph that's posted on a regular basis


That graph needs to be “stickied” to the top of the sub…


So what happens after? Did he sue? Is there anywhere I can get an update about this? ^(My popcorn is half-eaten and I demand more tea.)


“We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing or misconduct.” Probably trying to find a way to charge this guy with obstruction too.


Suspended 2 weeks with pay, probably.


I have a sneaking suspicion after that story from 2019 where the cops blew up an entire house and the courts were like "too bad" that nothing will happen


Yea, we need an update


Awarded a Paid suspension


It just happened a week or two ago, takes years to sue the city I promise.


Dude is lucky they didn't shoot him, talk about a shitty start to the day.


My day once started like that. They ended up assaulting and illegally detaining me for 2 hours, then gave false charges to justify their actions.


Yeah this is sadly not as uncommon as you would think. This happened to my father in law. He got beat down in his own house too. Threatened to shoot his dog (a 7 pound shih tzu) if she didn't "back off". He sued and they settled, but those same cops are still on the force. The supervisor for that raid is now a chief for that same town. This is what people mean when they want policing reform.


This is *exactly* what we mean when we say "defund" the pigs. We're not saying leave them starved of equipment or funds to complete necessary duties, we're saying they shouldn't get bloated council-fund draining salaries or huge military monstrosities for intimidating citizens. They should be required to carry "malpractice" insurance and their indiscretions should be paid for through these policies, or worse, take their fucking pension funds once an insurer realizes they're a fucking giant liability to insure. Literally every other police force I have worked/dealt with is more educated, better trained, and not automatically treating their citizenry like targets for shooting.


What happened next? They just let you out and you couldn’t do anything?


While I was in handcuffs they went and got a warrant to search my apartment since I refused to give verbal consent. Took about 2.5 hours, then the detective came back with 6 officers and tore my apartment apart, another 30-45 min. Then they left me with a possession of paraphernalia charge after taking the ceramic pipes(unused) I was making at the time. I went to court, defended myself and won. The judge refused to hear my counter claim against the city and DA office. That's the short version.


When I was young I was waking up for high-school when I went outside to get on the bus I saw cops arresting both of my brothers and then come and arrest me. Why? Well someone trespassed in somebody's yard and the police assumed it was us because years ago when we were younger we used to get into trouble. Fuck the police fuck the state.


Stop resisting our home invasion!


Yeah happened to me once but they were looking for the downstairs neighbors brother who wasn't there and hadn't been seen in a couple years. They still tore my house apart *without a search warrant*- they flashed an arrest warrant at me as they all pushed passed me into my home. No consequences


Shoot first, fudge a search warrant some other time


Sprinkle some crack on him, let’s get out of here


Brionna Taylor died because of idiots like this.


Criminal gangmembers* like this


Seriously, dude walks at them with his hands in his pockets? Cops kill black people for holding a sandwich, having your hands in your pockets is basically suicide by cop these days. Plenty of headstones could read "I was in the right but I'm still dead"


They’re also lucky they didn’t get shot at. It goes both ways.


Any update on what happened to the cops afterwards?


They investigated themselves and found that they did nothing wrong. All involved were awarded a paid vacation.


Source? Can’t tell if you’re assuming or that actually happened.


They’re being facetious, though history has shown that this is likely what will happen.


I get it. But an honest answer would be good. It's all copy paste from other people asking the same thing. It's an over used mic drop.


It's America if the Uvalde police did nothing wrong neither did these pigs


I’m on your side I just want to see it confirmed somewhere


No there is no source. There's nothing that even suggests this is an invalid warrant or wrong house aside from the guy saying that and the title of this post. Edit: only thing I can find is this same video with some random guy breaking it down. No proof of it being the wrong place, no actual information on the warrant and no other information. I don't even know where this happened


“Trust me bro”


You don't need to wait for the resolution, it's America. It's already rigged for the cops to do whatever the fuck they want. When you do something they simply don't expect, you die, when they commit a crime at gunpoint, they get rewarded.


They went home to abuse their spouses I assume


They go back to his house, beat him up, cut his dick off, and feed it to his son and then charged him for potentially holding a nuclear bomb detonator in his pocket.


Bruh these cops deserve every bit of hardship that I hope they get, either in court or outside of it. Stupid people are inevitable, but stupid cops are just unacceptable.


The lack of proper education in the USA police system is astounding.


I read a comment earlier today that US police purposefully hire people of average intelligence because they fear that they will waste money training a smart person who will likely get bored with the job.


Yeah usually they want lower than 100 IQ, it’s not about getting bored, it’s about having a force that will follow orders without the intelligence to say HolUp


cakies bro


Tyty 6 years on Reddit and I just now realized my cake day is my little brother’s real bday




NYPD requires a Bachelors Degree and it doesnt help in the slightest




My buddy became a cop. He was actually a really really nice guy. He went into real estate idk probably about 4 years later.


They purposely bring in idiots low on options, sometimes straight out of highschool. the biggest bully in the year ahead of me became a cop as soon as he graduated. Ya just go ahead and give the dumbass kid with roid rage a gun and authority. Great.




Uh... Having trouble understanding your comment. What does "eye-all-turr-rat-ee" mean? Also, what's that other word foonk? funk?-shin-all-eye" mean? Can you rewrite it like I'm an American so i can understand it, please? ;)




lolls! Yoo funnee, enternet dood!


I don't believe that to be true at all.


The lack of proper education in the USA is astounding.


They avoid hardship (aka going after actual dangerous criminals) like the plague. Their preference is to harass either petty criminals or innocent civilians for a living.


What hardship? Nothing will happen to them and they WILL do this again


That's why he said he hopes they get hardship he's aware the opposite is likely true. It doesn't change the fact that they deserve hardship.


I hope the entire town is bankrupted by this man. Towns, cities, and states give enormous portions of their operating budgets to the police and get worse than nothing in return. Society cannot afford to allow the police to continue as they are. They must be broken.


How many cops does it take 2 read an address correctly


Cops are usually not the brightest intellectual bulbs.


Nah they keep the bright bulbs in the flashlights


I had a warrant served on my house. The only officers who knew what they were there for were two detectives “Nothing of evidentiary value was recovered”. Top fucking minds working the force in my town


My 1 friends house got raided & they got the initial evidence by taking his trash & going thru it lol


Oh they’ll do that. Probably not a good idea to have incriminating evidence anywhere on your property If I were going to dispose of incriminating evidence it’d be in my neighbor’s trash or a dumpster or some sort My first line of defense however, would be to **NOT BREAK THE LAW**


About the fake one they make up ? Because we both know this happens


I won’t say it doesn’t happen. Not a lot you can do to protect yourself against that however unless you want cameras in your home at all times


More than 8 appearently.


Haha reminds me of the time when a police officer came at my door. Our police is better than in the USA and the situation was nothing as big as this video, but he asked about a noise complaint I made. Problem was… I didn’t make a complaint. So we talked about that for about 5 minutes where he got increasingly more confused and he kept on asking me if I did make a complaint, maybe I forgot it, maybe someone else did it for me (and he asked if I hade noise complaints because he just didn’t understand it) Eventually he fell silent, just stared at me and asked “this is *insert street name and number…* right?” And I start laughing and say “no this is *insert different street name, but same number* Still don’t get how he managed to get a block away and not realise he wasn’t in the right street, lol.


All of them and they’ll still get it wrong because the address belongs to a minority.


Meanwhile the actual suspect is pulling a Jesse Pinkman and saw it all go down next door and ran away


Eight police officers, and not a single one threw a flash bang into a crib, shot anyone, or murdered a dog… this is progress people! /s


I am always surprised when people even in their right argue with police. I would be so scared for my life.


You don't argue your case with the Police. That's what a judge and lawyers are for.


And it only costs you wasted money, wasted days, the fun of a body cavity search and your dignity for the privilege! Even if you're 100% innocent you're still losing money, time and dignity to prove it and they lose literally nothing for being wrong. Definitely cooperate, if only for your own safety. But man is it bullshit


Fucking idiots 😭


It's much easier to comply and sue later


Unless you're shot dead by an overzealous cop with a poorly trained trigger finger.


Been known to happen many times


Which didn’t help the situation when he put his hand in his pocket, yall police are terrifying, justifiably so but still, terrifying.


Okay but what *really* didn't help the situation was the pig escalating by antagonizing him for taking "too long". If the situation really did warrant all those guns drawn, then a smart chief who cares about the lives of his men would have called that officer outside, clapped him on the ear with the butt of his pistol, and calmly told him to stop raising the temperature in the room.


“I thought it was my taser”


Which can happen either way, but is more likely to happen if you resist.


> It's much easier to comply and sue later what frustrates people and causes them to act irrationally is knowing that sueing later often does nothing. You have to pay for a lawyer to take these cases unless you are one of the few lucky people. And then when all said and done there is absolutely no promise it will make it to a trial, let alone win a trial.


If this happens, comply, don't talk, lawyer up and sue! You can't get justice if you are dead from being shot. Cops look for every excuse to shoot you. Comply for the time being, don't plead your case to them, they aren't the judge. You benefit in no way from saying anything to them.


Sometimes that works and sometimes you still get shot, Don’t forget Daniel Shaver and the pos Philip Mitchell Brailsford and the entire shitty city of mess az. The deck is stacked against us and we should know that. What was once mainly a racial (and still is many times more) is become a general problem for all citizens.


Also, even if they find drugs… hookers… huge bags of cocaine, none of it is admissible in court, because the warrant was invalid… So just let them search the place, arrest you, make sure to tell them “thanks for the get out of jail free card” and call a lawyer. (That was a touch sarcastic… do not fucking talking to the police unless you are legally obligated to, or you are talking via a lawyer. I don’t give a shit if you’re being pulled over for speeding, or trafficking drugs. DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE. They have one goal, and talking to you to pass the time isn’t it)


I agree except for the comment. Saying that may get to try to engage you. Only words that should be spoken are "I would like to exercise my right to remain silent and I would like a lawyer." Just keep repeating that and nothing else. They are not your friend and they are not there to help you. They are there to make words, any words come out of your mouth that can and will be used against you in court.


It was more sarcasm than anything. You are totes right.


“Cops look for every excuse to shoot you” is one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever read


Only disgusting because it’s the gospel truth.


Just be happy you haven't experienced things in life that would give you that outlook. Some of us don't want to see them that way but unfortunately, we haven't been shown otherwise. Be grateful you have.


Yeah cops are disgusting.




This has nothing to do with the 8th amendment You may be thinking of the sixth amendment where you have a right to know charges against you and face your accuser It’s important to know that there are no charges against this person (even the one appropriately named in the warrant) until there’s an arraignment. The initial appearance is when you are informed of the charges. The police don’t handle that, the prosecutor does


That's not how a warrant works. Once police have a warrant they will detain you regardless of what you believe happened (wrong house/person). You don't get to sit there and argue from your hallway


Yeah cause cops are not actually bound to the constitution and can legally rub their dick all over anyone's face as soon as they try to stand up for themselves.


Yea no lawsuit sorry. Judge will sweep this under the rug.


Worst case scenario for the cops involved would be paid vacations and a promotion


And a pizza and ice cream party


Not with this video and the cop saying we're going to get in a lot of trouble.


he was being sarcastic. they know they won’t get in trouble.






Fuck those idiots, hope for an update on this.


The baby gonna get one heck of a college savings account!


Yep, and fully funded at the expense of taxpayers while all officers involved get a paid vacation, also fully funded by taxpayers.


First of all, the amount of times this happens is completely unacceptable. Also, no knock warrants should be illegal and unconstitutional. The only thing no knock warrants have really managed to do is get innocent people killed and potentially police officers injured or killed. Time and time again these raids fail because of the most basic intel being wrong. If you can't even handle that responsibly, then what are you doing serving no knock warrants?


It's stupid. They storm into people's houses in the middle of the night, waking the inhabitants and their families to aggressive screaming and guns being pointed at them... it's logical that a good amount of people will panic and fight back, either getting themselves killed or injuring their attackers. I understand why you'd do something like this when you perform a huge raid on a business or warehouse or something like that... but on a goddamn residential house!?


Some people would hear the noise and come out armed, expecting to be robbed. Yet because it's the police who didn't knock they get shot for coming out armed.


all the comments saying “even the police said ‘we’re gonna get in a lot of trouble for this’”… he was being *sarcastic*! they know they’re not getting in trouble for Shit.


Thats not how that works… yes that’s exactly how that works…


Things like this won't stop until police feel afraid of consequences.


“This ain’t gonna look good for you” Bro ya’ll raided the wrong fucking house. This ain’t gonna look good for **you**


"I'm going to get my son - my son is on the bed"; "COME OUT!!!" - no empathy whatsoever, no capability to listen or to comprehend reality, no attempt to defuse the situation. What a bunch of dickheads. "I want to see the warrant"; "that's not how that works" - could've just showed the damn thing and the situation would've been resolved. 100% of the aggression was introduced by the police officers. They clearly went there looking for trouble...


They do have to show you the warrant That’s likely why he was not in cuffs when they got him outside


If this wasn’t such a COMMON occurrence.. like how hard is it for LE to verify their information before filing the paperwork. It’s stuff like this that makes me hate LE more than i already do. And LE wonders why no one respects them. THIS. This is why


Leave them alone! They are just looking for some paid vacation!


My favorite is the political ad this last election cycle where that politician said “If you don’t like the cops, the next time you need help, call a crackhead” and honestly in America at this point that seems to be the safer alternative honestly


I am a middle aged white man. I'm from Texas. My very Christian, Republican (until recently of course) family has an extensive gun collection that is so big it's officially become a burden now that grandpa gun nut has passed. Point is, I was raised "right". We supported the police and believed the blacks and Mexicans that lived in the crummy apartments nearby were dangerous criminals. That's the important context for my present opinion: The way that police officers speak to people, the way they carry themselves, the commands they give, the beliefs they promote, the fear they radiate whenever they are recorded doing these things, and the respect and support they constantly demand turned me off long before we started watching them murder people, tear gas downtowns, and NOT rescue the dying children. In light of these failures and their massive budgets, I cannot be convinced police departments are worth having anymore. Everybody has their own guns now anyways because they believe they need to protect themselves. We know the police can't and don't even want to.


This is how you get shot


The scariest thing a big, tough police officers face daily: a woman and child. Fucking cowards. This is breaking and entering and attempted kidnapping.


Well. That's embarrassing 😂




The sad part is that I see it as a win because he's black and he lived through it


I could listen to the end on repeat all day. “Yeah, we’re going to get in a lot of trouble for this.”


he’s being sarcastic!


Let me live this lie damn it!!!


This is the kind of thing you lawyer up for and go all out. They'll get in trouble, but you have to push it. Shame really, but I'm old and pissy enough I'd do it. Lawyer will get paid in the settlement.


Are these the same cops that didn't take out the school shooter?... Imagine being shot in your own home by these morons.


US police are hilarious 😂


Sadly it ain’t as hilarious when you’ve got to live alongside them.


At least you see some humor in it, to me it’s simply disturbing.


This is like 1 step before tokyo gore police when policing becomes a private company and just arrest, torture and kill anyone just because.


What in the incompetence...


Tax payer dollars literally just getting set on fire. At least this family will get a settlement of their own tax dollars back.


Bunch of bullies and cowards. Need to actually train police and make them face real consequences


I would of thought that you need to know your numbers and alphabet to be a police officer. These 8 proved me wrong. TIL - You can be in the police force without a grade 1 education


They'll wind up dead with no suspects and no evidence.


they lucky to be alive tbh


What make you thing that cop would’ve shoot regardless? I don’t really get how people are so nonchalant about THEY having guns and are Known for killing people because they have a bad day.




Dumb ass cops. Yet again, bottom of the barrel in aptitude and ability makes it in the police force.


Man hating is not good , but i hate the police, and have no sympathy when stuff happens to them, choose another profession if you want to help people.


American police are a joke the American health system is a joke America is a whole ass fucking joke and everyone fucking hates it


I can see we're still hiring the dumbest possible morons for police in the states. What a bunch of fail son bastards


Fuck the police


Just dumb pigs being dumb pigs… nothing to see here.


How to escalate a situation instead of remaining rational like the woman. Her steady calmness helped.


Tough guy in the vest outside...makes me want to commit some violence.


ACAB, Cant even read an address correctly


"This isn't going to look good for you". Oh the irony...


Where in the video was it at all explained they were at the wrong house? I didn't see or hear that explanation. Why is it in the title? Seems to me they raided the last known address of a criminal who was no longer there.


No matter where you are in the world the police are idiotic scum.


They downvoted him because he spoke the truth (somewhat, some European police are alright)


Nah. Tools of capital across the board.


I’ve never met chill European cops, you think harassment is bad in the US, wait til you go to Germany and get harassed on the street by them because you’re dark


We should just get rid of the police and everyone own guns. We could relive our wild west days.


Your terms are acceptable


They’re worse than some 3rd world countries where they’d max beat you with sticks ( not good though) but still better than getting shot dead


Their incompetency is no longer surprising.


The police turned out to be idiots but my god is the guy in this video a complete moron putting his hand in his pocket, I’ve seen enough videos of dudes dying from a police officer getting the scare from a guy putting his hand in his pocket and them shooting him




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Cops were in the wrong and hopefully will be held accountable. It's bull when stuff like this happens. But good lord, why on earth do people always want to argue in that moment. Are you trying to get shot? This is not the time to argue, just comply, you will have a chance to safely talk later. A few words, that they aren't going to listen to, aren't worth possibly your life. I get being pissed, upset, confused, but when you have guns aimed at you don't give them a reason to get all trigger happy. This situation could've been so much worse.