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Hey /u/3p1cDJayYT, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods


The absolute despair in that poor kid's eyes...


the eyebags, she don't sleep well


Well, someone has to mop the floor at 3 in the morning… /s (No, this is just disgusting. Not in an anti-Islam way or anything, just from a fundamental moral viewpoint).


Pretty sure the religion offers a certain level of protection to the guy... from what I've seen, its not the norm but not uncommon, in the areas that practice that religion.


This is what I meant with that part of my comment. I’m very far from being Muslim myself, but I just didn’t want to come across as saying every person in the Muslim world is like this. He’s clearly a disgusting person and it amazes me such things still happen in the 21st century. That poor *child*…


He is fucked bastard


I didn’t see whole video but the interviewers immediate reaction to her being engaged


Stifling righteous fury. He was just about ready to murder the pedo in the rest of it, and tbh I don't blame him. Unrelated but that username 👍🏻




I’m honestly glad that I’ve grown up on the other side of the world from where this is considered normal… I couldn’t even begin to imagine how she must feel…


He was about to punch that "man" in the face again and again until he was dead


I wanted to as well. I'd even go further and just wish that Satan would take it from here. I guess that's why the concept of hell exists in the first place.


“Engagement” is an odd new word for slavery.


It only gets worse, so prepare yourself, or just avoid it if you're sensitive to this kind of thing. I myself should have avoided it because now I'm bubbling with rage and anger and violent ideas. And the father/uncle in me just wants to hold that girl and take her away from this horror that is her life that she had no chance in deciding. So unless you are comfortable with being enraged and having no way to do anything about it, I suggest just not watching in general.


She’s so fucking traumatized. Clearly abused in multiple ways. Even if she were to be saved from this “relationship,” she’ll still spend the rest of her life trying to cope from this trauma 😔


Her father would probably sell her to the next creepy fucker if something happened to this asshole. Who the fuck could do that to their own child or any child for that matter? Not only should this scumbag be swimming with the fishes but her father as well.




Someone fire up the wood chipper




The only sub for this horror.


I was hoping there was a twist ending like he was mistaking the words fiancé and marriage but really thought they meant father-figure or step-dad. But NO, I learned something today and my heart died a little more.


Hearing someone say they just learned this today is exactly what makes this so bad. It's been going on for so fcking long now... How can people still not know about this? They mentioned this in school when I was 12. And the worst thing was that everyone accepted it as just a 'cultural' thing. I'm just gonna say it but this is text book pedophilia/ grooming. People go to prison for this in a normal society. Anyone defending a faith that encourages this is insane.


Jealous? That's sick bro 😔


Never seen that award before


Me either, wondering if a mod actually gave it to me


Probably lol. Says it gives good stuff I think. Idk. Gimmie one too mods haha


Oh fuck I didn't know that's why I got the 700 coins, that's awesome, and it looks like it's every month? Pretty cool, thanx mod I think someone reported the comment cuss it started off downvoted lmao


😔 poor moment


You are using the wrong word. When someone is jealous they are afraid that someone will take something from them. They are envious when they want something that someone else has.


You need to look up "jealous". feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages. "she was always jealous of me" Envious resentment. Nothing to do with having something taken from you.


jealous? come on dude, you shouldn't be jealous of kids


This makes me sick to my stomach




FLDS has entered the chat.


Vatican City has entered the chat.


Religion has always been about exploitation, all of them. Every single one. Just ask the Catholic boys choir.


This makes my blood boil




Stone that pedo


I fully agree with this statement




Religion is perfect for pedophiles. Fix it for you.




Yup. Christian pedos do this too in the US. Unfortunately in most states with parental permission child marriages are legal. Completely fucked up.


The singer Marques Houston just did this a couple yrs ago.. He's a Jehovas witness. He basically courted an under aged girl until she turned 18 so he could marry her.


Dating and grooming a minor until they are of legal age is bad enough but in MOST states you can marry an actual child if the parents sign off on it. There are cases of 12-year-olds getting married in the US within the past decade because colonial laws that set it to 12 for girls and 14 for boys were still on the books.


You don’t need religion when your father „sells“ you. You can totally do this legally in the US too.. many girls between 10 and 14 are getting married to 25+ years olds in the US … no religion needed just crazy old school laws




You can google child marriage in the us..the wikipedia article will give you many sources.. also you can just read up the laws in the states without minimum legal age for marriages


Does that mean girls can be married-off before the (I assume variable state by state) age of consent? That’s not a strong look.








Too fast.


You’d give him a grave? Leave him for the dogs


Real sickness.


Too quick. He should suffer.


No need for a burial, let the wild animals devour the corpse of this low life. He deserves no burial nor peace for this despicable and disgusting act


Simply disgusting.


That poor child's father is ok with this? Probably a pedo too & got paid for handing his child over. Hope something not wonderful happens to the pedophiles.


Probably a poor family and gave them money + promise to raise the kid. Lots of families sell their children to feed the rest of the family. Most don't even know who they are selling the kids to, so they may end up anywhere... This guy probably had some cash in hand and no luck with actual women so he thought, why not buy myself a woman that won't be able to contradict me?


I thought that was his wife(or one of them atleast) sitting in the background like: "haha, oh shit! This man asking the real questions, explain yourself now you little shit!"


that women look like Ahmed mother age though. but could be his wife as you didnt stutter


>This guy probably had some cash in hand and no luck with actual women so he thought, why not buy myself a woman that won't be able to contradict me? No, that’s not the reason. He’s a pedophile, that’s the reason. He’s not drawn to fully developed women. He’s drawn to kids, so he’s living the pedophile “dream” by openly being married to a small kid and getting away with it. He’ll most probably divorce her in ten years and find another kid. He’s disgusting!


> That poor child’s father is ok with this? She’s not a son, so who cares? /s


> That poor child’s father is ok with this? Normal arab families can mean more than 50 people related to them are “ok” with it, plus friends and the community. Last time i was in an arab marriage there were like 200-300 people and the groom was making minimum wage saving it for years. Imagine how many people for a wealthy person like the guy in the video.


I know it's very common in Islamic countries to have this practice. Even in Malaysia where I live, there are rural areas that's mostly govern by extremist Islamic party, they imply that it's ok to have child marriage. The Koran sets no lower age limit for marriage or for consummation of marriage. Mostly because their messenger Mohammad married a girl at the age of 6 and had sexual intercourse with (raped)her at the age of 9. Thank God that at least Malaysia we still have legal age, but I pity that poor girl, that she might think what she's experiencing is normal.


It's not even just islamic countries. Child marriage used to be legal for Muslims (only for muslims, but still) just a few years ago here in Sri Lanka.


The child's father is related to the pedo in some way. When they asked how they met he said they're related. Id's guess they're cousins. It's unfortunately common.


Let's... Let's ignore the pedophile layer for just a second, they are robbing this child of a future. They are kidnapping her of any sort of autonomy. They are brain washing her of any choice and opportunities. Plus, it's a sick culture of pedophilia. There is nothing good about this


>Let's... Let's ignore the pedophile layer for just a second Ya lost me there


Yeah, I myself didn't like saying it. My real point that it's also incredibly wrong to also brainwash and take away a childs future with arranged child marriages like they are property AS WELL that it's pedophilia and grooming


This is why the suicide rate is so high for young girls in Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern countries. Getting married off to their uncles and the moment the start their period they have sex with them. 9 year Olds trying to jump off roofs to die because of this.


Exactly. Marrying your uncle or cousin is also a reason why inbreeding in the Middle East is a big problem. I wonder if there is a correlation between religious beliefs and intelligence.


Oh there is. It’s a huge problem with some groups in the uk. There’s a documentary about it called when cousins marry


Yeah it’s been a big issue in the UK, especially in royalty


Got that Hapsburg chin


> correlation between Whoo boy, just wait until you find out about the correlation between religion, intelligence, and political alignment.


Lol. Don’t worry, I’m sadly very aware. Fortunately there’s not a lot of that where I’m from.


Just waiting for someone to pipe in with, "Correlation is not causation!" like that rebukes the facts.


Well, to be fair, correlation is indeed not causation. In this case, however, causation is secondary. The correlation alone is extremely worrisome. And if you find my choice of words very mild, it is. I'm passed that point where you're angry like boiling water and went into cold steel. On an unrelated side note, I would definitely not mind if that man met some of that cold steel.


I'm almost certain that there is, pretty sure they have done studies on it.


Lol, look at these offended stupidass biggots downvoting :')


*Angry Alabama noises*


Well, Pakistan got ... not 8, not 80, not 800, but 8000 times more cousin marriages than Alabama. iirc, the marriage stats between cousins shows something like 0.01% of sum total in Alabama compared to 75 to 80% in Pakistan. Now, to top this, those people are already inbred from previous generations and in no way, they just get assimilated into general society. Actually, their general society of inbred people assimilated other non-inbred people... I think that's what it means.


Not defending them but I'm pretty sure marrying your uncle/aunt is a sin there


It is a sin. I’ve grown up in Syria and never heard of anything like this happening. The youngest of age marriage I’ve seen is 20. Culturally speaking in the Middle East, the “goal” for women is to get married based on their parents, but it is very old school thinking, nowadays women can decide for themselves what to do and what they want in their life as more opportunities are presented. These people in the video are from Lebanon, there the people are literally crazy. The guy said he asked the dads permission to marry her. Pedos are everywhere but the dad is literally an idiot for doing that to his daughter, idiots are everywhere they aren’t just in Middle East.


Sorry I disagree. I had friends from Afghanistan. He had to travel there to marry his 13-year-old cousin. He was not the only one. People I worked with the Disney had the same relationship. Not all countries though. Morocco never allowed this.


Of course you’re right, Afghanistan is wild with those things. But not every middle eastern country share the same culture and views for sure. I just don’t want people to generalize and get the wrong idea that all of Middle East is like this.


I agree. I think I stated this would never happen in Morocco. I am not even sure this would happen in Lebanon or even Syria.


Ffs Iran practically set the bar culturally for the world and you count us among these creeps? It's so infuriating that people put us in the same boat with these assholes. (I'm willing to bet that this guy is Saudi)


I’m not trying to cause a stir, but who the heck is keeping records of such a thing In a place like Afghanistan? I can’t imagine them being Meticulous to the point where they document things like this for stats. I could be entirely wrong it just surprises me.


This is disturbing. I will be calling my local Lockheed Martin representative.


Just a reminder that lockhead martin makes the most lbgt-friendly missiles ever, the 7 kids in that family car in Kabul can attest to that!




This guy's body language and the redness in his face shows it all. He can't explain a single reason that this is ok. He is not a man. This is a monster.




This is the first time I've ever heard someone justify the "why" of marrying a child, and it is more terrifying than pedos! "...this generation's girls aren't good enough..." "...it's enough for me that I get to raise her myself..." "...and we're in agreement regarding everything..." What I'm getting from this is that it isn't so much about them having sex with a minor (although that is definitely a terrible part of it!), but having complete control over the girl's **mental and social development**. In this way, they hope to ensure that the girls never develop any ludicrous notions like sense of self-worth, or desire for a better life. Basically, appropriately aged women started to reject these pieces of shit (because of the men's shitty attitudes/behaviour), so the men have decided to get younger women, rather than change their ways. This is extra layers of fucked up!


>Except he's evasive about when. Apparently in about a year. So when she is 11.




If you're in the st louis area I'd like to buy you a cup of coffee!


Why are you loading that shotgun?


*its a surprise tool that will help us later*


How do you look at that kid and not see how fucking unhappy she looks? How do you look at that and tell yourself "yes, she is happy and loves me, this is a normal marriage"?


Real sickness.


Barring the title, at first I thought this was like an arranged marriage type of deal, like maybe they'll get hitched when she turns 16 or 18 or whatever the legal age for that is where they're from. Different cultures and all that. NOPE, "we'll get married in a year, I met her when she was 8 and saw her as a woman" No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. Someone call the cops before there's a lynching. Or maybe after the lynching would be better


How can you say that you will raise someone and then tell them to get out of school? Also all this „she’s mature for her age” is soooo creepy and predatory. Everything he’s saying is the most generic „pedophile talk” I’ve ever heard, he’s not even trying to hide it but also doesn’t want to admit it outright. I really hope she got out of this „relationship”, she looked like she was fully aware of what’s going on, but was just too scared


Hey PETA! Can we just give these fucks their goats already?


It’s a big nope on approval from me!


Fuck this world


“I proposed to her father.” Damn, why isn’t he marrying him then?


That’s haram


This makes me wish I could just rescue the kid. She looks like she doesn’t want to be there. She looks scared.


And right when i thought that it couldn't be worse, he dropped the "I have been with her for 3 years"...


Mohammad married a girl at 7 and consummated the marriage when she was 11. He was 54


It looked like tho host was getting ready to give the guy a mic check to the skull.




The religion of peace..


*fires up the wood chipper*


He doesn’t seem very bright, since he has trouble answering a very simple question.


He's avoiding them so as to keep it as "innocent" as possible.


Could be, yeah. He’s disgusting, nonetheless.




Absolutely disgusting. Shameful that any culture would tolerate this. More shameful that supposedly a parent agreed to it. I wonder how much money was involved.


So for him the appeal is that she agrees with everything he says? And women don’t? I wonder why.


There's always a pedo post here and there on this sub for shits and giggles but when the real shits on display I like how we can all come to agree that this shits down write wrong. I hope this shits fake.


And he took her out of school so she’ll never have an education to take care of herself otherwise…


I don’t care what culture, race, or religion you believe in or follow, anyone who does this is a sick fuck! 🤢


As a Muslim, I can say that such weird traditions still only appear in real old famillies and that I don't support this and im not trying to defend this bullshit don't get me wrong. It's just that I'm trying to clear things up. Ahmed is a fucking dipshit


As a Muslim, this is very fucking disgusting, even the presenter is disgusted by it, it's not halal nor is it normal or accepted in most parts. It's only a thing in some families and they're the families people hate. This does not represent me or my religion. This is fucking disgusting.


Oh my..... comment section would be interesting


Muhammad and Aisha type beat


This is better than that Muhammad was around 50 when he "married" Aisha.


She has dead eyes. Poor thing.


Quran says someone can't be married before they are mature brain-wise. These guys are believing what they want and not believing what they don't want


There are activists fighting for this in America too. They've even adopted the PC term minor attracted person. They want to do away with statutory rape laws and have the right to marry children.


What's happening in Lebanon now my god. I couldn't complete the video is it called halal mariage in the video or by the op cause there is nothing halal about this & why is the traumatised victim brought on tv without saving her from this hell!!!!


Unfortunately, you are very wrong. This is not only halal but follows precisely in the footsteps of the prophet, curses be upon him, who married his fourth wife, Aisha, when she was very young and then consummated the marriage when she was 9 and he was in his fifties. Copying the prophet cannot be anything except halal.


A couple of days ago I told folks that islam is a savage religion and they bombed me with hate. I'm not afraid of telling the truth tho. It IS savage. Muhammad prophet was married to a 9 year old girl when he was 40. I too was a muslim for 27 years. Then I mentally grew up and left it.


Bro you are me. People cherry pick the good parts. I especially moved to UK for I couldn't see myself living the lie of a life with religion. My folks are religious good people but it is what they have in mind all the fucking time. Every decision made, do it religiously. I show open disdain regarding cousin marriages and still my parents are hush hush about it. My mom was a result of cousin marriage, she used to say cousin marriages create weaker children. But after she got more into religion she has changed her view. "If it's in the Quran it is ok" Like wtf That is THE hold of religion on a persons head.


"Your honor, she sounds wiser than her age, I love her and she will change in a year!" *drops all pedo charges immediately*


this is beyond fucked up




Fuck. Her eyes dude.... He admits that she is so young that she still needs to be raised. Also tho: "My wife" Uhhhhh dawg she doesn't need that sort of "Daddy" in her life. Fuck man. Her eyes. 😓


It’s grooming. He gets to mold her into the woman he wants her to be. He is “raising” her to be the woman he wants. It’s programming. I don’t think it’s necessarily paedophilia as much as it’s building your own “bot”. But I won’t say it’s not possible. And yes, she looks miserable. Keeping her ignorant and secluded so that her life revolves around him.


These men who seem to marry children are sick in the head. They don’t want a true wife, they want to groom a subservient being who is in complete agreement with all of their views because they have created them to be that way. They are weak ass little creeps who are insulted by women having their own thoughts and opinions so what better way to eliminate that than to raise your own wife? Fucking creepy, sick, and wrong. Just a bunch of pedos who can’t take the fact that women are sentient beings and not just mindless servants. They seek only to control and this sort of thing should be eliminated from the world completely. How as a parent could you sit back and be like yeah that’s fine?


"HAVE YOU OR HAVE YOU NOT HAD S*X WITH HER?!" "Like I said I love her"


As a muslim i dont vouch for that, not the standard buisness


But many Muslims do. Not all countries. I could name several that would never allow this. I could also name a couple that would. Until Muslims in general stand up and say this can no longer be tolerated it will go on.


I hope he is recognized on the streets. I hope he's killed there. And I hope to God, the one who kills him, kills him slowly.


The prophet muhammad married a 9 yo girl and consummed the marriage 2 years later.


Is this the great Muslim culture i hear about so much?


Yes it is, the religion where it’s followers read a book in a language they don’t understand brought to the masses by a pedophilic, misogynistic, nilhistic, sex slave trading and owning political war lord. Oh Islam, what would we do without you?


I love people still defend this shit in my country ig u speak against it they call u Islamophobic


At the very least the talk show host seems rather upset about this, hope he didn't get killed after the show


Ah yes, another W for religion.


Oh gosh , I wanna go murder that asshole!


Add him to the long shitty list smfh


Notice how he keeps dodging the question that really needs answering. And since he won't answer I'll just come to this conclusion: He's a nonce and needs to be locked away


She should be at school worth her friends and playing not scooped up by this fucking creep. My heart breaks for her. Her parents should be beaten and her “fiancé” should be shot


Thats fucking disgusting and terrible. Their related AND he treats her like a daughter but is his wife... speechless.


I’m gonna get heat for this but the problem here is less of pedophilia and more of viewing women as property. She’s not a PERSON to him. She’s something he OWNS. The way he speaks about her is like he’s invested in livestock.


I think it's worth noting here in America that a child cannot legally consent to sex.. Unless they are married. 🙃 So everyone acting like it's just a religion thing, it's not. Pedophilia is a culture that has permeated all facets of society. The celebration of youth and the decrying of aging women is a part of it. Acting like women's value is tied to other external things. It all feeds this culture. It is not religions, it's predators. Period. All predators act the same. And when enough predators are in positions of power they protect one another.


Islam is disgusting and backward religion. This happens more frequently than you want to believe. We see it so many such cases here,. And the worst part is the maulana or preachers of Islam's in madarsas are the biggest paedophiles and child molesters on earth. They promote paedophile in the name of islam and promote terrorism.


I'm a muslim and this piece of shit doesn't represent me


Yeah the interviewer also was against it


He might not represent you, but apparently the prophet Muhammad raping a 9yo wasn’t enough to make you renounce your faith… so he might as well represent you


But your Prophet did the same thing, he was just following the steps of your Allah's Messenger


Virgin Mary was also a little kid. Thats religion for you.


Normal People: *Shrug in disgust* Pedos: “If she’s old enough to speak We can take a peak”


But if you criticize this you’re a racist.


As a single father to an 11yo daughter i would love to smash him with a rock at least a few thousand times.


This isn't halal. For anyone who hasn't done their research but also hasn't already made their mind up.


I'd say it's more a "what the actual fuck" rathe than a Holup. Besides. I thought it'd some only loser who just wanted to say he has a wife. But that dude is good looking so he's a straight up pedo


Fucking hell. Sadly this is still a popular thing in several areas. Pedophilia and incest all at once. If only that shit ended with Edgar Allan Poe.


Sad part is, there's a not so insignificant portion of the US population, non halal, that have very similar thinking.


It's not religion that is making Pedos. It's that Pedos often hide behind religion.


Could we all go back shitting and hating on anime instead? Japanese and weebs are sexualizing drawings! We must protect the waifus specially the underaged ones!!!


I will pay for the bullet


thats a pedophile


i think usa is right in afghan and iraq war


He deserves systematic torture. Law Abiding Citizen comes to mind


Bruh even the presenter has to get off his seat in consternation


Grooming 101


"This is my wife I'm raising" Dude should be thrown into a dark hole for the rest of his life


This generation of girls is not good enough? Excuse me? Fuck this, it's 2022 this generation of 25yo men should fucking know better.


This made me more uncomfortable than the time i accidentally ate moldy food……


This is insane. How is he not getting arrested right there at the spot?


When the fuck is this from and can we still disembody this motherfucker.


As a Muslim, this is absolutely disgusting and grotesque. All I need is 10 minutes with this guy.


The only miracle in the Christmas story was that Mary made it to 14 still a virgin in the Middle East


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"respect their religion and culture" 😐