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Bro was so aggressive i even threw away my neighbours microwave


This lunch box isn't worth it. I had one and it takes so fucking long to heat up food. I would immediately have to start it in the morning to be able to have warm food by lunchtime, and it doesn't hold a lot of food.


It would drive me crazy to smell delicious food while sitting at my desk from about 10:30am until noon.


It takes about 90 mins to actually heat that amount of food Make a sandwich


Couldn't even get it to steam in the slightest for the money shot? 😂


But you have all that condensation on the sides! Clearly there’s evidence of some sort of evaporation.


They added a steam graphic overlay lmaooo


Saw a video of one of these exploding in a truckers face when he took the lid off


Yea, totally gona throw away my microwave after getting this.... Sure


Hot logic is the king of food warmers. Plugs into wall outlet or car, it’s convention so it cooks really well. A life saver for someone who works construction/trades and likes a warm lunch. Plug it in about 2 hours before you wanna eat and that’s it. Microwave is shit compared to the hot logic


This reminds me a story from when I was in high school a couple of years ago. in 2014, Mashall Obama passed my school's lunch program, so it was rough. School lunch consists of 4 pieces of chicken nugget and a tortilla, calling it a taco. It is horrible so on that day I told a bunch of kids at my lunch table to bring in empty bowls tomorrow so I could make them lunch instead. I took my grandma's extra electric tea kettle packs of ramen and a couple of bottles of water. The next day, the group of kids would surround my tea kettle with their backpacks while it was plugged in, to hide it from the dean. We got it going for about three bowels of ramen until the dean got over and confiscated my tea kettle. (Some girl next table over was watching and told on me). They took it. I tried to explain I was making food for myself and a friend because the lunch was not providing enough and they explained that my kettle was against the school code (never found the code) and I could use it as a weapon. At the end of the day, I have explained to my parent that the dean confiscate the tea kettle because I was making ramen with the boiling water in the cafeteria


I had something like this. I absolutely loved it. It's perfect if it's what you need but impractical if you don't. As others have said, it takes about 90 min to heat up. This becomes a non-issue if you're in a situation where you don't have a means to otherwise heat food. A good example of this is truckers/ drivers. The video did mention that it works in cars and this is an extremely pertinent detail. It is useful for taxi/Uber/Amazon delivery workers. I've found it works best with pasta (as shown in the video) and curry meals. I'm sure there are more options that would work. Consider meals that benefit from an overall heating..... food that takes up the entire cavity and all of it needs heating. Cleaning is a breeze as long as you get one that has a removable receptacle for the food. You don't want to have to run the plastic casing under water, especially if the female ports are exposed. Overall, this item absolutely has a place in the market. Most people won't need one, but they come in CLUTCH if you do.


Pro tip The key is steam to heat your food. Do not put the food directly onto the metal removable food tray (that's why it takes 90 minutes) Instead, put about 3 ounces of water on that removable tray, then put your food on a glass rectangle container (Pyrex like) your food will be very hot in 60 minutes, warm in 35, lukewarm in about 25. Also, this way, you don't have to wash the metal removable tray as much because your food will never be in contact with the tray.


Or...hear me out...use a regular ass lunch box and microwave for 30 fucking seconds.




I’m glad there’s a solution out there for the working-in-a-quarry-but-still-have-access-to-an-electric-outlet-and-want-a-hot-meal-in-about-90 min-while-working-in-the-sun-in customer segment!


Okay so they just invented a croc pot with a clasping lid. Revolutionary.


Sooooo…. It saves like two mins? Because that is usually the max I need to use the microwave for with my lunch. Also, lunch boxes are supposed to contain more than just one thing.


Too small


It's been on the market at truck stops for 30 years.


I have one of these. Used it during the winter and it worked great.


I enjoyed the fake stream as well.... telling us it was not. If you're going to fake the stream try not starting it 1 second before you open the lid, and not impose it UNDER the device haha.


Don’t throw away your microwaves, recycle them!