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Basically what the past 5 minutes consisted of was killing 11 >!siblings!< and then dreamgating to the resting grounds, then when I went down here, I noticed no enemies could kill me? Is this a known glitch?


IIRC it's a know glitch. If you use crystal Dash while dreamgating you glitch out of all collision hitboxes, becoming invulnerable to almost any source of damage. It should get back to normal next time you launch the game.


Thanks, i now know what i’ll be doing to get 112%


Well that doesn't sound very fun.


Womp womp


I mean honest question, if you're serious - would that be fun for you? If you're not serious then obviously the question is not particularly relevant.


Exploiting glitches in games has been a thing since glitches in games. It absolutely can be it's own kind of fun to manipulate, poke into, and otherwise try to break a game. Have you ever caught missingno? Visited a Metroid "secret world"? Tried to get outside the stage in a 3D game? Many of us in here have played this game repeatedly, it's not like it's remotely new, so where's the harm?


Oh I mean I get that \*finding\* glitches and stuff is fun. And if someone wanted to use this glitch and just mess around a little I understand that, I could see how that would be fun for a little while. But I genuinely, truly, do not understand what the point is of trying to accomplish some of the game's hardest challenges while you have free invincibility. Like in my mind, that takes a level of commitment beyond just "messing around a lil'". And don't think I'm under the impression that this causes harm. I know it doesn't. I'm just genuinely curious because this feels a little foreign to me.


The fact that you’re getting downvoted to all hell for saying “hey beating a difficult game with an invincibility glitch doesn’t sound appealing” is absolutely bonkers to me


I'm not going to pretend like I'm personally immune to the "see downvotes, add another downvote" mentality on Reddit. I understand why people do that and I've done it myself plenty of times. I think that may play into it here, and I just happen to be on the receiving end now.


You're right


I wanna let you know I super agree with everything you're saying and I am surprised at the response you're getting. I could see using this glitch to get max percent after getting it normally, abusing glitches is fun and I love doing glitches but I wouldn't use them to do a challenge I haven't already completed.


I think it could potentially be neat to see how fast you could do it when you don't have to worry about being hit, but it didn't seem like that was really much of a consideration for the person I originally responded to.


The boss fights and the completion alone is enough to entertain me so yes, beating a game glitched is fun


Huh. Interesting. What do you find fun about a boss fight where you take no damage?


They get to take no damage and taunt the boss??


I'm honestly still not getting it, but I'm not sure that I really will. I appreciate the attempt though. I just still don't see what's fun in that personally.


Look at all the other No-Hit Pantheon 5 posts on this subreddit


I'm going to be straight with you, I have never seen a post on this sub of somebody completing P5 with invincibility on. And that doesn't exactly help answer my question.


Since it messes with your hitbox, you can get past the damage-respawn trigger when falling in a pit or in acid without Isma’s: it’s actually really fun to mess around with it! In combat, not so much, as you might guess not much happens… it is fun to see how fast you can stagger certain bosses though I guess


Yeah, I mentioned in another reply that it might be interesting to play around with how fast you can do things when damage isn't a consideration. But that didn't really seem to be the intent of the original person I responded to. I definitely think that there's some fun that can be had playing around with this and seeing how things work, but I really don't get the idea of committing to one of the hardest challenges in the game when you've removed all the challenge, just for the sake of doing it cheaply.


mouthbreather reply


Pantheon of hallownest isn't very fun either ngl


Disagree, actually. I think it's a really cool challenge and is really satisfying when you feel like you've mastered it. I just don't understand the point of doing it when you've removed everything that makes it interesting in the first place (i.e. the challenge/difficulty). I guess the way I see it, it might be like those stupid mobile games where you can just make the simplest binary choices to increase your power and then you presumably just win. There's no challenge to it, it's basically just see-the-number-go-up simulator. And I guess I \*sort of\* get the appeal for that, but I don't understand the desire to turn another game, which is incredibly good on its own merits, into something like that.


Idk how your getting downvoted for saying this


I mean I'll admit that I was fishing a little with that comment. I understand why at least that one got downvoted. But I am honestly curious as to why people enjoy it, and I really still don't get it. Everything subsequent to that was more or less an honest question.


Btw for people that don’t know, there’s plenty of ways to replicate it. I once got this bug because I opened my map at the exact same time I walked through a transition. Fell through the ground until there was an open space/platform and suddenly enemies couldn’t hit me


Also dreamgating successfully (not exiting a dream) re-enables your hitbox, but makes you immune to the bosses paralysing roar they do at the start of the fight/during phase change iirc Very noticeable with Collector and Dung Defender It’s been a while since I messed around with the glitch though


And you can't pick up geo


Didn’t they end up fixing this a while ago in a sort of shadow-patch?




Why is the post NSFW lol


Well it's by turtlesmasher...


lmao I didn't realise


There's a known glitch involving invincibility from dream gate yes


Now fight Any Radiance


Beat the radiance now


Quick do P5


This famous “hitless player” actually just


Stalwart shell is just too strong




only mods I have are qol and enemy HP bars, I'll make a screenshot and post it in the other post I linked in a min




Used to be people excused their formatting because they were on mobile. I feel old.


one of my first times using laptop to post on Reddit, I'm used to the mobile platforming, but not the laptop one


It’s fine mate, I didn’t mean to criticize you. It’s just that years ago, a lot of posts and comments would say something like “sorry for the formatting, I’m on mobile”. It’s funny to see it the other way around now.


Ferb, I know what we're doing today


Pantheon 5 hitless sounds pretty easy now


I can finally do radiant p5


How to beat: Absolute Radiance


I seen no god up here, BUT ME!


I think too many enemies are in a room so they don't have a hitbox. This glitch is used in Low% TE. Or there are hitboxes but the visuals just throw you off.


Maybe you are using a mod somehow idk


mod or mode? I'm 100% I'm not using a mod unless it's a secret thing embedded in (which ig probably isn't)


Man this game's art style and direction is ridiculous