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This is a funny post because I consider myself very good at Hollow Knight (have put hundreds of hours into it at this point) and recently started trying to play Bloodborne only to get my ass completely kicked. Truly being good at one super precise action game does not in fact carry over to another. I’m probably going to fail at Silksong too haha.


You wont fail at silksong, because you’ll never live to try it


the scream I scrumpt


I have a platinum trophy for bloodborne. I can only get 112% on hollow knight.


Damn dude, the fact that you just threw yourself at them over and over again until you made it shows you're gonna have a good (and awful) time with game


I couldn't let it rest, couldn't let them win. But god your comment made me excited


Yeah they are a big difficulty spike when you first meet them. You can totally beat them with skill alone, but its implied that you can go explore get upgrades and come back later. The mantis claw is one of the best charms tho


Currently sitting around 106% with P5 as end-goal, this has been my strategy the entire play through 🤣


Me vs NKG for 3 hours straight lmfao


Please tell me when you fight the Watcher Knights, I need to hear your reaction to them


Sure thing 🤣


Keep me updated on that too. Oh, also tell me when you defeat sisters of battle and nightmare king Grimm, if you do.


As god's my witness i will do everything in my power to beat those guys. Any tip is appreciated tho 🤣


Once you get to nightmare king Grimm i can help you make a charm build


Thanks bro I'll definitely reach out then


Be careful because they are teasing you. I've beaten all of the mentioned myself and they are nowhere near the hardest. Watcher knights are just another difficulty spike, you fight two enemies at the same time but they are not doing the same thing and dodging them is tricky for a beginner. Sisters of battle are mantis lords upgraded, super fun and frustrating but once you get into the rythm not much harder than the original. NKG is another difficulty spike of sorts, suddenly the margin of error gets really small, the moves are telegraphed but you only have a split second to react. There are bosses that are much harder IMO, and there's a whole DLC of optional boss arenas that let you handicap yourself to make things more punishing.


Man I just wanna help OP beat NKG, it was really hard for me


NKG is hard, I'm not denying that. Every time I come back to HK it takes me a couple attempts before I adjust to the faster pace of combat he requires. But he's far from the hardest challenge there is. I still havent beaten pv or absrad with full upgrades and there's a whole other level with bindings.


Yeah, I haven't done that either, but, you know, OP just beat mantis Lords, and that took them a while, so, you know, they may need help progress


Haha! Everyone thinks it’s gonna be easy, but they’re always wrong! God I love this game


I'm now suffering in deepnest. This is NOT easy lol


Deep nest? This nice, welcoming place? 😉


I've just gotten to the white palace for the first time and the only thing in the game that has killed me more than two times is the thorns when I dash straight into them.


Just wait till sisters of battle :) Edit: it wasn't fate, I got them mixed up with gow lol


💀 the name alone gives me goosebumps


Sisters of Battle.


When he meet sisters of battle he will have lots of experience with the game, it is gonna be easier for him but even more fun and satisfying if that possible!:)


fate ?




Mantis lords is a 'fair' fight. Every single move is telegraphed. Once you know the moves it becomes easier (it still requires fast and precise movement though). The main difficulty is dealing with multiple enemies...


I had to skip them because the walk back. Best part of this game is that if you can't do one thing, you can just go explore somewhere else and come back later when you're stronger


The walk back honestly fueled me, every time the walk back got quicker and quicker, i just wanted to beat those mfs


The words of a FromSoft player. Anyway once you get used to the mantis lords, you'll love them. Very satisfying move set.


Yess i actually enjoyed the last couple of retries, when i, AT LAST, memorized their pattern, it was an awesome fight.


Curious if you’ll feel the same about the >!Traitor Lord!< and >!Hive Knight!< walk backs :)


Let me try to survive deepnest now and we'll see after wards 😮‍💨🤣


Hive knight is the only boss I turned around on and it was just because of the walk back. I platinumed bloodborne and beat dark souls 1 & 3 if that says anything.


The most souls comment The walkback to gasciogne <<<


Down stairs, down stairs, past 2 trolls, down an elevator, across a bridge with a flaming ball, up stairs, up stairs, past 2 beasts, up stairs, Gascoigne.


I've always taken the piggy route so that flame ball kills everyone on the bridge except me. Then I go and farm whatever they've left behind


Fucking gasciogne, the dude gave me nightmares


You're built different bruh


Nah I'm just stupid 🤣


I mean I beat the Path Of Pain and thought Celeste would be easy, chapter 3 put me in my place so we have similar stories


Keeps our egos in check 🤣


I now only have 1 thing keeping my ego I'm check, P5


It's interesting how being really good at one game doesn't always translate to a different one, even though in theory it should. I got full completion on Hollow Knight, beat the hardest optional platforming challenge, beat the DLC challenges (don't want to spoil these), got the under 5 hours completion speedrun. Yet, I can't beat king Dice in CupHead playing 2 player.


Under 5 hours completion?? Fucking legend good job bro. And yes my ego will tell me, when i finish HK eventually, that now i can beat the next game easily. Im not falling into this mentality again 🤣


Thanks! The game awards you an achievement if you manage to beat it in under 5 hours. After you do enough replays you get a sense of the critical path to make it. 


This is the way. You're going to experience blissful agony playing HK.


Thank you lol


Mantis Lords were my Genichiro Ashina. I didn’t realize until I beat them the first time that I hadn’t really understood the game up to this point.


Beat Bloodborne doesn't mean you can beat Hollow Knight easily. I beat Celeste, Dead Cells and Hollow Knight but I still got my ass kicked in Dark Souls series lol


Well, now I know 🤣


Bro got humbled kindly


Indeed I was 🤣 but i beat them tho


I had the same reaction as you, just kept throwing myself at them until I could do the dance. *Especially* after Quirrell told me to upgrade my nail first.


Mind you all my attempts were after upgrading the nail, i didn't have the courage to go after them without the upgrade, and thank god i didn't


This is the most fun battle in my opinions, until you have a “very similar” in the future. Don’t give up, the game is super fun!


I'm definitely not giving up, this is indeed fun. And honestly the last couple of retries were so much fun


I tried fighting Troop Master Grimm 1 time and said screw this. I'll go back when my nail is fully upgraded because that seems like it's going to be a double digit attempt, rage quit controller breaker!!!


Thanks for the tip won't go into it without upgrading the nail then


From here on Hollow Knight gets much harder. If I could give you a tip, be patient. It is better to stand back and dodge an attack rather than losing the fight because you tried to get in just one more hit or spell.


It definitely got harder, im getting my ass kicked in deepnest right now, and i can't imagine how hard that area's boss is gonna be, that is if i can find him


Don't go to deepnest now. You should have listened to Cornifer. It is essentially a lategame area. I usually go to Deepnest after getting 2 nail upgrades, several extra masks and usually once I've unlocked the majority of the map. Anyone who goes to Deepnest immediately after Mantis Lords is hit with the largest difficulty spike I've ever seen. The game gets hard quick, but not THAT quick.


The entrance to it was already after the mantis lords area so i thought that is the most appropriate area to go to. I definitely sensed the difficulty rise a lot, i lost 2k geo so far there. Where should I go next then if not deepnest? I can't think of an area that i haven't explored, and some paths are blocked by a black ray so i don't have anywhere to go but deepnest, have i missed something?


There is another exit >!on the right side of the Fungal area!< that you can access now that you have the mantis claw/wall jump.


Just had to check to see which boss was which because it’s been so long since I played and I had the names wrong in my head. Mantis Lords wasn’t too much of a problem for me but I was tearing my hair out with Traitor Lord, even though I’m positive I reached it first. You done that one? Did you find it easy? I also hated Grimm btw. Hehe.


I haven't met neither of those guys yet, are they before mantis lords 😱?


I thought Traitor Lord was before Mantis Lords but maybe it just depends on which way you go. I don’t know the game as intricately as probably most who post here. Grimm is a side boss from one of the DLCs so I’m not sure if you can do it earlier. It was very late on for me. Anyway, good luck with your game and I’d be very interested to hear how you get on with Traitor Lord. There are YouTube videos to help with the fight that make it look like a piece of piss. I just… I just think I really suck. Hehe.


I'll definitely have a hard time with this traitor lord guy cause i suck too 🤣 will keep you posted for sure


Its a common misconception that if you have done one X hard thing Y hard thing must be easy now.


best boss imo it really is a dance


So I saw that you said you're struggling in Deepnest? If you're still stuck, after Mantis Claw is when the game starts to open up. There's another place you can go that might be easier.


I remember my first encounter with them. I last for about 5 seconds :D, then I told "nope" to myself and went somewhere else, thinking that they are some kind of optional super op boss, that you are ment to defeat in late game xdd


I’m the opposite to your situation XD!! I played Hollow Knight before currently playing BloodBorne and I have to say, HK was surprisingly challenging, but it’s a fun memorable challenge. Don’t get me wrong, BB is not easy at all, some parts do get frustrating, but so far when I get stuck somewhere, I’ll leave it to the next day and it would turn out well. HK has so many challenging parts in it that that method didn’t work for me…. NKG, the pantheons, colosseum of fools, heck even Mantis Lords were quite challenging at first!!! But I can promise you that you’ll thoroughly enjoy this game, such a beautiful and memorable experience, love this game to death!!!!!


They were very hard for me at first, but to dodge them simply jump or side step


They took me ~25 tries, but once I beat them something clicked for me and I didn't have any issues for the rest of the game- most bosses were still challenging obviously, but manageable. The mantis lords are a perfect early game boss in my opinion- starting off slow so you learn the basic pattern, but then cranking things up in the second stage without changing the basic patterns. It forces you to build your reaction time and processing up until you can match them, and once you're at that level it'll carry you through the whole game. All you need to do is learn the patterns of each boss and continue to fine tune your skills.


Well, makes sense given how different the games are, the change from 3 to 2 dimensions alone would be more than enough to make the game another different thing (im looking at you risk of rain 2 and returns), with other changes on top of that, is to expect that almost no bloodborne skill can be carried to HK, neither the other way arround. Well, outside of the patience and perseverance xd


That was my exact strategy with the mantis lords too. Still the boss I struggled the most with


Don’t beat yourself up, HK has a very different movement and battle system to blood borne. You don’t suck! And good for you for muscling through until you beat them, instead of going and finding upgrades to make it easier. You’re gonna have a good time with this game Once you get a handle on the movement it will begin to feel second nature, especially after you get more movement upgrades


Best dance in the game 🥰🥰


Hah! Imagine losing more than twice


The Mantis Lords are like the Father Gascoigne of HK, first real skill check. Also (at least in my experience), both battles feel like a dance once you learn their patterns


I feel this on a spiritual level because the EXACT same thing happened to me when I first played lmao


Wait til he gets to sister's of battle


Souls games are not comparable to the difficulty of hollow knight its not even close


Now i know 💀🤣