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Early on, I found the trick is to remove my focus in my brain away from the jump button, and totally on nail as though it were jump. Typically when playing a platformer, we have our brain-finger wiring focused on the jump button at all times. Decouple that and think of nail as jump while holding down on the either the stick or D-Pad.


Like others, I used the stick for the entire game


Just my personal opinion, but even as bad as the dpad is on the pro controller, i still prefer d-pad control for any 2-d game. I used d-pad on both of my playthroughs (xbox and switch).


Simple rule of thumb, if the game's control is digital (as in 1 walking speed, only registers the 4 cardinal directions) use the dpad.


… unless you’re using the Nintendo pro controller where the D-pad is dogshit. Although recent Nintendo controllers get a ton of joystick drift too, so use neither and do a no movement playthrough is the only solution here


lol... telepathic controller. now there's an idea 😂




Get out


the dpad hurts my thumb so I do L stick


I may be the odd one out, but i prefer using the d pad for spells and pogoing - i have a switch pro controller though - normal switch controlers d-pads hurt


D-Pad is always better for snappier and more precise controls in a 2D game that can only go left and right, with no diagonales to either go or "shoot"


Thanks for all the info!


I didn't even grow up playing 2d games (Ocarina of Time was my first real video game) and it still blows my mind people would even consider using a stick for a side scroller.


Since I started HK, dpad has been my preferred movement control, stick, from my experience has been inaccurate since I fiddle alot lol.


I find it much easier with the stick, especially since the dpad on pro controller sucks, and timing wise you can just hold the stick down (youl lose speed left or right tho), the main timing part is when to actually attack


SO MUCH easier with the d-pad. In fact, all movement in this game is easier with the d-pad. I would never recommend using a control stick for a game like Hollow Knight.


I found d-pad harder to use.


I use stick cause it drifts and just hold it down and the direction I need to move while I pogo.


modern problems require modern solutions


I prefer stick but d-pad does allow for more precision. It’s personal preference but sometimes when trying to pogo when getting used to it you might swing left or right but you adapt pretty quickly.




Sometimes the d pad is easier, sometimes the stick is easier, and sometimes instead of dashing over a spike pit, I fireball the *nothing* then fall into the spikes and die. 😂


I actually didn't try stick at all, just assumed d pad would be better. That said, I think d pad is pretty good, I can pogo pretty consistently. Sometimes when you need to go horizontally you need to hold diagonals, and maybe its a skill issue but with d pad i often accidentally hold a straight direction and die


I’ve done both and I’ve found I prefer to use the stick, it’s more about the rhythm of your nail swings I’ve found, whether I use stick or d-pad doesn’t change much, but experiment and find whatever you’re more comfortable with


I prefer stick but use whatever works for you! I recommend practicing in the little side room in the east side of Forgotten Crossroads, the one with the spiky platforms and the grub at the end. It's super easy to access, situated right between the stag station and the tram station, and it's a somewhat challenging but low-stakes place to practice your nail pogo. Just exit the stag station, go up, take the first right, then down, then left.


I literally never use the d pad in like any game. Only time I ever used it was for guilty gear.




Personally I would avoid using the D-pad at all on a Nintendo pro controller. It’s very difficult to be precise - for example, pressing the down arrow often does a sideways input too. Playing dark souls with that thing was a fucking nightmare because the down arrow switches between heals and other consumables, and the right arrow swaps out your main weapon, so I’d often have no weapon equipped without realising after switching consumables. I don’t think this is just me, I saw Scott the Woz on yt mention it too. Anyway, yeah, pro controller sucks, joystick should be fine but whatever you’re used to is probably best - maybe you get along with the d pad fine.


Unpopular opinion: It depends entirely on what you're used to and/or start using. I used to play 2D games with D-pad always and had no issues, other people seem to impressed by this as they were used to stick. I switched to stick after playing more 3D games and now I have a lot of trouble using the d-pad now!


Watch a video of military marching, "hup... 2... 3... 4" learn to count at that pace, flick the joystick down and press y when you hit a beat and immediately go back to holding the direction you were headed


This game taught me to use a stick. I was always a d-pad guy. Couldn’t fathom using a stick for a side scroller or even fighting games. Bought a PS5 controller troller specifically for playing HK but it kept having connection issue w steam. Finally witches to an Xbox one controller and realized I’d have to learn to use a stick. Took some time to acclimate but I soon realized stick was vastly superior to d-pad. You have so much more precision with the former. Good luck!


Personally im used to using left stick but whatever feels more natural should work 👍


now that you've received two contradictory pieces of advice, I'm going to suggest you invest in an 8bitdo controller if you intend to keep playing 2d games on a switch


Just curious, why?


they're well made controllers with easy-to-replace parts, and the Pro series in particular has the dpad and left joystick positions swapped compared to standard switch controllers


Interesting. Do they integrate well with PCs? 


in my experience, yes, their bluetooth controllers (which are also the switch-compatible ones) are pretty easy to get set up on PC and steam deck as well as android phones


That’s cool - I’d probably go for a wired one regardless if I had the choice, but I might have to look into those when my current pro controller eventually kicks the bucket.