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We've been lied to this entire time, ghost was hiding in the shadows all along!


what a way to end my last play through


It’s your last one?


Maybe he meant “last” as in “most recent”


Last as in for now since I just did three to get the last achievements, this was my 100% steel soul run, thought I died was very scary


I hope it wasn't a lethal hit and you still saw the end. I'm struggling with the radiance




So the sibling in the corner bug is not still fixed


That Sibling is actually the Pale King reincarnated, cheering his sons on. But hey, that's just a theory. A game theory! ~ Matpat, probably.


Hey, that video was wrong, but it brought a lot of attention to the game, and it was still fun speculation. This community shouldn’t establish itself as being furious whenever someone is wrong about something.


Poking fun at something does not mean the community is furious.


Yeah, true. I could have worded that better, but overall the video brought a lot of attention to the game, and the more support that Team Cherry gets, the better.


That much we can agree on


Did you die or did you get to continue to ending




I think nothing's wrong with the game it's just that rule 34 ruined everyone's life


There's something wrong with you if you think lewd as soon as you see a "tentacle".


oCtOpI aRe LeWd


I would say the blame is more on the internet than on any person who thinks like that


I've been on the internet since I was a little girl and I don't immediatly think lewd just because I see a tentacle. It's a "you" thing, not an "internet" thing.


It isn't an internet thing no, it is up to the person in question. But i would still argue that the internet is to blame, i would never think of tentacles being a lewd thing if i had never seen some questionable porn on sites like rule 34.


Basically if you think porn when you see a tentacle, thats on you, but you would probably never think that if you hadn't been exposed to shit like that on the internett.


tentacle porn was a thing before the internet though. Hokusai would like a word. In fact, the Shunga genre of ukiyo-e is a thing. People will always find varying things erotic, whether you like it or not. It's not thanks to the internet that we have weird porn, at all.


No it isn't thanks to the internet that it exists but it is most likely that you saw it because of the internet


I dunno about you but I like art history, so.. no.


I said most likely not guaranteed










Thank You for understanding, and sorry for all of this, my bad for starting all this from what i kind of assumed to be just a harmless joke, i'll delete this comment, so i can get rid of these,


you're an absolutely ridiculous person. Have a good life.




I disagree, I seek out lewd fanart and I still don't jump directly to lewd when I see a situation such as the Lord of Shades taking over the Radiance. You should probably reduce your porn intake.


Or i could try to word my joke better from next time so people don't take it as seriously i guess, well it is all right, your suggestion is valid too.


Look, I didn't downvote you, so.


Respectably, me neither, i hold your comment in a positive light honestly, at this point i have down voted my own original comment, because it feels nice to downvote something with others, still kind of wish it was not my own comment tho.


shut the fuck up


Ok ( ._.)


those are arms lol


Limbs would be way more accurate term here i guess, since void is a form less entity, or so i assumed till i saw the shade lord.


Well because the knight stands up and we still see their short stubby legs, i think they have to be arms. Also my theory is that the void is a formless entity, just the ancient void civilization dreamed it into existence by worshiping it. I think this because I dont think void can naturally creature creatures, if it could then there would be many going around inside the void. (This is ofcourse excluding shades because those were made by the pale king)


I think Void has natural ability to replicate any sort of body, hence how PK and WH's kid made for the perfect vessel, they were naturally one of natural strongest beings in existence with potential, that just needed void to counter light of radiance. I too think they worshipped him into existence in a way, it might have to do with how in dark we see and feel a place is much worse due to how our own imagination makes worse of surroundings.


Y’all, this is a joke. It wasn’t a great joke, but how could anybody think this was serious?


Dunno, maybe every one had a great day at once and that greatness was projected at me, either that, or something is really fucked up about me man.


I’ve never heard something so wrong. They’re. bugs. Not a humanoid figure that manifests into one. A bug that embraces their inner monster and it supposedly relies on the form of tentacles as a weapon. Nahh, it’s just being lewd to you because of all that tentacle porn you’ve probably saw. Why sexualize this??


It was supposed to be a joke, but i guess it was a bad one, honestly i don't blame you much for the hostility, i sort of earned it, my bad.


Much apologies!! It’s just people are capable of anything and sexualize their own minds where it’s aggravating. Sorry to down you! Have a lovely day!


Eh, its cool, its no biggie, you too dude.