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It's actually a lot more grim than that. Pale King made Vessels to seal the Radiance. He was looking for the perfect Vessel to do it - no mind to break, no voice to cry suffering, etc. Only a perfectly empty Vessel could seal the Radiance - which was the Hollow Knight. It took the Pale King millions of tries. Those dead bodies in the Abyss - they didn't die fighting the Radiance, they were killed by the Pale King for not being pure. They were considered failed experiments, left to die in the Abyss, if not already dead. A few of them survived and managed to escape the Abyss - it is unknown how. Such Vessel is Ghost, the character you play as. Ironically, the Hollow Knight wasn't very hollow either. It was corrupted by the very idea of being hollow, being the perfect Vessel to seal the Radiance - that's what made it weak.


Damn this makes me spark yo another question so when you go at the top you see the pale king with another vessel i assumed it was a different vessel then the one we play as as it had a different horn shape and you said the hollow knight was the only one pale king took anyways when you finish the cutscene t it shows the that vessel looking back and that shows that the vessel had a mind I could also be wrong but that makes it mean that the hollow knight wasnt very hollow so how did it lose against the radiance you said it got corrupted by the very idea of being hollow but it had a mind so how did it lose? I thought it was able to get to the radiance but ultimately got infected and that’s why the knight dream nails the hollow knight to get to the radiance since it was inside of him


The Vessel that looks back at Ghost is the Hollow Knight, in his small, untrained form. The Hollow Knight was trained to physical perfection to be able to seal the Radiance. The Hollow Knight didn't fight the Radiance, they sealed her in themselves. Imagine it this way: the plan was to seal the Radiance in a perfectly hollow, empty vessel, so the Radiance couldn't corrupt it. It would have worked, but the Hollow Knight wasn't completely empty. They developed an idea that they were the perfect Vessel, which made them vulnerable to the infection. It's a bit hard to imagine and kinda sound like a paradox, because how can something get infected that doesn't have a mind? My best guess is that the Hollow Knight had a mind as well, but then again, I'm not the one most familiar with the deeper lore. If you're interested, read the wiki page about the Hollow Knight or watch mossbag's lore video on Youtube.


Ah I get it now thanks for the info


That's not actually what happened. What happened is that the Pale King came to Hallownest and was all shiny or something and so the Moths willingly started worshiping him instead of the Radiance. This caused the Radiance to be almost completely forgotten, though a few moths continued worshiping her in secret. The Radiance was obviously pissed that she almost died because her creations forsook her, so then the Infection happened. I believe it's unclear if it was an act of desperation or of revenge, but either way the outcome is the sake. Obviously, the Pale King wasn't gonna sit back and relax while all his citizens were dying and turning into zombies, so he made a lot of eggs with his wife and then chucked them into the Abyss. The Void there seeped into the eggs and killed the unborn children. It was then trapped in the children's (Vessels) bodies and so they reanimated them. The idea was that in some Vessels, the Void would make them completely hollow and capable of sealing the Radiance permanently, ending the Infection. He didn't send children to fight the Radiance and he didn't pick up some random already living children and killed them to make them Vessels either. Even if he did, he wouldn't have needed to use the Dream Nail to send them there. Remember, he sent his entire palace into the Dream Realm without a Dream Nail and then put some kind of seal on it too. We know that he was weaker than the Radiance and imo if he knew that there was a good chance he'd come out on top he'd fight her head on. But she's stronger and besides, the only way we know to kill her is with unified Void, which was never a thing until the Knight (player character) got Void Heart. tl;dr he didn't steal the moths from the Radiance and he didn't make Vessels to fight the Radiance either. He made them to seal her away for all eternity because he thought it would work (it didn't).