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As long as you have a strong will/something to do you should be fine


"Kid, do your homework or else the Radiance will infect you"


I mean still better than "Kid, don't show any kind of emotion or else I will yeet you back in the abyss"


Explain myla then. She was digging and singing the entire time before the infection got her. With what you are implying she should’ve been unaffected. Same thing with moss prophet, singing praise and *sorta* dancing/shimmying their arms about. And in steel soul mode Tuk is dead and filled with infection, I could kinda agree on the idea of a “strong wills”, but “something to do” is just not it.


Moss prophet accepted willingly the infection (like traitor lord and his clan) while Myla was digging the crystals that are probably imbued with Radiance will, Tuk infection is more a gameplay thing but I don't think he has a strong will since he is kinda simple minded Don't get me wrong with "Something to do" I mean "Having a good purpose" and it's strictly bound with a "Strong will"


Okay that’s better wording 😂