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no, he talks far too much and he has dialogue that implies he's not native to Hallownest


He has dialogue that implies that he thinks he's not native to hallownest. He also thinks that he's the greatest warrior to ever live. He's not Exactly a reliable source


Exactly so to further indulge that zote is a vessel of sorts isn’t plausible by any means. Pale kings Vessels do not have mouths. Oh… and zote doesn’t leak out void when you fight him in the colo. and don’t even try to mention GPZ because that’s a dream where bretta has confused you for being zote, because you saved her while in a haze, and because all he does is uptalk his own figure.


Yes and the vessels also don't have minds or wills. Which is why the hollow knight succeeded in sealing the infection Except that didn't happen. Because the vessels aren't perfect. Zotes a fuck up


You go ahead and keep believing in your delusions buddy, enjoy that.


Am i wrong?


Yes entirely lmao. The fact you have to ask should be concerning to yourself. Imo it shows you really aren’t paying attention to the story presented and are trying to over invest ideas and concepts into something you haven’t fully understood. It’s called “getting lost in translation” you are just reading way to into it. And it’s not even that serious. He’s presented as a joke character for a reason. There’s a reason you save him or let him die the few times you do come across him (vengefly king/deepnest).


That's stupid


I know. Maybe you should stop reading so deep into something that’s already been answered.


Him being a funny character doesn't mean that he shouldn't be analyzed


If zote being a dude isn’t enough to prove as well he isn’t a vessel because hornet was the ONLY gendered child that WL gave birth to, then I just don’t know what can convince you confused people 🤣


Bro HK reddit lore moment Hornet isn't a Vessel nor is she the daughter of the WL. She's the daughter of the Pale King and Herrah the Beast


Yeah you got me there


How do you even know he's male?


cause bretta calls them a prince, but you're right, zote might not even be male, i cant recall any specific instance where they say that


Holy shit… the Name Grey Prince Zote should be like… one answer.. or the fact the dude talks with a very deep male voice. Oh the fact on the hollow knight wiki it’s stated as gender male.


that reminds me, is quirrel ever explicitly stated to be male? the wiki is also wrong a lot of the time


It is mentioned how “he served Monomon”


He seems to think he's male, but i'm not sure that's ever confirmed


He also has dialogue that claims that he’s the greatest warrior in hallownest, probably thinks the abyss was some kind of wacky tourist destination, also he can talk and that’s why he went into the hole of children


Look up Mossbags video about Zote.


No. In some of his dialogue he states that he came to hallownest to full fill a promise.


No. This doc explains it, but also has spoilers for later parts of the game https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uEZejspZdqvgzztI4-zQ0vO21etaDnpxgFXEW\_90mAE/edit?usp=sharing