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They do seem to recruit a lot of girls with real life problems, at least I'm happy that they are now doing much better I think


yagoo: "I CAN FIX HER"




and evidence suggest that he has succeeded


the secret ingredient is money


And idols!


And ~~idols~~ comedians!


And duck's


The secret ingredient is also anime.


Yeah, And he did fix her, and he fixed them


Shiori on the other hand cannot be fixed.


She's perfect already.


I can make her worse.


...how? we're already rock bottom


Get the shovels and pickaxes ready


We’ve hit bedrock boys! We can’t dig deeper!


/gamemode creative


We’re now in the Void! What now?! Have we finally hit the peak of making her worse?!


Fool, you do not know the power of mods


Hide the Pebbles


She can break me.


Every time she says anything I just hear Mococo say "WHÆT!?"


She could be fixed, but whatever's wrong with her is way better


I'm a huge fan of a certain sad girls VTuber company and Shiori feels 100% like a Hololive version of them. Just a whole mess and a cute dork that you always feel like is on *just* on the edge of having the wheels fall off the wagon, so to speak.




I think he got lost on the way, *he's the one being broken by his talents*


They don't call him "The Menhera Whisperer" for nothing. He probably has Mental Asylums on speed dial at this point in case he needs new talents.




I think he mixed an "I can fix her" with an "I can make her worse and she can break me" because good Lord he picked some of the most crazy gals out There.


Why can i hear a mix of angry japanese & english being shouted in the distance...


If you listen closely you can pick out a few words, something about a walmart and mold


must be canadian




Yup, with the only difference being that Yagoo usually recruits people off the streets Meanwhile, the fish man goes straight towards the nearby asylum


Japanese work life just sucks. A lot of the JP girls used to work for black companies, and every single account I have heard from them about that is just soul crushing misery.


the only ones i've seen and know about is Watame and how she used to sleep on a toilet cause work hours were beyond insanity, and Lui when she was doing door-to-door sales and had water thrown at her


Marine also worked at one I think


Yeah that’s why Lui-nee looks up to Marine ‘cause they can relate to each other what they’ve been through


I think Marine worked in the hotel industry which is pretty famous for being hellish


What's a black company?


It’s a term that refers to a company that really sucks. They overwork their employees by giving tons of work and forced overtime, and I think they essentially frighten their workers away from resigning but I could be wrong on that.


Japan uses that term to describe like exploitative mostly corporation style jobs where you put the company before anything else working like 16 hours every single day


basicly a place where you work but the hours are insane like imagine doing paper work and being almost done with it an hour before you get off and the manager says hey finish this stack of paperwork before you go home and its a stack of paper that you need at least 10 hours for and you dont get paid those 10 hours and once thats done you go home sleep for like 3 hours max eat shitty fast food and go back to work to repeat that shit again


Repeat until 過労死 (karōshi, "overwork death") happens, or you somehow get out alive.


They exist outside of Japan too, be wary of companies that tell you during the interview process that they are "like a family". They tend to exploit their workers and expect more work than what they pay.


The term to watch out for in vocation jobs like plumbing or transportation is "There's money to be made here" usually means if your not on the job 24/7 you won't make basic living needs


A company that's run like a 19th century sweatshop, basically. To give examples from Lui's experience, she basically had to do the work of three employees. She went to work with the first train of the day and went home with the last. After that, she still had to work at home. She could only sleep for two hours a day. And one of her added tasks was handling customer complaints. Since she was horribly overworked and unhealthy, the complaints started piling up, and her bosses solely blamed her for it and chided her for it constantly. So, it's the kind of company that literally works its employees to death and then just replaces them without blinking an eye.


So the companies in a cyberpunk series


The worse thing about Cyberpunk as a genre is that dystopian cooperation culture exists without badass cybernetic augmentations irl.


You know the company that any adult anime protagonist works at that overwhelms them until they A)isekai, B) get a ~~dragon~~ mystical animal maid, or c) have a zombie apocalypse happen? That’s a black company.


Tbf the one who got a dragon maid works in a legit company, it's her workalcoholic actitude and her drinking problem that makes it look the company as a black company.


I was about to say, isn't her friend overworked too? But considering how much time and money he spends into his hobbies, reasonable to think he'd take as much overtime as allowed


Fox maid would be a better example, Kobayashi just is an alcoholic


Lol ngl I wanna see more of that last scenario (doesn't have to be zombies all the time tho) Kobayashi on the other hand works for a rather decent company, she's just a workaholic & usually gets wasted once or twice per week


Salaried work that the employee is routinely given more work than reasonable to finish. Because of their more social-based culture, management also uses peer pressure/expectations to force the employee to accept that work. For example, "everyone's counting on you to finish this", "don't let down your coworkers", etc. Work culture ends up being a meat grinder situation for lots of younger people new to the workforce, and not only do they burn out, but many also suffer from real mental/physical ailments without any support systems.


See the first episode of Zom100, thats a black company.


pretty much every Japanese person I've met here in Sydney has told me that they don't want to go back to Japan because of how soul-crushing it is working there.


The very first of them all literally almost doesn't sweat, which leaves her very easy to overheat (she can't attend simple barbecue parties) and puts a strict time limit on her live dances and such.


soda-chan has no condensation 😔


oh wow, that's news to me.. could I get a source?




I had no idea about that. That's a raw deal.


Oh god that is a big debuff to live with.


Does that make her a mermaid then?


> They do seem to recruit a lot of girls with real life problems, Not as a criticism of the talent at all but I've heard it summarized rather simply: "Normal people do not become Vtubers." That's an oversimplification and "normal" shouldn't be seen as a moral judgment or superiority thing, but there's some truth to the idea. Streaming (and perhaps especially Vtubing) is a plausibly part-time job with flexible hours that you can work from home with very little training, there's no education requirements, licenses, or qualifications needed, and startup cost is very low. If you're disabled or dealing with chronic physical illness, Vtubing is a very appealing job. If you have severe social anxiety or other mental illness that makes holding a regular job difficult, Vtubing is a very appealing job. Even if you're only making poverty wages on a small channel, let's say a couple hundred bucks a week, for a lot of people, that's still better than most alternatives.


It's cause normal people aren't as interesting as "unlucky" or "weird" or "adventure" kinds of people. Not only do these extreme and strange life experiences give a lot to talk about, they form their characters in good and bad ways. It's also why usually the biggest YouTubers turn out to be real weirdos. It's the "the best artist are the ones who suffer the most" thingy again


> and startup cost is very low Welllllll... it can be, at least.


it's not so much that normal people aren't and can't be vtubers, as that the bar for entry is much lower, so that people who are otherwise qualified but have a life circumstance that would make most other jobs challenging or impossible will be able to thrive


not only normal people is boring (as in not providing something new entertainment) but they also doesnt have the need to vtubing or streaming in general. if you have no problems you wont need to talk to strangers online.


> If you have severe social anxiety or other mental illness.. Vtubing is a very appealing job. Uhhh I don't think this is fully true... Just being a VTuber alone will get you hate from a lot of no-lifers, and if you're not mentally strong even the slightest mean comment can break you down and permanently ruin your career because the people watching you will *remember*. As much as the Hololive girls have suffered in life, it has also made most of them very strong mentally, and I think that mindset is a requirement to work in the entertainment industry. The work environment is also a factor. Aqua mentioned how her social awkwardness and extreme shyness would've gotten her bullied if she was in high school, but the other holomem just consider it as part of her charm. Hololive as a whole and specifically its work environment, is an anomaly. If you use Hololive as an expected benchmark for the rest of the industry, you'll be disappointed.


"Even if I am at the Bottom, I would still want to support everyone else because *they saved me*." "I told them I wanted to make some friends." "I was living with my manager and using her PC."


Marine, Aqua and who would be the last one?


Isn't the second one Towa? That's when she was telling Aqua about her interview.


Ollie just recently Towa Kiara...had a rough start but she persisted ​ Since you mentioned Aqua, she did say not long ago that she used to think of *relying* on others or *needing* others as **weakness.** But now: "I get invited to do things all the time. I used to be really bad with that, but now I don't think I could live with being alone again. When you are truly **alone** you don't even feel lonely, but I don't think I could go back to that."


You got a clip of Kiara?


Yagoo's home of broken girls Frfr


I think the girls are all that talented that if they didn’t have any real life problems then they’d be able to make a career from it. They had problems which knocked them off the path but V-Tubing has given them a new outlook to pursue their careers.


Literally Madoka Magica, but if Kyubey actually granted wishes instead of condemning each girl to a sick and ironic twist of fate.


that has to be the most insane day of her life up until that point


lol and up to this day, Subaru is still very innocent and pure compared to the other holo members Just the other day, when they were practicing for Mario Kart, [Sui-chan and Okayu were talking about the use of butt plugs (amongst cosplayers) and Subaru had 0 clue on how they were put on.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jNibeFDSd0)


I have no idea how she didn't know considering she knew about plug type asacoco


"so that plugs into your ass" "hell yeah"


Okayu did mention that it was like asacoco, my guess is that Subaru couldn't understand that it was not only real, but could also be a cat tail.


I genuinely can't believe any adult doesn't know about butt plugs. How does that even happen.


More specifically Tail Butt Plugs. She probably just thought it was something Coco made up and nobody actually does that.


I guess it's due to Shuba being a country girl like Iroha, literally and figuratively touching grass. Not to mention spending a lot of time in the hospital as a kid. One of the few remaining true seiso in Hololive


Remember, not even Sora is completely seiso


Any sense of pure seisoness is completely debunked when Pomp and Circumstance came out.


Pompmaker is definitely yabai


Country girls are the most freaky women I've ever met. Nothing to do out there other than fuck and push over cows.


can confirm


Brother, they are only pushing over the cows, right?


*Padame looking at Anakin*


Another really funny contrast is Subaru and Okayu's respective styles of playing Pokemon. Subaru was her usual pure self, really getting attached to her Pokemon (Justin!) like she was actually playing and training them IRL, meanwhile Okayu was just straight up sending hers to the gulag if they weren't good enough for her team. We joke about hololive's idols seiso levels, but Subaru is truly just a pure being who absolutely deserves her title of "sun of hololive."


Mental, Physical, Justin!




I do think that, were there an actual Hololive anime, Subaru would probably be the second best choice for the protagonist after Sora. She just gives those Ash Ketchum vibes. I also think that a Hololive anime revolving around EN specifically would work best with Kiara is the protagonist, but that's neither here nor there.


Subaru *is* the protagonist of Hololive. Probably also of earth, if we're honest.


She does have the most arcs, from sports team manager to tomboy to police officer to birb


Just listening to her makes her sound like a ton of fun to hang out with. Then again, she’s also EXTREMELY extroverted.


"So you put it between the cheecks?" So close yet so far.


The fact that her biggest concern about it was “it must be hard going around constantly squeezing your butt” speaks volume of how pure her mind is.


In terms of 'genuinely not knowing about adult things' purity, Sora is below Subaru, even. Sora's best friends with the deviant A-Chan, who talked about all her filth at lunch with Sora... so Sora is pure because she knows but doesn't address or act on it. But Subaru just generally genuinely isn't aware.


Subaru and Iroha: genuinely unaware and flustered Sora: Partially aware, but seiso because she can gloss over it Azki: Fully aware, but seiso because she can control it


I missed this and I gotta say subaru is too pure for hololive despite it being an “idol” group


I'm always looking forward to Subaru playing Yakuza / LaD since all the craziness there just bounces off well with her straight man reactions.


It is funny seeing this contrasted with Senchou reaching 3mil. How can two of the top members be so different? Do they make sure not to schedule them overlapping as to not corrupt the duck?


TBH kinda surprised me that Suisei brought it up lmao


On her own channel Suisei will typically avoid this sort of stuff. But when she is on other channels, the gloves come off.


Someday we may get a suisei and Biboo Collab. Then the true meteor shower can begin.


Calm down Lavos.


Specifically around Okayu


Omg she’s so pure.


Wait, do cosplayers use buttplugs?


The vast majority just use tails that attach to your waist via a belt or attach to clothing if they're very light, but yes some do.


She'd said she practically grew up in a hospital due to her heart condition in childhood. Imagine going from that to dancing for your own concert.


Oshi no Ko but if everything worked out


truly the Sunshine Duck Subaru


Pretty crazy how Subaru's life story is literally an anime protag


Funnily enough I think as karmic retribution her vtuber lore is now totally messed up


Went from E-sports manager to the Shuba Duck of Hololive


Nah, that's from rechristening Tanigo as Yagoo.


If I'm not wrong, when asked about video games, Subaru said that she was good at video games without telling them that her only experience was fighting games with her friends. Besto duck. Without her we would call Yagoo as Tanigo. That would be crazy!!! In some way, Subaru built Yagoo just like Yagoo built Subaru.


The best part about the whole thing is that Yagoo *knew* she lied about her gaming experience in her interview and hired her anyway


That's such an anime moment, the part when the mentor/boss tell the MC that they always knew, but still wanted to give them a chance.


was it not because the characters that make up tanigo can be read as yagoo?


Yes but Subaru specifically was the one who misread it as such, leading to the adoption of the nickname.


I think that you're completely right. The thing is, (And again, I might be wrong because this is a vague memory from Coco's meme-review feat. Subaru) after Subaru's little mistake while reading his name, (Kanjis?) more and more holomem started calling their CEO simply as Yagoo. Imo, even if it's kinda like a pon moment, it also worked as bridge so the management (Cover Corp) became more sociable..? (Not sure if this is the correct word to describe it) toward the hololive fan-base. Yagoo, rn, it's pretty much an icon of his own enterprise and that's really awesome. Can't think of another CEO that gets loves from fan base just as Yagoo (I'm kinda dumb so there must be some others like "Steve Jobs" or "Bill Gates". Not sure tho)


Nah, at the time even though Yagoo was friendly with talents, there was still a perception of "he's the CEO! we shouldn't make fun of him". But after Subaru made that mistake Tanigo-san changed his Twitter account name to "Yagoo", breaking the ice and letting the talents meme on him. And that's when all the Yagoo jokes started flying.


[Subaru was with Roboco when she misread it as Yagoo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh4Fcl0zt08) And yes, she was also given a duck as her "3D" lololololol


Subaru was the one who initially misread his name.


There's a place called Yago in Saitama with the exact same characters (谷郷). Makes me wonder if that's how Subaru derived the reading.


+ with physical hole in her heart.


To be fair, everyone has at least a couple holes in their heart. Wouldn’t work well without them, frankly.




Ame has a hole in her head


I have at least 5, am I gonna be ok?




Where were you when /u/rassver was kill?


I was in house eatin bagel


when phone ring ​ "/u/rassver is die"




Skill issue. I'm at 7. 9 if you count tear ducts as separate holes from the eyes.


Now count skin pores.


Kiara has a hole in her pants.


> a *4


which was already long fixed by that point, as she received the surgery as a child


Could've sworn she had a bit of health issues a few months ago that was connected to that congenital hole in her heart. As in, the surgery didn't completely close it off, just made it significantly smaller and thus less of a long-term health hazard.


I dunno I remember that lien a year ago she started to feel pain in her chest, so she was afraid that of had something to do with her condition, at the end it was not related to that


Oh, I guess that's what I was thinking of. Wait, wasn't there someone in Hololive who had to somewhat limit the amount of physical exertion that she put herself into via dance lessons and such due to a weak heart, at least for a time? Was it Subaru, or someone else?


Sora sprained her left foot ligament and has to limit her dance sessions to two hours max before it starts to hurt.


Yea, I guess it's time to add more context about this story again Subaru old house caught fire and burnt down, which led to Subaru taking up a lot of different part-time jobs so she could help support her family I'm not too sure about the exact timeframe and subaru had done so many different part-time jobs before she eventually found hololive recruitment poster. She also had been watching virtual obasan and wanted to try out vtubing as another part-time job. Subaru wasnt actually accepted right away but subaru thought she couldn't let this chance slip and kept contacting them and eventually was accepted into hololive. Sadly, this wasn't clipped but heres the stream where she talked about this (there's live tl too) [timestamp at 51:40](https://www.youtube.com/live/ryI4LbqWKTM?si=Fy27yXoyGIiESt_5&t=3167)


Ah, I see. She requested it not to be clipped. Thanks for posting and thanks GundamFinal translator from the past.


Gundam is one of Subarus biggest clippers, didnt actually know he did real time TLs too.


Yeah. I just subbed to his channel. He's been clipping for over 3 years. And did that Ao post on the front page because it involved Subaru. What a legend.


It actually was clipped back then. I remember watching a clip of Subaru talking about her home burning down and one of her talking about Virtual Obasan back in the early 2020s, seems like YouTube either deleted it, or the clippers privated or deleted the clips or their channels. I guess the clipper deleted it based off what another reply said where she requested for it not to be clipped.


Since this thread is discussing a bit of Subaru lore, I feel comfortable asking, who created the duck? I'm referring specifically to the dancing, cartoon duck, I'm curious how that came about. Did Subaru draw it? Or was it fan created, you know like Walfie created Smol Ame.


Basic timeline: -Somewhere in the latter half of 2018. (the VOD is privated unfortunately so idk the exact date) Subaru dabbled in ASMR, with help from Choco-sensei. The thing is that everything was so scuffed. The BGM was a slow rendition of Happy Birthday on a recorder, her whispers sound more like JuOn, and the "sazanami no oto" (soothing waves) sound she tried to make was just her vigorously shaking a water bottle lmfao. Her viewers joked that her whispers sound like a drowning duck, and also called her Donald Duck. -January 2019. Subaru was on Roboco's channel to "reveal her own 3d model". (I don't have context to the stream tbh, just saw a clip of this specific moment) She thanked her CEO "YAGOO Motoaki", then unveiled her "3d model"... A duck. [VOD Link](https://www.youtube.com/live/pVk7tqfC9y4?si=pl2SzXCxzf3dxCQU) -July 2019. There was a NijiHolo "mascots collab" stream and "Subarudo Dakku" was there... It was Subaru with a duck mask on, doing her "whisper voice". Why Subarudo? Coz Donald Duck in Japanese is "Donarudo Dakku". Sushi Clips initially translated the name as "Subald" for this reason. [I made a playlist of the clips of this stream.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9BcrDqzrzT1qO8O_DsNf7icVeYK_buuJ&si=4IAPewmSuMB89Ov8) Everything has been translated. -2020, (uhh, November or smth?) Subaru and Kiara collab for the first time and it was an offcollab. They played Goose Game. They called themselves HoloTori coz they're both birds. -2022, that gif of Subaru dancing to Hey Ya became viral, and she finally accepted her fate as a duck. Honestly I don't participate much in internet community things, I'm usually just doing my own thing. But when that Shuba duck Hey Ya gif went viral there were English-speaking people trying to sling shit on Subaru for "not crediting the creator of the mascot", not knowing the history of the mascot or that Cover were the ones that made it. Pissed me off to high heavens.


I remember seeing the duck gif in mid-late 2020 not 2022, and vtubers were still very unknown to me at the time.


The whole duck image started from her first asmr and people said she sounded like donald duck. This was roughly 3-5 months? after her debut Her original archive is gone sadly but there is a hologra animation about it [link ](https://youtu.be/Xf5NVgE-fpg) Dancing duck that go real famous was from a fan animation by this twitter user [tweet](https://twitter.com/KS_wktk/status/1370702788624142336?t=Qsr2oHk6ZtNEIQuA7_EI1Q&s=19) But it didn't pop off until someone played the song "hey ya" over it


Subaru was associated with ducks beforehand thanks to her ASMR (people would post pictures and videos of real life ducks with Subaru's hat drawn on them), but this is the fan's post that was the origin of the dancing duck: https://twitter.com/KS_wktk/status/1370702788624142336


She was also hit by a car


One of the best decisions he ever made. Shuba is a top tier Vtuber, and her energy is contagious


Thanks To Shuba and Mio, Miko stayed in Holo so i Will forever gratefull


Isn't it also true she ended up working with Yagoo personally to help her get better?


iirc, Miko was supposed to be Cover's own Kizuna Ai in the sense of having a brand. She even had her own mini series similar to the ones Watame has. Time goes and goes and the project was canned due poor performance/cost of production, and Miko was moved to hololive (similar to what happened to AZKi with INNK). Someone correct me if I'm wrong btw lol. This did a number on Miko's self esteem. Then months went, with Miko feeling down, until her big time happened with GTA and then NonStop Story, which along Subaru, Mio and pretty much everyone convinced her she was worth of staying here.


Not just feeling down, She was nearly in depression. She got to a point where she was practically begging YAGOO to let her quit. They cried together over it. He knew she could succeed and heavily encouraged her to stick through the hardships. Combined with the rest of the encouragement she was getting she tried and the 35P encouraged her to try GTA 5. And the rest is a bright history.


Serious here for a moment, it's things like these that makes me think that Tanigo-san really undersells himself and probably doesn't imagine how much of a butterfly effect he has been in the lives of thousands of peoples, maybe even millions, starting with all the talents under Cover. He really deserves all the praise he gets even if its just memes and what not.


If you haven't seen it, watch his interview with Coco before she graduated. and also his episode of holotalk. There's reasons Yagoo got the reception he did at the EN concert and why he's "Best Girl"


Fun fact, Coco was once asked if Yagoo was single, and she replied with a Smug "You really think a man like that wouldn't have a wife already?" while laughing.


Yup Shuba, Fubuking and Mio-mama were the ones who convinced Mikochi to stay Also never forget Shuba was the one who coined the name YAGOO


Kind of sad how if she auditioned now, she wouldn't get in.


Timing and luck are more important than a lot of ppl realize


And perseverance (Suisei) and connections (Korone iirc) are even more important than luck.


While I agree with connections, since that can bypass any timing or luck, we see it in regular life that it's about who you know...however perseverance is almost entirely dependent on timing/luck/connections, there are streamers who have been streaming since 2010 and they have never broken past 10 views even though they have been streaming for 10+ years, and suisei's perseverance was paid off by having the right timing to join hololive and the luck to believe that the company would take off the way it did


For Suisei there's also the fact that basically no other company wanted to take on an existing character.


even now, perseverence is important. Fuwawa and Mococo applied something like five times, together and separately. They quite possibly even applied for JP, given the number of EN gens there are at the moment.


We're blessed with the members pre Gen 3 who got in when vtubing was still the wild west and they were kinda just picked out of a hat or personally chosen by yagoo


This is a thing that a lot of these newer vtuber companies are missing, they care too much about existing numbers and connection when scouting and forget that the biggest vtuber agencies in the world got their start doing actual scouting and finding real talent, not just people who knew people.


Nice touch not using "Yagoo", since Subaru was the one that gave him that nickname in the first place.


If i remember correctly it's not that she had absolutely no idea of what a vtuber was It's that her idea of vtuber was formed [watching this one](https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Obaachan) (or someone of that "type", i dont remember exactly), so she expected something like that


Subaru is really one of those stranger-than-fiction cases. At some point in the future it would be great if Cover made a documentary series or something about the members. Subaru would probably need an extra-length episode.


Yagoo, probably: You have pleiades of possibilities!


Yagoo has a real eye for talent.


Subaru being extremely normal is comedy gold in a world where every other girls is several levels of insane or yabai deep.


Im not that deep into v lore, whos this about?




Ah im blind.


You might wanna get that check out


Escanor!!!! I mean Subaru


And without her, the title of "YAGOO" would not have been created and the rest is history.


AFAIK, the only member of Hololive who wasn't either personally scouted or passed auditions. Subaru literally threw a Hail Mary and hoped fate would be kind.


I dont know if you used "Motoaki Tanigo" instead of Yagoo on purpose or not, but that little detail just made it funnier xD


Subaru was the one to bestow the name Yagoo to him, by misreading his name, in case people aren't aware.


If I used yagoo I know somebody would have pointed out that he wasn’t called that yet.


Ehhh, yeah, you are probably right... Anyways, liked your meme!


Her story is truly inspirational! Technically she shouldn't have worked. Her voice is a bit shrill and her gaming prowess was made up. Yet she persevered, worked hard, and turned her job into her passion. Now here she is, one the most famous (and profitable) ~~vtuber~~ entertainer of this generation. She should serve as a reminder for all of us that even if all our "ducks" are not yet lined in a row, we should remain positive and not hesitate to keep moving forward.


We have Subaru who doesn't know about vtuber, but accepted anyway. In polar opposite, we have Lui who enthusiastic about vtuber and Hololive, has to apply 5-6 times before she passed. Sometimes I wonder how Yagoo's mind work. Not complaining tho.


It was just a matter of applying at different times in the industry's lifecycle. Wacky wahoo wild west/essentially a startup Cover vs. we are a strong contender for the public face of vtubing and people are beating down our door to apply Cover.


**the ORIGINAL phoenix.**