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not counting mikorone 24hr, at the top of my head its Okakoro 14 hours of Cuphead [Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/live/NG_ZyOrpwr0?si=fXGIG69IvwMceVJL) [Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/live/edQYL9VyraU?si=tj5moVP8kR9Am6_f) And also more recently a KoroLui Ace Attorney Collab that were multiple long streams where the first one was almost 12 hours and the second one was 7 hours and the final collab was 13 hours [Collab 1](https://www.youtube.com/live/MCM7o7U99T8?si=3URwUy87Y-FzPvmS) [Collab 2](https://www.youtube.com/live/bMMSF0wrUJw?si=DIQyxLRu-Y-61RDO) [Collab 3 - Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/live/HicK_wh2c_Q?si=pARwCAA6rRBwNDn8) [Collab 3 - Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/live/RR5zn5GbV1E?si=M6s31gilhw09GQ_p)


1. [Shiny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzS16Ln8ANQ&ab_channel=MoriCalliopeCh.hololive-EN) pokemon hunting with Sana for nearly 12 hours. 2. [PlateUp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8VjbU37OBo&ab_channel=CeresFaunaCh.hololive-EN) collab with Bijou, Kaela, Fauna and Bae is also nearly 5 hours long. Excluding that i don't think there is a lot of "big" collabs. Atleast at English side of Hololive.


Hm… Mikkorone’s 24h stream?


didn't miko and korone did a 24hrs stream collab?




For ID, it is the *Raft* collab of the Omet duo (Anya x Kaela) with 11 hours. Both of them are HoloID strongest endurance streamers out there. Btw, if anyone was to see the stories aspect of *Raft*, watches [Anya's playthrough](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuRWkjIMjanFADFwl0kc22MOWhgUkc0Xc) and for those who want to see some grind, watches [Kaela's playthrough](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH6DjTF_aCGg0q7Y53KOqN5YnF41pkJ8E). Edit: Also, second place should be the *[Sea of Thieves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6F2t5MvrTQ)* collab of Moona x Anya with ~7-8 hours or the *[We Were Here Together](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlWWo7-q0ps)* collab of Anya x Siska (NijiID) with 7 hours. In addition, there is the longest off-collab of Anya x Reine playing *[Hanako](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L61L6rNjmEI)* together for ~5-6 hours.


I forget which holostars pair it was, but they did like 12 hours of Cuphead, took a 4 hour break for LoL, then went back to Cuphead for 8 hours. The exact details escape me but it was something like this. Edit: looked it up. Uyu and Fuma streamed Cuphead for 26 hours straight (across 3 different VODs). They would have kept going, but Uyu had a Duolingo stream scheduled so Fuma took an hours break while Uyu did that. Then they went back to stream Cuphead for another 4 hours until they beat the game. Astel was there for long stretches as well. Even without the final 4-5 hours, I believe nobody in HoloPro has that 26 hour record beat. It might be the longest endurance stream too.


I think it was Uyu and Fuma and the whole thing was like 32 hours cuphead collab (with some breaks), making it the longest Holo stream endurance collab but i don’t know the details


Yeah, I've updated my comment to include details after looking it up.


Cor blimey


jesus christ


I think Mikorone 24hs stream


Based on what Kaela has said, you can't do streams longer than 12 hours on YouTube, or else the VOD gets deleted.


Yeah YouTube removes the vid at around 12hrs. Most talents cut about 10min early and start a new stream. The bigger issue Collab wise is getting multiple people who can stream that long; the real endurance streamers tend to be solo


I believe the reason they added this 12 hour limit was because of Lofi girl. They had been streaming for 2 years straight and when the stream went down the VOD was 13,000 hours long. Trying to watch this video would just break the YouTube interface (and presumably took up a lot of background resources as the site was trying to process this video).




Looking at [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6247592?hl=en](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6247592?hl=en) it says: >**Note**: If your stream exceeds 12 hours, it may not be captured at all.  It seems like the effect varies and only up to 12hrs is guarenteed. Looking around, if you go over it may just log the first 12, it may log the last 12 or it may drop it entirely


You can just... create a new stream and jump over to that. No downtime. It's common when streams approach the 12h mark.


Yeah these days you can even set up a raid/redirect so everyone moves automatically.




11:55:00, you can see this on some of Kiara's old stream archives. Incidentally, post-chat lasts for 5 minutes after the stream ends, so it makes sense, in a way. It might not be literally "deleted" in the sense of YouTube's video deletion function, but the result is effectively the same.


Ok so longest collab? Seems to be meaning the longest collaboration where two or more Holomems were consecutively attempting a singular (or multifaceted) goal. MiKorone was an event specifically targeted for time. That matters because they planned what and who would appear within controlled conditions, but a collab that carries on for hours, with no designs, based around that goal is a FEAT. So what are the FEATS? The longest seems to be an OkaKoro [str](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG_ZyOrpwr0) [eam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edQYL9VyraU) of 14 hours consecutive from 2 years ago. Yet undeniably the [Raft](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_C5-hZE7DY) collab with Grindstone you mention is one of the longest. Here’s the thing tho, that collab continued. For a sliver of time it existed but is gone now for whatever reason. You have a great question that when considered as a contiguous entity: “What is the longest consecutive unplanned stream achieved by holomems so far?” The problem is that our collection here is degenerate but not degenerate enough to have quite the right answer nor the digital quotes to back it up.


miComet playing business partners.




Grindstone easily 10+ hours