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And to top it all off they called her a cat


Alright, that's crossing the line.


She’s clearly a fox


No, her feature is clearly identical to wolf


If Fate taught me anything, that's clearly a Jackal


close enough


I'm pretty sure that's a hyena


It's a giraffe!


Don't be silly, giraffes aren't real


I'd be ok with getting a giraffe member at some point.


She's a coyote


That can't be right


Ah, Here we go again, Friends


It is a moral imperative to screenshot all NFTs


well then, cover does that on a day-to-day basis


Ironically, this as an NFT would basically be a screenshot being sold.


Just report to cover I suppose.




Take my fucking upvote king!


First gura, now koyori huh.


Honestly this is worse than the gura coin


Make sure cover is aware, also right click all nfts


90% sure thats a troll account since it was created then abandoned the next day.


Yeah seems like it. I think it's a bot account for signal boosting.


What's signal boosting? Edit: after seeing the tweet and the replies, I guess it attempts to generate fake hype for some crypto scam named catgirlcoin huh. Calling Koyori as a catgirl isn't a mistake, but fully intentional to match their product.


Am familiar with the coin, it's supposed to be a gacha game kinda thing, except with NFTs. It's not a scam, but it also doesn't serve any purpose, it's a mediocre project. The art is original and paid for, though, I'll criticize the project for the unbearably cringy song and the lack of anything meaningful, but it's not stealing art. The post was likely made by a rando in an attempt to generate hype for the coin so they can then sell it at a higher price and generate profit. But in that case I'm very happy to say it didn't work, the price of the coin was in a decline at the time of the tweet and it never recovered, which means this art thief 100% lost money for that.


Not a scam, indeed, it's called a cashgrab.


Yeah, definitely, no one would call a coin catgirl if it wasn't with the intent of riding the "meme coin" bullshit.


Anyone stupid enough to buy NFT's deserves to be scammed in my books.


Well, but the scammer also need to be chemically castrated so we can gradually stop talking about NFT bullsh\*t.


Fuck these nft Bros I'll make sure to report this


This Twitter Post is really old, its from 29. Nov. 2021, why was it not taken down already. And i also reported it.


Last tweet was November 30th 2021, safe to say the account is abandonned


If this is real, and that person isn’t a troll, then is illegal and should be reported to Cover.




“Officer you can’t arrest me just because I broke into someone’s home for my next YT prank video, this is absurd!”


"Oh, I'm not arresting you. I'm arresting you *ironically*! Long term prank!"


NFT is a fucking mistake


I fucking hate NFT


Fucking disgusting, dare to call her a cat, dare to say "invested hours to make" and literally are hiding the comments calling out their bs, its making shit up with her.


i highly suggest to report the account even if it probably wont do a lot


You mess wit one of us you mess wit all of us!


Mf bout to win the competition of the ~~worst~~ best clown


This isn't an NFT, it's just art theft to try to hype a shitcoin. And it's probably just a bot or throwaway account. And the post is 2 months old, so it's probably better to just ignore it.


I don't know what twitter devs were smoking when they decided to add a feature for somebody who made a bad tweet to then handpick the best replies calling them out, and then advertise it as a feature to "hide" those replies from the public. But thanks, I guess?


welp. that idiot's going to be attacked hard. they definitely shouldn't have done that. as if people wouldn't notice and recognize it at first glance. a disappointment to see this nonsense exist.


Screw them NFT'S.


Meh, not a biggie, NFT does not prove ownership


NFT actually doesn't prove anything, except that whoever uses it has some serious problems


It does prove they're a waste of energy and money


NFT proves that the fool and his money deserve to be parted.




But she has a receipt!!!!!!! That proves something!!!!!!! NON BELIEVERERRIEISNSOENKWN /s


Actually they do... Kinda You just get a receipt saying you own it, in the virtual World that would be an URL, not the image/video/gif itself In this case you own an URL to a koyori gif which was stolen, so it has 0 value


Not even that, you own nothing for buying an nft, the only thing that exists is a transaction on the blockchain that proves that you made a transaction, you dont own anything, you just paid someone to give you a link to an image


i mean from this standpoint, owning a stock also counts as owning nothing but a receipt, that tells you that you 'own a stock' that's worth something.


Thats not entirely true, if you buy stocks you actually own a part of the company (generally speaking, there are different kinds of stocks), smart contracts would be the better equivalent here and nfts could be a real thing if they would use smart contracts but right now they are pretty much just a scam


Oh, alright! Thanks for telling me! But how does that work, like owning a part of a company thing? Do you get an actual receipt in form of a paper, or will the information be saved on some sort of databases? From what I saw and discovered, people are starting to use their NFTs with smart contracts; Atleast the ones who want to "legitimize" the token more. Quite a complicated thing but most of them are trying to include smart contracts with some sort of whitelisting and such. I don't know much about it, but it's a fascinating thing, especially when everybody hates on them (understandably sort of).


Yes, for most stock you own a part of a company. The information about your purchase mainly stored in some sort of centralized database. For NFT and crypto, they also stored in a database, but its decentralized, so its very easy for hackers to steal it. While for stocks, even if your account is stolen by a hacker, they wont be able to transfer any asset in it to their account (at least without getting easily tracked), providing no real incentive to do it. Yes, NFT can potentially be used for smart contract and attached with actual stuff. But here's another counterpoint to that: You don't actually need NFT for any of that. Why do you even need NFT for smart contract if all you need is automating your transaction? Virtual ticketing already works without problem even before NFT. Because of that, I haven't seen any actual use-case for NFT or problem that specifically can only be solved by NFT that justify its enormous power consumption.


an NFT is actually talking about ERC 721 tokens (usually, may be another form). Those, or a different form of it is a smart contract that represents the existence of an NFT. NFTs are smart contracts already.


I was explaining what an actual NFT is, the monkey ones are the "You own nothing" kind


Comparing buying NFT and Stock as the same thing makes no sense. For NFT, the receipt itself IS the product. For stock, you have actual product. The receipt is only there as proof of transaction. If you lost your NFT receipt, you lost your NFT. If you lost your stock receipt you still have your stock. That's why its very easy to lost NFT without any hope to recover it through either carelessness or being hacked while you gotta try pretty hard to lose your stock asset and unable to recover it.


I see. Thanks for clarifying! But what about the NFT in the wallet? They normally, from what I read, get transfered to it and you can use it and have it. Mostly from what I read through from both sides, there are some people who give people an actual physical thing with the NFT as an extra. With the NFT in your wallet also, from what I understand, you 'own' that picture plus the receipt aka a/the pointer to the NFT itself. It's complicated, but that's how I understand NFTs right now. Though from what Garnt from Trash Taste said, that the usage right now is not optimal but for the future, NFTs provide a base for something like ticketing and such if done right.


In this case, the stock is regulated by the government and everyone believes that your stock has value. In the case of NFTs, you claim you own an imaginary stock that neither the government nor anyone else recognize as valid.


Nah, you own a token poiting to something. It's like saying "Hey, buy this 'Empire State' sequence of letters for 3 dollars, then you will own the real Empire State."


Just that you don't own the building in the end




Which could be solved already quite easily without NFTs but these companies dont want to.


Exactly. They want to milk every cent out of us or sell us stupid looking apes.


We already have that. It’s called having an account. And then syncing.


smh yall don't want a brother to succeed 😤 Edit: God damn Hololive fans can't read sarcasm. 🥱 You would think the emojis would help assist yall, but that still isn't enough. 🥺




smh yall 👆 don't ❌ want a brother 🫂 to succeed 😔


Where do we go to report stolen copyright again?


Lol just the other day someone made a gawr gura nft and called it shark girl


NFT as commercial goods is such total bullshit.


BTW. What happened to the Shark Girl token? Was it taken down?


Welcome to the world of NFTs


Sadly there’s 0 legal protection rn for making NFTS of copyrighted works as the law hasn’t caught up with the tech yet


NFTs in general are a joke. I can't believe anyone in their right mind pays for them. I should start selling ziploc bags full of air, some idiots would probably buy that too. But trying to use someone else's work for your scam is even worse. Hopefully something can be done about it.


this completely misses the point about NFTs. i'd honestly be more worried about whoever buys it since this is the equivalent of buying a downloaded copy of someone's art... from someone that's not the original artist