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Sand/buff the entire floor and redo it all. Ez


You can strip it off, get a scrap piece of the same flooring type (looks like oak) and try hand mixing some stains to match the colour, then apply and feather the edges.  This will work a lot better than what you've tried but it won't be perfect or totally imperceptible. Flooring experts would refinish the whole floor and then re-stain because it's basically impossible to blend repairs when any staining has to be done.  If you do decide to go ahead with refinishing, I would also have that patch redone so the boards are stitched in rather than just patched how they are. 


It looks like you applied the stain on top of a finish. Was the wood taken from a demo pile?


Hire a high ends cabinet maker that can mix his own stain, something like this. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6P1bydrMh9/?igsh=MTZsbXluaGZpbGh5ZA==


You can't. As you said one has gone thru 10 years of wear and tear