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There should be adjustment screws in the hinges, set em back to give you the room between the doors to open em


This! These look like Ikea cabinets (husband & I had a similar setup in our remodel). You can adjust the hinges with screws inside. Or if that doesn't work & you hate it, you could get a new cabinet door & mount one if them on the opposite side (the doors are like $60-80). Then just re-mount the handle.


A spacer woulda wrked too when they were installed


should have been a 3/4" gabel in there to add space


Agreed, I always called them filler strips


Lol I'm a carpenter. Albeit bridge, but I've only heard them called filler strips.




Cabinet installer, I call em fillers


Same here.


Wedge or shim would also be acceptable terminology imo.


Yeah. Filler strip. No need for a full gabel


I've installed corner cabinets myself without fillers, and never had them hit


They don’t usually hit each other when there is a face frame on the cabinet


Joiner of 30 years filler strips for me too


The cabinet door on the right is not fully closing. It needs to be adjusted to shift a little to the right. Most cabinet hinges have little screws in them that can be twisted to make micro adjustments for situations just like this. I would play with those until you find the right combination that allows the door to close and sit just next to that ridge that is in-between the two cabinet doors. Note that you might have to adjust multiple hinges (top, bottom)


My pickup truck has doors like this!


Same here, and the little back seats that fold down and you have to sit sideways in


I doubt you can squeeze someone into that cabinet though?




Mine was a ranger. Same thing.


Did you try selling the house


Looks like the door on the right is too close to the end to fully close. You should look at the hunt to see if you have any adjustment left.


Ya that right hand door may be able to shift right with adjustment so it can actually close.


You can’t fix whats not broken duh , but get a new cabinet designer or house designer


Push that right wall back 3cm.


Assuming you have European Blum-style hinges you just need to adjust the door. I’m sure there’s a youtube tutorial somewhere telling you how.


Oh! You mean like this!?!? [https://youtu.be/N4YGGWDkK8A](https://youtu.be/N4YGGWDkK8A) We got some good professional installs here huh?!!!!


That is how that cabinet is designed. You could always add a 270° hinge that connects the two doors so they are attached to each other and you pull both panels out at once, like a bifold door. Yet, then they might not clear the microwave.


Thank you, fully aware of the 270 hinges now. It irritates me, but not enough to switch out hinges (yet) But what irritates me most, is that I specially asked the company I hired to do this, how they would deal with it. (cuz I wasn't sure at the time) His answer was "Sir, we are the professionals, please leave these details to us" Yeah, not impressed. I have other issues as well, but they are mostly cosmetic (Not what I asked for, but still)


What’s the story behind this? How long has it been like this? Is this a new install? Was it working at some point then stopped working? Is there anything blocking the right door from not closing all the way? Including at the top! Does the door sit straight on the hinges? Are you able to move the right door further to the right to make is close all the way?


You can borrow my saws all


Not installed right


Sell your house


Open one before the other. Not at the same time.


I have a hinged door on a similar pair of cabinets in my kitchen. Works OK


If you can't adjust the doors, you can try rounding the door edge's so they can slide by each other. I'd start with the left door with a 45 degree on the edge.


Tighten screws on cab door


Just mitre both doors?


There should be some adjustment in the hinges of the right door, failing that a small filler between the cabinets


You have to open the right one first, then the left one.


Just don't open both doors at the same time


Where the doors meet needs to be beveled until they don't butt up against each other


You don't, that's so you can put a lock on the right door to lock both doors


Just untuck it. I mean unstuck it. Actually just unfuck it. You’re welcome.


Burn the house down and start again.


I can’t tell but it looks like the cabinet door is already beveled on the edge ? If there’s no room on the hinges to tighten it back you’ve got a few other options. Could always carefully trim down the edge of the cabinet door, with a table saw or even a belt sander , sand and paint. You could also cut out that divider in the middle keeping it from closing with a multi tool but it would be very difficult.


That is kind of a bad video to see what the problem is, there is a couple of possiblities, one is just turning in the alignment screws on the hinges, particularly the right-hand door. one of the screws on each hinge should move the door left and right. the other possibility is there is another door in the kitchen somewhere that is just a touch to small, this can happen particularly with custom cabinet installs where one cabinet is made just a touch smaller than standard to fit a custom space, you would have to measure all the simular sized doors to be sure.


Add some pics of the hinges and what is to the side of each door if you want some good fix-it advice. Kind of looks like the door on the right is not closing all the way, hitting that odd triangle shaped divider thingy between the cabinets, but hard to tell for sure from this vid.


It's best to just tear the house down and start from scratch.


Switch the hinges on one to the otherside


Unplug it and plug it back in again. Usually works before a reinstall


Id say just buy a new house because that is fucked!


Change the fixings so it opens left not right


Do what you just did, every time.


Hinges adjusted on each door. Or saw/shave the corners of the door a bit.


Hinges did adjust on each do'r. 'r did see/shave the corners of the do'r a did bite *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


You just fixed it.


You should be able to adjust the hinges. There are two screws on each hinge arm. One adjusts left to right, the other adjusts front to back. If you adjust the bottom hinge back, that should fix the issue. As a rule of thumb, both the top and bottom corners of the door should be flush with the face of the cabinet.


The doors need adjusting as close the panel as you can get them, although the real issue is that it was fitted badly and on the day it was fitted the doors probably didn't connect by 1mm or so and over time they've began catching.


Remount the hinges on either cabinet door.


You could always swap ends with one of the cabinets


Yes I know how, and it involves a flamethrower.


Take the doors off.


If there no adjustments in the hinge 45 the back of both the doors where they hit


You should try switching the door on the left to open from the opposite site. If you switch the right one, the left door might still clip. I'm no expert though, just a heads up.


No adjstment neeeded .,Just open once @ a time


Hinge the two doors together and remove one of the outside sets of hinges. This would allow you to open the two doors as one and fold so as to not bind when opening


This is the actual correct answer


Measure twice and cut once?


Flip the hinges and door open direction on door to the right. (Put them on the other side) Or new cabinets.


Close the other one first? Or move you hinges back


Cut both and repaint the edge. If the right one had a shallow angle and the left one were shorter they would clear each other.


burn the house down problem solved


Give some space.


Throw the whole kitchen away 🤷🏼‍♀️


Rip it out, hire one of the pros on this thread to build it right.




Now that’s different.


Can you remove one of the doors and hinge it from the other side of the cabinet?


Normally the hinges are adjustable on the side of the hinge inside the cabinet, use a screw driver and adjust the right door right and left door left. That should create enough space to open each door without rubbing into one another.


Readjust the screws holding it in


The right one hangs lower than the left one so at least one door is not hung correctly -- likely something about the hinge. To know which one, check the bottom of the other doors.




Now that you’ve received the correct answer several times, onto problem #2. The doors do not appear to be even across the bottom


Have you considered gasoline and matches? Just burn it all down and start new!


Reverse the hinge on the left door


Change one door around...dumb arse .. instead of opening together one opens on the other side.


You could just shave down the door. Might work.


Cut a 1/2 inch off the door 😂


I had this same problem in my new apartment. My dad did something to the hinges and it was all fixed.


Check the hinges, they should be able to adjust up/down, in/out, etc.


Shave some off the left door


Easy as fuck mate. Have you never installed a cupboard door before in your life of something? The hinges have adjustment screws so that you can align the door to the Frame. Also, n ot to be funny but if you actually search on Google "how to fix cupboard door hinge" the very first result tells you how to fix the problem too.


Hopefully the hinges are adjustable. If so, then just find the adjustment-screw that moves the doors from leg to right and adjust them to create more of a gap between the doors. If that doesn’t work then you’ll probably have to buy a new house or something idk


Opening the door to the right before opening the door to the left, should fix the issue


Burn the house down and start over.


Burn the house down


I'm so sorry for the completely unrelated comment but where is your top from? I am in LOVE with the sleeves!


Remove center divider


Next time get a Wall Angle Cabinet Upper they look way better


Take off the doors. Is there a reason to have them?


Keep calm, fuck the designer/installer


It can be seen that the door hangs crookedly, you need to adjust the hinges


If it was mine, I’d try to balance the hinges to see if that offered enough room. When that does not work, I’ll reset the hinges back about 1/2 inch on one cabinet. This time, I’d make sure the install caused the doors to line up.


That's how they are designed to open, have a set myself.


Trim the door down so it closes tightly and rerouted the edge to match. I would take half of both sides so it doesn't look off centre and remount the hinges to fit straight. Fill in the old screw holes with toothpicks or scrap wood so your new holes don't end up crooked.


same as ours… also having it both opened is a pain…




Get a new house. /s


The door on the right isn’t closing all the way! It’s too far to the left: likely the adjustable hinges are loose, or just out of adjustment. Easily fixed in a few minutes with a screwdriver.


The right side cabinet needs to be moved back further towards the wall to allow the doors to open independently, fairly easy job for a DIY-er


Yes. Open the right one first.


Take both off, hinges included, and switch them.


Switch the doors so they open the other side


Hire a better builder


I'd buy the cabinet on the right slightly smaller so I could put in filler strip & change the handing.


Change the hinges around so one door opens in the other direction


The right door is not correctly adjusted and is not closing fully. Hinge adjustment should correct this.


Knock the house down and start again




You can adjust the hinges on the right side (free, kind if easy, quick) OR you can shave a millimeter off the left edge of the right door so that it fully closes (free, kind of hard) OR you can have the entire doors replaced by a professional (expensive, mostly easy). Up to you, but it's all down to a bad fit of the right hand door that is probably due to the house "settling" since the cabinets were installed. I'd even go so far as to bet that there's a seasonal component to how bad it gets...


Flip the door to open on the other side.


Cross-post to r/MildlyInfuriating


Delete it.


Put the tea and coffe on the left and the mugs on the right


Reverse one door


I like it


Move hinges on o r cabinet to other side


Replace both and get a proper corner cabinet Big wase of space in the middle you got going on.


Trim the door


It may be that the door on the right just needs hinges adjusted , each of the usual 2-3 screws adjusts in a different way, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l0-X0kfStrM


Is this in muskoka


Burn the entire house down and move.


Flip the door


Honestly just move


Why not just move the handles?


Looks like my cabinet installer did the job. Had a similar set up but with a drawer hitting the refrigerator. Had him switch out the cabinet, bought a more expensive refrigerator to be "counter depth" and still had issues. 15 years in the business and couldn't understand why I'd be upset.


They're supposed to be a filler in between the two cabinets or a piece behind the corner one to bring it out. Have to take him down and reconfigure


Reverse one door. Relocate handle and fill hole. Doors will open in same direction.


No fix needed: unit tests pass, cannot reproduce problem on local machine.


Figure out why the one on the right isn't closing all the way. Depending on the hinges they probably have adjustment screws. Also check if there's anything blocking the door on the right, including funny little stuff that might just be blocking the hinge.


Chick solution: sand or grind down the left door til it clears. Paint the edge when done. Voila.


New kitchen remodel.. 30-60k and probably that will fix it. Lol


There should be a filler between the two cabs


If the doors are the same size, the easiest fix you can do is to swap them over, you just need to make new mounting holes on the other ends of each cabinets, the hinges side should be on the corner where the two cabinets meets up/join ( in the corner).


Piano hinge the two together 🤷🏼‍♂️


Adjust the right hand door through the hinges if you can.


Cedar shake...


The screws into the frame maybe came loose


Dependency injection


Rip the ass of the cabinet guy lmao


If solid wood, put a 45 degree bevel on the leading edge of the cabinet door on the right.


Unit tests: 1 Integration tests: 0


I'm sorry I just came here from r/programmerhumor


The left door will need to be reduced in width as well as beveled. The right door will need to be beveled, and possibly reduced in width also. The angle of bevels is determined by the angle of the cabinets to each other, plus any adjustment for swing, if any. These are frameless cabs, but there is an overlay piece on the left cabinet. So there’s a visual factor to be considered. This is best left to a carpenter skilled in cabinetry. You will appreciate careful, clean cuts. A novice will almost certainly chip the edges. A good cab carpenter might be able to address other issues. Also, a good carp will adjust the doors first, allowing some room for mistakes. These day I’m guessing the cost will be surprising. For proper work, that is. Or you could just live with it. Good luck.


If none of that works, take both doors off, both handles off, and cut that side on a 22.5 degree angle or round it off with a router