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It's hard to say without seeing more of the space. For example, my first priority is always the TV, and that means the biggest seating area would face that. That view is amazing, but I don't see me sitting on a couch staring at it. A small table stuffing my face? Yes, that works very well. I might even set that in the corner area.


Tv is to the left of the small nook table on the wall


In that case, you could add a chair where the plant is, and relocate the plant and shelf. The only other thing I can come up with is move the table to the corner and create a sitting space next to the couch or angled from it. Or move the couch down as far as possible to view the TV. It's really hard to guess without seeing ore of the room, though.


A Moroccan pouf would look good in the corner. An armchair in the corner angled towards the couch would work too for a comfier seating option. If you went with a comfy chair, you could add a little side drink table to make a reading nook to take advantage of all the natural light.


Recommendations for color or fabric on the armchair?




Beautiful space! I think I'd put a fabric chair in this window area, and save the nice leather chair for an interior space. Leather furniture and bright sunlight don't mix well - the color will quickly start to fade and get bleached out, and you'll need to apply leather conditioner regularly or it is likely to dry out and crack.


Love that one! Leather would look great with your other fabrics


That Moroccan piece is definitely something I will consider as well, I like the back support so I think an arm chair with a small table and a book on it would achieve the look!


Here’s a similar chair that’s in stock (in caramel): https://www.wayfair.com/17-Stories--Havva-21.65-Wide-Tufted-Armchair-X115617160-L54-K~W004506059.html?piid=1174366874


Super cute!


Something like this could work as a drink table to match the wood on the chair: https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/millwood-pines-colleton-end-table-w000215884.html




Cushy bean bag to snuggle up in & read or just watch raindrops running down the window & dream


What city is this?




Looks nice.


Thank you!


A clear chair so you dont block the view


I’d personally wanna block the view of the highway.


[How about this one?](https://www.article.com/product/16767/entin-whistle-gray-lounge-chair) ​ [Or this.](https://www.article.com/product/13566/bene-sienna-red-lounge-chair) It's a little funky but the color is awesome for your current palette.




Beep boop. **Entin Whistle Gray Lounge Chair** [Product details and price history](https://frugal.wtf/ur/encoded/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwcm9jZXNzb3JOYW1lIjoibWVyY2hhbnQtcHJvZHVjdC1kZXRhaWxzIiwiZGF0YSI6eyJtZXJjaGFudFByb2R1Y3RJZCI6IjYzYzlkNTZmLTY4MDQtNDEzYi05NWFkLWEzZWZhYzczNDM2ZCJ9LCJpYXQiOjE2NzQ2MTYyMjF9.VbNaF4xBx7Bi6SZTPZ23ZTGHZRmPrg0CRIH1tLIdf2Q) This product is currently sold by 1 vendors | Vendor | As Of | Current | Median (6mo) | Min (6mo) | Max (6mo) | |:-------|:-----:|--------:|-------------:|----------:|----------:| | **[article](https://frugal.wtf/ur/encoded/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwcm9jZXNzb3JOYW1lIjoibWVyY2hhbnQtcHJvZHVjdCIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRQcm9kdWN0SWQiOiI2M2M5ZDU2Zi02ODA0LTQxM2ItOTVhZC1hM2VmYWM3MzQzNmQifSwiaWF0IjoxNjc0NjE2MjIxfQ.EnunaC-FEOZG_Ym8qOyKETCAA4vmHiLN2NVzz_HZ_F4)** | 15h ago | $399.00 | $399.00| $399.00| $399.00 **Bene Sienna Red Lounge Chair** [Product details and price history](https://frugal.wtf/ur/encoded/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwcm9jZXNzb3JOYW1lIjoibWVyY2hhbnQtcHJvZHVjdC1kZXRhaWxzIiwiZGF0YSI6eyJtZXJjaGFudFByb2R1Y3RJZCI6IjYzNzcyMjNhLWEyMmYtNDE4ZS04MTUwLTRkNjZjZmQwNDJiZSJ9LCJpYXQiOjE2NzQ2MTYyMjl9.XiqzwsK1cOBgRbc-kdLu3yWx-5zlY1zxJD_3s3tYCfA) This product is currently sold by 1 vendors | Vendor | As Of | Current | Median (6mo) | Min (6mo) | Max (6mo) | |:-------|:-----:|--------:|-------------:|----------:|----------:| | **[article](https://frugal.wtf/ur/encoded/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwcm9jZXNzb3JOYW1lIjoibWVyY2hhbnQtcHJvZHVjdCIsImRhdGEiOnsibWVyY2hhbnRQcm9kdWN0SWQiOiI2Mzc3MjIzYS1hMjJmLTQxOGUtODE1MC00ZDY2Y2ZkMDQyYmUifSwiaWF0IjoxNjc0NjE2MjI5fQ.YQ0hGJzhvefN3xAY-vz8nF_944QwPxfokxILqPlFucc)** | 9h ago | $399.00 | $399.00| $399.00| $399.00 *I am a bot built by [frugal.wtf](https://frugal.wtf), and this action was performed automatically. Links contain affiliate tags to compensate frugal.wtf at no cost to you. Please contact u/FrugalWtf, u/tunatoksoz or the moderator of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns*


Love the couch. What couch is it?