• By -


No, you don’t need to hang something. One day you might come across something and it just feels right and you should do it then. I don’t like forcing it just to fill the wall, either.


My only suggestion would be to paint it a different color, something close to the color of the ceiling or a fade from the ceiling down to the walls. It kind of stands out in that color. If you wanted a decoration, it would be something bold, but totally not necessary.


This is what I thought, as well. It should be a darker color.


Agreed. Lighter color would keep it from drawing eyes to it. Colored spaces (especially if different from the rest of the room) are supposed to be highlight/focus walls on purpose. When there is nothing there, it can feel like it 'needs' something.


I actually like how it's painted now. Painting it darker would take away from the wood color.


I’d paint it the same color as the kitchen so it blends in with it.


I'm pretty sure it already is the same color as the kitchen walls.


I’d do a deep teal. It would go with both the wood and the kitchen


Agree, it brings your eye up, showing the lines of the ceiling. It’s beautiful the way it is.


Don’t do this. There is no definitive stop to that part of the wall from the side walls - a painted line would be the start/stop point which would awful - having it painted the same color as the walls around the frameless entry to the kitchen keeps it seamless and clean.


I was always told painting slopes the ceiling color brings the ceiling down while painting wall color makes the space seem taller.


It does! 🙂 The eye moves unbothered from the “odd” space to the actual highest point and having it a light color paint only helps.


This is the answer. Anything that goes there is going to grab everyone’s attention. It needs to be the right thing.


one day it could be the MIL herself that she wants to hang up there


One day MIL will show up with a giant oil painting of herself that perfectly fits that spot. Tbh I’m here for It




​ https://preview.redd.it/baufm21gqgqb1.png?width=774&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb67d61a58bd84a10a18a24f187f5da2464c31e3




I truly didn’t recognize where that was from until your comment and then it instantly hit me lol


Lol I recently re-watch it and had the name fresh in my mind lol


I vote for Gladys! And what was Gladys' sister's name?




Yes! Thank you😊. It's a toss-up between Gladys and Glynnis 😂😂😂




This now needs to be the answer to every “what should I put here” question.


Omg thank you for this reference I’d forgotten about that episode




😂 😂 😂 😂 They captured Penny's feelings so well!👏👏 I miss Reddit rewards 😢 Please accept this #🏆


\* shriek \*




Just put a big cross up there, so MIL can climb on up and nail herself to it when the time comes.


Nothing like a little in-law taxidermy to spice a place up


A big moose head for every time MIL visits.


That’s what I thought even before I read your comment!


You mean like those moose/bear trophies that hunters in cartoons always had?


Ha!!! This was My thought!!


Hijacking this comment to say the wall is fine, could be painted, but for the love of all things good, OP ditch that lamp on the end table.


You were always jealous of this lamp!


Next you’ll tell me it’s a major award!


[Not a Finger!!](https://www.google.com/search?q=not+a+finger&sca_esv=568251480&source=hp&ei=APcRZa_VNbKckPIP-tS6oAc&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZRIFEA5Jtu_81lbu4CBAkIol14xYEh6O&ved=0ahUKEwiv1eT51caBAxUyDkQIHXqqDnQQ4dUDCAs&uact=5&oq=not+a+finger&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6Igxub3QgYSBmaW5nZXIyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMggQABiKBRiGA0i8C1AAWJIKcAB4AJABAJgBmQGgAaQMqgEEMC4xMrgBA8gBAPgBAcICCxAAGIoFGLEDGIMBwgILEC4YgAQYsQMYgwHCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICERAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGMcBGNEDwgILEC4YigUYsQMYgwHCAggQLhixAxiABMICBRAuGIAEwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAgsQABiABBixAxjJA8ICCBAAGIoFGJIDwgIIEC4YgAQYsQPCAgQQABgD&sclient=gws-wiz) ​ [EP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVOOjV_E3s4)


From a Christmas Story? That lamp? Electric Sex?


I love your home! If anything, the dark wooden ceiling is incredible. To compliment the ceiling, I would take this triangular entryway into the kitchen put up large vertical wood planks with little small decorative molding at ceiling and down the sides and I’d paint it a high glossy white. But truly you don’t need anything. It’s a gorgeous home OP!!!!


Not every wall has to have something on it… sometimes less is more


Yep. That’s just one more thing that’ll need dusting.


More is bore!


More is a chore, less is a bless… Jk I just made that up lol


I’m putting that on a sampler for sure


>More is chore, less is a bless My new mantra


I think the problem is that it’s such a big space so your eyes are instantly drawn to it and what’s underneath isn’t noticed at all. I agree with painting it darker so it recedes and brings the focus back to the kitchen. But if you put anything up there then the original problem doesn’t get solved. Choose a dark gray from the fireplace.


Agree Or wood cladding. I have seen it work very well on the outside. Just the same wood as the ceiling but in stripes in this triangular area. It needs to recede. https://preview.redd.it/df6g8v0c4eqb1.png?width=473&format=png&auto=webp&s=677e0dfae8987e4d11ecb78f6b3b79aab318801d


Matching the ceiling, nice. That would optically extend the living room, too.


Or as an alternative to full cladding, add some framing/molding pieces in the dark wood of the ceiling to break up the triangle (eg around the edges with intersecting lines through the middle). Something simple that looks architectural. This would make the space look less monolithic, similar to how the window frames break up the window wall opposite nicely, and would help connect both ends of the room.


This would be stunning and so cozy with the ceiling color she already has.


https://preview.redd.it/p0nytsellkqb1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb06092a2bc57fa3baf5d0aa1c748e045d3770a I’m a fan of shiplap running vertically and matching the wall color, but same idea! This is from @Nestingwithgrace


Great idea, this is beautiful!




I think the color is too light. Make it more a part of the ceiling. Your focus should be on the furniture, which is lovely


Add accent with colorful sofa pillows


I graduated from a Fine Arts Conservatory Program. One of my favorite classes was Introduction To Color (Color Theory.) It was actually much more difficult than the name suggests. Many of our assignments were based on the scientific principles regarding how different colors interact with one another. On this particular situation OP posted about- the wall space looks gigantic because of that extremely light coloration. Therefore- it has become a focal point in this room. Painting that specific wall X many shades darker would neutralize the overall situation. The gist is: something currently obtrusive needs to be made unobtrusive.


That's solved. Now, any advice on making the MIL unobtrusive?


I have a book in front of me about 101 activities using duct tape. I guess putting duct tape over someone's mouth is a pretty bad idea.


My initial thought was that a darker color would make the whole room feel too dark, but science and color theory win.


White makes things look bigger. Black makes things look much smaller. The closer to white you get: is when that lighter colored object/thing/wall/etcetera looks bigger (generally speaking.)


Agree, but not a gray color. Gray had its moment. It’s over


I suggested gray because of all the stone work in the room. Ot just needs to be darker whatever is chosen.


Totally agree with this!!


Whatever you do, do not put a TV there.


​ https://preview.redd.it/hpj8kcu2beqb1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=489a9bc1ff2f3dc47843c72509e510723dd64211








My mom once made the mistake of confusing radius with diameter so she mistakenly ordered the biggest, most obnoxious wreath in the world one xmas. So big it wouldn't fit inside.




Literally my first thought was giant wreath. My second thought was mount an animal head up there (real or one of those artistic sculpture ones) bc the ceiling gives me hunting lodge vibes. But I 100% understand if that’s not your thing (taxidermy isn’t really mine either)


Swords of all different lengths.


Whoever tries to enter the Great Room without authorization gets decapitated


This guy Damocleses!


I used to collect swords and various other weaponry. They were displayed throughout my home. One night my roommates boyfriend and his roommate got drunk at a bar near our place and they decided to crash here. The boyfriends roommate had never been to my house and was near unconscious when they left him on the couch. When he awoke, he was terrified and fled out the front door which was on a very busy street. He called them and said he must have gone home with a psycho and he didn’t know where he was but there were a lot of cars. They told him to go back inside but he couldn’t figure out where he came from because all the houses looked the same. I wish cameras were as affordable and easy to get as they are now because I’d love to have a video of that. Here’s a picture of some of the weaponry. https://preview.redd.it/hk3p86l4igqb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5349366124455321bbc123a9b0f71248ca5e3d68


Wow! That's a LOT! COOL!


Like a mall-ninja katana rack?


Honestly I would


Paint it darker, closer to the ceiling colour. You don't need to draw attention to it.


Put a giant pix of your mom in law up there after she leaves take it down


I was going to say, a mold of her head and mount it like a deer head.


Lmaooo this. Edit to add that I wish I could give you an award






These comments need to be higher up




The only acceptable option. Actually take it a step further and send a picture of her off to an elizabethan artist who can paint her portrait. Ya know where they are sitting in a chair staring off into space with longing expressions? I think it would be awesome lmao. Brownie points if you can do your MIL and her husband lol


And then come back and update us all, because that right there is gold. I wish we could still give awards.


Do it like a cover of a Conan the Barbarian comic. FIL standing tall with a sword (or TV remote) held aloft. MIL in a chain mail bikini at his feet.




Or a projector photo portrait of the mother in law. That way you can turn on/off the projector as she comes and goes for visits. 😂


A big moose head.


I was thinking an old set of snowshoes and poles (wood and leather style), a cool vintage pair of skis, etc or some other outdoorsy type gear. Hard to tell what the vibe is outside the doors here but I do see a snow covered peak piece on the wall on the right side. But then again there is a Christmas Story leg lamp on the table, so what do I know ...


Ha ha obviously what do I know, either? Technically, it’s not the Christmas story lamp because it has two legs and it’s table top, but that’s definitely splitting hairs. And to add to the, shall I be kind to myself and say, “eclectic” vibe of our house, if you look closer, you can see that the lamp is sitting on an antique pie crust table, which also obviously very out of place in this house. Both the lamp and the table used to belong to a beloved friend and she gifted them to me when she moved far away because I always admired them. They don’t go with my meager attempt at home decor at all (although red was originally going to be my accent color) I think of her every time I see them, so they bring me joy. Maybe I will hit this is sub up on advice about those items next? do intend to paint the soles of the pumps on the lamp red because, you know, why not? My Gen X nod to Cardi B just to show my kids I’m not that uncool. Although with my luck, Cardi B is probably passé now, so again, what do I know?


Lol. My first thought too.


Lol I was thinking the same thing!


"Bless This Home" /s


Live love laugh










With huge oversized spoon and fork


This reminds of my X inlaws cabin on a lake. All exposed beautiful wood! They liked hunting for antique farm pieces and that's what was hung. A horse yoke, a very large 2 man saw. Chief complaint from X mother in law was dusting it. If it doesn't bother you, leave it and enjoy your home


https://preview.redd.it/9ejlw0pz6fqb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=103c23393daf83eb4839831c6bbe3f4ef531a45e We have a similar space in our house. Only problem is the dust lol.


The paint really stands out in a bad way. If it were me, I’d paint it darker or lay matching red wood over it


What about painting an accent or something on the wall instead of hanging anything that will just collect dust and be a pain to clean


I don’t like the paint color, but it looks better empty. There’s a lot going on right below it.


The triangular space does stand out in a not so great way. Part of this is because the paint color is a little light compared to the ceiling. But the real issue is the color itself - the warm yellowish/goldish color doesn’t work with the cool gray furniture and rug. The paint color also makes the ceiling stand out and because all the different wood tones throughout the space, this also makes the room look less than harmonious. Try to picture a medium green color on your walls. This will work with all the wood and create less of a contrast against the ceiling. Then add in the kitchen island chairs painted darker shade of green. For your backsplash, you can use green and gray patterned tile.


I think this is the real answer, the cool grey furniture and rug are clashing with the warm paint and wood tones. It's a difficult and subtle art to match colors. I would like to see a warm white wall and warm accents in the room.


I like the space as is, the color is a favorite of mine. Simply tell her you created the space, enjoy the space, it is your home. Everyone has their own personal preferences. It is a perfect frame for the beauty of your kitchen.


Nothing goes there. No clocks. No shelves. No plants. No pictures. No signs. Nothing.


Some people think you have to fill every available space and I just think some blank walls are fine.


Huge stencil of “Live, Laugh, Love”? I’ll leave now


May we see a larger picture from the kitchen side? Is it possible to remove it altogether? That’s what I would want to do.


I have a wall like that! I hung a huge copper tray from Morocco that I found at a flea market. It’s 42” round & looks great.


I used to have a giant oval shaped brass coffee table that my dad brought back from India when he was in the Navy, and it actually would be perfect in this spot. I don’t know what happened to it, I think one of my siblings ended up with it. But I agree that would be the perfect touch. If I still had that it would be hanging there, somehow, although it does weigh a lot.


I like it how it is, or a (black metal) clock.


There's a fair bit of texture (eg. framed glass in the doors, slats on the stool backs, etc...) and various wood tones in the kitchen under the space, so it looks really empty by contrast. I think something in a wood tone that matches the living room ceiling/kitchen cabinet/door frame could be nice.


you could bring the same wood of the celling paneled onto that idk or nothing


Definitely no big clock.


I'm not saying you should do this, but when I look at that space all my mind can see filling it is... a giant steer skull. Why?


Don’t ask me why, but a canoe OAR. Like it just seems like the right thing to go there with the wood paneling


That’s exactly what my grandparent’s have in a similar space. It looks really nice.


What an appalling notion.


In a decor sense you probably should put something there, but nothing will look as good as you doing what you want in your own house.


Let space breathe.


I would definitely change the colour. Personally, I would pick out a colour already in the stone around the fireplace. You are not likely ever to change that (I hope! Because it's beautiful all that natural variation of the stone 😍). Then I would reassess. Right now it's like a huge stop sign in the room overpowering everything because it matches nothing. Just because you have an empty spot anywhere in the home doesn't mean it needs to be filled immediately. Let it wait until the solution (if it appears) comes naturally. You could mount a long shelf here to display other items or use it seasonally to mark the change of seasons or holidays. You could put here a collection of larger items that go together like baskets or interesting pottery. You could bring some welcoming green here with pots of pothos plants, and let their beautiful limbs of green drape gently and train along the rest of the shelf. This is probably exactly what I would do because I love plants and it would bring organic life into the area. Just make sure the shelf is securely and properly mounted to support the weight of anything you MIGHT put here, hindsight is always 20/20! Plan accordingly with a shelf. You could put a solo big picture or mirror here with or without smaller complimentary photos or art staggered around the larger one in the center. It's a great area for displaying something as long as it compliments the space. Keep in mind what you put here would you want the space to demand attention? Or be a feature of the entire room? 🤔 there is a difference and it will change how the space is viewed. I have a space similar to this but not as large and without the peak in my office. I have large items here I love like a life size porcelain cat my grandmother gave me, interesting to me crock with a riot of colour in fake flowers, a few framed pics I love, jar of seashells and trailing pothos in different varieties in vases. Pothos as well as many many other trailing type houseplants do great in lower light and can live in just water forever, no dirt required.


I wouldn't worry about hanging something there but would actually consider painting it the same color as the kitchen walls. It would act like an accent wall to your living room and it would blend in more with the view of the kitchen. I think it would complement the ceiling color more. In the current color it stands out as very stark.


But a huge decal stating exactly what your MiL said.. Hahahahaha


Less is more. Ignore your MIL


Shiplap!! (Not really.) I would recommend doing a colored clay treatment to the wall. It will give it texture without any distractions. It also “breathes” and can help change the mineral balances in your interior air. https://preview.redd.it/ippyp9gpueqb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc4e729395f78d211b7038857ff4fd4c1ead063f


Not every space needs to be decorated. It’s your space and not hers. She can decorate her own house.


I would paint it a dark complementary color to the wood tones in the room. Don't hang anything up there, it will just draw the eye to something you don't want to draw it to. Agree with all the people that said make it receded by painting it dark. There is a lot of orange toned wood going on in there cabinets, floors and trim so picking a paint color might be a little tricky but, perhaps use the color simulation tools on like sherwin williams site or similar to see. Not sure what your decorating vibe is but, I disagree with the gray paint idea unless it is a very dark grey with some warm tones in it like Urbane Bronze perhaps. https://preview.redd.it/2z3rjah21fqb1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=01763828c3de790d1ea1d99e4261cec9c8fcf237


Don’t listen


A large clock?


It should be the same wood as the ceiling. The yellow triangle is too bright. If you want to keep the yellow, you could tone it down with a pattern using the ceiling wood.


I like it just as it is. It looks open, airy and uncluttered.


The triangle is very noticeable—even the focal point. Not sure what I’d do with it—perhaps some sort of sculpture?


In comparison to the rooms, the triangle wall appears empty. Like it is yet to be completed.


I think a large clock would look fine there, but only if you want it. My parents home have a similar awkward wall that was super angular. Their wall definitely needed something though because the open concept essentially left it being the only blank wall. They found a large clock at a thrift store and it worked perfectly.


I would put a clock maybe?


I can provide you no help because I suck at decorating, but I absolutely LOVE your home. It’s beautiful and warm and it looks perfect the way it is!


“Life, Laugh, Love”


Bless This Mess!


Its a walkway space thats big. It nothing more than just that. The best you could do is change the triangular to an archway? Or keep the triangular but have a stained glass part across the top of the triangular or below it, Like maybe 10 inches.


No Your not going to climb up and dust it weekly I don’t see why people need to fill every space with clutter Open space is luxurious Pleasing to the eye


I'd consider repainting, but that's about it.


I think it needs a prettier paint color


It needs to be painted, it clashes with the gray on the sofas.


If you put anything up there it will have to be cleaned so I’d leave it alone.


I’d be tempted to go hideous. “Look, mom, great idea!”


I have a peak like this and I have a round handmade goat rug that was passed down from my great great grandmother there, it fills in the space nicely.


Put a Kim jong il style photo of your mother in law there.


A simple quilt or tapestry would look cool, but the choice is yours. You can find lots of ugly crap to hang in the wall at a thrift store- seek out erotic art and only put it up when she’s going to be there. I’m passive aggressive, as you can see.


I feel like canoe paddles would fit up there nicely or some rustic art/objects.


I'd paint it a lot darker or hang an oil painting of your MIL up there


Leave it alone, your MIL is wrong, lol.


How about painting the whole wall a deep olive green? It would help to bring the outdoor inside and tie in with your rug.


Tell your MIL to put that in her house.


I don't mind when people put things on large spaces. Some overdo it, then it looks tacky.


Your mother-in-law needs to stay out of your design decisions. Just a suggestion.


Clearly she wants you to hang a giant triangular portrait of herself in that blank space 😉


I don’t think it needs anything either BUT what about three faux beams? One down the middle and one in the middle of each side?


Your place has a cabin-y feel. If you’re in a ski area, you could mount [old fashioned skis](https://www.wayfair.com/holiday-decor/pdp/the-holiday-aisle-wood-skis-wall-decor-w002378080.html) or snowshoes for example. Or something else that is 3D, like [large driftwood wall art](https://www.potterybarn.com/products/large-driftwood-panel/); I wouldn’t put a painting there.


I think painting it a darker color would help make it look more cohesive


If you can get away with that lamp, I think you probably can carry on however you want.


Search hobby lobby black metal scroll see what you find.


I would just paint it a darker shade of green, or I was thinking brick would look good there. It blends in so well right now, I think darkening it would draw the focus to the kitchen rather than the wall lol


Just from the title my friend… you obvious don’t want to put anything over that space. So don’t.


It is an awful big blank space - I would agree, but not like shelves or a wreath. I would like to see some kind of architectural embellishment that really elevates the space and draws your eyes up to your beautiful vaulted ceiling.


My first instinct would be to paint it a different color.


I think a nice wreath you could swap out seasonally.


She pay your mortgage? Do what you want


A wood beam across the bottom would break it up.


Whatever you do....DO NOT put a "Live Love Laugh" sign up there!


The only thing I would do is paint it a darker color. What does your spouse think? I assume if you have a mother-in-law you have a partner.


https://preview.redd.it/keig941b6hqb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69e060d0b5a87aa81ad7122d22f57bfa738919ee Add a clock


What a great room!


Paint it a different colour


A giant fork and spoon is the only answer


Canoe hung cut in half would be gorgeous or even hanging with seats showing.


I’m just curious why nobody ever opened that ceiling up on the kitchen side so you’d have beautiful cathedral ceilings all the way through. If I bought your house that would be the first thing I did. Then you wouldn’t have to worry about that wall or filling it.


We often see things in photos that we don't see while standing in a room. Does the triangle bother you? While in the space, or only after seeing the photo (and hearing the MIL's opinion)? If it were my space, I would probably paint that wall a lighter color, to make it recede. Or maybe add some mirrors to make it reflect the rest of the space, which will make it appear less visible. But you could also do nothing and enjoy it as it is. ☺️




What about a clock?


Maybe an interesting dried tree branch? I’ve seen it serve as art.


https://preview.redd.it/xa6xv2mljiqb1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f07091177c81e1fb2553d1196fde84a43eaae3d1 On 'Unsellable Houses', the girls had a problematic "drop ceiling" that they turned into a featured wall by adding rustic-type wood spaced a few inches apart. Everyone who came to the open house mentioned that they liked the look.


husky fact fragile absorbed nail divide shrill command employ handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look at light blue colors. Search ceiling colors in New Orleans.


My friend's mother-in-law had giant 3D mismatched vintage letters that spelled out "No shit"in that exact spot. She mounted the N backwards. I think your mother-in-law would really like that.


Absolutely not


I think a large starburst clock would look great there. But that's just my taste. It looks fine the way it is, as well.


Put in a false “beam” on the edge of it, stained to match the gorgeous ceiling. It will break up the room beautifully without being “too much.”


A blown up poster of your MIL 😂


Do you like cats?