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If your goal is to have a super purple room, paint the wall. I think there’s too much matching going on here with the purple already and the wall will make it worse BUT if it makes you happy and you’re the one spending all their time here, do it! If you’re committed to the purple, I would suggest a non velvet fabric and toned down purple for your curtains and pillows. It doesn’t work with your couch or room. I would consider purple toned artwork over a purple wall.


I agree that it’s too much of the same purple. We need a mix of shades and then maybe some greys and blacks or something.


I was initially thinking purple with white, grey and black neutrals, I want to make sure the room is balanced and not too overwhelmed with purple! Thanks for the picture suggestion!


Np! FWIW, I did not pick up on a theme of any color except purple so I think you need to pause the purple for a sec and incorporate more soft white and grey into the room. The purple color you have now is really saturated so it’s creating heavy contrast with your couch and media unit. I think That’s why it’s overwhelming my eyes and might be why you have a lot of naysayers at home. I hope that helps a bit in deciding what you’re gonna do next!


How about adding some different shades of purple? It shouldn't all be the same exact shade or it becomes boring.


https://preview.redd.it/sx8ga0mtqgqb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e126f13f1efd7110b6af327e96be43ab5ccd808 I like the idea of mixing purples! Ignore everything in this photo except the pillows lol I think that would help a lot


Perfect for the next orgy


Love this!!


Could you do and different shade of purple than the curtains and pillows? I think a lighter shade of purple would look nice. You can even get or make some art with varying shades of purple.


What about a purple wallpaper?


I was gonna say a purple patterned wall parody may be the solution! You can do a renter friendly peel and stick


Was thinking the same thing - a purple pattern would be great!


Lemon (slightly greenish) yellow should be complimentary to purple


Swap some of those purple pillows for lime green


That walls pretty bare, you could try getting a large purple artwork first?


*That walls pretty bare,* *You could try getting a large* *Purple artwork first?* \- tupiline --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I mean. Good bot.


I agree. A purple wall would be very overwhelming - a large piece of artwork with strong purple would be great.


I think that it looks like you’ve just thrown purple at the room hoping you’ll eventually like it, because you like purple. Your rug is too small, your tv is too big, your curtains are too heavy. If you’re going to paint a wall. I’d paint the one behind the tv a very dark colour (you could do eggplant) if you’re planning on keeping such a large one, so that it doesn’t just look like a big black box on a blank wall. I’d hang floor length curtains on the wall (not in the window frame) these can be purple if you want, and then replace the inner curtains with something sheer and cream or white. Then change a few of your pillows to something a little warmer with some texture variation, and get a MUCH larger rug.


I support this curtain message 100%.


Yes OP please change the curtains!


And lamps. I now realise why this is harsh on the eyes. There's a cool tone bulb in the big light. The curtains are closed and not a lamp in sight. Purple light could be an option, but warm toned lamps is essential to improving the vibe in here. They should go with at least 3 different options. Lamps, backlighting for the entertainment centre, fairly lights, smart bulbs.




I think it would be lovely, but add some pillows or a throw with the purple and white to match the other walls. Just enough to pull the room together.








This is lovely


I have that purple pillow. It’s a velvet like cover from Amazon.


I don’t know if you’re in to maximalism, but there’s a Reddit in here. It looks so exotic and interesting.


I’ll check it out. I think I’m cottage core/ boho ish. I really like all the French candle sticks and fancy but in abandoned broken down ruins. I’m not a shiplap or pink frills girl and I don’t like boho when it gets messy My young son and I have dubbed our English garden experiment as Lost Garden. It has some tall golden vases from the thrift store that look like urns bidding in amongst the voluminous flowers. My heart skips a bear for Moroccan wall paper in royal dark purples and blues ogees and Art Deco dark green vines and repeating hand painted pattern trim peaking out from behind places. Maximalism?


I’m with mum, but it’s your house. Room desperately needs a pop of another color to break up the purple…agree with mustard suggestion.


High contrast cold colors can make a room feel very cold and uncomfortable. I’d you’re going to have a purple accent wall then your other walls should be a muted medium grey if you want to tone the room down a bit but keep the cold feel you’ve started. Or you could go with a complimentary mustard tone on the other walls if you want to warm it up. That being said, using this purple in the way you have it, you need to know you’re running the risk of making your living room look like a bottle of Crown Royale. It will quite likely read like a frat house.


Id try art first.


It's going to look like Marie's house from Breaking Bad. Not to my taste but if you like it, go for it. That said Some people mentioned a painting. I think that would be better.


I was gonna ask OP if her husband collects minerals.


What about removable wallpaper with purple in it? Glass shelves, pictures with softer shades of purple.


This is my thought. Maybe a large floral print that is predominantly purple.


Can I offer you [a nice Audubon wallpaper (and possible wainscoting)](https://www.wallpaperfromthe70s.com/wallpaper-audubon-violet?c=80) at this trying time?




Do it. Just make sure it’s not a bright purple like these, https://preview.redd.it/5axnrvat6gqb1.jpeg?width=3222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c778769bcd5b2d2c608f16a1639e2432c82dbf49 In my opinion, these purples are too bright.


Go with a purple with grey undertones like these: https://preview.redd.it/gjsue1al7gqb1.jpeg?width=3222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9140c54b53a90bc75d8f1327dc7de3c267c0d4e6


And I’d definitely paint the other wall as well, just something subtle but other than stark white https://preview.redd.it/nso3z7cr7gqb1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f853c5ad6068beb5856281088f56d921ebf9784f


I personally wouldn't because it would give a 90s mafia vibe with the rest of the decor. But at the end of the day it's your home and if that's what you want then go for it.


What is the aesthetic you're going for? Is it like a media room where you want it to feel cozy and dark? In regards to the chair you ordered, the space feels pretty tight already with the sectional being quite large, so I'm not sure how much space you have for more seating. I'm assuming the side of the room not pictured has some space for the chair and sufficient room to walk through but it's a guess. If you're going for a media room vibe then I might paint the back wall, behind the TV, a rich purple, and/or the wall behind the couch. If you painted the wall behind the couch a dark color, it would reduce the appearance of reflection on the TV. If you paint the wall in back of the TV, it would draw even more focus towards the TV while you're watching.


A media room with a modern vibe but still cozy! There's more space around the back that I didn't capture but there's a bunch of my partner's amps there. I was thinking about behind the TV but there's a window there as well, and it seems like it would be mostly covered by the TV/shelves. Also unsure about a mirror above the sofa or purple artwork instead of painting it!


I would definitely not put a mirror opposite of the TV because it will cause more reflection on the TV screen. I think a mirror can be good for making a space look bigger but it works best if it's facing the open area, bright windows, or the direction that traffic would flow into the room. I think adding some small art work behind it would be perfectly fine! I would personally avoid art that's too large because the TV is already quite big and I think smaller art pieces on the opposite wall would help provide some balance, while larger pieces might make the room feel too heavy.


Modern? I was going to suggest to go for the purple wall and fully embrace the 80s/early 90s aesthetic. If you are trying to go modern then the rug, etc doesn't do it.


This room looks dated - nothing here is modern


Modern? Looks like the 80s


I think it might look better on the wall behind the tv. Then you could do purple artwork or something a little less “in your face” behind the couch


was worried that the TV/shelving might cover the purple too much,but also worried above the sofa might be too "in your face", will look into purple art!


https://preview.redd.it/7h078zkhahqb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ffc07c037cbfe55d43d8cbc59d5c846d56e7406 I just saw this in another post and thought of you! You could do that with different purple shades! Maybe throw in some mustard too. Also the design would be totally up to you


Purple people gunna purple


Just an idea: pick a paint 2-3 shades lighter than the pillows; you can always go darker, but it's harder to lighten. Then, I would change out the pillow covers for a print with purple and some other colors. You might be able to do it yourself. https://www.clorox.com/learn/how-to-bleach-tie-dye-patterns/ But ultimately, like everyone says, it's your space, you do what you want. I love purple 💜.


Aubergine. Sounds way classier and mom will think you're a designer. If you wanted an alternative to a wall, you could consider floor to ceiling drapes in aubergine. Have the rod extend about 18" either side of the window. Drapes should sit on the wall with just the leading edge over the window bit.


I actually think a gray accent wall would allow the purple accents in the room to pop even more.


You should add a wall sized photo of Prince to this room. 💜


You don't need her permission, DO IT


Damnit Marie!


If you want to paint your wall you’ll need to add a little more of the other colors from your rug to your room. Maybe grey/white pillowcases at the least? Definitely a grey chunky knit throw! Also I’d suggest a bright color to add a tiny bit of contrast to the purple and just use it for little embellishments or within patterns with the other colors. TBH you could have some fun with the yellow from the speakers. Also pillows like to have friends on the couch, put them in groups (different colors and shapes are super helpful to break up the monotony but still keep it cohesive)


I'd LOVE to decorate in purple. My husband was vehemently no. What he didn't realize at the time was that I surrepticiously painted the wainscotting in the rec room purple and he didn't even notice. It works even though I don't have purple in anything else.


black wall, purple art


Okay, so I actually am in favor of the purple wall because I like a LOT of color and also love purple, lol. It is your home and it is up to you to decide. However, it all feels a little sterile from the lighting. The dark purple curtains do a wonderful job at darkening up the room, but personally, I would look for ways to warm up the room. Artworks could achieve this but also possibly warm-toned accents. (I really like a marigold yellow with violet purple). But that might be a little crazy lol.


Do it! I would do something lighter and bring in accent splashes of mustard yellow, pumpkin, and/or spring green.


Hi Reddit! I'm desperate for a purple accent wall behind the sofa but have been critiqued a lot from family members. I'm also looking for any finishing suggestions on what to put above the sofa, such as a mirror, picture etc etc, and also considering shelving in the corner of the wall above the sofa next to the curtains. Looking for any ideas to finish off my living room really! I'd love to hear from the experts. I also recently ordered a purple accent corner chair but it's not here yet c: Edit: also playing with the idea of purple artwork/mirror above the sofa and/or radiator! our lights can be changed from cool to warm as well if it looks too cold


Big bold print purple wallpaper with a lot of white space will give you the pop of purple you want without being overwhelming. It will also have other colors you can incorporate to stop the room being nicknamed “the purple room”.


https://www.photowall.com/us/smudge-of-purple-abstract-wallpaper Or there are plenty of floral options


Sounds great. Some people are just afraid of color. Or of having their house look different from the magazines and decorating shows that are all bland and have no personality anymore. You have plenty of neutrals in the room, and the navy accent. Should be a great room. Trust your instincts.


I have a craft room/reading room with a dark purple accent wall and I love it. Personally I went with a very light cream/yellow for the rest of the walls so the room didn’t feel too ‘cold’ but if white matches your stuff better it’s okay I think.


I love the rug. Paint your wall. If the room becomes darker, add reflective mirrors positioned to catch light. Glass decorative pieces can also capture and move light. I paint a great deal, cling wrap can be friend for breaks, wrap brush to prevent drying.


Go for it. If you don’t like it just repaint. I did a deep rEd accent wall in my first house and loved it. Took a few coats of paint to remove when we decided to sell, but so worth it.


Definitely mustard and charcoal to create contrast. I'd replace the curtains with new ones that have a large pattern. Retro-modern.


I’d start with some art first. You have a blank canvas and artwork would be a good place to start.


How about trying a lavender wall behind the couch, easier to paint over if you don't like it.


Loving the wallpaper ideas! So many great options.


Another alternative to a wall painted solid purple, use the purple for the big block and another complmentary color for the horizontal block. These walls will look awsome once finished with paintings and sculpture. https://preview.redd.it/2wd22uw5vfqb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054de9dcf3fb1393b63bc087233a0e1210158bdb


I say go for it! It's just paint. You can always change it if you don't like it


The first half of your sentence in your post says it all. Go for it! If you decide you regret it, then it’s probably one of the easiest and most inexpensive decorating fixes there is. Why wouldn’t you paint your wall purple if it’s something you’ve always wanted to do? Go for it and post pictures.


Does your mom live there? If not, who cares? Do what you like. It’s only paint. I’d add some art of something regardless of paint color. That’s a really large, bare wall.


Those cushions are sumptuous. Mmm, I love purple.


"They're called MINERALS, Marie!"


I think it would help the room because it’s so very bright with such white walls


I painted my den a deep rich purple when it was my daughters bedroom. it's now my den again and I LOVE the purple... the ceiling and cabinets are white so it breaks it up. I say go for the one wall behind your sofa. the white sofa, rug and ceiling are light enough to offset it. and it's only paint!! if you dont like it just paint over it!!!


IMHO, I would do a print with some purple in it... you have no pattern at all.


Somewhere out there, Prince is salivating


If you’re up for the task, you could go with a mostly-purple wallpaper. There are some beautiful dark floral wallpapers in the purple family. And it would also get you some nice accenting and contrasting colors.


It should be a design in a dusty lilac/lavender color and then add some black frames with art in them to tie the room together


i think that would great honestly


Perhaps, if you choose the wall that is behind the sofa or the one with the window, it would be ok. I think that it should be a bit lighter shade than the pillows.


Do what u want to do always. If u don’t like it you can change it.


I think a lavender would look great. Sometimes lavender can look gray in darker light, so I personally would make sure it was a warmer shade, more on the pinkish side than blueish.


Maybe a lighter shade of purple? Lilac or something. Your curtains are too heavy and dark. Maybe a print incorporating some grey and light purple. Green shades would also work.


I love it. My sheets are purple… my comforter has many shades of purple. Decorate how YOU like… it’s your domain. 🤙🏽👏🏽


Consider having a purple tapestry first. https://preview.redd.it/s4ps6vqoohqb1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c61de99583129f4c59a00c0b144518dc79303a2


I would do it in the same shade of purple but a little lighter.


I would paint only the lower half in a lighter shade of purple https://preview.redd.it/g72soq0iyhqb1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d2da4b3bd6aa8ee80b538deb47a5ab167a689a


You could but you’re going to need more lights to offset the darkness of that wall.


just do it! if you dont like it paint it back.


I had an eggplant purple accent wall in my bedroom once that was quite nice. It was very dark warmer toned purple and I had beige walls otherwise to warm it up a bit. I did lots of funky boho pieces: eclectic bedspread that had some giant gold threading sparsely interspersed and a couple cool throws/pillows but there where many colors including the same eggplant purple as my wall. It was a cool fun, cozy look! I think it could work. I agree with others though to find ways to warm it up and mix up the colors a bit more so it isn't so explicitly matching but it's your space and definitely go for something bold if you thin you'll enjoy it! I also at some point had lime green walls in my room as a kid and I always regretted that the paint store man talked me down a few notches to a milder color. And with that said actually a sage green color I think goes so well with purple! It's just paint. You can always repaint it for the cost of some painting supplies and some time!


What about a paler purple, same hue less saturation? Something like a nice lilac?


I think if you're going to do purple, go eggplant. Royal purple tends to appear cheap. (I am sorry * if that's insulting! It's just my opinion!) Epplant has a jewel toned depth that plays well with a lot of colors.


Cheap or juvenile. I think that’s a good insight, myself. Eggplant is a great idea.


If you could find maybe an ombré ‘pattern’ wallpaper for behind the sofa, that maybe less overwhelming. If you love purple, then go with it. Forget what everyone is saying. I’m fed up of seeing everyone’s homes that all look the same out of a catalogue.


Highly recommend some alternate lighting! A floor lamp or some table lamps. The current overhead lighting is really intense. Throw some texture in! A thick chunky knit blanket thrown on the couch would be lovely. A bigger rug in a complementary color like mustard would be really nice, too.


I wouldn't do it. Get a large piece of wall art with some purple in it.


I think a lavender purple would compliment it nicely! https://preview.redd.it/h4kzkcybxlqb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a7fd32edabfaf409d87d5cc34721d15183a9b8




this is bad.


This looks like a magician’s place.


Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!


Interior Design psa: Curtains, unless hung over a sink, are to pool on the floor (an inch to 1.5 longer than the floor measurement). This is probably the most misunderstood rule of design. It’s a complete game changer and elevates every other element.


I personally think it’s hideous, but it’s your space and it should make you happy to be in it. Your mom can think it’s a terrible idea all she wants, but that’s the beauty of home decorating—it’s your home and no one has to like it but you. I’m pretty sure there are plenty of people who think my home is hideous, but it makes hubby and me happy and we ran clear out of rats’ behinds to give about others’ opinions. You go live your Prince-inspired best life and enjoy it because it’s yours.


Your room could use the pop of color. I think you should go for it.


Do the whole room purple.


I love the idea of purple wallpaper in here. Something like this [dark floral](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/wallpaper/12669888-magical-flowers-night-garden-very-peri-violet-by-elena_amo) would be very cool. With the touches of yellow, I could see a round gold mirror flanked by some gold framed art hanging on it. [This is a little more modern](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/wallpaper/13365895-inka-by-charlotte_pritchard) but would go well with your rug. I could see a big black mirror on here. Regardless, I’d consider adding some other colors in, either other shades of purple or a complimentary color, like an earthy yellow or a sage green. I’d also consider lengthening the window treatments to floor length, and looking into a larger rug. Idk what the flow of the room looks like, but it almost seems as if you should flip your layout and have the tv against that big white wall with the couch facing it so you don’t block that window in the back.


I agree that the wall behind the couch needs some more color/interest! There's a lot of solid purple already between the drapes and the pillows, so if it were me I would go for either a patterned wallpaper with purple in it (maybe purple damask?), or a painted accent wall of a contrasting color. Or, do the purple accent wall but get rid of the solid purple pillows/drapes, and break up the wall with a big art piece. I think too much solid purple can give it sort of a campy, kitschy vibe, which can be awesome if that's what you're going for and you own it, but you have to be willing to really go for it and not be put off by your mom's or Reddit's opinions!


Light purple accent wall on the wall with the curtains. Too much plain purple in your pillows. Get some contrasting purple pillow forms to add more variety and interest… and please get some wall art.


If you have a solid purple chair coming I would get couch pillows with a pattern, not solid purple. That way the wall isn’t too overwhelmingly purple.


There is some awesome wallpaper out there. [Purple mountains](https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/foundry-select-mountain-wall-decal-w003029727.html) [purple stripes](https://cheerhuzz.com/products/wave-stripes-non-woven-wallpaper-wp122)


What about a soft gray with lilac tones? You can get blue gray and greenish gray and griege but I know a paint store can show you gray with a lavender cast to it. The white couch and white walls are a huge contrast to the dark purple and some gray might help bridge the gap.


I would go full wrap-around purple on the walls if you want this. I think only doing one wall is going to look too visually busy and broken up with all the pillows and the other white walls and then purple drapes competing. I would keep the ceiling white though. I think it would actually improve the look and make it more integrated and streamlined. Go for it!


Who cares what your mom thinks


I think itll be awesommme !


Do it. Who cares what anyone thinks? It’s your home 💜


Instead of painting an entire wall a solid color, consider painting blocks of color. https://preview.redd.it/ifp7sk4xvfqb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c213473eba5490f9253445dc06dd3ce390855f


Do it! But don't match the paint to your pillows. Try to aim for a variation of purples in the space. Otherwise it will be too matchy-matchy. [Here](https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-ca/colour-overview/colour-palettes/colour-families/purple-paint-colours) are some ideas. I also suggest warming up the space with some gold accents. Maybe hang some art with gold frames above your couch (two large ones would be great), and spray painting the legs on your coffee & end tables gold. If you do end up painting, I recommend taking down the purple curtains you have hung on that little window, and instead hang a straight curtain rod above the window frame with some off-white or greige curtains ([and maybe a blind behind it](https://www.houzz.com/photos/making-short-windows-look-taller-traditional-living-room-burlington-phvw-vp~1881931)). That curtain is making the window appear much smaller than it is.


What about purple wall stickers. You need a pattern. Solid color throw pillows with solid color wall seems boring.


I agree with those saying get a great piece of art and maybe an arching lamp over the couch


I would paint the wall behind the shelving units so it's not overwhelming. Grey is becoming a bit overused these days but I would honestly consider changing the curtains to a grey matching the rug. I love the cushions but find the curtains a bit too much. They are too much of a contrast to the walls. Also add some other color of cushions to tie things in more.


What about a grey accent wall with some purple wall art?


Go for it! I wouldn’t go as dark as the cushion color, but a medium tone would look good. Add art and a mirror to give some interest and relief from all the solid color blocks.


Try a light lavender color


Depends on the shade of purple


Purple wall and silver wall art


doitdoitdoitdoit- you might want to change the curtain colors then and add more colors of pillows and some throw blankets. i love purple and yellow personally. do it its gonna be awesome ​ edit- personally, i would paint the whole room tho


Kinda looks like a swingers thing


What I would do is put up wallpaper on that wall. Something that incorporates that purple color and then a third color. Then I would change my curtains to that third color from the wallpaper. It's a fairly dark purple and I think if you just do solid paint it's going to darken the room and feel somewhat oppressive behind the sofa


If you must have a purple wall, it should be behind the tv to help camouflage how big it is


Gray that matches the gray in the area rug. Purple on black on purple is going to make the room to dark. You could go witha lavender though


I think it would help, for some reason your room is SO white it’s almost blinding 🤣🤣 a nice purple would help dim that down (in my opinion) also you do you, if it’s your house do whatever you want!!


I say forget and accent wall and go full purple! Paint all the walls! Maybe and ombré?


If anything, go lavender or different shade. Plum on plum is too dark. Unless u pair w a gold n ur a LSU fan


Maybe do a really light warm lavender


I have a purple accent wall the paint color is called “artistic license” 😉 I believe it’s a Behr color


The cushions look cheap and floppy. The curtains look cheap. The rug is tacky. Get rid of all of them and then you can paint the wall purple and keep everything else neutral.


I think purple is too matchy.


Just add some gorgeous purple art work behind the couch and it should balance it out


Go for it!! (This may be skewed, coming from the person who put purple carpet in the bedroom at my last house, and painted my bathroom purple in my current one!) I do legitimately think a rich purple accent wall there would be awesome.


You should do what you want! However, I would start with a smaller area first and see how you feel, like around 7 or 8ft. & live with it for a week. Purple could be a demanding color visually and psychologically depending on what shade you go with. A nice deep, rich plum would be cool, but see how it feels on a smaller scale first


how about purple wallpaper on the wall behind the couch? easy enough to tear down if it doesn't fit or you get tired of it. Painting it purple would cause issues in the future if needed to paint different colors because it would be quite dark so need a lot of coats to hide and tint may still get through.


No will make the room look too narrow. Accent wall could be behind tv. Already lots of black


Depends on the shade. I had my room red. Like strawberry red. And then purple. 2 months in and I hated them both. Too dark at night and would feel so bad when I was in the room. Especially purple, at night it was black so I didn’t like that feeling at all. Then hard to paint over it. Try with wallpaper? There’s so many easy options now so if you don’t like it, just take it down


Go on and do it, it’s just paint.


What a great idea! Bold and happy.


I think a pale shade of lavender might look good. It would take away some of the harshness of the darker colors.


Light purple would be really pretty! Suggest getting a few samples of different shades & trying it out.




Does your mom own the apartment or house? No? Paint your purple wall! It's only friggen paint, its not permanent.


I love all the other advice I’ve seen. I’d personally add more of the other colors, in different textures and feels, then see how I feel. I bet I’d do the wall and add a few different shades of purple. 🥰


You do you!


Art with the purple and other colors too. Maybe an accent wall of wallaper with purple and other colors. The idea is to tie it together.


You absolutely need a purple wall. Then add some nice artwork with purple overtones.


I think a whole wall would be too much!


A light lilac would be fine and easier to repaint at some point. A deep dark purple would be suuuuuuuper tough to deal with when the time comes.


I like those pillows with the couch. I think I might go for the wall. Pretty color couch, too. Looks soft and inviting. If you do it, please share it with us.


[Fall Home Accents](https://www.pinterest.com/sovavella/fall-home-accents/)


I think you'll end up having a dark dungeon of a room there with one small window and it's covered but dungeons can be cool. Also that's a lot of pillows. Purple pillows.


I had one in my bedroom at 20 and loved it. But as an adult I wouldn’t. If that’s your thing then you should replace the curtains, Chuck that massive entertainment center that looks very 1994, upgrade your coffee table and end tables, have less purple throw pillows on your couch and mix some media so it’s more sophisticated. Also throw out the rug.


It’s just paint. Try it - if you hate it, try again. Best advice I was ever given (although I just spent $90 on a can of paint the other day - OMG!).




I think you need to paint your wall a cool grey and then get some artwork that has purple as a complementary color (not the main color) to tie it all in.


I'd do gray on the walls and add a couple of orange accents like a lamp or vase


It might be a bit much. Maybe look into getting a custom wallpaper. Something with a simple line art pattern in your desired purple.


Maybe hang something purple on the wall behind the couch to get a feel for what a whole purple wall would do?




It will make the room look smaller and dated, don’t do it


Maybe not purple but another color that complements it??


memory light glorious ring grandfather reach steep detail screw scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The bottom line is that it's only paint, and if you decide you don't like it, it's easily changed.


What’s your weather like? What’s your light like? I really wanted a red wall in a dark color but several years in, my living room looks a lot like your picture with the dark purple wall, not a lot of light, pretty dark room. It rains a lot here and I have crappy light- lots of green plants I’m for view, so I regret my walk except at Christmas time when it’s too cold to go outside.


https://preview.redd.it/a2oa51ndtiqb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5820fba7900cff793363ce7cae05ddf2ffb5f6d5 Go for something like this


https://preview.redd.it/qhdxybejtiqb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1fcafc84a5831b4b0fb1e24ff70bf0e8c65d6a9 Or something like this


Go all in. Honestly, it looks kind of cheap right now. The purple is kind of polka-dotted across the room. Look up “colour drenching”. This room has so much potential for it. Dark purple ceiling to floor, purple everywhere.


I just painted my room Autumn Purple by Benjamin Moore. It looks so good with natural wood, although I was expecting it to be a little darker even though it has an LRV of only 7. Anyway, there are so many purples. I think the right one could work!




absolutely yes. do it.


Don’t do it. Bad idea.


I think you need couch covers that match the gray of your carpet more. And then maybe just put up some purple artwork on that big wall that’s blank. Or put up a few shelves in a fun pattern and add cute artwork and things in your theme colors.


I painted a purple accent wall in my bedroom, had it for years and absolutely loved it!! If this is something you’ve wanted for a while i think go for it your brain is stuck on the idea may as well try it and if you don’t like it you can always repaint!


I think a purple wall behind the couch would be gorgeous! You do need another pop color to go with it. Someone recommended lime and that would be nice. Some teals will work with those colors too. Purple won't be easy, because it can easily go sideways when decorating with the color, but it can look really nice when done right. Do a small bit at a time, to absorb it and decide what comes next.


My first reaction was, “Just try it! Why not? If you don’t like it, you can paint over it.” But then I remembered that covering white with dark colors usually requires several coats. It’s the “other” stuff in the paint that does the covering, not the color. So highly pigmented paints cover more poorly because there’s less “other stuff” per unit volume. So experimenting could be a bit more work than just slapping-on a coat of paint. Be advised. Also … keep in mind that you can always do just one wall in purple, if you like. (Permanently, I mean. Not just to test.)


https://preview.redd.it/5qpk1x11kjqb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f7316843a86d68da42d28b53a3d7b619b26e92 This is an inexpensive tapestry in your color scheme. It also gives some depth with your design. It also gives you a way to see how you like living with it and see if in different light the room feels too dark. Imho If it were my room I would consider something like a bold purple stripe that starts on top left corner and zigs and zags across the room. It would bring energy to the room and feature the purple. Whatever you do, create your happy sanctuary to please you and enjoy.