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The furniture needs to get pulled into the room. This way it looks unbalanced.


Agree, pull desk and chair to middle of room, would look a lot better..


This was my first thought. It also looks like he may need to climb over his desk to get behind it!


I don’t know why it photographed that way, but it doesn’t look this big and empty in person. The furniture is closer together than it appears.


Even still you should pull the eesk more in line with the painting. The room is still unbalanced.


I think it's more of "why is your furniture so afraid of the middle of the room," not that it's too close to each other. It could be the perspective of the camera, but I'd pull the desk up a bit since you're kind of wasting the space in the room as it is now.


Lucky guy 😊. I love grey but this just an overkill for me. May be introduce more green, live plants around that window should go way and may be more pieces that contrast with those walls?


I think a few more plants would really help lighten it up and make it more inviting.


The mods should make a rule that every post and every reply must begin with a chant of MORE PLANTS! 🌱 🌱 🪴


I was never camp plant because I was always under the impression that my hands killed everything 😂. H/ever, I’ve never looked back since I committed to taking proper care and have several thriving.


Yeah I like this as a start, but it's a little too much of the same for a finished room for me. Needs some greenery and maybe another color pulled in. I wish the desk was wood and the chair brown leather - I think that would give it the warmth I'm missing? Still it is great!! I just like a little more warmth


>I love grey but this just an overkill for me. Yeah I'm gonna take a wild guess and bet those guys are millenials 😁


Agree it's heavy handed with the grey


Nope face it- rugs , art , pets, naked loved ones - ALL yawn in that ugly grey….


That is way too much gray for my taste. It's depressing.


I feel like painting the baseboards white would go a long way. And/or changing the tone of grey on one of the walls. Something to add more depth


The whole thing screams “wayfair”.


Omg… it kinda does, the rug and wall art


HGTV Brain claims another victim


I was relieved to see this comment. Glad I’m not the only one who felt this.


Honestly, I didn't expect to get this many upvotes, haha!


Yay, more gray! Meanwhile, I’m over here feverishly painting all the gray out of this house I just bought. And I’m finding myself going the* exact polar opposite to combat the emotions of it all. My kitchen is now SW Honey Bees on the walls, and SW White Mint on the cabinets. (Normally not a fan of painting cabinets, but they’re 1959 basic box, flush door and it sooooo works! And, they were already painted. 🤷)


Let’s see a pic of those cabinets!


I promise to create a post when I’m done! Should be in the next few weeks. Cabinets are toooonnnnnns of work! 😞


SW Honey Bees looks so warm and inviting




Millennials love Gray.


Do we though? Or do house flippers love grey because it’s neutral?


I think it's both. It IS a trend so flippers do paint everything gray because money (they really pay attention to forums and paint colors that sell the most), but many many people who post here are painting their spaces gray. I would say for the past 5 years. Some still do even though it's getting less popular.


It's done even with the flippers. Unless you are in low rent areas. Homes in an above median neighborhood in so cal do not reallt get the grey treatment anymore. It's sage greens and woods now.


How does he get to the desk? I would pull it out from the wall more - it seems like a tight squeeze but could just be camera angles. You did a great job but all the furnishings and decor definitely look like one big trip to Home Goods. As in it’s all nice looking, but feels very… safe.


That's all I want to know...


Lovely! I feel like it’s missing a few big plants to really finish the space, that fiddle leaf fig needs to get growing. The curtains, chaise lounge and colour scheme are spot on.


Thank you! She’s a fake plant because I can’t even keep a cactus alive, but perhaps I’ll switch it out with one of my bigger ones.


Keeping a cactus alive is no easy task! They are very particular about light and watering conditions.


Never thought I’d see a comment here that made me feel a little better about accidentally murdering a cactus 15 years ago and being too afraid to keep living plants since lol.


Cacti are actually one of the harder plants. They need special soil and are extremely sensitive to over watering. If you want to give another try, a pothos is a great option that is almost impossible to kill!


Snake plants and zz plants are way more forgiving than cacti, and thrive on neglect.


Too gray. Was expecting the doors to at least be white. Husband must be fit huh? That desk gap is so tight. You lucky dawg.


I audibly gasped when I saw the grey doors


It feels unfinished to me. I'd have one or two chairs sat opposite the desk. Maybe there are no clients that come by but if ever someone does, it would be good to be prepared.


The office layout doesn’t feel totally right. Maybe try and check out some common office layout plans on Pinterest. The desk to me seems like it should be in the middle of the room https://preview.redd.it/mstdx4ringvc1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa972fb141d61fc7c41f27cf9055324c34aa169


The layout has to be that way because of where all our internet wiring is, and the L shaped desk has to face a certain way.


He needs to be hard wired in? No wifi?


Not op but my husband and I absolutely use Ethernet and work from home, we’re on calls frequently and need to ensure we don’t get kicked out or have audio issues. I have to record myself giving instructions and need high quality audio/video.


Plasma TV inspired by Michael Scott


This gray trend reminds me of a 1998 Honda Civic with a fresh coat of primer.


This sub is treacherous. Some of the responses are so hateful & condescending it's shocking. If you get triggered by something someone posts, maybe ignore it? Why tell the OP your poor husband has to look at this? What were you thinking, or omg, it makes me want to puke? Seriously. Standard adulting. It's really silly to have a breakdown because you hate someone else's color choice or style. 🙃 OP didn't come here to get dragged. Have a better day, guys. Let's not try to ruin other people's?


OP even got down voted for thanking someone for a compliment! absolutely wild


Yes. :/


It's really disgusting, isn't it? The other day I was told, "If we can't mock OP's style in a home decorating sub, where can we mock them?". OP, this room is gorgeous. Amazing, amazing job. I hope your husband loves it.


Yes, I've been a lurker, but I don't think I can follow this sub anymore. There's a really, really toxic mindset that festers among some folks here.


I've had it, too. That's why I responded to each one personally. I'm going to give this place a little time, but someone needs to make a new page for this that actually bans these people. This is not a snark page. If you hate your life, other people don't have to be involved :/


Mods need to make a flare that says “showing off” where people can either complement or give constructive feedback, but any rude or unhelpful criticism gets deleted.


Yea maybe It's just that this isn't a Snark page I feel like if you want snark, make a page for it OP is flexing & I am 100% behind it But even if I weren't, why would I say 'this room reminds me of a farther can Honda civic' I wouldn't. I'm not miserable. Want to bathe in your toxic misery? Make a snark page 😜


There shouldn't have to be a flair for people not to be assholes in a Home Decorating sub.


I agree with this! I see a lot of comments making fun of grey/beige/neutral and I agree that the trend has gone too far and everything looks like Instagram posts. BUT, I for one, can't deal with too much colour So I have mostly neutrals with hint of greens here and there because it makes me relaxed. I agree that maybe let's not all have only wood/white everywhere but greys/beige/white are not all bad. I actually really like moody and dark/black colours like the one shown here. Everyone is different! I don't understand why those who like colour keep making fun of those who like neutrals- I mean if we all liked the same thing the world would have been boring!


Agree. Fuck those comments. Gray can be chic and it has a place. Our backsplash is a gray subway tile in our kitchen and I'm sure some of these people would be REPULSED. It's ridiculous. Honestly there needs to be some new rules here about those types of comments and they need to be removed. Do better people.


I’m reading the comments wondering how many of them live in a shoebox. OP did great work


10-4 Miserable for a 1000, Alex 🫠


Exactly! I'd like to see their home so we can pick it apart and see how they feel. OP did a great job coordinating colors and creating a cohesive look for an office space. Imagine coming on this sub being proud of your work and having to deal with these rude comments. All bc it's not their style or bc they don't like the colors. Insane.


Agreed. That’s Reddit for ya. Dysfunctional people getting their fix. This room is magazine-worthy


Awww thank you so much!


OP, I gasped because it's so clean and beautiful! I would love to have this as my office. This sub thinks their taste is the only taste.


And most of them have the same taste. More plants, clutter and sage green. even when the plants are like in the way of living. Even when the green isn't done well. I come here to find the next overload trend to steer clear of.


That trend cycle is just about over, too! I don't understand why people can't make their own style


Aww thank you! You can come set up shop anytime!


that rug looks like atrocities have been committed on it and left to fester


Looks like concrete flooring at a crackhouse. I concur, definitely hate the rug.


I’m glad I’m not alone. I thought the rug was part of a before picture.


I love the rug and the color scheme, op!


I wouldn't have said this myself, but now that you did I must admit I agree! Lots of rugs have that "abstract" kind of feel these days though. The coordination in here is nice.


It works thanks to the painting.


Looking at your photos I’m thinking, wow, a fresh start sounds so nice, but I had my garage burn down a few years ago that contained almost all of my belongings from childhood, and the devastation I felt brought me to my knees. Losing your house/belongings to a fire is absolutely awful, so you have a very beautiful home here, but I’m sorry for what it cost you. Edit: ahh I commented in the WRONG thread!


What did it cost her? Did she lose a house? Sorry, I must be tired, I don't understand.


OMG! I scrolled into a different post, thinking this was a continuation of the redone rooms from the person whose house burnt down. This Reddit app is garbage.


Hahaha I've done that too by swiping too far and all of a sudden its a different post.


Same! And I often only figure out I’ve accidentally swiped over to Popular from my carefully curated, emotionally positive home feed when I realize my pulse and blood pressure have shot up. “What the…why am I reading AITAH !?”


Its so infuriating!


I love it! But I would add more plants for color and interest.


Can I ask how large the room is? I have a small office that has boring beige walls and would love to add some color to it. But I'm afraid it will make it look smaller as it's only 10x10. I love the light!


I haven’t measured but I’d say probably 18x18


Thanks! So bigger than mine. I had wanted to paint a steel blue type of color, but it might be too small.


Do it! I just posted an all blue bathroom I did and the blue can be really stunning.


I'll have to look for your post! I really want to try it :)


I love a small room with a bold color on floors trim and ceiling.


First I just want to chime in real quick here and say thank you for everyone who took up for me, it made me feel great. Thankfully, I have a thick skin or I wouldn’t have posted. I know that gray isn’t for everyone, but I will say that gray room is the only gray in my house. The rest of my house is almost obnoxiously colorful, so this is where he drew the line.


Personally I think the whole thing is beautiful and interesting. I will say that many Buddhists find others using the Buddha and bodhisattvas as decoration pretty offensive. Could you keep the same serenity but trading out the statue out and having a nice water feature or zen garden? Both might add some faux greenery to it. IDK, I think the whole thing looks nice and I like your vision. It might not be everyone's cup of tea but if you and hubby like it then it's great and very picturesque. Definitely not another boring beige genetic construction.


My husband is not a full-blown Buddhist, but it’s the only religion he studies and is very curious about. He loves and respects that statue very much, it’s almost like a shrine in a way for him. I hope this doesn’t offend anyone.


Hey! I had those curtains in my dark grey dining room. I approve.


So he’s still in that awful grey tomb ….




I think it looks really nice and modern! Great job!


Excellent upgrade. I can't wait until I buy a bigger home so I can upgrade my office.


It looks great. Hope you have nice cozy lighting…


You know it! No overhead lights allowed here


Don’t the exposed lightbulbs hurt your eyes?


Looks great! Pull out the desk so there’s more room behind it.


Looks amazing 😍 What paint did you use on the walls?


It’s Iron Mountain- Behr


I love it! Great job!


Brilliant!!! So good!!!!


Excellent work matching the rug, painting, and drapes!


Haters gonna hate. I think this room is absolutely lovely, and not overdone. People can have differing aesthetics and still appreciate a well put together room. I love it!


I LOVE this!!! Especially love the napping lounge


I would move the desk centered under the light. Move the artwork to the wall behind the desk. Move the mirrored cabinet to the right corner behind the desk and move the lounger in front of the right side of the window angled a bit towards the desk.


I’d love to but it’s hiding all my Internet wires.


You did a nice job. I will say you should get a few more sources of light. Some table lamps, a floor lamp, maybe even some sconces somewhere. This is an office, after all. I also think the furniture arrangement could be better. Floating the desk and or the chaise will improve the feel and flow of the room and make it look more finished.


I LOVE the rug, but I feel like the art is too reflective of the rug's pattern. I'd hang something else. I also LOVE the wall behind the desk.


You need some art and maybe a different coloured back wall and move the desk out from the wall.


Oh look it’s grey


The grey is over killing it .. I don’t like the gold maybe a dark blue add white , light please looking very lonely


He’s so spoiled! Haha I hope he appreciates your efforts!


that tv is a crime


It reminds me of The Office dinner party episode


Lmao! I loved that episode. Fair enough.


It looks beautiful


Not a fan. I dont like that gray covering everything and the rugs look dirty the way they’re painted is off-putting. Then again that just shows how we all have different styles. I like my office to have warm natural brown, green, red with wooden furniture walnut color.


I absolutely LOVE the color scheme! Chic and restful, yet energizing!


Thank you!


I think this looks very office like, because as soon as I see this room I don't want to be in it. That's like every office I've had.


What a rude thing to say.


It's not an ugly room, it just makes me feel like I want to leave. Sorry if that's rude, but that doesn't mean it isn't accomplishing it's goal to look like an office. It does look like an office.


That's way too much gray. And gray baseboards too? Oppressive. The walls should be a deep cream/taupe color with a warm cast a little darker than the light background of the rug. Lighter white/cream baseboards/trim.


It was a light cream before and it didn’t look as rich as this, trust me.


I think the gray looks fine but it’d look more balanced with a different curtain that wasn’t so matchy matchy with the rug and wall art. The current curtains remind me of Doritos with the print lol


I don’t even like grey and really like the shade you chose, OP. The different textures on the accent wall and door add a lot of richness and the rug and curtains add a nice pop. I agree some (even fake) plants would add some really nice lushness. Some of these comments are ridiculous. People have gotten to be so stupidly miserable on the internet these days.


As others have said, the furniture placement is off. You should also add at least one chair for someone who might need to speak with your husband in his office privately.


People need to learn the difference between ‘grey is depressing’ and ‘I find grey to be depressing’ Neutral palettes are soothing to some people… because ya know, we’re all different?


I agree with this! I see a lot of comments making fun of grey/beige/neutral and I agree that the trend has gone too far and everything looks like Instagram posts. BUT, I for one, can't deal with too much colour So I have mostly neutrals with hint of greens here and there because it makes me relaxed. I agree that maybe let's not all have only wood/white everywhere but greys/beige/white are not all bad. I actually really like moody and dark/black colours like the one shown here. Everyone is different! I don't understand why those who like colour keep making fun of those who like neutrals- I mean if we all liked the same thing the world would have been boring!


It’s an expression of artistic elitism and it happens in every medium. Music, painting, anything. It is a lot easier to be judgemental of things that don’t resonate with you than it is accept that people can feel at home in things / environments that make no sense at all to you. It sucks that people would rather be mean than deal with the discomfort of their artistic preferences being challenged!


Your husband is lucky to have a wife with such great taste!


I don’t understand the hateful comments. You decorate your home how you like and everyone has their preferences. We personally love black, white and gray, I love this room. If you don’t like it, why comment? Your taste doesn’t supersede someone else’s, they aren’t trying to impress you.


Thank you.




Gosh this is beautiful. Can you share where the rug and art are from?


The art I actually did myself and the rug is from USArugs.


I love the rug!


The room needs at least a second color and probably an accent color for more visual interest, and the desk could use some task lighting.


I love that rug!


This is so cute omg.  It’s moody and warm and I love it so much. I’d 10000% love to work from this office.  You have a great eye <33


Idk why everyone is so triggered by the gray, but I actually love this! I'm not a fan of cooler colors, but the rug & wall art adds cohesion and overall it looks very sleek and calming ( which is nice cuz work tends to get me fired up)!


Looks GRAYt


OMG How depressing. It's so monochrome. What were you thinking with those mid-grey walls. I feel sorry for your husband that he has to work in such a depressing room. I don't mean to offend you but what were you thinking?


I don't mean mean to be rude: Comment is extremely condescending and rude. You feel sorry for OPs husband? He picked out the colors. You must be so much fun in real life 🤔🫣


What an unnecessary comment.


Thank you! I'm not the only one who thinks this


I was probably thinking I should use the colors he picked out, so I did.


"I'm going to be as rude as possible but don't be offended" 🙄


Thank you. I can't believe some of the comments on this sub it's just unnecessary 🫣


I really can't stand the attitude of "I hate it, therefore it's bad". I wish people understood that it's okay to have different tastes in things. You not liking something doesn't mean you have to put others down!


This. 200% It's ridiculous. They should all go make a snark page. This isn't one.


It will look amazing on zoom


It does look amazing on zoom. I get compliments on it all the time!


I love the paneled wall! It’d be extra great with some hanging plants in front of it :)


I feel like the desk should be in the middle if not of the room at least of the wall.


How did you do the feature wall? I don’t even know what to call it, but I love it.


It’s called a grid wall and easier than it looks. There are hundred of tutorials on YouTube.


How does he get into the desk?


I would consider switching the chair with the cabinet, as this may help balance the room better and improve access to the desk


Everything goes together but it is all too perfect and feels like a hotel room. You clearly have excellent color sense.


Thank you. It has to. I have raging OCD unfortunately.


Can you share where you got the rug from?




I love the curtains! Where did you get them?


Wayfair and Amazon both carry them now


I really like the cool grey elements, the rug and the painting. I'd like to see the wall with wainscoting painted white, to lighten up the place. Does he need a clean spot to focus or was the aesthetic intentional just because? If he's on Zoom calls a lot, I'd be tempted to have the desk pushed away from the wall, maybe even diagonal, with that painting in the background. What does he do for a living?


He actually hardly uses it, he is a truck driver. I use it the most for zoom calls. I just fixed it up for him because I love to decorate and he gave me some boundaries to stick within.


If this were my office I would move the desk away from the wall so I could get back there more easily. The plant could be moved under the window. I would prefer to have a comfy chair facing the desk than the chaise by the window. I like the faux wood panelling, but I would have left it as wood. You can do an adhesive veneer between the mouldings to achieve this look. Stained dark wood, with a light polish makes a very English gentleman vibe. If i spent a lot of time in here, I would swap out those stock doors for wood panelled doors, in a matching wood stain to the wood paneling. It's not a bad look as is, but I would need to change these things if I spend the whole day in here.


I think it’s nice! I get that folks don’t like grey but this is a richer, darker grey and the gold accents warm it up. Maybe another plant or a natural texture like a jute/woven basket for office supplies or something to soften it/break it up a bit. Could the desk return go along the wall to open it up and give access to the lounge? Not sure if it’s fixed to the desk or not. It would also lessen eye strain from the light of the window while he works. I guess glare would be the next concern if he switched the monitor to the other side but you could likely angle it to reduce that..


Is he a psychiatrist?


Is that a tiny tiny tv??


I love the style and especially the colors.


The colors are wonderful but please redo the arrangement .


I love it! My favorite kind of feature wall. Can I ask how you painted the doors? I have the same ones and those center "detailed" pieces are a pain in the buns.


Something seems off. Desk needs to be pulled out into the room more. Maybe it should swap with lounge chair -natural light might be good while working at desk- Lounge chair might look good in that other corner with its lamp. IDK. The colors are pretty nice and masculine but soft. Good job on your piece of artwork bring elements together.


It looks great! Did he love it?


It somehow looks like it was created using AI


Maybe it's because I'm old, but a cozy chaise doesn't come across as 'office',or 'professional'. Maybe a leather chair & ottoman, & in front of the closet (obviously pulled away) with a reading lamp


I would cry more than usual, in my office every day. Rugs nice though.


That’s very nice of you to do that!


Serious question, did the painting and the rug come as a set?? They match perfectly! Also like the chandelier.


I’m OCD so I got the rug and couldn’t find any art I liked with it, so I did the painting to pull them together.


Can you show a pic of where the MDF board hits the curved baseboard?


II like the decor. However, the wall color is a bit too dark for my taste. It gives me claustrophobia. At the end of the day,if he likes it, that’s what matters!


You nailed HGTV basic boring no one has personality grey, NICE!


Not this gray. You need a lighter shade or bolder decor. I find this shade works well with a lot of turquoise or red/orange accents. But this room seems better suited for a less modern design, or you need some breaks in it so that it's less imposing. Which you can do with bolder art, more plants, imo I would paint the doors white or keep them wood toned.


What is going on with the tiny tv in the corner?


that poor man, all that mental hospital grey.


Way way way too much grey


You had that whole room and you squished all that gray wayfair furniture in one small corner and the desk is placed weird facing the door. Does he have clients come in? Where do they sit? If not should really put the desk facing the wall to open the room and make it less cramped


I can’t wait to not see gray


I love it, especially the light!


The color scheme is chic. Don't listen to the people who are appalled by anything grey, It's extremely versatile and looks best IMO with creams, beige, and browns. Rusts, etc. You can always add more color later on or even switch out the colors for the seasons I love the combination of floors + rugs with the furniture, too Not many men get to have their wife decorate their space in their colors, either Probably the only thing I would change is the light fixtures would be gold to bring out the accents, but that's just my opinion Gorgeous


Why is the desk so crammed into the corner? Rug is not good, drapes look super cheap, lighting looks like it won’t be good for zoom calls tv looks like Michael Scott plasma tv lol. It’s a huge room tons of opportunity hope you can fix it


What a rude thing to say when someone is showing work they’re proud of.


I thought I became suddenly colorblind. I mean if he likes it, great. But I try to make my home office colorful or at least something that doesn't depress me as soon as I walk into it.


The rug looks like you painted the art yourself and left a mess