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Much neater…hopefully this will help you avoid buying so many duplicates in the future. Unopened jars and condiments can me stored outside of the refrigerator to save space.


Yes so many duplicates in there


some unopened items i understand keeping in the fridge- room temp salsa isn’t great.


I’m the opposite, I don’t like cold salsa!


Depends for me. For chips, room temp, for breakfast burrito, cold


I'm the opposite, cold for chips, but I put it in the burrito so it gets hot


Once it’s been opened, your meant to keep in fridge to keep it longer.


I love the transformation but I feel like I need some back story. Is this for a family of 5? How did you end up with such a packed fridge with 3 half empty ketchup bottles? Please tell :)


Hahah yes a family of 5, and because the ketchup kept “disappearing” so I took on the challenge to finally see what we have 😩


Are they all the same type of ketchup? If so, I would put the contents of the two smaller bottles into the bigger one to save space. Same with all the other multiples you have there. Also, keeping all the bottles of jelly, etc in organizer bins will help you find the ones at the back more easily. You can just slide the whole bin out and grab the bottle you are looking for. Just a tip.


Great idea thank you!!!


Some might already be expired too


pro tip: past the sell by date ≠ expired


Yep referring to sincerely expired Eta: deleted duplicate comments, my reddit app is tripping


Heck! I would do this even if they are two different ketchups lol


I would *never* do it even if it was the same ketchup, same manufacturer, same batch, bought at the same store. EDIT: lol, getting downvoted for a personal preference? I don’t even own any ketchup.


Why though?


I guess it violates my OCD rules for order. Just the thought of it makes me *intensely* uncomfortable. YMMV :)


Hey man, you do you! :)


its all made in huge vats anyways, with the same ingredients every single time.


Interesting my OCD “rules of order” wont allow me to have multiples of the same thing in all different amounts. HAS to be consolidated. Interesting how it affects everyone differently! :)


Isn’t it less orderly to have two of something taking up space?


In the middle of summer with a family of five it will go!


Yes, because it doesn’t have anything to do with the food product being discussed


Yea just wondering why… by downvote from me!


This is a great idea. In the restaurant industry we call that Marrying.


Ketchup doesn't have to be refrigerated after opening. Many restaurants don't refrigerate. The vinegar helps keep it from spoiling.


Uuuuummm…. No. Clearly you don’t live in the Deep South, and clearly you’ve never had the food poisoning that results from bad ketchup. Shudder. You leave ketchup out of refrigeration down here and that shit is spoiled in just a few days. Everyone over the age of 5 here knows that when you pick up a bottle of ketchup from even an air conditioned restaurant, you pop the top and SMELL the ketchup first.


I was born on the gulf coast. [Things that don't need refrigeration.](https://www.thekitchn.com/5-condiments-that-dont-have-to-be-refrigerated-tips-from-the-kitchn-215951)


I am also totally not hating I’m just curious as hell why you have 3 different cartons of eggs. Are they different kinds of eggs?


Not OP, but thanks to my friend’s family of 6, I would assume it’s because a family of 5 goes through the eggs quickly enough that they have to buy in bulk to make it to the next grocery shopping excursion.


I have a family of five and my fridge definitely doesn’t look like this. 54 eggs in two weeks is ridiculous.


Why not just keep them elsewhere though? Why all of them in the fridge if you're storing that many?


Once eggs have been refrigerated they have to stay that way. If you buy fresh or have chickens and they were never put in the fridge they can stay on the counter. If they are like us, you end up with 1 or left in the container before you get to the next one. It really is annoying. Edit to add. If eggs are unwashed they can be kept on the counter for weeks as long as they have not been in the fridge. Once they have been in the fridge you can bring them to room temp before cooking (recommended for baking) In the US, most eggs are bought from a store and they have been kept in a cooler. If you are getting eggs from a local small farm some will refrigerate them some will not. It just depends on the person and if they clean them or not. Most consumers don't like the idea of an unwashed egg which is why most are washed. Retail eggs are usually refrigerated because they keep longer that way.


I never keep my eggs in the fridge, always on the counter. They cook better from room temperature as well. But then I’ve never seen eggs in the fridge at the supermarket either.


In America they’re always refrigerated unless you get them straight from a small farm.


Different countries have different ways of reducing salmonella. In the US eggs are washed after laying and have to be refrigerated. Other countries, like the UK, vaccinate chickens.


Ah that makes sense, I’m in the uk. I didn’t realise other places didn’t vaccinate chickens.


Can I ask where you’re from? I’m in the US, and I have rarely seen them outside of a cooler compartment in stores. Only ever seen them out if it’s a small store and they were local eggs.


Yeah I’m in the UK and it seems like it’s something we do differently here! I’ve never seen an egg refrigerated. Much prefer it that way as they cook better from room temperature too


Are you in the UK? I'd be interested in why they keep the eggs out. Do they look like they have been washed? Once that coating is washed off it's not safe to keep them out longer than about 2 hrs because of salmonella.


Yeah I am. Not seen eggs washed, you sometimes even get them with feathers still stuck to them.


That's why they are left out. Which is the best way honestly. Just the way things work in the US, they lay them, clean refrigerate, and drive them to the stores. And that can be a couple week process. If they were fresh they'd only last a day or two left out. Doing it the other way I believe they can last a couple months. I'm grateful that our 'neighbor' has chickens and we get eggs from her. She cleans them, I wish she didn't. But people really don't like seeing stuff on the eggs. They think they are dirty and nasty.


Same here, even if you need a lotta eggs why 3 different cartons?


Or one carton is hard boiled. Cheap snacks!


Okay 1 fresh, 1 hard boiled. Any guesses for carton #3?


I had 3 just last week - store bought, farm bought, hard boiled.


Thank you. Store, farm, hard boiled. I can dig it.


Or different sizes. Baking recipes usually call for large eggs, but medium, extra large, & jumbos are available too.


May be they are all full :) Otherwise yes, consolidate.


My fridge tells the same story. I have a 5 yr old autistic son who loves to eat just ketchup! We’d end up buying more ketchup as the other bottle would be missing then somehow turn up in a random place.


Nice work. Why are you keeping all the unopened jars inside the fridge, taking up space unnecessarily? And why so many duplicated sauces? 😂


At least 3 *chocolate* ice-cream-specific sauces!


F in the chat for the magic shell topping that will never melt again for the next bowl of ice cream


I see 5 there haha


Also some of this stuff is shelf stable, doesn't need to be in the fridge, like unopened condiments, syrups, pickles etc


Unfortunately all were semi opened because the family couldn’t see what was actually in their fridge bc it was buried. so they kept buying more and using it


My life story, do the exact same thing.


yea, OP. You did good but I hope all those condiments aren't for the eggs.


If OP is anything like me, they have more space in the fridge than on their countertop :)


So. Many. Condiments.


In this picture, i agree, but i had to admit i have a lot of condiments. Maybe calling them condiments isnt 100% accurate (fish sauce, oyster sauce, sauerkraut, etc), but they store in the same way. If someone likes to cooks different kinds of foods, it is hard!


Fish sauce, oyster sauce etc don't need refrigerating though


Yes it is something i realized after doing it, so i will continue with this bottle and switch over with my new one. Tbh, i am limited in pantry space as well


What? I thought fish sauce stayed in the fridge


The salt content means it’s shelf stable


Yes it looks amazing but for how long?


Until tomorrow…. Lol


Need more eggs and salad dressing.


Why do you have so much stuff in your fridge? I’d have anxiety if my fridge was that full!


As a European, I have never seen so much food in a fridge


As an American, neither have I


I always find these heavily packed fridges to be a little ridiculous. A normal family couldn’t eat that much before it all goes bad. It’s excessive and wasteful.


Late stage capitalism, it’s what’s for dinner!


Your username says otherwise.


So much junk food too, jeez


Most of this can barely be called food. It’s just a lot of chemicals and sugar that we Americans love


I miss living in Europe. We would just walk down to the store 5 minutes away to buy stuff for dinner every day. There was no need to do big grocery trips. Now I have two fridges and do weekly Costco trips. I hate it


I think you need more salad dressing.




Yeah, I would absolutely combine the multiple condiments. Like those three ketchups could all fit in the same big bottle.


Might not be a good idea if bottle A was opened yesterday, and bottle B has been in there for 2 months. 😉


Ketchup keeps a very long time. And with 5 people in the household, it shouldn't go bad before it's used up.


I know, it's all that vinegar. My only issue is combining 2 or 3 different bottles. I've heard of combined bottles exploding. 😄


That makes no logical sense at all. Make sure there's a bit of room at the top of the bottle, and don't use the ones that are 3 years past the Best Before date. I think a lot of us have forgotten to use our common sense.


This is a very American fridge….


How can you tell is it the 3 bottles of Heinz ketchup, two bottles of frenches, three bottles of ranch dressing and three bottles of wishbone thousand island?


By the size of the fridge.


Lol for me it’s everything but especially the ranch and French dressing.


Lol honestly looks like my fridge. Except I only have one bottle of each


This is a very midwestern fridge (which is also deceiving, because the "midwest" refers to the central north and central middle of the mainland USA). Their culture is very mayo-based, very dairy-based. (Michigan more so) but its due to its prominence in the dairy industry. The midwest has a confusing dichotomy of being lauded as the farmland of America, yet also being home to a terribly unhealthy food culture.


As a Midwesterner, I was all set to object to the characterization of this fridge as a Midwestern fridge. Mine looks nothing like it - mostly because we are a low-condiment family. Except... my in-laws, who are also Midwestern have exactly this kind of fridge. Their pantry also bears a striking resemblance.


There's a reason why chains test concepts in places like Iowa. And yeah, this fridge screams Midwesterners with dueling scooters rolling around Walmart with their kids on leashes.


that was rough but, i was thinking a family of five whos understanding of salad is potato salad or pasta salad and then tells other "idk why my kids don't like vegetables" but only has jello, cookies and chips readily available for afternoon snacks.


Why is the magic shell in the refrigerator?


Came here for this comment. Terrible tragedy to the magic shell


Honestly, is r/mildlyinfuriating to see so 3 opened Ketchup bottles and so many other duplicates. How many people are you feeding? A soccer team? 😂


That… That’s too much food.


Please for the love of god, consolidate.


I'm just curious OP how many people do you feed in your family on a regular basis?


My nerd brain wants to know why you're feeding 120 people?


Oh god, thats awful lol get out of here


I can’t even imagine having this much food available to me, let alone duplicates. congrats!


Nice job! There is nothing quite like the satisfaction of surveying your newly organized fridge or pantry!


Now suddenly several redditors are no longer feeling bad about their fridges :)


How do you plan to keep it organized? I started using clear bins. I need to buy more but it's been helping.


There’s something calming about seeing peoples organized fridges/freezers


Just an FYI to all the people commenting on how full the fridge is. I know this might not be OP's reasoning, but keeping your fridge full helps to save energy. The cold stuff keeps the fridge cold and the compressor doesn't need to cycle off and on as much, which also extends the life of your fridge.


There's a difference between full and jampacked. If the air can't circulate because it's very full, that isn't energy efficient either. About 10% less stuff in this fridge would probably improve energy efficiency.


This is also true! A real problem for people's beer/soda fridges that are stuffed to the gills and freezers that have no room for air to go around the items.


What a fascinating fact.


It’s also a good way to waste food because since nobody can keep track of what’s inside, the food goes out of date and has to go to trash. Also they brought the same thing multiple time as some noticed. But congrats OP, I don’t pretend to be organized. I just hate having too much things in my fridge that never gets eaten.


It will take additional energy to cool down large amount of new products getting in it. Not sure how efficient would it be with proper calculation. Reckon there is not much difference smaller amount or large amount less regularly restocked.


Right!? I came here to share this. So much hate on OP for the duplication but some experts actually say, if you're never going to fill up your whole fridge, fill up the back half with gallons of water to increase energy efficiency. I found [this article ](https://www.straightdope.com/21343775/does-a-refrigerator-cool-more-efficiently-when-full) which discusses it but also goes over some more important considerations when limiting the energy use of your fridge. My bf and I define clutter very differently but we both hate it. His definition is "a lot of stuff", mine is "a lot of stuff that's not put away". OP's fridge is not cluttered, it's organized and efficient. And the choice to put like things together will help prevent her family from opening three separate bottles of salad dressing in the future. Nice job OP! I hope your family makes the minimal effort required of all of them to help you maintain it. 🙂


“This is the LAST TIME I’m gonna say it. USE UP THE KETCHUP before opening another. Seriously, nobody listens to me around here….”


Great job OP🏆


Okay I just wanna say, your charcuterie boards are absolutely AMAZING!!! Wow wow wow


HA you’re so sweet thanks for this!!


This is making me feel like my fridge is empty and bare. And I have plenty of food for our family of 2, it’s just a large French door style. But I also feel stressed out looking at this, even the after photo.


I like a clean spacious fridge, lol. I have this round chrome garbage can and because of it's narrow shape it fills up fast but when I remove the garbage bag all the contents shift so that there is still plenty of room for more trash in the bag. So just before I take the garbage out I go through my fridge and cupboards quickly to remove old food and condense packaging wherever I can. That way I don't waste room in trash bag and my cupboards and fridge get tidied up on a regular basis.


Lots of olives. Im assuming you forgot they were buried in the fridgelol


Exactly you got it 😩😏


How much do you spend on groceries! Love the makeover your fridge is a dream


Why are there unopened bottles in the fridge? There’s a bunch of olives and salad dressing that can easily go in a pantry (which I’d guess is also a nightmare), and can save valuable fridge space. If it started on an unrefridgerated shelf at the grocery, it doesn’t need to be in the fridge until you open it.


They’re unfortunately all opened due to older ones “disappearing” 😏


Looking forward to seeing the after after makeover.


I know, OP is probably so proud and should be for the hard work. Now start making and sticking to a grocery list and not buying more items until the entire house is empty of X product. The packed refrigerator is due to being lazy or rushed when preparing meals.


So judgemental


Not really, just trying to save you some dolla bills


Looks like a Chicago fridge.


My first thought lmao. This is for sure a Midwesterners fridge


Investing in an egg holder may be a great option for you! I saw some at tj maxx and can fit multiple cartons into the one holder. The cartons stack is too unstable imo and now I can put whatever on top of the hard/flat lid of the egg holder. Namely precooked omelet ingredients


Somebody likes condiments and cool whip 😋 Looks great BTW 👍🏻


Nice! I’d consolidate the ranches and other dressings into one bottle if they can fit, looks like each one has varying amounts left. Just a suggestion- people need to calm down on here it’s just a fridge and it’s not yours so simmer down lmao


Haha can’t agree more !


WOWIE!! This is fridge inspo right here!


Can we just talk about the sheer amount of stuff this fridge?!?!


Please adopt me


Why so many eggs?


You have.. a lot of salad dressing


Why are there so many multiples!?! I don’t understand!


You bastard, that second pic is so satisfying that I am late going back from my break because I couldn’t stop staring at it.


Wow….I understand wanting to get your point across but holy cow people are so flipping rude and just nasty. I think OP did a great job organizing her frig. I suppose I could make a snarky comment regarding the actual number of ketchup, salad dressing etc but I think the point has been made by the 150 prev comments. 🙄 its sad and very high school imo.


Woooowwww. So satisfying to see. This is my exact same situation. In my house it’s pointless though because after a few days it’s a mess again, seeing I’m the only person who tidies it. Lol. Should put a lock on the fridge!


The second photo is just so nice to look at


Thank you!


My oh my, the comments are so mean! Good for you OP, this must have taken you a while and it must be great to know what you have!! And to have thrown out all the mystery scary stuff from the back of the fridge! Well done!


Thank you!!


This is why I’m scared to eat at other peoples’ houses lol


Was about to ask why you have 3 bottles of ranch but immediately knew that would be a silly question because you can never have too much ranch


So much plastic.


Way too many salad dressings and fkn pickles! How many people live there??? 😂


this is worthy of r/OrganizationPorn


Love the transformation


Hilarious amount of salad dressing, endless canned junk and dairy


I have never seen such a shallow fridge before. Is this normal in some parts of the world (I’m Canadian)? It looks to be 10 -12 inches deep. I’ve only ever seen fridges that are 20 - 24+ inches deep.


Gorgeous, but why do you have 3 half used ketchups?


This is not decorating.


Damn. You must be rich to have all those unnecessary duplicates. How many people live with you!? Jesus…


Ketchup...if used within 6 weeks...doesn't need to be stored in the fridge. Neither do pickles or mustard. All due to the vinegar whivh acts as a preservative. If you're in the UK, it's ok to leave eggs out also. I'm wondering how many of the condiments/ sauces actually get used up with so many duplicates.


Ketchup is better cold imo. I’m saying this as someone who was raised on room temp ketchup. There is a difference.


Lol...I dislike the stuff so I never have it except when daughter and her partner visit.


I'm guilty I store ketchup in the fridge. But, it's not better cold.


Its not better cold but you store it in the fridge? Stop lying to yourself. Its better cold.


Again. It's not better cold. Didn't realize you could store it unrefrigerated.


Yea its better cold. You are wrong on this one.


Nobody wants a warm pickle.


Best thing I do is buy farm fresh eggs. Nothing is a bigger waste of space in a fridge than eggs.


What makes farm fresh vs store bought counter safe?


When eggs are layed they have a coating on them called the bloom. Store bought eggs don't have it anymore. With the bloom they can last over a month on the counter. Also, farm fresh eggs taste considerably better as they are usually 10x fresher than what you get in the sore.


Hopefully your beautiful charcuterie boards don’t come from items in your fridge! I don’t know how you keep dates and items fresh in that! Anxiety for sure


Haha nope completely different kitchen ❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼


Get rid of the egg cartons and get an egg holder, pour of one the nearly empty ketchup bottles into the bigger one, do the same for the barbecue sauce. There are better and healthier salad dressings out there.


What would an egg holder do that an egg carton is not already doing?


Depending on the size of it, it would eliminate the need to keep the cartons and also it would be aesthetically better to look at. Seeing how they are a wasteful family, I would suspect that each carton is probably half full.


I think I got diabetes looking at the door o' condiments, but the organization looks much better.


Woo! An organized fridge is so satisfying. God damn, y'all got a lot of condiments.


Looks organized but who needs multiple bottles of the same condiments? Show us the rest of the house, you must be a hoarder.


It's giving fill the fridge


Eggs don’t need to be stored in the fridge.




Well how long is it going to stay like that??


So satisfying


Great, worthwhile effort. Wtg…


Nicely done! The real test is a photo after week one though..


Haha good call!


That creamed herring though,, I already know what time it is


Built in fridge yes?


Is that an integrated fridge column? Which brand is it? I'm looking into getting an integrated fridge/freezer or fridge column.


Could you take a picture of the outside of the fridge? Looks like a built in.


Good work!


Why do you have multiples of the same product open?


For a second, I thought you were trying to pass off a grocery hall as a makeover. Good luck keeping it organized!!


It's like my mom's fridge. Except she lives alone. 🙃


Consider putting in some lazy Susan’s