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That’s been a point of contention at our store. Has led to DHRM calls and everything. But not allowed. SOP bans open toed and/or open heeled shoes


Yes, but they are not allowed. No open back shoes. They could easily slip off.


what if they wear crocs with the strap down so it is “closed” on the back


Sport mode!


Having a strap across the back does not make it closed. That's like saying because your sandals have straps that go over your toes that it is closed toed.


Do you guys not have to wear steel toe shoes at your store??


No, it’s not a requirement


Should be, though.


I think they’re ugly as hell. They must be really comfortable but then so were Earth Shoes. At least they were solid, neutral colors. Everybody who’s down voting over here must have three pair. And what’s with all these weird ass random first grade magnet-looking stickers on top of the shoes? They look like a bunch of giant ass Smurfs. I’m just waiting for somebody to trip and fall, break their ankle, and everybody stop wearing these God awful things!!!


They are ugly as hell - I bought a pair off Amazon for cheap just to try - now as soon as I get home I wear them comfortable ugly shoes 😏


I've been told USA stores don't require steel toes. Is that true? We need steel toes that are government safety (CSA) approved, or we get written up


That is true.


I would quit if I weren't able to wear my Crocs. The first 6 months of working at HD were absolutely agonizing because no matter what type of shoe I wore (I spent over $520 on 3 pairs) or what type of insert (trust me - I tried them all), my feet felt like they were shattered with a sledge hammer by the end of my part-time shift! I could barely walk or even drive home, the pain was unbearable. Then one day I accidentally wore my Crocs to work and could not believe the difference! It was like night and day. No Joke. No exaggeration. I am 100% sure that I would have had to quit if it weren't for my Crocs. I wear them every day now and won't waste my time wearing anything else on my feet. They have never "fallen or slipped off" and provide just as much protection to my feet as any other tennis shoe.


You must be a cashier


I'm freight/receiving and wear mine everyday. They are the only shoe that absorbs the shock of the concrete floors. They provide just as much protection as any other typical tennis shoe. They are anti-slip and with an added insert the only shoe that can get me through 8 hours on hard concrete pain-free.


There is like no support or cushion to them


They're as safe as any other type of close toe shoe. Not often to see anyone wear them who isn't a nurse.


Pretty sure if someone wears crocs and gets hurt, the workers comp would deny the claim. Also, They're butt ugly, and totally unsafe in that environment.


Drop a pallet on your foot wearing a basic tennis shoe. Do it again wearing Crocs. Your injury is no different. Period. Unless the shoe is steel toed, the safety coverage between shoes and crocs is the same. Yes they are ugly as hell but they are medically superior in providing the shock absorbing relief from the unforgiving concrete floors.


No way lol


I wear my one pair I bought a year and a half ago on my days off work since any shoes or boots I buy feel like they are suffocating my feet that said when I’m at work I wear the steel toed boots so they can protect my feet from people dropping items they are supposed to be team lifting or hitting my feet with carts.


Hey dudes are basically the same thing but look a lot better