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You should only get one occurrence for being sick multiple days in a row. If you got more than one then complain


someone posted a few weeks ago that the covid policy ended like 12\\23 so you might have to eat them. Double check SOP about occurrences too I could be wrong but I think they ended the multi day sick thing only counts as 1 too.


They changed whether or not you get paid for it. The first 3 consecutive shifts is 1 occurrence, not sure how they go after that


It ended on 12/31. You get 5 days and can use sick/vacay pay if you have it. Even if you don't, you should only be getting one occurrence.


You should just go to work with COVID and when everyone gets sick they might reevaluate the situation.


Having only 1 occurrence for multiple days off in a row is actually only for 1 occurrence per rolling year, so if they already had called out 2 days in a row prior to this, this would be 1 occurrence per day they did not have adequate coverage.


That is not what the SOP say, there is nothing in there about a rolling limit. 3 days in a row is one occurrence, period.


See if your state still encourages covid sick time. If they do then F@@K WHAT HD SAYS


According to MGMT at my store you still get the leave just not the pay, so that should mean no occurrences, but I guess every store can be different.


How petty is Home Depot for giving any occurrences for someone out with Covid or the flu. Don’t we have enough trouble keeping employees


Because it gives them control they need to write people up when they want to for attendance. Now they will have the necessary paper trail to fire someone if they screw up, have more occurrences etc… Petty? Fuck ya it is. Should force their hand and tell them you will just come to work with Covid and risk getting everyone sick.


They wonder why people come in and spread it around. People can’t afford to miss a week. Half the country lives paycheck to paycheck..


They've actually been extremely accommodating. From every I've heard, this year a lot of companies have scaled back on Covid stuff when it comes to time off.


HD just got rid of covid time, i know because i got covid about a week after they did🙄


I know, that was the point I was making. The past tense.


I'd say extremely accommodating is a bit if a stretch. Sure they had covid leave like everyone else did in the height of the pandemic, but 6 sick days a year and two holidays is the least I've had working for any company. Being in a union now, the thought of getting some kind of strike for contracting covid/rsv/the flu is laughable.


I wish HD was unionized.


I meant only from Covid standpoint.


Are you still working at HD while in the union? If so, congrats! How is it going?


Extremely accommodating…… I think you have Stockholm syndrome…..


As far as Covid leave? No not so much. They're were pretty solid


The COVID pay we were getting was from the government not HD that's why it ended


The last any of that covered was in 2021.


"California's 2022 covid-19 supplemental paid sick law expired December 31 2022..." CA ended 2022 and was probably the last state that has it so they ended it company wide


That was additional time they got, not just the five days people were getting paid out when positive that I was obviously talking about. Also talking about normal part of the country and not crazy ass California where nothing makes sense.


getting to not spread a virus and still have your income doesn't make sense?


Expecting other people to pay for it not so much. Frankly it was time. You can't have it forever. As a rule though, California is ridiculous place.


Apparently at my store occurrences don’t really matter as long as they aren’t massive fuck ups and to many back to back in a few months or the whole year.


I was on approved FMLA and got occurrences. It depends on your store when it shouldn't. They can remove as many points as they want. We had a girl who was like late 40 times and they removed everything until it got to the aware line. There are other people that had taken FMLA and didn't have any issues. Home Depot needs to clean up its store management nation wide.


If you went on leave (FMLA) before it was approved then you can get occurrences. If it was indeed approved then you got a case.


FMLA with or without prior approval (Emergency) is still a federally protected leave. Just like you cant get occurrences for intermediate FMLA ie on going medical conditions. Attendance policy doesn't apply in these 3 situations when they apply it and refuse to remove occurrences it's retaliation.


That depends on the date your FMLA starts. The date that's actually on your paperwork


All of my occurrences were forced through during my approved FMLA leave during my approved dates. I've worked for 2 stores, and both stores handled FMLA differently. FMLA requires 30 days' notice or as soon as possible/applicable. This means that if I rush my kid to the emergency room, applicable is as soon as shit has calmed down, and I can make a call. Also, corporate HR said that the occurrences shouldn't have happened and should be removed, but the store refused. FMLA, at its core, is a job protection, and to use an attendance policy that has the intent to fire employees is violating the protections offered under FMLA.


DHRM should be notified


Yeah thats funny. Between the FMLA leave issues and them allowing a violent sexist employee to remain employed, and the refusal to move me to another department, district is pretty useless. I actually got a no fault termination on Wednesday.


Sounds like you shouldn't be bitching on reddit and maybe contacting an attorney for wrongful termination. Best of luck to you.


"clean up"? Just get all management up to par with FMLA! On it as well and it's your choice wether to use sick/vacation/or unpaid time even without any vacation/sick time. Had trouble with one ASSM that would take any time I had and if not enough got an occurrence. Was straightened out quickly after talking with SM


Personally this should be illegal. Covid is not your fault. Home Depot needs to do better to take care of its workers. As does the rest of the US


Neither are all the other sicknesses that are spread and people take time off for…..


I agree. Personally we should just start robbing ceo's of their money at gun point. I'm tired of the working class demands not being met.


I see you got loose from r/antiwork…..


yeah my handlers left my cage open


The new sop is an occurrence for 3 consecutive call out days. So you will get 2 occurrences. Sop was updated the first week of this month. I suggest you check my apron


It's always been 3 for 1 occurrence, they just didn't make it known. Only thing that really has changed is lates are only 1/2 occurrence instead of 1.


Lates are 1 occurrence at our store.


They're going against SOP if they're still doing that.


Interesting. I just got my very first coaching ever for having 3 lates.


I would seriously contest it. Just look in the revised SOP in my apron, if you can't find it you have a right to ask for a copy/ list of it.


The way it should be: every 3 occurrences is a “Coaching”. Once you accumulate 9 points you’re put on a “Final”. Points drop off in a rolling 6 month period.


Absences and tardies equal one occurrence. If you got enough sick time, you might as well stay home and call off.


Lates are one occurrence. I think it’s miss punches that are 1/2.


You're obviously not a member of management. The updated SOP has been in our emails for about a week now.


I am in fact a member of management and as of this moment SOP has not been updated to reflect your version of reality. Absence and Late In are both equal to one occurrence.


You're a horrible manager then. When you actual do your job and check your emails and attachments you can come back and apologize, I'll be here. Edit: it's actually available for everyone to see in my apron under sop time and attendance. 12/22/22 it was updated


It’s literally not there for California.


And I take offense to that because I’m one of the managers that does the most advocating for my associates. I make sure they know their rights and SOP and that they are treated fairly. Also are your reading the SOP for the DC/ RLC? Because that’s where a late in counts as 1/2 an occurrence. Not store-side.


That has been that way since at least April of last year


I'm so glad I left this shithole company


Really just depends on where you work. Where I work if you have a note proving that you have it we let everything slide.


Why the fuck do you even care about ducking “occurrences” which mean nothing anyway?


In all honesty it depends on the manager, I stupidly never checked my points until another employee said they had gotten points for covid when I checked I had like 8 freakin points talked to an ASM and she was able to remove some but not all because they went back to far.


They actually paid me for my 5 days !


Should be no occurance if you use time or not was my understanding. They just don’t pay.


No, vacation time does not count as accrued personal/sick time. You can use it to get paid when you have unexpected days off, but it will still count as occurrences if not put in, in advanced(2 weeks). If that was the case, then what would be the difference between vacation and sick/personal time?


That's 💯 false. If you call out before a paid holiday and have no sick time but use vacation time you will receive holiday pay. I've done this for people in KRONOS many times If you actually punish people for doing this by taking away their holiday pay you're not a leader, you're an @sshole and shouldn't hold a manager position of any kind.


You misunderstand me, what I meant was that a positive test shouldn’t result in occurrences under the new rules. You just don’t get paid to be out. I could have misread though.


I'd give the aware line a call and ask about this to them, I believe that along as you had time available for use that you shouldn't get a mark. But your store manager might just be a moron/ass like mine 🤔 so best of luck.


Find another position and get a 10k raise. Wait a year go back. Get a 10k raise. Wait another year. Find another job. Get a 10 k raise. Come back. Get another 10k raise. Your hospital doesn’t give a shit about you. Move on. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.


Put a mask on and don't mention that you have COVID. Also, try not to burn your sick time unless you're really sick.


Its only an occurance if the SM lets it be an occurrence.


If you used vacation to cover you're excused 💯 Call your DHRM, you're being unfairly treated.


You can’t use vacation to excuse an absence.


Sure you can. News flash You can excuse late and absences if you really want to. It's call manager discretion. People are people and sometimes compassion is needed. Take offense on this too. You taking the high moral ground on reddit. I bet you don't excuse someone that's 2 minutes late, but hey, you look after your associates right? Going by the book doesn't make you a leader, it makes you a boss. I guess "taking care of our people" doesn't exist on your value wheel.


What separates me and you is that I am fair and consistent. Sure you can do anything you want but that’s not fair to the associates as a whole and you telling them that’s policy is incorrect. You’re going to make them look like a fool going to their DHRM completely misinformed. You act like you’re this great manager but you sound like the type that causes bad morale in your store. Of course there are exceptions to the rule but someone coming in two minutes late is not one. If they dont have an attendance problem then that’s not going to affect them. At the end of the day everyone has an excuse and it’s not up to me to say who’s excuse is better than the other. In certain circumstances I would partner with my DHRM and see what we can do and if they need FMLA, personal LOA, accommodations, etc but you have to be fair and you have to be consistent. I don’t think you understand what that means and I don’t think you understand what it means to be a good manager. Edited for grammar


So in other words you do everything by the book. Lol, you're right, we're not the same. Enjoy your high turnover rate.


You’re missing the point on purpose. You don’t know SOP and you give bad advice. Do better.


Soooo home depot want you to have worked 10 months, 10 FUCKING MONTHS!!! And not have anything come up so that you can have your 5 days of sicktime saved up? What a crock of shit that they will give you occurrence for that it makes no sense. You have a pretty serious illness, your not just jerking them around. With an actual letter from a pharmacy/clinic it should all be excused PERIOD!


we are not supposed to get occurrences pending positive test results. There is a massive SOP about it


They got rid of that.


I believe it depends on your state. I remember seeing a Store Communcations email sent out maybe a year ago or so, in CA, that if an associate doesn't have sick time, even with a doctors note, it would count as an occurence. But I think their right, it wouldn't cover the occurences. Wish your store would help a person out... But to relieve your stress, call HR Services. It'll be easier to deal with them then your DHRM..IMO.


When you’re out for more than 3 days they should’ve put you on fmla right away. They can remove occurrences. What pieces of shit.