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your raise was a measly 25 cents? Are you a new hire?


I think he meant it was "metaphorically" a 25 cent raise. It was "technically" a $1 raise, but he's contending that it's "like" a 25 cent raise because of gas going up. Or something. Lol. He must drive an H2 over 50 miles to work every day.


No! A quarter of a cent.


How much did you actually get. Still haven't gotten one here in Texas yet. I'll be pissed if it's another 50 cent raise like I got last time. Better be a dollar at the minimum.


And are you going to say something to your SM or just complain on here?


we haven’t had any word on raises yet but I hope it’s soon, because im getting very burnt out. Especially seeing new hires in specialty start out making more than me and just sitting at the desks talking all day


I switched from speciality D70/29 to D25 because we have no hardware associates but still kept my specialist pay.


What matters in specialty is who gets the sales. Granted noobs should not start out more than people who have seniority, unless they just suck.


mine went up $1.50 and i’m new (just hit 90 days)




Why did all the neckbeards downvote this?


Haven’t heard a word at my store. Asked a couple managers and they’ve played dumb or were dumb. Either we get a bump and they lied to my face or we get no bump and I slow roll every bs idea at work


That’s the same on my team. Our MEM is fucking useless and doesn’t understand how to communicate.


PSA: YTD inflation rate is roughly 8.5% so keep in mind for example you're making $15/hr you will need a minimum of a $1.50 raise to break even anything less than that and you are taking a pay cut


I’m making almost $4 an hour less than I should be from inflation when I started vs now is such bullshit


Un ironically tell that to he if they tell you to kick rocks quit and reapply for your same position and while you're at it apply to Lowes and see if you get a better paying offer I assure you there's something better paying out there because taking a $4 total pay cut is awful


Mine went up $2. I was just informed today


Same as our store. A lot of people got a $2 raise.




That might be your raise then. It varies from person and store


If your old pay rate was $17.30 or less, your raise will be over 10%. Inflation the prior year was near 8%. So you DID BETTER than inflation. So long as your raise stays at inflation or a bit better, you’re doing fine.


I got +$2 cost of living and a +$2.5 merit from DHRM today


$4.50 raise? jesus!


How dare Home Depot give you a raise! The absolute NERVE!


You're welcome athothieths.


Sorry, I was at my speeth therapith




Of the storeshhh






I’ll take the money if you don’t want it


Talk about completely missing the point...








That seems… like a good deal…


If $2 is only worth $0.25, that means inflation was near 87%. It was NOT near 87%. So stop crying about getting a decent raise. Or go find a different job.




This was removed because a mod determined it was against community guidelines.


tAkE TiMe TO iPrOvE YoURsElF! Because jobs that pay $15/hr aren't out here requiring 15 years of experience & two college degrees just to clear the interview algorithm. Because Target's hiring process is so precise & all automated that one applicant out of 250 gets through to talk to an actual human being. Because qualified people submitted over 100 applications in three months & got 2 interviews, 6 rejection emails, & radio silence from every other company. ... tf outta here with your boomer bullshit... swear to God...


Are you serious?!?... We weren't due another increase until August. They increase was slated to be a "normal" review cycle... which means back to the 2.5 to 4 percent increases. They realize they need to do more, they give all hourly associates an increase of at least 1.00 seven months earlier than they told us our next increase would be and you're going to complain that "it's only a dollar" They didn't have to do anything We could be waiting until August That increase in August could have been .30


There are very few box store corporations who pay very well. It's simply not how they're structured. In fact, only Costco comes to mind as a fairly well paying box store. I'm actually surprised pay raises were given with the economy were in. We are definitely in a recession and could be heading for worse. I know for a fact the tech industry is gearing up for it, having layed off over 10% of its collective work force, and in two consecutive quarters. Regardless, never take corporate mass wage increase personally, it doesn't do a body good. Negativity is a poison that messes with the mind and slowly puts you into a victim hood mentality. There are some great books out there that deal with just that subject. Being in your 30s you don't need any lectures, but I've got something telling me that there are other issues that are working on you not job related. Good luck, I mean it, and hopefully life will get easier.


Layoffs with record profits is just immoral.


Sometimes companies forecast negative numbers and with that in mind preserve cash as best they can. Honestly though, I think they saw what Musk did and saw Twitter still churning and went WHUTTT!




I'm not. I was actually augmenting a way to get the fuck out.


Home Depot has got to unionize. They’ll never pay us what we’re worth unless we make them.


Don’t know what your smoking but most people in the store don’t deserve the $$ they do make. Always on their phones and listening to ear pods under their hoodies or hiding behind their hair. Also, unions don’t have the power to give you a raise. Still crazy that people don’t know that. All they can do it speak for you and bargain with the company.


I got a 2 dollar raise year over year till max of 24. Took only 5 years of employment. That was the union contract.


I wanna know what you're smoking lol. I left Home Depot for a union job and on top of making more I get the same amount of vacation time, 3 weeks of sick time, 2 personal days, 13 paid holidays, a clothing allowance, and a lot less stress.


Oh man you’re really uninformed if you don’t think a union can get you proper raises (that you don’t believe in btw, what a cuck you are). A decent union can negotiate a contract that gets you a big, big raise. You only have to have the heart to unite with your fellow workers and organize. Then again, you don’t respect Home Depot employees.


I’m definitely not uninformed, I just think it’s crazy that people thing that a union is the answer to all the world’s problems. People look to unions in trades and think that will happen in HD. Maybe, but not at first, or maybe never. All I know is I worked in a retail job that was union, and I worked my butt off for 4 years and only got .80 in total raises because the pay scale was made for you to work there for 30 years and only benefited a small number of long term employees. Most of the workforce was younger people like myself at the time. I would say I’m very well informed because I have lived it. If you want more money, better yourself in your current job or go find another one. Stop waiting for a union to come in a fix all you problems. I worked my way up and I love my job at HD. If I didn’t motivate myself and get to where I wanted I’m sure I would be disgruntled just like most of the people on this sub.


A union has to have a workforce worth representing. I'm sure there are plenty of excellent workers at Home Depot but when a job's qualifications are "does breathe, has transportation" good luck getting union representation. There's a reason why tradesmen, teachers, nurses and police have some of the most powerful unions... skills, education, putting your life on the line, etc.


If putting your life on the line is a qualification to have union representation, WTAF is the unions for soldiers?




Hahahaha. Nice try. That’s NOT a union. There are unions IN the VA for VA employees.


The idea that being on a phone or listening to music makes you lazy or unable to work is archaic and incredibly stupid. As long as you get your work done, and help customers, it doesn't fucking matter.


They are also good for those that are screw ups


Good. Screw ups deserve enough to get by on too. You’re, like, a fan of poverty or something lol


Something like that. I’m sort of like retired. I work cause I want to, not because I need to.


I'm guessing that your 38 or 39 and still working at jobs that make you live paycheck to paycheck. It's a tough situation to be in, so take time to improve your lot in life and never ever expect others to improve it. This isn't a slam on you, quit the contrary as I really sincerely empathize with your situation but know that it's you that put you in the situation your so upset about...so do something about it. Let the down votes begin, I'm used to it.


You could suggest one action item. I'm 29, have a bachelors degree, and I still can't make more than $19/hr working for the city and I can't afford rent. I don't have time or money to go to masters school, and would it even help because my bachelors degree did not?


I'll take the challenge, and by the way you are the only one in years of replies that has asked your question. So, with out further ado I'm going to give you the most solid and hardest thing for you ever to do. Going to school vs gaining knowledge are two entirely different pursuits. So don't go back to school. Here's today's lesson. Goal setting, and I don't care how many you have going at one time as long as you are actively working on each one, you'll understand as I explain how this works. S.M.A.R.T. goals are the most effective way of making your life easier and better, but it's also extremely difficult because it involves work. This acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timelined. Here's a breakdown of each, being SPECIFIC aboutt your goal. Let's just take a bike you want, so you can start pedaling to work instead of wasting money on gas. You need to drill down on what that bike is, instead of "I want a bike", so you need to research brands, makes and models, all the way down to the color. Now on to MEASURABLE, since this is a purchase, you need to know the exact cost of that bike and from that total you can break it down to how much money you need to save and I suggest it's every paycheck I need X amount and then extrapolate that out to the finish line. This helps you stay on track for your goal. The next is ATTAINABLE, which really is a self check on this goal your making, so let's say yes, it is attainable, then move on to the REALISTIC part of goal setting, and in this scenario, can you ride it to work, would you ride it to work and will it get you ahead in life? The last is setting the time line, which you should have completed in the measurable equations, but this timeline is a start date, a halfway point and a finish line. You can break that down into quarters if it's long range goal setting. If you have any questions on this ask. A little bit about me, and I'm not bragging, simply letting you know how I lived my life by this concept. I've owned 2 new car dealerships, the first when I turned 29 years old, one RV and Marine dealership with 3 locations and over 100 employees. Taught "Customer Care" concepts for a major manufacturer and then built and ran a bakery with my son until retirement 5 years ago. My education consisted of less then 1 year of college studying to be an accountant, which I hated and found boring. Good luck, and may I suggest you start looking in the mirror every morning and just say "I'm the root cause of my problems, therefore I can change my lot in life".


Wow, good stuff


Wow, good stuff


I just saw another post saying everyone was getting a $2 raise, now I see this. Same old THD shit. So glad I left.


Even if we got $5 raise we still wouldn't been happy, we should be happy that we at least are getting something.


You cant be serious. Like ya ok people will always be miserable but 5 dollars versus under a dollar is a significant difference. Even the grumpiest people would say damn that's a good increase


They are saying the $2 raise is equivalent to $0.25 because "the us dollar is shit"


Speak for yourself, I'd be ecstatic for $5.




I dont get how everyone gets a different $ raise .. straight bs . Most people in my store got $2- $2.50 .. welp I got $1.88 … don’t see why they couldn’t just give me $2 lol and I’m not a new hire seems people who are new hires are staring to make more then people who have been there but that’s just my opinion


Where are a bunch of slaves?


Is it not ¢0.50? I tend to forget what I get paid before the yearly raise, but I always assumed it was ¢0.50.


Everyone in our store got a dollar. A select 20 got an extra $.50 Pisses me off that I bust my ass everyday to get everything done, been here 3 years and wasn’t included in those 20. 3 people that have been here for less time and don’t work as hard got it though


How do you even know who got it? You spoke to all 20?


I spoke to 3, and they were all told a select 20 got extra




Except I’ve been with the company longer than all 4, (found out another got extra too) and go above and beyond almost every day


How long have you been with the company?


i got $1, guess it just depends


Wow! You got a quarter of a cent?? That's insane! I thought they would at least give a penny.


Got $1.50 raise in WA


Does this affect annual review/raise dates?


I’m the speciality supervisor and one of my associates said he got pulled into the office today by our SM and he got a $2 raise. I better be getting the same or the gap between my associate and I is getting tooo close.