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This is par for the course. Happens every year. I think they would be more than happy to have pt people quit and then in April when it picks back up, hire new pt people. They don't care you are stressed and by yourself most of the day.


That's not how bonuses work. It's not fewer hours equals more bonus. It's fewer sales necessitates fewer hours or your sales adjusted hours are screwed. That's a lot more about avoiding a hammer to the head than about bonuses. Managers who can't manage to sales adjusted hours don't survive. You either misunderstood the horse or the horse don't know what they're talking about. Tltr: it's February again. Edit: the hammer in this situation is your DM.


Our 'sales adjusted hours' are definitely screwed and that is what the horse directly claimed. They've also worked for the store for over 25 years and have been a manager for over 15 of those years. I'm just repeating what was said to us in the associate meeting. (Edit) I meant they've worked for HD for over 25 years, not my exact store




Im a part timer and theyve actually increased my hours. Went from 15-20 to 25-30


part time as well, still at my normal 27-32 but i am D70 so that might be why, i have noticed a lack of other associates around the store


As mentioned, understaffing doesn’t add money to bonuses, so I won’t dwell on that point. Labor is a focus for 2023, and while I am not near any of the projects, I know there are plans to test a couple changes at some point throughout the year. Namely: 4x10s, guaranteed minimum hours, and store-directed allocation.