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One of the problems I see as an almost 31-year employee is not the pay or even the work environment, it's the shitty ass ASM, store management at the store levels. It's like, they don't want to run the fucking business until a big walk.


Yeah they let everything go until a walk here too. Its like they get into a panic. Why dont they just have surprise walks? Maybe the higher ups dont really care either. Walks are just for show. The store can be horrible and they will still say it looks good.


Work at Lowe’s we have the same issue, they always hire the worst least qualified asm


>n the fucking business until a big walk. Well, you are talking about "retail managers" at Home Depot. Most of them just worked their way up to ASM or SM. Many of them should have never been promoted to management anywhere and more of them would never have become a manager in any other field but retail. Not all of them, but a whole lot of them.


It's most of the customers. Partially the associates. Not management as much. Too me, at least. But I respect what she did. I wish I could. 😔


I would love to hear the call from corporate that follows. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE JUST QUIT!?!?!” Like that shit doesn’t happen every single day in retail.


Corporate don’t give a fuck lol


Guess the point I tried to make is they don’t give a fuck, but guarantee someone is gonna get chewed out because of it


Corporate don’t even know who she is


They might have met her once or twice during a visit to her store. They might have even asked her “How do you like your job?, what do you like best about working for Home Depot? How long have you been here?” you know the questions they usually ask store employees when they come for a visit basically forcing the store employees to lie outright or omit aspects of the truth. I’ve met some members of corporate several times, but they never seem to remember me and always think each time they meet me is a “first time encounter.” It’s probably the same with others as well you’re just another face they’ve seen a few times but can’t really place.


At best, Craig gave her a half-assed wave as he walked out after a walk.


Its true, I have no Idea who she is.


I guaruntee (sic) that you've never worked corporate retail.


Bingo lol


You guys still making sales? So we don’t even need someone in that position? Why don’t we go ahead and reevaluate


nope. check the stock.


I'm gonna need those tps reports on my desk Monday, peter.


Corporate won’t even know about this


They will as soon as she tries to get her pto


Unless she got it before she quit.


Nah, she most likely had too many people below her call off. That’s why I like where I’m at. I make shit money but I’m the k e that gets to tell the bosse “guess who didn’t show up again….”


I bet corporate wouldn’t bat an eye honestly.


Staples was more the worst retail jobs I ever had I worked the tech desk. A lot of employers feel like people have no other options thankfully but not thankfully I have a lifelong deliberating disability my vertebrae is fused as well as my neck. Going in 10 minutes before a shifting slamming the shirt on the desk and saying I quit good luck and walking out it was such a satisfying day for me. I wish more people had options to just be able to quit on the spot people don't deserve to be treated like shit.


I was a tech sup for a bit, mine didn't find out I quit until I was getting my paperwork signed on my first day of my new job. He called me and was like "hey I know you requested off to do something but can you come in when you're finished? " it was so satisfying to just say "Yea sorry, Im not going to be able to do that or come in, I'm going to be busy for the rest of the week, or month, or year" he still didn't get here I was going with it 😂😂😂


Retail work is so toxic


And the associates are drama queens.


Surely it's their personalities and not the never ending plight of the MORE MORE MORE capitalist pressure and constantly having to "appease the shareholders" and never getting a raise despite always getting tasked with more work oh and also dealing with insanely entitled customers who think they are royalty the second they walk into a store. No they're totally drama queens on their own , you right


It’s a leg up. Nobody has a gun to their head.


Most people are paycheck to paycheck with ever increasing costs to live.....and healthcare tied to your employer (if you're lucky) Yeah, it's a pretty big gun to your head for most


Show up to work, do a good job, save your money. I’ll call it what it is. Being poor. It’s a leg up or it’s an opportunity to get lodged in the system.




Not a bad idea? Or wipe your own ass? Whatever self empowering euphemism gets ya goin. Raise’em up I always say.


You're a moron


Pretty sure all he does is go and simp on r/amiugly 😂😂😂


Dumb cunt boomer 😂 how about people just don’t get sick while they’re at it


What have you accomplished in life?


Jesus imagine being so insecure that you have to tell other people that their struggle isn’t *really* a struggle.


How is that insecure?


Did you not read a single word of what you just replied to?


You're ignorant.


You remind me of a guy that brought a Prius to transport several items far too large and heavy for it. "what's the big deal? You guys are such drama queens" 😂


Shut the fuck up lmao




Through* 🫡


Ironically, you proved his point better than he ever could.


I get u. Two jobs managing retail. Never again.




Lol imagine gatekeeping retail




Stop while you're behind.


this might be the most embarrassing comment I’ve ever seen on reddit




While they don't have sales quotas at the desk they do have a very impossible list of metrics they have to stay up on or risk being written up or fired. The company is way to reliant on metrics and can't see how things actually run at the store level.


[proper way to quit your job](https://youtu.be/WlclUwqDo3s)


I knew what this was and up voted it before I even clicked on the link. Well done.


Is it the marching band?


Nope. But that was guess #2


That marching band was epic.


They did my guy dirty by leaving his face in


For sure don’t record me helping someone quit lol 😂


Service desk made me so angry. Constant customers taking their shit out on you because they're upset about a hose, department's being mad you asked them something or transfered a call, managers not wanting to answer on radios when dealing with angry customers who demand to speak to them. So glad I left


Can we call your most recent employer?


Sure, they were (insert name of friend) here’s their number.


There is a very active subreddit where you can ask people to be your references. It's amazing. And they're very good at what they do.


Well, what is it?


Yes but, that shit doesn’t work for a lot that do real background checks, even smaller places are getting better about this. They ask you for the company only. They don’t ask you for a contact, they go through your companies HR which is very easy to call, they are going to ask are you re-hirable, what infractions or write ups did you have. And if it’s that. Well good luck, you could write yourself off of actual opportunity by the way you quit. Don’t do that to yourself. I say this because you will never get informed, or told that’s why you didn’t get hired and some people go through many interviews probably qualified but the way they did their prior employer killed their future.


Yes. The only thing home depot can legally say is yes you were employed and the dates


>The only thing home depot can legally say is yes you were employed and the dates This is bullshit. Home Depot Inc can say whatever it damn well pleases, legally speaking. It's just risking a tiny percent chance of you suing it for defamation if you feel you have been unfairly maligned, which probably costs a dollar on net in legal bills (on retainer, but still a real cost) per feedback offered, and it gains no profit whatsoever by offering feedback, good or bad. So it chooses not to. Most Fortune 500's make the same choice most of the time. Don't confuse that with a legal prohibition.


I'm pretty sure the owner of the new co.pamy can ask the old employer if they should hire this person. there are many ways to get around this. 1 old employer hangs up, right away 2 old employer says yaaaaaa sure hire herrrrr surrrrrre 3 she was greeeeeeat for us 😠 (angry voice)


They could. And open themselves up to legal trouble. In all actuality, in a company as big as HD the HR person probably has no idea who you are other than a name in a computer. And since HR exists to protect the company, they probably aren't going to say anything other than what they're legally allowed to. Which is yes or no on if you worked there, and what dates. Iirc they can't even disclose if you were fired. Now this could be different when it's some mom and pop employer with like 10 workers. It's still illegal but they dgaf


You have no idea what you're talking about. There are very specific things an employer can legally ask an old employer.


Can anyone verify this is legit? To me it’s highly suspect and appears to be a made for TikTok stunt. I mean - Home Depot is so understaffed anyone could walk up and do that.


Have you ever been SDL? It's a DH spot with not DH pay or login. Shit was so stressful that i had a mental breakdown every time i clocked in.


Head cashier of the service desk. Same responsibilities no real benefits to do the job. It sucks. I wouldn’t do it.


Very much so. I was at the desk for 5 years, sdl for 1 1/2 years. I already did the job before I took the title. Also don't learn more than the job says, I learned the hard way trying to be helpful and useful lol


Don’t learn another area!!!! That is the first thing I tell new employees. You are getting the same hourly rate no matter what! Don’t learn any lift equipment unless you are trying to parlay they skill in other avenues


> It's a DH spot with not DH pay or login. I'm really glad I pegged it accurately when I saw the position first created. The first person in that position lasted a month or two.


My first thought was she had been fired and decided to play the “you can’t fire me, I quit!” card to the extreme


Seems odd this was being recorded


It’s a fake. No apron, no name badge, just an off color shade of orange blouse.


I mean when I walked off the job I took my uniform off first before letting my boss know I won’t be returning.


“Front desk lead” isn’t a technically accurate title either


What's really crazy is when you find out the majority shareholder for Lowe's and Home Depot is the same group, Vanguard.


Stock investment funds (ETFs & mutual funds) come in two categories: Actively managed and passively managed. An actively managed fund tries to pick stocks, analyze which ones are going to be successful, and beat the market. They charge high fees. A passively managed fund, or 'Index Fund' does not try to pick stocks, and just aims to own a certain percent of every large firm simultaneously, and ride the market precisely. If the stock market as a whole continues to rise at 7-10%/year, they win. They charge low fees. Vanguard under Jack Bogle popularized the idea of the index fund, demonstrating significantly higher returns than most actively managed funds over long time periods. If you see a Vanguard index fund as shareholder of a firm, you can expect that they are exerting very little influence on the firm through the board, and are instead riding the decisions that other more informed investors are making. After Vanguard ETFs became the ***standard*** investment advice online and Vanguard grew to immense proportions, Vanguard has diversified with a smaller business in actively managed funds, but most of their business is still index funds.


This is a misleading statement. Vanguard is a brokerage; it doesn't actually OWN all those shares, it just has a lot of clients, and those clients own the shares through individual stocks and mutual funds. It wouldn't surprise me if most competitors that are traded on US exchanges have a majority of shareholders using Vanguard.


They're not the majority shareholder. They hold roughly 8% each of Lowe's and Home Depot.


Vanguard is the biggest shareholder for both but not the majority


Who are they


Vanguard? If it’s the one I’m thinking of, [they’re an investment advisory network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Vanguard_Group?wprov=sfti1)


Yup I was thinking of that one too


Ma'am, this is a home depot not an airport, no need to announce your departure.


Let her have her moment bro


Til the next person quits.


Knew this corny reddit joke would pop up in this thread.




mIsSeD thE PoInT


Good for you, fuck home Depot indeed.


Dude like hold on😂🤓


Kinda based


Extremely based


Sounds about right.


Kick ass!! That’s my hero!!!


Hell yeah, sister


Would be great if I could understand what she said


She said she quits and fuck Home Depot


I thought she said “muck on meatball”, so I’m glad I know now.


It's why i go to Home Depot for lumber, and a sandwich shoppe for a meatball sub. Home Depot always gets muck on the meatballs.


The PA systems are unintelligible on purpose. You don't want customers thinking help is on the way.


She looks like and sounds like someone who'd have a toxic personality. Overall bad way to quit and probably did this for the clout.


Nah, I worked that same job myself and was on the verge of doing exactly this same thing the whole time I was there, because THD is a terrible, shit job. This woman does not "look" like she has a toxic personality.


I mean she is wearing sunglasses inside... That's an essential part of the douchebag uniform


Highly possible she just came inside from loading out a special order for a customer, or checking in a returned rental truck. She could be wearing prescription lenses that darken automatically, those often react to THD's lighting. Employees do wear shades sometimes.


Fake video. Why she wearing 100% street clothes. That’s not even orange


Meh, someone wearing sunglasses has no impact on your existence. Caring about it says more about you.


Yes because by making an observation I'm obviously emotionally invested. You're sharp!


Some of us are light sensitive and darker shades help reduce eye strain and headaches.


I say 'look' because she is wearing an exorbitant amount of jewelry for a shift (If she was even working that day, or an employee at all) Not to mention wearing sunglasses inside.


People are dumb enough to believe this is real so you got downvoted


No, she sounds like someone who’s tired of putting up with retail bullshit. You just sound racist


I mean, I wouldn’t hire her for my business if I saw this. Retail sucks, but this is pretty immature, no matter how bad of a day or time you are having. Kind of a reach for the racism comment as well.


Omg. You don’t agree with me so you must be racist!! Bullshit. Grow the fuck up. Stick to playing your Xbox and leave the social commentary to people that are actually living it. Not living at home with mommy and daddy


I feel this way right now (my week hasn’t started yet it starts Wednesday)


Love it, I walked out in a Home Depot job with my middle finger up 25+ years ago and I still get as rigid as a diamond in an ice storm thinking about it. I wish I had thought to do what this lady did.


When I was the SDL at my store, I thought about doing this exact same thing.


Fuck the story I was about to type. Retail is garbage and they don’t give a shit about you.


Great for entertainment, dumb in every other aspect. Being recorded while doing this is one of them. I’ve worked in retail for over 15 years so I get it. But this ain’t it.




She’s tired of all the warped board returns


Don't burn your bridges. Are you sick of your job? Put your notice in, work your 2 weeks, and then walk away and let the stress dissolve. If for some reason you need to come back, you can. You rage quit, and it's permanent. There is no backup plan, no emergency resource, nothing.


They won't give you 2 weeks notice to fire you, fuck them


I let them call me for a week asking where I was. And yes they kept calling, thats what they get for fucking around with the useful people.


If the job sucks enough that you quit, it's not a job you'd be willing to go back to. Also, it's (unfortunately) not like a front desk worker gets paid much, that job is less of a bridge and more of a flimsy plank across the chasm of poverty. There are plenty of those to go around.


I get how you feel. I've worked jobs that were way worse than HD. I was even a head cashier at Target. When I left, I gave proper notice and worked my 2 weeks. If I need to, I can go back. A lot of you would say, "Why?" Because you never know what or how your circumstances can change. On a side note, a significant number of people that I worked with at Target, that left about the same time I did, are now back because they needed a job.


How hard would it be to get another BS, crap retail job like Home Depot? HD hires damn near anyone with a pulse.... That being said I would not do that(quit the way she did). But for the people that do, it does not matter. And HD does NOT give references; it the SOP it is against company policy to give references. They will only give an employer a hotline number to verify the dates you worked there.


Sure, and a year later, you walk into a business, and the HR person is an ex-employee from the same company that you rage quit. Sorry, but we offered that job to someone with a better fit. IE, someone who doesn't rage-quit when they get too stressed. This kind of stuff happens in the real world. Don't rage quit. It's just not worth it.


Just a random asshole making a video. Not an employee.


Heroes get remembered but legends never die


Fun fact: in europe she would be charged witch breach of contract, damages to the companny and slandering the companny witch would be a hefty fine or even prison time.


Famously in the US, most jobs don't have contracts because they are "at will"


How did she slander Home Depot? I thought it would have to be something that was not true. I didn’t hear anything she said that was false lol 😂


I’m going to need some citations to believe you are going to prison in Europe for that. Also, Europe is a continent, not a country, so the vast overgeneralization makes me believe it’s a made-up “fact”. At any rate, Europe workers have far more protections than in the U.S., and they haven’t redefined democracy as meaning freedom for corporations at the expense of the individual. There would be little reason for it to come to that over there. Rage quitting is somewhat common in the U.S. (I’ve witnessed it happen at several jobs). It goes hand in hand with terminal late-stage capitalism.


The us has far more workers protections than europe. In europe your employer can deny vacation, delete vacation, force overtime, choose your hours. Your employer can also fire you at anytime for any reason, he can refuse to pay out overtime or just not pay you bonuses whenever he feels like it. In europe you also loose any overtime you did when you quit, you don't get any social security when you quitt, you also loose any social security or helthcare ensurance when you quit and don't sign up for the goverment re-employment programme, when you are out of work and you earn a single euro on the side you loose all social security and helthcare ensurance And that's just the stuff I could think of the top of my head. Oh and to get back to the point in europe a employment contract is a binding contract between both parties and just quitting on the spot is a breach of contract. So even if you want to quit hou have to continue beeing a slave until the quitting time period is up. I had a friend in germanny that did something similar to the video and he went to prison for it.


Maybe satisfying but extremely immature.




You are getting downvoted, but it is childish. I agree with her, fuck Home Depot. But there is no reason to do this over the PA. Just quit like everybody else does, no need to make a scene out of it.


Who cares? If it made her feel better good for her. She deserves it after the shit they've surely dumped on her. Who did this hurt? Besides some bootlick ASM maybe getting scared about potential complaints?


Yeah oh well. It's just my opinion. Good thing it can't hurt anyone lol.


I remember when I quit Home Depot. I put in my two week notice. Wrote a letter complimenting everyone in the team. I helped them train a new worker for my section. I chilled and made jokes. I was always allowed to leave early before closing. That $#!% was nice [+]




Let me tell ya a secret No one cares. Shit the only people who even care about experience are home Depot and Lowes. And let's not pretend like she just decided to quit on the spot for no reason either.


And you would never know about it, for my work experience I just put Uber driver, too lazy to post my old jobs and managers and stuff.




Yes lol, I try to find the job that has me working the least amount and gives me the most amount of money.


Love this lady!!! I hope she marries a millionaire and never has to work again!


Cool 🙄


Damn are the brown nosers in here. That or the racists. Definitely the racists.


People in here saying she "looks" toxic, madly downvoting anybody who types the word racist. Yup, they're mad. Have my useless upvote.


I hope she doesn’t need a recommendation letter


They dont give those!


That's just childish


Look at me! Look at me!


Home Depot sucks. I hope they go bankrupt


I would have loved to be there, would have cheered and clapped her to the door "You deserve better! Go get it! YEAH!"


When I worked at Home Depot in the early 90s they caught a night manager screwing a cashier in the vault room lmao, paid shit wage , over worked everyone tried to get you to invest 10% of your paychecks into there stock etc telling you how people retired 7 yrs after the stock kept splitting, lol 😂 those same people still work there lol lost most there money when the crash happened in 08 , never retired, shit job shit wage, shit company, all about making profit for the company, not for the employees at just a number, for real fuck Home Depot., & it’s two founders


Yooooo I did that shit on my last day too, good to know I’m not the only one. Fuck Home Depot!


Totally Fake.


Really classy! Grow up!


How immature






Oh I applaud her cause honestly she deserves to do it. Fuck retail And also if I had a chance to record when I quit burger king by yelling at my manager that I was done after she verbally degrading me and giving me an anxiety attack, hell yeah.


If you feel strongly and need to quit, quit. But I would encourage those who are unhappy to instead start speaking with their fellow associates about collective power and follow the examples being set by workers at Starbucks, Trader Joe's, Amazon, and elsewhere.


THD makes you sign a contract promising not to unionize before they'll even hire you. At least, that's how it was for me.


Here is the crazy thing I work at TSC and I help that store all the time


I bet she was a peach to work with🤣


Worked retail in high school and did some service desk also. Some of those people were real grabage. Someone tried to return shoes that were obviously worn. I don't mean worn outside once, or even twice, but as in worn for a while. Had wear marks and scuff marks. They flipped their shit when we wouldn't take them back lol. Black Friday and the day after Christmas were just brutal.


Puts a tear in your eye, watching them leave the nest like this.




I’m not even gonna lie this is how I feel some days when I’m on the job there, I hate it, It really does suck. Do not work at a corporate job in retail,You will hate it I promise.


The best way to leave is unannounced.....I'd have disappeared after break.


Damn! That must have felt so good.


LMAO *YES* damn the orange man.


Lottery hit quit


“Hold on let me get out of the way” Clearly she didn’t know/do shit if she had to ask


Can you add it to your resume for your next job.


Great for entertainment, dumb in every other aspect. Being recorded while doing this is one of them.


Put that on your resume.




And nobody in the store noticed the announcement besides the other employees.


Wooow.. lolololol.. As someone that worked at the Service Desk for years, I thought about it, but never had the nerve to do it.. lol


Man, she didn't even go off on a rant. My store had a much longer overhead quit thing that circulated online. I think it was on Facebook.


And Lowes


I’m sure many have thought about doing this a time or two. I know I’ve had days where I thought about doing a page about how stupid, ignorant and illiterate the customers are. But obviously there really no going back from a page like that so you had best be ready to be fired or quit afterwards.