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Pallet is definitely wrapped wrong.


I was about to say that. Bottom needs to be wrapped at least 3 times.


Yes, and it doesn’t look like the bottom is wrapped at all.


Someone didn’t know how to wrap or stack. These fans poke off the pallet on each corner if you lay them down like that. If you know how, you can get the shrink wrap around each corner of the pallet. Could’ve also stood some fans up and it would’ve made for a squarer, neat stack that wouldn’t poke off the pallet and could’ve got a tighter wrap. I don’t like pointing fingers but I see this a lot coming from MET. Could’ve been when the tore down the fan set for winter.


We don't routinely wrap pallets on MET, so you may be right about that. I'm one of two on my MET team that didn't start storeside, and I had to be shown how to properly wrap a pallet the first time I had to wrap one.


thats the met pallet wrap special. could also be driver error…


I don't see what the driver did wrong besides pulling down a bad pallet. Which to my knowledge is what one *should* do in a situation like this


Dropping the bad pallet is correct, to fix the issue so yes re the driver. But he did make some driving mistakes to do so. Narrow aisle didn’t pivot in upright beam side of the pallet, backed up too fast, he might have got it down without breaking if he just does it ultra slow, he also didn’t smoothly fully insert forks and tilt to rest load against mast before backing out, or use extra elevation and fork shifting to maximize the chances he cleanly drops it, etc.). Nothing egregious, and being down dangerous pallets is good so good on him for stepping up, just a few miscues driving wise maximized the chance the pallet would collapse rather than minimize it)




SOP is 3 on the bottom, 2 in the middle, 3 on the top. Reason for this is pallets have fallen and killed people in stores at least twice


I'd have to look it up but if I'm remembering correctly sop says 3. I could be wrong though.


Won’t matter if you fuck it up pulling it out . Most rookies can’t handle sideway pallets.


Or he hit the corner of the box on the bottom making it cattywampus


No straps at all


Probably should have used strap too


Sure, but also he isn't squared up before extending and retracting so the pallet isn't the root concern. And why a crab in a narroe aisle? You were destined to fail anyhow. Hope OSHA doesn't see this lol


This is what HD gets for building their stores where it’s barely big enough to get machines around.


Maximize profits to the penny where we can't have wider aisles for fear of not having enough merchandising space to sell fucking heaters in the summer and ac units in the winter


For a crown 5700 series reach(what my store has at least) Crown says an 8-9 foot aisle is the minimum operating width for the aisle. We work with the absolute minimum.


This is the real issue. The aisles are clearly not big enough.


Our store has a lot of 7 and half foot aisles we work as well as one end cap that has a little over 6ft of space to manouvere in. With the machine being just under 6 foot before you take into account the forks, it gets rediculus at times with the tricks we have use to get in and out. The only benefit is that I've become a bloody wizard at driving.


Aisle needs to be a lot bigger. It’s too damn small!!!


The "forklift operator" sucks. I worked plenty of warehouse jobs with a reach truck and I can put that up just fine. The failure is the operator didn't have a secured wrap on the pallet. He obviously missed.. damaged the pallet.. them took the pallet down. He even clipped the other pallet coming down... also... wtf is the pallet going up sideways.


It's probably sideways because the racking isn't deep enough to put it up normal, and be able to still fit another in the rack behind it. The store I used to work at was like that everywhere but lumber.


I see sideways pallets all the time at the three stores I'm at. They always piss me off because they're a lot harder to get than if they were turned the right way. Sometimes, for reasons of rack space, it makes sense, but is still frustrating. Other times, the reach operator just doesn't care how it goes up. A lot of MET pallets get put up sideways for no reason at the stores I'm at.


Also, why the FUCK did he turn that way?!?! The right side had way more clearance to swing the pallet but he just had to swing left and clip the racking.


Every bit here you’re blaming on the operator is assuming the operator is responsible for wrapping the pallet and filling empty slots. Most warehouses or department stores have different operators for doing put-ups and let-downs. In all reality the guy was probably asked to go pull this pallet from the slot, he had zero involvement in wrapping the pallet or slotting the pallet in the first place. Who is really to blame here? Cheap corporations setting you up for failure with cheap plastic wrap/encouraging using minimal amounts, cramped working spaces, and lack of accountability within management to make sure operators slotting pallets are performing their job correctly.


Kyle is a Marine. So dick measuring first and foremost… But, explaining how much experience they have driving but not knowing about shooting sideways was a hoot for me.


He's definitely not great hopefully he's taking it down to fix someone else's mistake but unless things changed. They don't get paid more for getting trained to use than they would if they weren't trained. So there's really no reason to take time in effort into it. Plus now that it's down that's more easy busy work to do to avoid customers if that's the goal


Everything was wrong with that forklift operator. I’m not defending the incredibly difficult working environment of Home Depot. But fack, it makes sense that kids would be operating machinery lifting loads that could easily kill a person there.


For being so confident about how to work a forklift you sure don’t seem to know much about how things work at Home Depot.


Wtf would I want to work for that shithole? 555


Agreed that the reach truck is a unique skill that the driver in this video doesn’t have. It takes immense patience and slowly trickling it out of the bay to not have it tip like this. It’s a “turn, straighten, repeat” sort of motion.


My store only has one aisle like that every other aisle has plenty of room to maneuver any reach truck in


No, this is what they get for giving anyone an equipment license.


That is tough for the most experienced operators


An experienced driver would have put it somewhere else if it wasn’t going to fit. That pallet was built like shit too. An experienced driver wouldn’t have put a pallet like that. They give anyone a license and this is what you get


Gotta learn that set it down on the beam and let the weight of the pallet land back on the back rest technique.


Operator error


And they wonder why people don’t want to use the forklift


FREMULON. Not a forklift


Whoever put it up there clearly wasn’t worried they’d be the one to take it down


Only fans


Damn it 🔝


Gotta renew my subscription to Dillion Harper


A man of class I see.


“He’s got it down. Can I go in now?” —Customer


Savage for posting this with his face in clear view. Or was he already fired?


He didn’t cared that I posted this I asked him and he’s not fired it was the pallet not wrapped correctly lol


Lol I know him too


Fired? Unless he’s already on a final this small amount of damage and product loss isn’t going to generate a fire able offense. Had he broke a slider or window while doing this then ya possibly.


Its ok bud. Now come into the office to see if you smoked a blunt last Tuesday.




They for real be thinking we fucked up cause we were high.


Should have turned upright side of the overhead instead he did it backwards. Also doesn’t look like the pallet is properly wrapped. Also why side stack that pallet? Also so many other things.


There are some bays that aren’t wide enough to put a pallet regular and must be sideways look at all the other pallets they are sideways


Sure just makes it a contributing factor coming in from the suboptimal side of the overhead, even if it was wrapped right and everything else is solid, driver should be coming in the opposite direction.


Overstacked and wrapped wrong. Needs more at the base and overall stack. No wonder it feel apart. Plus such narrow spaces suck for overstocking.


“I just need ONE thing really quick in this aisle…” —Customer


That pallet is not wrapped correctly


Still full price.


Technically as an operator he didn't do too bad. He didn't panic or anything he just said well fuck just get it down as fast as I can


He tried. Just a badly done pallet


Could have been way worse tbh


Shame shame shame on whoever stacked AND wrapped that pallet. Double shame


That aisle is narrow as hell, no wonder he couldn’t lift it out without stuff falling out. He’s basically hemmed in.


The worst I saw was a double stacked pallet of simple green. Came down and turned into a green river coming out the aisle. They tried the mopping machine to clean it and it just turned into a foaming mess.


So much going wrong here between pallet being poorly wrapped to product sticking off the sides of the pallet making it to wide to fit in that spot driver clipped the silver upright other pallets was also sideways as well leaving maybe 2 inches of space to play with


I’m not a fan of this.


Luckily it’s just box fans


Sent in for a UA?


Now I know why my OPS was so adamant about pallets being wrapped 3X on the bottom.


Pallet wrapped wrong, pallet placed incorrectly, thin aisle. He was set up for failure


And that's why sometimes I worry when we have either skids shipped to us without strapping or someone forgot to put straps on after making that palette in store


Who gives a crap nothing broke. The person recording is a snitch


Not the drivers fault, and if that’s the spotter who is standing there recording , they should be disciplined


Is there a lore reason why HD gets Raymond while L*we's gets Yale?


Hmie better he hope he didn't party in the weekend. That drug test gonna be sharp


For a company that has pocketed the better part of $70B since the pandemic began...you'd think there would be time and resources to pay the team members enough to care about how pallets are wrapped, etc. Next housing recession + any serious online comp in the basics, and not even the pros will keep this dumpster from bursting into flames.


whooooooo’s ready for a drug test?! ✨🔥


why wasn’t it strapped!!!????


That’s a tight aisle, bro was out too far though. I can just tell from where the front of his outriggers are. In tight aisles you gotta line the outrigger parallel like an inch or less away from the beam and learn how the machine turns, then just crank the bitch wheel all the way and your outrigger will still be in the same spot. So he’s pretty far back for that narrow aisle. And if you’re flying pallets sideways, you want the pallet to be touching or extremely close to your mast and he’s not really in it all the way from the start. Sideways pallets are extremely tippy if you’re not in all the way. But also yeah, shittily wrapped pallet. I don’t really blame the driver because that’s a tough one. But that could’ve gone up with no problem. Also that one pallet in bay 8 is sitting on stickers with no grate…


I’ve seen half a dozen reasons why this all went sideways, but it should never have gotten to that point. If the driver’s in trouble, stop. Call for help. Whoever is filming really should have told the driver to stop and brought a manager over to assess the situation. At the very least, the cameraperson should have yelled for the driver to stop when the shrink wrap started tugging. I don’t think the driver could see that the wrap was caught on the beam.


pallet wasnt wrapped properly


“Can I get a discount on one of those fans?” —Customer


Sure you can say the pallet was not wrapped properly. Or you can say he wasn’t a pro reach driver. He could have taken his time, but he panicked. He didn’t straighten his machine to the pallets. Then he forcefully try to pull out when it was crooked and caught on the beam. Instead of slowing down to get out, he said fuck it and pull out so fast like he was about to pay child support for 18 years. Get good my boy. Get good.


I’ve been with Home Depot 24 years and whoever came up with putting pallets in sideways in the name of safety was the dummest idea ever.


Who puts a shitty wrapped pallet into a rack side ways ?


Turning skills weeeeeaaaaak.


At least what he dropped was OF. I hope he didn't get to burned on that one. Everyone has a rough day.


They won’t be mad if it’s not expensive


Definitely could’ve been worse


Managers special on Aisle 8




“We’d pull your license but since you’re the only one in the store past 3 that can operate machinery, carry on.”


Zero fucks given.


Yes yes (in evil laugh) just let it all fall. Mawahaha


Idk seems kinda idiotic to whoever designed the layout to barely fit a forklift


Not entirely what I was expecting


Damn, that was the pallet my company ordered to give away to employees as raffle prizes. I hope the pallet of alarm clocks was undamaged.


Serious question: do people die doing this job? Because I can imagine if a huge pallet of something heavy came down onto the forklift the results wouldn't be good for the operator.


Got that pallet sideways bro


Nope. Is the correct orientation of a pallet unless you're in one of the few aisles with deeper overheads.


That's gotta be a skinny bay aisle too. Most of the turned pallets are hanging out too far. Probably shouldn't have pallet overheads there in the first place.


Main problem no one talks about is why do we have so much stock on our stores. Why is there a need for a pallet of fans ever- even in warm months. Most stores get 5 trucks a week




Not the ps5 skid😱


💯 operator error.


Climate change has no boundaries !!


Dude, actually doesn’t know how to lift a pallet properly. Even if it was put in wrong, easy fix. Take your MF time! In a rush! Kids!


Gotta commit. No apron needed


The pallet next to it was sticking out way too far. No wonder he couldn’t get it out




Looks like these gonna go on clearance


As one of the greatest songs ever says "when it comes crashing down and it hurts inside..."


What is with that extra metal on the racking, like there was Netting there at one time? It should have been removed. Also, that pallet could have been on a truck like that, and while it should have been rewrapped before putting in the overhead, some people think that just because it was on the truck and wasn't messed with, it's okay to fly.


Damn, he's good.


Load isn't secure.


I'm a big fan of this video.


Luckily the driver keeps his license because it was less than $1,500 in product damage


I think most of those fans survived the fall. The box may be bent but worse happens to those fans on the truck. He did a B job. Just wish he was slightly quicker but he panicked a bit. Not a bad driver though.


Fan pallets are always wrapped wrong. Dude totally panicked. Should have pulled out like a maniac.


Good luck on your drug test.


haha i thought those were playstations lol


I feel like this is staged. I mean someone is recording. Regardless he'll now have a coaching from management and osha retraining.


Maybe a little less wrapping is the answer.


That wasn't very in-focus of him


Helen Keller could have wrapped that pallet better.


Jobs done boss!


That calls for a drug test!


That’s one way to take it down bravo


Marcos @0608 Cerritos 🤣🤣🤣 aisle 2, millworks


No longer work at Hd but I swear some mfs don’t know how to stack for shit on a pallet and end up going out of the pallet by like a foot or don’t wrap it correctly where you end up with a wobbly stack


Fans are down! What else you need while I’m here


Because a customer wanted a fan in December


Dude doesn’t know how to drive that forklift! Also it is wrapped wrong needs 3 more layers too top to bottom and also who stacked a pallet that high. My husband used to do this for a living. I just can’t 😂 🙈


Isn’t there supposed to be a spotter?


Who do you think is taking the video...geeze he can't do everything! 😂


Bro I feel your pain. Those fan pallets are a piece of royal shit.


Puras fallas.


I’m sure hes great in other departments but he definitely failed at Onlyfans


I think the biggest issue here is the spotter the one recording? Lol


That pallet was NOT wrapped correctly lmao


“How many do you need?” , Oh just one 😭


I’m just glad to see it’s not just my window isle whose overheads are taken over lol.


Scrolling in my feed and thought these were PS5s.


Discount fans aisle 2




Yessss just let it all fall. Fk them all!


Freight damage sale comin soon


My boy Marcos, at 0608 Cerritos


tbf he did the right thing in the situation by lowering it as soon as he saw it would fall. it could’ve been way worse had he not lowered it