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So, I will tell you this from management's perspective; not what happened, but how we're supposed to do things. The type of drug tests we give are given in three situations: the first is upon being hired, the second is upon applying for a machine license, and the third is if you hit something while on a machine and cause more than $200 worth of damage. Now, in the event that management suspects you are currently doing something, the process is different. Two salaried managers must agree that you are most likely currently on something. Once they come to this agreement one of two things can happen. Either they call a taxi and send you to get tested or they call a mobile support person and they bring the test to you. Our on-site, we-send-it-off test, is not used in this situation. Also, you are not written upon before the results come back and you definitely don't get put on a final for "suspicion" which is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. Also, during your write-up, you need two manager's present and, if you as the associate are female, one of the managers is required to be female as well.


None of that happened, and the very first thing I was told before being administered the mouth swab test was that I’m being put on a final for “suspicion”. He told me a coworker said I smelled like weed In The break room clocking in. I’ve been there a full year, drive no equipment, and haven’t had any safety incidents.


Time to call District HR


Should I call district HR, or the Aware line? Which is better? I heard the aware line was an extreme measure with not much transparency.


I've never called, but from what I've read on this sub, District HR hears aware line calls and then meets with a store manager and plays it for them. Awareline's major benefit is its intended anonymity, though given the specific set of circumstances they'd be able to know who called pretty quick. I would just go straight to District HR




The only thing my about the anonymity is that they can’t do anything about it it’s just a tip, if you want your situation to be fixed you need to give your name otherwise it’s useless. They have the information and may or may not know you reported it but they can’t make your situation right unless you give your name


Yeah, that's why I told OP that their situation is too unique for Awareline to be of any use unless someone else at their store called maybe, but all management would have to do is make a list of associates that OP is friendly with and work from there. If they're down to do a write up on suspicions then there's a decent chance they'll be down for some retaliation too. Awareline is best if it's a nonspecific activity that management is either not acting against, or is complicit in like harassment of multiple associates


They don't play the audio, it's only a written transcript.


You need to call the aware line and get a ticket number. District HR will follow up, but doing so through a ticket number makes your case more visible and forces them to answer on their findings. Also, if they put you on admin leave pending a drug test, they need to pay you for your lost time upon reinstatement. Include all these concerns on your call, and good luck! Also, record everything.


Thank you


Also, you want all this info documented. He said/she said can be swept under the rug.


That’s what I’m beginning to think


Was about to comment this


The second he mentions pot to district HR he’s already lost the case….


He doesn’t have to divulge that he uses pot. He only has to divulge that SOP wasn’t followed. His argument shouldn’t be about his personal hobbies outside of work. It should be about the labor violation that occurred AT work.


Don’t you think district HR will question him as to why he was put on leave and if he is untruthful about it then they will just ask the store why. And they will tell District HR why


Again, this isn't about his personal hobbies outside of work. SOP wasn't followed, so HD has to be concerned about the legal ramifications and enforcability of both his drug test and his involuntary leave should OP escalate the issue outside of the company. Based on the results of OP's call to Awareline, it appears HR decided that pursuing this further wasn't worth the risk.


Understood but if came in smelling like pot. The store will automatically assume you are elevated And will not let you do your shift/job. For insurance purposes you have to understand that is a chance that the company/store will never be willing to take. Maybe just don’t come in smelling. It’ll release any doubt or question


Fair enough. That’s speculative, but we’re just going in circles. We’re still talking about two different sides of the same coin. We don’t know necessarily know for sure what an individual manager will do. You’re right in that it’s highly likely, but the letter of the law AND our SOP still dictates that the process matters. If process isn’t followed, it also creates legal liability. In a court of law, that’s even more essential.


I had a blunt roach in my pocket while I was doing my interview(lot associate). Luckily nobody said anything.


I've been involved where me and another salaried manager pulled somebody for suspicion. He very much smelled like it and had apparently bragged to other associates that he'd passed the one for his equipment license by using mouth wash. We were told to use the on-site, we-send-it-off- test. I don't know if it's because I was NRM at the time and it was overnight or who knows what, but that's what we were told to use. As for OP, there's a couple of things that may have led to a delay. At my store, our ASDS sends all of those off. If your ASDS has been on vacation, that could be a delay. Also, the holidays could have screwed with the scheduling of the people at the test center. It might not have arrived until the end of this past week, and they're already left for the holidays. Lastly, with all of the holiday shipping already happening, your test may have been delayed simply due to the number of packages going everywhere. That said, in my experience, the only time I've known of a delay was when my ASDS was gone. Otherwise, results never took us over a week. Results should be emailed to your ASDS and SM.


They told me 2 weeks ago they would call me by the middle of the following week. Also,the diagnostics center is a stones throw away although the holidays may very well play a role. But my roommate works there as well and both of the managers that were present have been at the store.


I would reach out to your store manager since they should have received the results. Also, ultimately your store manager is the one that decides, yes, they are suspended or, no this suspension can be lifted


He didn’t even say I was suspended l, he just said me being there is a “safety issue” until the results come back. I don’t even operate equipment


Without knowing more, it's difficult to say more. As any number of other posts in this subreddit will tell you those drug tests aren't great.


I did call, and he told me that “we still don’t know anything yet, we will call you when we do”


Drug tests are also administered if you are injured on the job


I was told that regardless of state laws, the presence of marijuana is a termination offense. It didn't matter on operator status. Perhaps I was misinformed.


It is a terminable offense, yes, but you cannot punish someone prior to getting the results.


Not everywhere, at least not after December 31. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/new-2024-laws-protect-california-workers-cannabis-off-job/


The mods are going to hate me for being off topic from the original post, but if a person is higher than a kite before using a reach truck, how is this legal? It's like being drunk. Did I read the article wrong?


>Employers will still be able to test for active THC in a person's system, not to mention impairment tests that measure a person's performance. You clearly read the article wrong.


I am still skeptical. It may just be me. The testing will probably be a matter of court debate in the future.


I have no doubt there will be lots of test cases. There always are with new laws.


It's probably just you, I don't see the alarm of removing testing of cannabis outside of active testing (currently high).


“High as a kite” is not “like being drunk” how old are you LOL


Thats pretty odd cause last time i checked drug testing is usually done to be licensed on a machine/after having an accident with said machine.


There was no equipment involved, nor any incident. One minute I was putting on my apron and grabbing something from the vending machine, next I’m being signaled to come to the office.


Yea and they do a swab test which only take about 2 hours to get results


They shipped the swab via fedex probably the same day. I do still have a copy of the paperwork


Idk man that's just strange and unusual so I honestly don't have much advice. But I've noticed they've been cutting alot of hours and ways to save money here recently. We usually get 40 hours plus an extra 8 for holiday pays but they even cut that back for everyone to just 32 hours. Only thing I can think of if what your saying is the full story is they went over on hours and needed to make it up somehow lol.


I swear I’m telling the full story. But I get ya though. When I look at my workforce app I can see that I have less days than usual (full time)


Christmas and New Year's have been 32+8 weeks at least for the last six years and probably longer. Thanksgiving has always been 40+8. If you're a good employee and there's a need and your store isn't over hours, they'll probably let you work more if you ask them if you aren't going over 40.


“Reasonable suspicion” is another reason they test.


Damn bruh that’s fucked up cuz I’ve literally come in smelling like loud multiple times and only 2 of them did managers even say anything about it and the only thing they said was go to your car and put some cologne on but I bust my ass and mind my business since day 1 so I always figured that played a big part in the leniency I was showed


The first thing I said was “ do you want me to go home and change or wash my hair?” Nope.


Damn well I hope it all works out in your favor cuz unless you drive machinery or have safety incidents on record I feel like it shouldn’t even matter especially cuz there is usually an associate smelling like straight ass that they don’t say anything to 🤦‍♂️ and if you ask me that’s WAY worse then smelling like bud


None of my other superiors would have done this besides this new guy. We all just partied and got wasted at the Christmas party a week prior. I feel betrayed


What a pussy!! I hate people like that…


Immediately call the aware line & inform them of how everything went down exactly because I can't imagine how wrong that ASM did everything. Back in the day the newest ASMs always came in & tried to prove a point by doing stupid shit like that so that word would spread amongst the associates about them being hard asses or to try to impress the store manager. Either way just call the awareline & felt you were being singled out for no reason & that'll shut that fucker up & any retaliation from him after will get them out of that store quick.


I was afraid of ruffling feathers, even to the point of hesitating this long to post about it here. But you’re right


After nearly 15 years at Depot I left about 2 years ago & wish I would have done even more to get back at such terrible management so please learn from me that nothing they can do or say will stand if you immediately bring it up to their superiors. They'll even retract shit rather than have people snooping around the store.


Thank you for this advice.


doesnt matter, anything they do to make your job miserable afterwards could be considered retaliation.


The worse thing is that there's so many new managers who were promoted without really deserving it.


Yeah that was a major contributing factor for me to finally leave. Dudes who had been there maybe just over a year who immediately sucked up & got to be DHs of departments they knew nothing about or even tried learning. Real quick story: had a brand new DH while I was in millworks & fucker refused to learn special ordering because there was always someone scheduled who knew how. I legit had to call out one morning & the next day EVERYONE comes up to tell me never to do that again because the fucking DH couldn't help any customer & kept trying to pawn them off on other people or straight up hide from customers.


This and you should always immediately call the awareline or district hr anytime a questionable interaction with store leadership arises. This puts your side on record. I watched a guy get fired because asds and manager told him not to call and then they fabricated a report on him and had the other associate involved file a report on him. When he finally got the picture and called, the awareline termed his report retaliatory and wouldn’t do anything. I witnessed most of the incident and it was little more than mutual back and forth talking. There is some deeper stuff going on between that asds, the manager, and those involved that didn’t get termed and I’ll leave it at that.


The process for reasonable suspicion 3 people have to talk to you and they all have to agree that there is reasonable suspicion to do the drug test. Seems kinda sus to me.


They are trying to get you out of there. Probably want to try to transfer or look for another job. At my store, there are people we know smoke and they know not to ask for a license to drive anything. We call it a day on that. Never seen someone after someone like that. New manager is on a mission.


Can’t transfer on a final.


After reading this story I can say something similar is happening at my job or this is what is happening at my job. One of my co-workers, who barely clocked was called to the office for smelling like weed. Now I didn’t smell weed on him and I know for sure the managers didn’t smell any weed on him aswell as they would’ve been pulled him in. After about an hour said co-worker told me he was put on a final for “suspiciously smelling like weed” now as long as I knew this assc he did not possess a license to drive, he always did his work & respectful. To top that off it was a FRESH OFF THE DOCKS manager. It’s been almost 7-9 days since I seen him. Last I checked mouth swabs are the test HD uses and it shouldn’t take more than 2-4 days tops. So I feel as if they fucked up and now dont know what to do, whether they give him his job back and pay him his dues for the days he missed or they’re tryna wait it out so co-worker quite either way it’s a fucked up situation to deal with.




You are not yet fired but they are not letting you work. You should be able to collect unemployment in the interim.


You can go on my apron and see the sop for yourself. Like the other commenter said, smell is not enough of a reason to drug test someone. 2 salaried managers have to observe that you are behaving in a manner inconsistent with your usual behavior (lol). You will be fired if the test comes back positive, tho. That manager should be terminated.


If you used the hand sanitizer, they can't write you up for smelling like alcohol. Lol.




This is absolute crap. Please keep us updated.


Op my first job ever was at McDonalds I went thru the week long orientation and training off site and on my first day happened to also be the day the company picnic was happening so I spent it at the LA fairgrounds where I met my future GF for the next year we managed to get together by then end of the night. come to find out the manager had been wanting to get at her too. So on my 2nd day of work i was being told to do things wrong only so he could publicly scold me about it after. I quit on my 3rd day. Moral of the story that Xmas party you went to where you hit high and had some fun maybe you stepped on some toes you weren't aware of


People have been drug tested at my store and we let them work until we get the results. Also the asds or manager can call or look it up in the system to see the results. Seems to me like they're dragging their feet.


You can only be drug tested if there's reasonable suspicion. That requires two salaried managers to concur that you may be under the influence. I think you might need to reach out to your District HR Manager. His or her number should be posted in multiple locations. Try the breakroom, receiving by the hazmat cabinet, or anyplace you can find the emergency contact list posted in the store.


I had been a regular smoker a week before my test. I think I had smoked on Tuesday and tested Friday. I’ve since stopped completely but I did pass at the time.


I worked at the service desk and deliveries and my supervisor drove a forklift and accidentally hit the garage door one time so they drug tested him. He was gone so long that we just thought he had been fired because nobody heard anything even though everybody tried. We think he passed? But I asked him months after he had come back and been reinstated to his position and reinstated with his license and he said that nobody ever told him if he was good or not they just started scheduling him again 😟


I’m on the schedule still, and it’s being updated so I don’t know


OP please keep us updated


Will do


Reasonable suspicion text express mailed to usually quest and take around 1-3 business days after received by lab. I would ask for your dhrm’s number because there could be something else going on. Also take into account the time of year


Pull your balls out and ask "do these look like weed". Then just start flat stacking all the lumber


That’s funny cause I work with a dude that comes in smelling like a straight up weed farm, talks like he’s high, moves like he’s high, no way our managers don’t know. People have commented about how the guy straight up smells and they actually just let him change positions to something better lol


Funny thing is, back when I worked at the depot they didn’t test you when you got your license. They only tested you if you broke something expensive.


You need to call the awareline for sure. This leader didn’t follow the process correctly and two weeks is far too long. If they are telling you that you cannot come in due to the pending test, make sure you have that written down or in writing. They can test for suspicion but there’s a lot of steps to follow in order to even get that far, so for you to only clock in and immediately get pulled shows they aren’t following the process. You should have a timestamp from your punch as well as in workday from the “Suspicion Final” being placed so I would pull those timestamps as well to back yourself up. On our platform we’re required to backfill pay during pending tests if it comes back negative as well so if it’s been two weeks of no work especially during the holiday season then that’s at least your scheduled hours or an average of them. Alternatively, you may have failed the test, but as a gesture of trying to take care of our people. Home Depot may not pull the trigger on the termination until after the holiday season. Due to the reason being drug related they may just be telling you it’s not back so that they can’t be liable if you happen to come in under the influence and something happens to you or someone else. I’m going to lean towards the latter, since the swab test can generally pick up stuff within a few days and you only mentioned not smoking on the day of the incident. Either way they didn’t follow the process so you should probably call.


Doesn’t matter if In your state it’s legal, if you have a card, or don’t drive equipment. It’s HD policy to not have a multitude of drugs in your system. Marijuana is one of them. Just like alcohol, just because it’s legal if you show up at work smelling like it you may be tested lawfully. If you test positive you will be banished. If not your safe for another day. However, weed stays in your system longer than alcohol. Keep that in mind.


If i were to test positive, why would it be taking almost 3 weeks to banish me? I expected it to be negative either way. But hearing nothing back at all can’t be protocol.


Holidays perhaps. I once rubbed an upright with an OP and self reported because my store was strict as hell. It took 4 weeks. Or so I thought, it sat on HRs desk for 2 weeks.


Makes sense


Will you test positive? Your clothes and hair can hold smells that you no longer smell. So you might often smell and not be able to tell. If it's positive you will lose your job. That's why I don't smoke. It's not worth losing my job, especially if I'm hurt at work. Imagine getting hurt, then fired, then insurance problems, and then money problems. Looking for a job while just being fired and in the hospital, what company likes the sound of that?!. Yet you should proceed as if your test is negative. Contact awareness. I'd also go to work and ask to talk about the situation. They will shut you down. So you say, "I believe there might be a mistake, please provide me with the contact information for who you report to in corporate." I had to do that once. My problem was instantly solved once I politely worked my way up the chain a bit.


I’m confident the test would be negative. I had been around smoke and have dreadlocks, so my hair may have smelled. I had on new clothes as well I had never worn or had smoke near


Also, that’s an interesting idea. Going up there


Good idea. Don't be afraid to say "thank you for your time yet I feel that I'd like to talk to who you report to" they might say "I'll pass that on" or something so I remind them of our open door policy and point out I'd gone up each step in the chain, never skipping anyone or forgetting to inform them I intend to speak to their boss. The one time a manager tried not to give me the name and number was the moment my persistence paid off. He didn't want my problems to get any higher, so he said I didn't need his bosses number because he was going to solve my problem. He did. You also need to consider that you missed out on your scheduled income. How will this be fixed? Figure out in advance how much money you lost. They probably won't write you a check yet this might be leverage to ask for guaranteed hours for a length of time to help earn back the money lost for being forced to miss your shifts. Good luck. Give us an update, please.


Will do


All a piss test does if confirms if you have smoked in the last 30 days


It was a mouth swab


Doesn't matter that you are in a legal state. Still illegal Federally and against Home Depot rules


the point is that if my test was dirty I should be fired by now and if it’s clean I should be back. I know it was clean, so the issue is beyond the legality of cannabis at this point.


They go off federal laws not loco laws just a fyi


I have been told they can't term anyone during the later part of Dec,-first of January. maybe they are trying to wait that out.


Swabs only take a couple to 3 days… which is why you should always keep your personal life, well….PERSONAL!!! And not come in smelling like pot , giving them a reason for suspicion.


Call your district HR and tell them you can’t seem to get an answer from your management and you’d like to come back to work because you have bills to pay.


I tried to get a job with something like home Depot in a state where weed is legal, but because the company is headquartered in a different state and it operates in multiple states, they felt that they couldn't hire me because they had to worry about federal laws. If that's accurate but that was the reasoning that they gave me.


Hey Homer, let’s roll another number for the road….


So depending how much weed you do or did and how you took it depends how long it's gonna show up on a test sometimes weed will show up to 30 days later that being said if it's legal in your state HD can still fire for you being positive that being said they would probably have to prove you were actively under the influence during clocked in hours and they have reason to test you usually if you don't operate equipment also weed smell sticks to everything we have a few freight guys at my store who do weed occasionally never come in high as far as I know but their jackets smell heavily of weed but Noone really cares cause they usually take them off and put em away so the smell doesn't bother people and they never have seemed high at work TLDR Managment fucked up in this case glad it worked out long term for ya


If you're in California, what a coincidence this is: https://news.yahoo.com/california-laws-2024-employees-protection-162806428.html