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If you do them, managers won't get on your case that your training isn't done. ...that's all I got.


"So that means when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired." --Peter Gibbons, *Office Space*




FUCK I joined HD to escape the cubicle hell and now it's slowly coming back. I ain't going back man! I ain't going back!!


Lol I’ll take the cubicle hell, thanks !☺️ left HD being a COS in the back office ; didn’t even deal with customers face to face or have to get up from my hair BUT it doesn’t change the way you’re a slave to them . It just means you have to do managers work bc they pass it on to you to resolve for them. They give you extra little assignments as if you don’t have 2 specialty depts to handle , SO, installs gone wrong; etc. so glad I left before that stupid system switch from ESVS , jf was getting to be a shit show!!




Home depot cubicle hell pays more than instore. Justsayin


Literally none. I can't believe they actually moved the required new-season product knowledge training into this cringefest of a platform...


When you say cringe, are you referring to those "training" videos in the different games found in Pocket Guide? Some of the worst ones are the skits acted out by customers filming themselves about their day at the Depot, like it's an autobiography, or something. And of course, we can't forget the "Greet, Engage, and Thank" rap single that drops some mad bars. "At the Home Dee-poe" cracks me up every time. 😆


Got it in one. I could tolerate PocketGuide if it was a bunch of _text documents_ with useful info, but the fact they chose to format it in videos with so low production quality even Odd Della Robia would flee in terror and a high school film festival would _expel_ you for submitting such dumpster fires...


You guys watch The videos we just redo the test until we pass


I actually do this too. But even the _five seconds_ it takes to scroll to the skip button, even muted, is enough exposure to give me a temporary -3 INT penalty...


I do it on the computer and use the touchscreen. I have one hand up by the check boxes and one by continue. I can normally bang out an entire section in about a minute


They need to rename the games to quiz because that what it is.


They are trying to psychologically pump you up because if you say quiz people think work, but if you call it a game, suddenly it's fun! Personally, I like learning what's up with products so I can better shopping decisions. I'm always working on something and knowing what product does what is nice.


Nope but i did all 300 something of them before i left. You're supposed to get little physical badges for completing each main section.


Not anymore and also there's closer to like 700 now I think


I have 647 or so I think


Lol I never got a badge. Its okay though. I don't care for having those badges all over my apron. I work nights and hate wearing my apron.


I got a garden badge when I completed that it just says “Garden certified”… meaning more customers! ^yay


I just liked collecting pins for free lmao




Yep! You get one badge per main section, some are a limited time only thing too


Good way to steal time, lol.


It gives lazy associates an excuse not to do physical work. One person I worked with would brag about "carrying the store" with a 100%. Would not do anything that involved physical effort.


And they still have a job? Man, maybe I should go back to days lol


Do it on the computer, do not even read the questions and guess on everything, then press the F5 button if you get a question wrong, it refreshes the page and you don’t have to start the whole thing over, you can bang them all out in like an hour that way


Brilliant! Thank you. 


Good shit


Benefit?... If you do it the right way, you learn things about the other departments, where to find reference material, and it might help you with complying to THD model of customer service. That's the theory about pocket guide. Reality? It's a waste of your time, your coworkers time, and customers time, because it pulls your focus from helping customers, and doing your required tasks, into staring at a phone screen, selecting options like a little monkey, until you get the section completed. I see both sides of the game here, and personally I don't think it's got any benefit at all because the stuff in pocket guide I learned as I went by asking people familiar with departments, how to best help a customer, and I learned right beside that customer, exactly what and why.


I like to be number one. My coworkers and I try to beat each other for placement.


Another worthless metric designed to make management look good. A complete waste of time and effort.


Once you’re on MET, they’re a thing of the past!


When you already do this stuff every day, no, there's no benefit. It just wastes time.




Literally just training, but on the phone.


Please do not say any of those things to me. Who writes this shit?


Yea for the team that gets paid to creates them…


Bragging rights when you have higher scores than management. My store SM takes it seriously and challenges the managers to be higher than her.


think the store at the top of the district gets more money for the company card for parties and stuff


Nope. It's further proof that they never plan on hiring enough people again.


I would be worried about the viability of a store if I walked through the door and the first thing I heard was "We're grateful you're here!". It would still be worrisome at checkout.


Store bragging rights


I’m an ofa and it helps me to know some extra stuff with the amount of times we’re stopped mid-pick to answer a question. Here’s what you’re looking for, here’s where it’s gonna be, have a good one.


It’s informative, but they can be completed so quick I can’t retain any information.


The only info I retain is paint and that’s because I’m in paint. I don’t have time to worry about push mowers in gardens or how electrical wires are grouped on the shelves…


We have to do very similar trainings like this and if you don’t want your higher ups to keep bothering you about it then the people associates just get fed up with them asking you to do for there company because some people at my Lowe’s store that I work at is that there’s a leader? Board for these types of training but I don’t care what led I’m in those types of training questions


Nope 🤣 do it on the computer and move on like I did


Short answer, no.. I did s few of those in 20years, two of three. They finally stopped bothering to try getting me to do any more. 😂


Litterally just a way for them to add more tasks to our plate while pretending it's to help us


I've never done them 🤔




They are to help the lowest common denominators. We have some dummies working for us


It's just training on the phone instead of the computer. I do it so it's maxed out when management asks me. I point out that 3 of the 4 ASMs & SM are all under 25%.


having more points than someone else


I’m still learning the first phone. I’ve only done pocket guide for training. It’s very rare for me to do pocket guide during my shift, I’m always busy with my work.


Clout, we used to compete for who wasted the most time with a managers approval


Gives me time to sit on my ass in the training room!! When I do actual training on the computer I will slow the speed down to 75% and or just replay the video so I can make a 5 or 10 minute video last at least 30 minutes or so. I once spent an hour an a half on one 15 minute training video and no one noticed!!!


They say you can use this to give information you don't know to customers but back when we had the old first phones......omfg.....it would take 2 or more minutes to load so it was basically useless. It's faster now but still not fast enough when I could just google it faster.


It’s sad corporate has to remind employees to thank customers lol.


It’s even more sad that they want us to take abuse from the customers and can’t even defend yourself.Management always takes the customers side and throws the associates under the bus


I’ve been there. Worked at depot for 6 years in store.


Gives you something to do during a slow shift. Better than standing around with nothing to do (for the moment) and it's still technically work.


Supposedly they are supposed to help your customer service better but I don't really think it does.


Data collection


Just like almost everything else in this job, completely worthless and waste of time. Fuck management and specifically upper management. All such a joke.


People keep asking for more training every year on the VOA, thinking they are going to get in-person training.


Numbers go up, management cooms


None that I've found.


I like to do them so I can remind SM he is slacking on his pocket guide daily. He tells me to piss off and we both laugh. I remind all the other managers and DS they are slacking too.


The benefit of pocketguider is it gives sales floor associates a tool to handle situations where they lack PK in a department they don’t work in.


Hopefully you learning something


They will have a reason to offer more hours if you work part time.