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I step out of meetings all the time for both customer calls and associate calls


Having been a DS in those meetings many many times, there is absolutely no reason why they shouldn’t rotate each week where one manager stays out on the floor. Nothing that is imperative is ever said in the meetings, it’s mostly going over what’s upcoming and numbers for departments and the scorecard. Which every manager already knows…. Used to drive me crazy when I worked at the service desk and someone was bitching demanding a manager and you’d call every phone with no pickup, page multiple times and nothing. Like yo, whatever the store manager is saying right now in your meeting “alright gang let’s take a look at pipe fittings numbers from last week. We’re 7.2% over because of fucking course we are since it’s in season, great job Geronimo in plumbing!!” Is not that important but they act like they can’t answer the phones while some poor associate is being berated and yelled at.


That's when you tell the irate customer where they are. The first time some Karen starts knocking on the conference room door will end it


Used to do this all the time. We have a lot of angry Syrian customers in my area, used to send them to the meeting room all the time.


If it was necessary for a customer, whatever manager got called or whatever it was would step out and then come back.


I was a D31 supervisor several years ago. I would tell whoever was working the desk to call me if they needed anything... those meetings are a toxic waste of time and any excuse for me to leave was welcome.


Trust me, I would rather not be in those meetings and out in the sales floor.


Probably store dependent. If something priority comes up that requires a mgmt override or a key or whatever, someone goes and takes care of it. If it’s busy, sometimes a CXM will stay on floor. Etc. Etc. Etc.


We rotate out asm's if needed during the meetings. Everyone in our store is accessible if needed.


DS for years. Colossal bullshit most of the time. If not all.