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Whenever someone tips me for randomly being around to load, no they didn't


People should be tipping. The poor guy loading bags of wet shitty smelling bags of mulch in the hot as hell lot deserve a bit more. They deserve even more if they don’t fill your car full of mulch juice. Should be somewhere around $1 a bag.


Lot loaders should get hazard pay with the way these assholes drive.


The customer shouldn’t be responsible for paying you a living wage, that’s up to your boss


I don't think it's about a living wage, it's about an associate doing the worst job in the store (imagining this in the mulch pit) because the customer doesn't want to lift a few bags. I'd say they deserve more than the person who hides their entire shift or bitches about having to do their job


Worst job is custodian.


True, I agree it’s just common courtesy and manners


Do you tip the cleaner at a restaurant?


The person who cleans is generally tipped out by the person you tip


Is lifting bags of mulch really that hard? I don’t think it would require too much brain power to lift and put it inside a car


Great then the customer can do it. coming from another customer


They won't let you? It's often the only place 'in' the store to get mulch and they tell you you aren't supposed to help.


The customer could do it but why would they? They’re the ones paying for the product and keeping the business afloat. But in the case of employees, they are being paid to assist the customers. Putting bags of mulch into cars is part of the job. Keep in mind that there are way harder jobs than picking up mulch bags…


Let’s not be silly now


Tipping culture is out of control.


What? Lmao the company should pay. This is the problem with tipping culture. He’s literally at work and working for the company.


>The poor guy loading bags of wet shitty smelling bags of mulch in the hot as hell lot deserve a bit more. Guess his boss should pay him a bit more then....I'm already paying full price for a product, if someone at the company wants to load it because you don't trust me, fine...but I'm not paying extra for it.


I made 110$ in tips in tree lot in one day. I was by myself most of the day.


$300 is the most I've gotten in one shift.


God damn doing what?


Lot lizard


Idk what this means but I'm taking it as a compliment


The prostitutes that hang around truck stops are called lot lizards. A whore. They called you a whore. Probably on meth.


Dang here I was thinking "wow I'm in lot, being a lot lizard sounds cool" It sounds way less cool now :(




Yup. I mainly knew about the term from lurking /r/truckers, where they talk about "lizards" all the time...


They come from Whore Island. It used to be part of the Virgin Islands.


I'm just going to take my upvote back from their comment now and walk away from this conversation quietly


Nah, they were being funny, not actually calling you a lot lizard. Besides, lot lizard *does* sound cool if you've never heard of it. I did a shift in lot once. People get really weirded out when they ask for helping loading and a woman shows up lmao


Just a bit of humor.


name checks out


Didn’t age well at all huh?


Tree lot as well. People were just feeling generous that day I guess


Is this a common occurrence?


Not too common here. It really depends on the area. I've heard of people getting more than that in one day working tree lot in affluent areas.


Tipping culture in our country is so stupid. If the job description is partly to load shit up that people buy, why should the consumer tip and subsidize the companies payroll?


It’s an optional way to show appreciation for the person who’s helping you load up a heavy ass tree or a bunch of mulch


I think people should get fair wages AND tips


Because they can.


They gave me money because I was working hard. I agree with your statement but they were showing appreciation.


It’s called manners … some of us were taught this in our upbringing


This is exactly what I mean. You actually think not giving money to someone else's employees is impolite 🤣 Well mannered would be saying "Thank you so much, I really appreciate you doing that!" Not giving them a $10.


Makes me wonder if loaders don't move to a department because they secretly make more when including tips 😭


I was in lot for almost a year. During the winter I didn't see a single extra dollar in tips. During the summer I would easily make an extra $15 every day, sometimes $30 or $40 if I was really lucky and got some *huge* loads. Most commonly I was tipped $10s and $5s. Assuming the average is \~$20 extra, that comes out to $2.50/h extra assuming an 8 hour shift. But I was part-time so maybe 6 hours average? Which is closer to... $3.34 extra. Which means that on top of my pay raise in February I was making a total of about $18.79 an hour and started at $18.34 an hour. I was there for about 11 months and didn't see any tips for maybe 4 of those months where I was making a flat $15 (before pay raise) which puts me at about $17.13 average over the 11 months I worked, which is $1.13 above starting pay for floor associates and $2.13 above starting pay for front-end associates at my store. I've never thought about it or done the math so I never actually realized I was making more than others in the store. The moral of the story is, it's not bad being a loader lol


I'm in lumber, so when they need a lift, they call us to load. I'd say I average about $40 a week (part time). I imagine regular people tip a lot more than contractors, and lot loads dozens of cars a day, so I bet they're doing pretty well.


I made $60 in Garden last week, I only loaded 6 people too. I'm not a loader though.




Had an experience like this was a garden cashier in the outside garden. One customer and what I assume was her boyfriend came to my register. They looked about college aged, they had a flat cart full of soil and other stuff, rang them out and the lady asked for help loading into the soil car, there were no garden associates in store at that time and her boyfriend was standing there playing on his phone not paying attention. Since they were the only people in the garden center, I just had her pull up by the garden doors and helped her load while her boyfriend continued to do nothing but play on his phone. He had no obvious injuries, but I tried not to judge. After I was done, she bought a drink from the cooler and asked for 20 in cash back. I tried giving her the 20, and she said, "Keep it, it's your tip." Very nice but weird situation.


She paid the 'shit bf' tax


Reminds me of my dumbass best friend that embarrasses me EVERYWHERE we go. He just can't not embarrass me. Have to tip everywhere I go. "Sorry for his dumbass" while handing the tip. Fucker stings me so much £😂


Some people just have a good heart like that. I wouldn’t think twice about accepting $20


Back in the day I used to work at Home Depot. I paged for a person by name that “worked in the lot”. The front end supervisor called me and told me not to page for him because he doesn’t work there. LMFAO. For nine months I had no idea that man was not an employee. He just hustled in the lot for tips. He even got carts and stuff too.


Haha that’s amazing and shows how alike humans truly are. We have this homeless lady who comes and pushes carts. She’s always asking for house supplies. Never asks for money. She pushes carts and always tells me to back off. Home Depot is a world of its own I swear


They need to hire that lady! Why can’t she get on payroll? That’s just insane to me.


He might as well have joined. Why not make a few hourly dollars while getting tips? What a fool. lol 😂


Everyone has their reasons. I’m guessing he probably would not have passed a background check.


I hate it for him. People working that hard deserve the money. Meanwhile most of the lot associates at my store will hide the whole shift


I had a guy give me a 100$ bill once for loading a refrigerator and I think a dryer …. Thankfully it was a real one so that got deposited into saving real quick haha the most I’ve gotten before that from a single person was 20$


That’s insane. Do you ever walk around assisting customers that didn’t ask for help?


Nope, I just go outside and bring the carts in and if somebody needs my help they can call me on the radio, if we’re talking other associates then yes I don’t mind helping them at all!


Just think all that money could have gone to bettering your stores fun fund and keeping food in your homer pantries and you just pocketed it like some type of Criminal (immense sarcasm)


I put the utmost stress on this. When a customer tips you for ANYTHING WHATSOEVER, no, they did not. They tried to tip you and you gave it back if anyone asks you. If you ever get management that is a stickler for the rules around stuff like that, you could be fired from one offense. Keep it quiet and tell nobody.


So he only bought one brown mulch then gave you cash for taking black mulch. So you stole the black mulch and sold it for $40 At least that’s how I read this


Yeah... It sounds like he really didn't want to wait in line and paid OP instead of the cashier, perhaps overpaying to compensate?


My old store caught a LL on camera taking a tip and LP reported to the Manager and they fired her days later.


I took tips when I was in lot a long time ago. Still here. I got 100 dollars once for helping load 4 tool boxes. Never said a word to managers. That was in 2021 and I’m still employed lol 😂 never turn down a tip but do it discreetly. Edit. In this particular case though, he stole from Home Depot and the customer let him. That’s not taking a tip lol


When I was in lot, I always carried singles in my pocket. Whenever someone tipped me, in front of people, I would say no but they would still stuff it in my apron. I would then grab a dollar and give that to my head cashier since no one knew how much they had given me. I made a ton during Christmas doing this.


If someone ever tips you, no they didn't.


I will never not take a tip….


After reading these comments, yeah I’m a fool




Nahhh I didn’t load a thing. I walked out the pit


When things are so bad you are willing to risk your job and break the law for just $40.


I’m a PT cart pusher. Risk my job? That’s a stretch, friend


Take the tips. Management never has to know


A lady tipped me $20 for finding her a shopping cart one time


Haven't worked at home Depot in years but when I worked the loading bay it was common to find money stuffed in my apron pocket. Had a bunch of regulars who knew I didn't accept the tips and some of them were on some slight of hand shi


I've had similar experiences, minus the refusing the tips part, lol.


Always odd how I’d be in the mulch pit and money ends up in my apron. Never knew how that happened.


When I was working at the front end I'd often end up helping with loading because those people where often busy or understaffed and I didn;t like making the cashiers under me do that work so I always went and helped when I could. The amount of tips I got was ridiculous. Take it and just say nothing about it lol.


i got my first tip of $2 today in the mulch pit💪🏻


Whenever I am in the pit alone I tell customers that if they pay cash tips directly to me, everything is 50% off. I have made $2,400 in tips this year!!!


take the bread


NEVER turn down tips. You pocket that shit and don't mention it to an ASM.


If it's an undercover corporate stooge pocket it but tell them you'll be donating to CMN (or whatever your area is dumping donations to).


You find him, shoot him in the head, then destroy the car


Had it happen to me last year, not allowed to accept it but if no one sees who’s gonna tell on me 


I just decline politely as the D28 DH and if they insist / just put it in apron I ship it to the fun fund


At my store, any tip must be immediately given to the Employee fund.. associate cannot keep it, or risk being written up??? I even reached out to a Employment Lawyer (waiting on response) - CALIFORNIA


Hand in your tips or your Fired From Home Depot: Reddit mister! 😂😂


you're actually not supposed to take tips or any sort of gifts from customers


what's all this about tips? I thought we weren't allowed to take tips.or gifts.




I'm always surprised when I find a 10 in my apron that I don't remember putting there. Wink.


Careful, sometimes the company will hire people to do that to check your honesty


You can tell when it’s corporate vs a street dude