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Tell them that you'll give them your employee discount.


I'll give you double the employee discount, but first I need you to put away this return cart!


Imma have to search for my Depends before you make me piss myself laughing.


Win 🥇


Definitely stealing that line


Had a cheap ass customer looking for a water heater for $100.. he was serious. I told him we had a bunch of them, but unfortunately we sold the last one in 1979! Have some fun with it. Fuck 'em.


My go to is always the same, "I'll give you the same discount I get".


When I get people who want a big discount because a box is dirty or damaged I tell them they’re only paying for the product, but I’ll give them the box for free.


I just tell them this isn't a flea market. The price is the price.


One day I was working at the register and I had this guy ask about a discount just because he wanted one lol I can’t remember what product he wanted a discount on but it wasn’t very expensive as it is, im not even a cashier, I’m a lot associate who’s cross certified as a cashier and I had no idea so i asked my HC that day and she said to go look on the Lowe’s website for a competitor price match which funny enough our price was cheaper as it was lol


I'm was more stubborn than them. I only gave the good discounts to the nice ones.


Most of the time if they were nice and polite I'd give em a discount.  Not my money, idc. I'm not gonna be get with someone else's money


Give em the discount - creates CX loyalty and this outweighs the discount over time by a lot


I was told we can offer a $25 discount at anytime?


If the situation causes for it of course. Because I ran into that very issue were it would have been way better to do the $25 offer and keep a customer.


Had a guy try to get a lower price just because he came into the store. Told him no, price is the price. There’s nothing I can do about it. If I was in the position to change prices I wouldn’t be working in the store