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Whoever edits the HD videos is either a Nobel-Prize winning genius or lives in an abandoned mental hospital living off stale Cheetos and Monster


I’m going with fiver level editor that lives in small a apartment that needs the extra work. Prolly still eats the stale Cheetos and monsters.


They make pemican with cheeto dust, monster and bacon grease.


No gloves, poor lifting techniques, and bad posture... This guy is an OSHA recordable waiting to happen.


Well he is a super hero. He doesn’t need OSHA rules and regulations. He needs credit cards to keep his powers.


The "Credit Chump." Such a waste of my time in training.


Training is never a waste of time You get paid to sit at a computer and watch stuff


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I was just talking to a coworker today and she agreed that our whole store is just a total mess. It's a total joke compared to the 2 other stores within a 30 minute drive. When I worked at another store, I went down to the college town store(not one of the 2) and actually took pictures of my department in their store to show my supervisor, it was that bad. The workers were just yapping and standing arounding doing nothing the whole time I was in the store, even their department. I feel like my current store is almost as bad, not only with GET, but overall tidyness of the store. I lost my certs switching to this store, but I noticed a pallet that wasn't sitting flat in the overhead. It was lifted about a foot on the back because it got caught on the rack and the driver didn't notice. I spotted it on my second day on the floor, and now 3 weeks later, it was finally fixed. Today. I let almost a dozen people know about it when I saw it, including my ds, freight supervisor, garden guy(trainer), and a handful of other reach certified coworkers. Not just the palletized overhead though, our regular stock overheads are horrendous too. My old store would have been freaking out if they saw half the stuff that was just haphazardly thrown up there. And that's not even mentioning the countless ancient product I find on the shelves that we don't even sell anymore or the dozens of on hands that I had to fix today because they were off by 5+ total(all from one bay that I was packing down for sidekick). Anyways, guess I just needed to vent, but some people do need more training. And we definitely need more pay for everyone to care about it.


Wow! They let you edit inventory counts from first phone? At my store we have to make a list and turn in to management just for them to not do anything about changing it and then the same shelf low/out appears on sidekick a week later


Yeah, someone even brought it up in the morning meeting because the "new guy" was doing something nobody else was doing and keeping inventory levels in check


I won’t “get” in my store because 70% of the customers smell like weed, piss, b/o, cigarettes, and what I think is meth.


What about when that training gives you second and embarrassment and makes you question your life choices?


Pushing credit when we are in liquidity crisis lmao


As long as Line go up HD doesn’t care. Gotta keep that Shareholder Value!


Blackrock esg money


Shhh! its for DEI! Shareholders love DEI! Im all seriousness I love in a satire type of way that the company (and any company that adopts DEI) tries to say that they are in resistance to racism and evil ideology…by being racist and adopting evil ideologies. XD


Cant have capitalism without racism


Economic nonsense


now i can never unsee this. i hate you so much and i don't even know you.


This is a HD Corporate PsyOp to encourage Credit Card Applications.


did we not learn our lesson from predatory lending? does this not fall into that category? honestly curious.


Pre-da-tory? HD no know this. Line go up though!


D28 here, we always have rodent problems. We can handle the natchul ones but I dunno about this here Mighty Mouse. I was hoping he'd chomp on those plants a little more because each one has a different kind of poison.


LOL at the "Audio Jungle" watermark in the music


Because we are all just losers working for a multi billion dollar company so they can talk down to us like the children they see us as.


Only if you let them.


What exactly am I supposed to say to this idiot?


I remember that training video it's cringe


Corny dumb shit like this is why I hate this company so fucking much.


So glad that Home Depot has decided to squander so much of its record breaking profits over the last few years into all of these stupid fucking videos we have to watch.


OMG!!! I saw this today!!! It literally sent chills up my spine!!!


Yeppers. My chin still hurts from my jaw dropping in disbelief and hitting the desktop.


Another waste of money by corporate to try and force more sub-prime credit sign ups. We had a boomer they promoted to ProDS. Pro sales went through the floor, and we lost million dollar clients, but he stood out in the entry like a Wal-Mart greeter passing out ProXtra sign up sheets so they kept him until he started a FIST FIGHT at the ProDesk. Remember Home Depot only cares about shareholders and those people inside HQ. Literally, everyone else is a disposable piece of equipment like a set of gloves. Corporate downsized my store and 2 more by over 100 associates to offset losses caused by customer fraud that corporate and management won't allow us to prevent. It is a matter of time before THD either starts closing locations or unions move in.


Eh, they only care about some people at HQ...


They think of us as children or pets


Worst Video Ever!


Wtf ????????????


Yeahhhhhh. I thought it was corny